Chapter 097 Lv15

sat behind Maybach, and it seemed that no one could disturb Lear and Polaris anymore.

Polaris tried to continue the topic just now, and she secretly felt that Lear seemed to be hiding

something important, or that she missed something important?

The woman's intuition is amazing, but her faster reaction is the motorcycle that follows behind them.

For her, who can use magnetism, she instinctively keeps an eye on any large piece of iron that can be moved.

The motorcycle behind them was clearly following them.

Bullseye thought he was seamless, but in fact, after the first turn of the Mercedes-Benz sedan, he was already targeted by the North Star.

After all, he had been following them from the banquet side of the locomotive all the time.

This in itself is an abnormal thing.

After a little attention, Polaris had already signaled to Lear: "Someone is following us."

Lear turned around and glanced through Maybach's rear window, his eyes sharper than the North Star.

Already in the process of competing with Jinhe, he had already seen the battle between Bullseye and John Wick.

Seeing the bullseye appear behind him at this time, Lear couldn't help but sneer.

It is obvious that Jin He can't change his reckless style, and he will shout and kill when he encounters anything that doesn't go his way.

It's no wonder that until Spider-Man's debut, Kin's business was still a medium-sized company in New York City.

It is difficult for such people to make their own enterprises bigger and stronger, because when the company reaches a certain market value, if you want to go further, this kind of reckless style has become a constraint on the expansion of the enterprise.

Lear simply won him on a handshake today.

He already regarded Lear as a thorn in his eye, a thorn in his flesh, and wanted to abolish Lear.

This kind of human pattern is placed there, and it is destined that it will not be possible to go further.

But just as he doesn't rub sand in his eyes, so does Lear.

After arriving at his current position, Lear is not afraid of anyone, and he has someone who can help him with everything he does in New York City.

In terms of white road, George will never let Lear have an accident.

When it comes to the underworld, Gianna is Lear's loyal and powerful backer.

Of course, what is more important is that Neil himself is developing steadily and rapidly, both in terms of strength and power.

After Wayne's company went public, he was soon able to acquire a group of reliable allies, and by that time, both he and his company could be said to be black and white in the whole of New York City, belonging to the real top class of meat eaters.

It's true that no one has to be afraid.

Obviously, Jin is aiming at this time, when Lear's Wayne enterprise has not yet gone public, after killing Lear, not only will no one investigate how Lear died, but the sharks who have invested in Wayne's enterprise will fight each other.

Try to bite a piece of flesh and blood on the soon-to-be-listed Wayne enterprise to get more benefits for yourself.

Jin He's vision is very precise and vicious, if Lear is dead at this time.

I'm afraid that except for Fox and George, no one else will necessarily avenge him and fight him to death.

But his only arrogance is that he thinks the bullseye can kill Lear.

Before the alien invasion of this world, the gap between superheroes and supervillains was not large, and even because supervillains had more actual combat experience, they were stronger than superheroes.

It is only natural that Jin is so arrogant, at least his bullseye has not touched anyone he can't kill so far.

This perfect score record alone is enough to make Kim very arrogant.

It's just that today, this arrogance is doomed to fail.

Lear took out a pistol from his arms and placed it directly between the two headrests in the back seat of Maybach.

Because of Maybach's extremely privacy-preserving blackened glass, the bullseye does not see anything in Maybachi at night.

So after holding his breath, Lear pulled the trigger.

Polaris extended his perception to the maximum, and his attention followed Lear's pure copper bullet from beginning to end.

He could fully feel that the pure copper bullet had produced some subtle changes in direction after breaking the glass window of the car.

At this time, the pure copper bullet should be empty.

But the other party's reaction speed was so fast that the moment he heard the gunshot and the glass shattering, he had already turned the motorcycle to the side, trying to dodge the bullet.

It was as if the other party had actively hit this bullet.

After actively dodging, he was directly hit by this bullet in the gap between the helmets and hit the bullseye's eye.

The next second, the bullseye rolled with his motorcycle, as if he had pressed something, and there was an accident.

After the glass of the Maybach car shattered, the service personnel who were driving suddenly braked urgently and stopped not far from the bullseye accident.

"Are you all right, sir?"

The service staff lowered the soundproof window in the middle of the Maybach with some trepidation and asked Lear.

Lear shook his head and continued to order him, "It's okay, send me back to the hotel." Seeing

that both Lear and Polaris were fine, the driver couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as for why the car glass was broken, he didn't want to pursue it.

He just wanted to quickly leave this place of right and wrong and safely deliver Lear and Polaris to the hotel.

As for someone having a car accident and dying someone, what does it have to do with him? He didn't collide with the other party.

In this indifferent capitalist society, Mercedes-Benz Maybach is starting again.

Polaris's face was amazed, and he was shocked by Lear's pistolmanship.

"Is that what you're capable of?"

When something irrational wants to be explained, only superpowers can explain it.

Polaris itself is a superpower user.

Naturally, it can only explain Lear's divine shot just now from the perspective of a superpower user.

Lear put away the gun and shook his head, listening to the escalation clanging in his ears.

A rare smile appeared on his face.

Also, he has been in the level 14 card for a long time, and after killing Daredevil and Tekken two superheroes in a row, he killed a bullseye him, and finally let him hear the sound of escalation.

This level is really too difficult to upgrade, right?

At the current pace, how long does it take for him to reach level 100?

It's just that it's good to be able to upgrade.

Seeing that the basic attribute points had increased by 10, he added these 10 attribute points to the average again, in addition to the 4 basic attributes in addition to strength.

The last time he upgraded, his weakest stamina was added by two more points.

It also came to an extremely average of 35 points.

This time he intends to add the extra two points to the burst and speed on average.

In this way, his attribute points become like this

: Lear LV14→15

Power: 41→ Achievement Increase 90

Burst: 35→38 Speed: 35→38 Stamina

: 35→37 Perception: 37→39→49 Achievement Boost

Marksmanship: LV5

Blow: LV2

Micro Speed Recovery: LV4

Blade Tolerance: LV2 Combat Mastery: LV2 Adrenaline Mastery: LV3

Arc Marksmanship: LV2 Ejection Marksmanship

: LV2



[Courage to Shine the Sword]: Even if you know that the other party is far better than you as a superhero, but you still challenge him, congratulations on your achievement of daring to shine the sword, You will no longer be afraid to challenge any enemy whose strength is far higher than yours

[Admiration of the Divine Man]: this man is not under me. If your strength stats are lower than Luke Cage, you will always be equal to Luke Cage

[Iron Fist Nemesis]: In the future, when you encounter enemies you fight with your bare hands, you will receive a certain amount of boost.

[Qigong Killer]: At this stage you killed, New York is a unique Qigong Messenger, and you have obtained a certain amount of Qi and the ability to use Qi.

He even received two additional new achievements for killing Daredevil.

[Hearing Position]: Your perception will always increase by 10 points, and greatly enhance your hearing and intuition, and be able to lock on the position of others based on sound.

[Like Daredevil]: You will gain the same dexterity and weapon use ability as Daredevil, but at the same time you will inherit Daredevil's cause and effect, and take on the next search for Erica.

And Bullseye, as a supervillain, rewards Lear with experience, and there are not so many achievements.

He gave Lear only one achievement.

[Bullseye Throw]: You can use anything to shoot anyone you see.

To be honest, this ability is indeed strong for a killer.

But for Lear now, it is far less useful than a pistol.

But even so, Lear was already very satisfied.

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