Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 179: Is this ... conspiracy?

A cool cow's head on the ring looked very eye-catching. It was worn on Lucrezia's slender fingers. Against the background of her white skin, it easily caught the attention of the mercenaries on the side.

Looking at the ring, the mercenary's face was suddenly stunned. He blinked his eyes hard first, as if to determine whether he was looking at the flower eyes, and then when he opened his eyes, he was sure that what he saw was indeed imagined. After that sign, there was a trace of dullness on his face, and then his eyes slowly moved upward, from Lukrezija's arm over her tall and seductive breast, and finally fell on her beautiful face.

As strange as he is his companions, those people were first attracted by the look of the mercenary, and then when he followed his eyes and noticed the ring on Lucrezia's finger, those people's looks also became wonderful. When they got up, they whispered to each other, and some people seemed to argue in a low voice because of some dissent, but no one yelled at Alexander anymore. On the contrary, these people also backed away, seeming to fear that they had rashly rushed this Two young people.

Alexander had also noticed the ring on Lucrezia's finger, and looked at the mercenary who was staring at them with a suspicious look on the opposite side. Alexander's mouth showed a wry smile.

He never thought that a slight negligence still fully revealed their identity.

He hadn't paid attention to the pattern of the ring on Lucrezia's finger before, and now looking at Lucrezia, Alexander couldn't help wondering if she had deliberately exposed the ring in front of these people in order to take the opportunity to signal them.

The bull head is the coat of arms of the Borgia family.

The look of the mercenary's face standing in front of them at that moment was changing, and his breathing was very fast, as if frightened by the coat of arms of the Borgia family that suddenly appeared, but it seemed to have other thoughts.

Lucrezia closed his hands slightly on the back of Alexander's hand, seeming to be afraid that he would run away and clasp his hands in his hands, then slowly stood up.

There was another whisper in the pub immediately.

Alexander stood up slowly afterwards, his eyes swept across the faces of the people in front of him, and then slowly walked around the table with Lucrezia together.

People silently gave way to both sides, but when they passed by, they immediately surrounded and followed. It seemed like they were trying to stop them but they were afraid.

"Take me out of here." Lucrezia whispered next to Alexander. Her palms were cold and moist, obviously not as calm as she looked. When Alexander passed her two steps earlier, Lucrezia immediately Keep up with it.

Alexander tried to slow down his feet as much as possible. He didn't know how long this strange atmosphere could last. In the next moment, these people would yell and pounce on them.

When he approached the entrance of the tavern, he found that there were a few guests who didn't seem to want to let them out, but they did not show hostility. Instead, Alexander saw embarrassment from their faces.

"Please give up."

Alexander's voice was not high, but his expression was very firm, which made the few pizzas stay more uncomfortable because they didn't know what to do.

They all looked at the mercenary who was behind them after seeing Alexander, saw that he hadn't spoken, and hesitated a little and finally gave way.

Alexander pulled Lucrezia slowly towards the door. At that moment, the mercenary suddenly asked in a hesitant voice: "Are you from Rome?"

His words immediately resonated with the people around him. Everyone's eyes loomed strong and ardent. It seemed that the answer he was about to get was so important to all of them.

Alexander glanced back at the mercenary, and with the expected gaze of the surrounding people, he suddenly nodded with a smile.

"That's right, we are from Rome."

After he finished, he took Lukreziah and turned and walked out of the tavern.

As soon as they walked into the street, they heard a deafening shout burst out of the tavern behind them!

Alexander couldn't care what happened in the tavern. He took Lucrezia and hurried to the horse that was tied to one side. He couldn't control Pagasos' dissatisfaction tweet because he hadn't had enough time to rest. He quickly jumped on the mount behind his back and ran his legs with a pinch along the street in the other direction of Pisa City.

Along the way, Lucrezia was very quiet, and even when Alexander asked her why she did n’t take the opportunity to ask the pizza people, she did n’t answer. Only when Alexander suddenly hurt her by holding her in her arms, she struggled slightly. a bit.

The reason why Alexander suddenly became a little rude was because he noticed that in front of this road was a crossroads leading to Pisa Cathedral. The well-known leaning tower clock tower can be seen very far away The flat top of the tower, but now the leaning of the Pisa Tower is not so obvious.

But the leaning tower was not what caused Alexander to be strange. What made him care was that he noticed that on the other side of the intersection, through a meadow, it was like Pisa's town hall.

A group of people on the grass in front of the town hall caught Alexander's attention, among them he saw the pizzeria knight of the Zaroni family and also saw the figure of Machiavelli.

Standing with Machiavelli are a couple of gorgeously dressed, dignified men. From their attitude of holding Machiavellian, but unable to hide their cautious attitude, Alexander has already guessed that they should be the guards of Pisa Civilian.

Since the Zaroni family was driven away, the Pisa rebuilt the republic that was going to perish for nearly a century. They elected a committee composed of nine civic officials and a parliament composed of 100 people similar to Florence. This once allowed Many Pisa people proudly consider themselves the masters of this city.

However, under the great threat, these Pisa officials could only face the emissaries of Florence with some curiosity at this time, even when Machiavelli suddenly interrupted a seemingly noble guardian. When speaking, these pizzas could only stop embarrassingly and look at him.

Machiavelli would interrupt the man's words because he saw Alexander.

The grass is very wide, and they are so conspicuous when riding a two-person Alexander, which makes Machiavelli easily notice Pagasos running all the way.

The Florentine waved his arm to Alexander casually. He seemed to be very happy because he met an acquaintance. He didn't apologize for interrupting the Pizza so unreasonably.

Alexander noticed the embarrassed and even angry expression on the faces of the pizzas, but at this time he could only slow down the horse, and after a little deep thought, he simply took the horse on the grass and came to the group of people.

Zaroni was obviously the only one of the Pizzas who was pleased with Alexander ’s appearance. He stared at Lucrezia from the beginning, even a few people were running towards them in a panic from a distance. note.

"Oh friend, we meet again." The Florentine first took off his hat and nodded slightly to Lucrezia, and then said to Alexander with great interest, "Why, are you leaving now?"

"Yeah, there are still many things waiting," Alexander nodded with a smile, his eyes quickly swept over the faces of the pizzas, and then fell on Machiavelli.

If it is not at this time, if it is not possible to face the danger of being exposed at any time, Alexander really wants to have a good chat with this legendary figure who is regarded as a teacher of the monarchs, but now he just wants to leave this place immediately. Cities.

Seemingly seeing Alexander's eagerness, Machiavelli showed a slight disappointment. I don't know why. Although he only met in a hurry outside Pisa, the young men and women left him a deep impression in front of him. The Florentines, who pride themselves on seeing people quite uniquely, believe that these two young people should not be simple characters.

"It seems that we have no chance to get together," Machiavelli said with disappointment. "But if you have the opportunity to go to Florence, we can meet again, and then I can entertain you well."

"That's really grateful, Florence, I think I will definitely go there." Alexander said, speaking of Florence, his tone showed a little excitement involuntarily, because he remembered the famous Old Bridge also remembered the unusual moment when he came to this era.

Machiavelli also seemed to hear the excitement in Alexander's tone. He looked at the young man curiously, as if to see from his face what touched his mind.

"Then I'm waiting for your friend in Florence, but I still don't know your name, so do I have this honor?"

"Alexander, Alexander Juliant Gumbre."

Alexander carelessly said his name, he did not introduce Lucrezia, because he felt that even if she did not say her last name, as long as he heard Lucrezia ’s name, she noticed her extraordinary beauty, saying Some people may guess who she is.

As for himself, Alexander did not think that his reputation had reached the point where it could reach Florence.

Only, he was clearly wrong.

At the moment when he heard Alexander's name, Machiavelli's face was amazed. He seemed to hear it wrong and opened his eyes to look at Alexander. This made Alexander instantly realize that there might be something wrong.

Just did not wait for Machiavelli to speak, suddenly whispering suddenly came from not far away.

Everyone sniffed at the sight and immediately saw Zaloni looking at several soldiers in panic.

The Pisa **** officer who had been neglected by the side stared at Zaroni with a somber face. The arrogance of the Florentines had made them very annoyed. Now seeing their officers like this, it made them feel ashamed.

But Zaloni apparently did not want them to maintain their last decent, he suddenly turned and ran over, completely ignored the etiquette and said loudly: "Venetians, Venetians! We patrol people found that a large number of Venetians are passing by River Arno, they are moving towards Pisa! "

The faces of the **** officers who had remained calm were instantly discolored!

Some of them seem to be a little dull because they haven't understood it yet, and some people have turned pale as if they have fallen into the ice cave!

"The Venetian? Why the Venetian?"

The guardian looked at Machiavelli in disbelief. They tried every means to deal with it. Isn't it Florentine?

But now it is the Venetians, which makes the Pisa completely confused by this unexpected change.

At this time Machiavelli's face was also filled with doubts and unbelief. He looked at Zaroni suspiciously, wanting to see deception and hypocrisy from his face, but the Pisa's panicked appearance was Prove that this news is true, and see no flaws at all.

This made the only trace of doubt in Machiavelli's heart untenable.

But, the Venetian?

He could not have imagined that his emissaries would encounter such a totally unexpected situation, and at the same time his eyes could not help looking at Alexander.

Speaking of which, if it had not been that he had heard about this young man before, he even had to suspect that Alexander might have been sent by the Venetians to sneak into Pisa.

Alexander was also surprised. He vaguely guessed that the Venetians should be the Venetian mercenaries they had met in that village before, but he never thought that the goal of this Venetian army would be Pisa!

Perhaps he heard the Venetian news like him and couldn't help but think of the previous thrilling experience. Alexander felt Luke Reziah's body stiff in his arms.

This caused Alexander to force her slightly into the arms, and the feeling of being embraced immediately made Lucrezia snuggle backwards.

"I'm sorry, it seems that we have to leave here as soon as possible." Alexander raised his hand to Machiavelli. He didn't want to get involved in the troubles of pizza today. Looking at the pizza people who had become panicked, he could already imagine Once the Venetian soldiers approached the city, what would happen to the city.

Machiavelli nodded hurriedly. Although he suspected that the appearance of Alexander and the arrival of the Venetian seemed too coincidental, he can't care about it now.

The Venetian suddenly approached Pisa, which shocked Machiavelli. ~ Thinking about his mission, he felt he had to send the news back to Florence as soon as possible.

The Pisa ’s **** officers had already awakened from the accident at this time. Like Machiavelli, they had no regard for the messengers of Florence at all. The sudden appearance of the Venetian completely disrupted their hands and feet.

Everyone on the grass is noisy.

Alexander wanted to take the opportunity to leave, Machiavelli hurriedly sent the news back to Venice, and the **** officials clamored and shouted at each other.

At this moment, a thunderous loud noise suddenly came from the direction of the far city gate!

Just as everyone was stunned by the sudden sound of artillery, with a burst of shouts, a black crowd appeared suddenly on the street not far away.

Rushing to the front of the crowd was a mercenary with a big, exaggerated hat on his head, carrying a long sword with blood dripping in his hand. When the person was standing, the mercenary immediately raised his arms and shouted to the crowd behind him:

"Look! They are there, our straight trainers, the rescuers sent by the pope, the rescuers of Pisa!"

With the shouting of the mercenaries, the crowd suddenly burst into huge cheers!

Looking at the suddenly appearing crowd, everyone on the grass was stunned.

"This Alexander Juliant Gumbre really has a conspiracy!"

Machiavelli murmured to himself.

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