Chapter 080 Walt

Company When the US military finally found itself in a remote base after 24 hours, there was a problem.

In their base, the children they used as experimental materials had already drunk their first cup of hot chocolate and lay down in warm beds.

Corruption is rife throughout the U.S. military.

Even in such a well-funded experimental base, of course, it is not exempt from vulgarity.

In other words, the more this kind of base that no one knows about and the funds that no one cares about, the more the US military top level can get up and down and embezzle.

Because such places are often left unattended.

This is why the doctor remembered that his laboratory had been abolished in the first explosion.

As a result, when Lear went to see it this time, he actually opened it again.

It's a cash cow that never stops.

It can even be said that before cutting funds, up and down the chain can be distributed from a cash cow to considerable dividends every year.

The reason why they are still maintaining the adoption and experimentation of orphans is only to cope with the funding cuts that the congressional masters are likely to come in the future.

Just like the super-soldier serum program that the former Captain America once participated in.

America that made Captain America with the Super Soldier Serum program, and ended World War II with Captain America - at least that's what the propaganda says.

And their super soldier plan will contribute to the global hegemony of the United States in the future.

This is their beautiful vision for the congressional masters.

Think about it, once this super soldier plan is successfully researched, it only takes a squad, 12 fourth-class marines affiliated with the president, and after injecting 12 serums, they can become American Superman, wearing rogue warrior armor, and sweeping away the terrorists of a country.

What a price-performance ratio and what an attractive option.

Isn't this more cost-effective than the F22 sissy who has to carry out a $10 million maintenance after 10 sorties?

Even if a tube of serum costs $10 million, these fourth-class people will die without a single mission, and if they can make 10 missions, the per capita price is already much cheaper than a $1.3 million Tomahawk missile.

Cost performance is the selling point of Super Soldier Serum.

So you want to save money, how about going out without spending more?

Since the top and bottom have to be divided among this fund, the living conditions of the children naturally cannot be too good.

Metal beds, rounded walls, and open toilets with no privacy are basically not much different from those in prison.

The constant temperature air conditioner is to ensure that the medium in the laboratory does not have a temperature difference, and the children blow the air conditioner and wrap the air conditioner quilt, although they will not catch a cold, but it is by no means good heat preservation.

Now a cup of hot chocolate with a thick duvet, dessert and warmth are always heartwarming.

The children, who had never had a sweet tooth since childhood, quickly raised their hands in surrender, and everyone unanimously decided that Lear was 100% absolutely good.

The placement of these children, Lear did not go through Gianna's channels and hands on the Continental Hotel.

The Continental Hotel is crowded and does not guarantee that there are no military people lurking inside.

Children are far more valuable than they think.

If nothing else, just a North Star with a future ability comparable to Magneto is already worth the fare.

Since he had concealed it from the Continental Hotel, it was unlikely that he had concealed it from Ette.

Ette was transferred by him in his busy schedule to buy bedding and hotel supplies.

Of course, staying in a hotel is not okay, there are many eyes, and it is easy to be interrogated by the police.

Living in this villa can hide people's eyes and ears.

Fortunately, everything is lacking in the villa, only empty rooms are not lacking.

Although there are no bedding and mattresses, just clean up a room and spread a thick mattress, it becomes a chase bunk.

Children who are accustomed to single cots do not like this kind of chase shop.

Almost immediately, it began to tumble on it, as if it were their amusement park.

It's no wonder that children who have never been to an amusement park always naturally like this large, barefoot space.

They soon relaxed, and the boys and girls were divided into two rooms, but everyone was happy and satisfied.

Polaris crossed his waist, looking at the futon room that was finally laid, and the whole person was rarely relaxed.

In any case, this scene is now what her ideal home looks like, and people at home will definitely relax.

But when she looked back, she found that Lear was gone.

"So, Ette?" She was busy for a long time, didn't even remember Ette's name, and called out hesitantly, making Ette react: "What's wrong?" Is there anything else you need? Although

most of the work and handling is done by Lear, Aite's almost 40-year-old arms and legs, carrying such a trip, almost makes him tired and burp.

The children had endless energy to start cheering on the futon, but he could only lie on the chair and keep panting like an old dog.

Hearing Polaris's question, he quickly straightened up and asked her.

He did have some admiration for Polaris and Lear.

In the midst of his busy journey, he already learned why Lear was able to save so many children.

With just a word from the doctor, he was willing to drive thousands of miles to see if there were any other clues in the lab.

With just one word from a doctor, he was willing to risk his life to give up billions of dollars in property and directly confront the army.

And these children in front of them are also pitiful, their luck is excellent, at least they were not sold to the island.

Their luck is also extremely bad, and human experiments are not something that anyone can endure.

So his attitude towards Polaris is also excellent, and not just because of Lear.

"Lear, where did he go?"

Polaris herself did not find out that she had vaguely regarded Lear as her parents and brother.

After only a few minutes of not seeing him, she was already stretching her neck to look for him.

"He went to deal with the tail of the matter, the bus must be cleared, otherwise the military will chase the bus to find you."

Ete stretched, and he was one of the only three adults left here, besides the doctor and Perkins.

Perkins is a female killer with long hair and short knowledge, a doctor is a dead man, and more importantly, he may be recognized by children because of previous human experiments, which arouses their vigilance.

So the doctor stayed in the basement with Luke Cage.

Not a step out of the basement at all.

Perkins was too lazy to be a babysitter.

Only Ette and Lear ran the purchase the whole way.

Lear even had to deal with the bus.

It can be said that people are going to be exhausted to death - if it were not for his Luke Cage's power.

The children who came out of the lab were always sensitive and suspicious, and Polaris's face darkened: "Why didn't he call me?" Is it because you don't trust us very much? "

Ete didn't expect that such a young girl would actually think of such a place? Quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no, you are the leader of this group of children, and only if you are present they will trust me." You have to stay here with this group of kids. It's not that I don't believe you.

Polaris's face was as changeable as the weather in July, and suddenly it turned cloudy and sunny, and the sun smiled brightly.

This smile directly stunned Ette.

He exclaimed in his heart how a 16-year-old child could be so beautiful, while shifting his gaze and silently thinking in his heart, I am not Lolicon, I am not Lolicon.

Loli control in Europe and the United States is the death penalty, the death of social death, once discovered, the attempt directly with the handcuffs, dare to approach the little girl 100 meters directly automatic police, has been successful, sent to prison, let the gangsters in the prison directly burst to death, the prison guard will not say a word.

What's more, there will even be police officers who directly fish for law enforcement on the Internet, disguising themselves as loli and enforcing law across state lines.

The reason is that the violation of children in Europe and the United States is too serious, serious to the point of flooding, and it is necessary to set up an extremely strict minefield, use the ultimate criminal law to deter them, and not cross the minefield.

Of course, this minefield is immune to the powerful, so there will be that island, and therefore there will be billionaires who hang themselves in prison.

Good guys, let's just have fun, you actually dare to video?

Who will die if you don't die?

So for the sake of his great future, Ette didn't even dare to take a second look at the sunny North Star, turned his head and said: "The refrigerator is full of milk, and the cupboard is full of biscuits." If you need anything, you can call Perkins and she will assist you.

"Okay, thank you, Ette." Polaris thanked him from the bottom of her heart.

She knew that although Ete had helped them out of Lear's face, she had been helped.

Ete waved his hand, did not dare to say a word, turned his head and left.

He had to attend the earnings report from the accounting firm tomorrow, and he was much busier than Lear had imagined.

The strong modern financial system provides the United States with the most prosperous business, and it also makes prosperous business complicated, and everything needs to be paid to find professionals to handle for you.

Even including settling accounts.

As Eite, who wants to operate his own company public.

I don't want to delay my own time for a second, delay Lear's time.

When Lear returned, Ette was no longer in the villa.

Lear even asked Polaris, "What about the Eiters?"

"He said he had gone beforehand."

Lear shook his head helplessly, and his mobile phone sent a text message to Ette.

[Help me register a new company called Walter.]

As he drove back to his company, Ette had a smile on his face and became even more energetic.

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