Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Open door

The nobles of Northern Bosnia, the Marquis of Roy? With great prestige and distinguished status, are descendants of the famous Roy? Family in the history of the Kingdom of Bosnia.

Like the Kostenic family of the former Bosnian royal family that had been slaughtered by the Ottomans, Roy? Is one of the most likely families to ascend to the Bosnian throne.

Even Hilva, as the future Duke of Zagreb, and Roy? Have no obvious advantages except as a representative of the Croatian nobility.

But today the Roy? Marquis is famous because of his achievements in resisting the Ottoman invasion in Moravia and Wallachia in his early years.

In order to fight against the Ottomans and Hungarians, the piercing male Vlad III had at the same time formed a sturdy army, which was shown to get a generous reward from Vlad III. Unusually tough and almost crazy fighting power.

This army that followed Vlad attacked the Ottomans everywhere. In Transylvania, they successfully defeated the army of 20,000 people led by General Seligu of Mohammed II. Then they used only a few thousand. The human army bravely attacked the Sudanese army.

Vlad III's almost crazy adventures at that time shook Muhammad fiercely, because at this time he even had to be forced to change the direction of the attack.

Although Vlad had to retreat afterwards, the actions of the Grand Duke of Wallachia really shocked many people.

At that time, Roy? Was just a kid, and no one knew who the later marquis was, and what really made him famous was a series of legends in Stefan's army.

His experience in the army of the Grand Duke of Wallachia allowed the young man who was still a young noble to accumulate rich experience, and then he joined the movement of the Grand Duke Stefan of Moldova to resist the Ottomans.

Following the legendary Moldovan hero, Roy? Showed extraordinary military talent in his army, especially in the famous Battle of White Valley in the early years, when the Moldovan army faced huge casualties almost under the crazy attack of the Ottomans. When the whole line collapsed, Roy, who was only a long flag captain at that time, took his army of less than 200 men to withstand the Ottoman attack.

So that when the Ottomans finally started to retreat because they were unable to persevere and shaken, the people of Roy? Were the only Moldovan army that held their positions.

Because of this, Grand Duke Stefan personally rewarded the brave young man. He not only praised the young nobleman from Bosnia, but also generously found a family member for him. This is now the Marquise of Roy?

When Roy? Returned to Bosnia to inherit the title of his father, he had become a hero and a legend, especially when the entire Bosnian kingdom was trembling and crawling at the feet of the Ottomans, whether they were nobles or civilians, they had already Roy? Became the hope of saving Bosnia in the future.

Such a person is of course more advantageous than being eligible for the throne simply because of his lineage, especially if this person also has the ancient noble blood of the noble who has not lost to others, then his distance from the crown is obviously It's much closer than others.

So Roy? Inheriting the Bosnian throne should not make people feel too surprised, or should be said that he is more suitable than others.

The only thing that is hard to believe and accept is that the throne of Roy? Was held under the observance of Ottoman Sultan Bayesert II, and the Sultan announced on the spot that the new king was under his protection.

No one can imagine that the hero who resisted the Ottomans, the newly enthroned Bosnian King Roy I, publicly surrendered the Ottomans.

When the news reached Bucharest, the uproar caused almost upset the city.

Doubt, anger, curse, hesitation and restlessness, all those who heard the news were caught in chaos.

Many people firmly denied this rumor, they said it must be a rumor spread by the enemies of the marquis, or a divorce of the Ottomans.

Others say that the Marquis may covet the crown, but they will not do such crazy things because of this.

But more people still believe this, especially when someone cited another big man in Bucharest as an example, many people who didn't believe it were shaken.

The original piercing father Vlad once stayed at the Ottomans as a hostage for many years. When he returned to his territory to inherit the knighthood left by his dead father and brother, this European who had received Ottoman education since childhood was even in many ways. More like a pagan.

In the end of Vlad III ’s life, he and Ottoman also had some kind of complicated relationship that was unclear, which is one of the reasons why Wallachia has always had bad relations with other countries.

His neighbors were reluctant to believe in the grandfather raised by the Ottomans, and his cruel tactics seemed to justify this mistrust.

As for Moldovan Stefan, his relationship with the Ottomans is also very complicated.

Although he has always insisted on resistance, Stefan and Ottomans are more often in secret, even after he clashed with Poland, there have been repeated rumors that Moldova is reconciling with Ottomans.

Roy? Close relationship with these two people, which is enough to make people have many ideas.

Ladislas II heard the news while eating. At that time, the king was picking up a grape bead and was going to put it in his mouth. Hearing the message from the urgent letter sent by the palace minister next to him, The king could not help crushing the grapes by accident.

Then he didn't care about wiping the sticky juice from his hand and snatched the letter. After reading the letter twice and finally confirming the message, Ladislas II then ripped the letter into shattered rage.

The nobles who accompanied the king at the time couldn't help but stunned. They never thought that the king would be so angry and gazed, but when they heard the news, they could not help but gaze.

For the nobles in the Balkans, northern Bosnia is the frontier they rely on to resist the Ottomans. Even just a few days ago, some nobles spoke at the party and expressed the hope that the Roois? Marquis could play an important role in this alliance Role, borrowing his prestige to mobilize the Bosnian nobility against the brutal rule of the Ottomans.

The result was only a few days. The great aristocrat, who had high hopes of countless people, turned to the Ottomans. This made many people feel incredibly panic after they first felt unbelievable.

Once the North Bosnia gave up resistance, the Ottomans opened their doors to Bucharest to the east and opened!

After finally calming down after an impulse and anger, Ladislas II called a large number of nobles to a meeting.

At this time, the news about Roy? Had spread in the city. People were anxiously watching the nobles who had rushed to the castle to attend the meeting. More and more people spontaneously gathered outside the castle anxiously waiting for the big people They make a decision.

Moore squeezed in the crowd, he had also heard about Roy?

At first Moorco was frightened by the news, but then he was a little excited and even happy, because he felt that although Roy? Declared the king, he surrendered to the Ottomans, which made him an enemy of Bosnia, In this way, his master Viscount Herva will naturally have a greater chance.

It was only gradually from the anxiety and discourse of the people around him that he knew what Roy? 'S surrender meant to them.

"Ottoman's army will come soon."

"Even Belgrade can't stop it. Although Count Sand is brave, he has too few troops."

"Then there is Wallachia, then Bucharest."

"It's about to fight! God, it's going to fight so soon!"

Such talk is everywhere, and some places have begun to clamor to immediately organize to prepare for the Ottomans, and many businessmen who originally thought that the party here thinks that they can make money, began to rush in a hurry. Ready to start right away.

When Moorco came to the tavern, he saw that there was no place to stand in the tucked-out tavern. Many people who would not have come to the tavern also gathered here to get news.

Moore finally found Prato at a table crowded with a large group of people.

"Is it true to say that? That Roy? Really betrayed God?" A man asked with a big mouth.

"Did you not listen to Master Prato? The king was rage and shredded the letter," someone next to him immediately said, "At that time, Master Prato was eating with the king. This is what he saw."

"Oh ~"

There was a cry of exclamation around, and I did not know whether the news of the betrayal for the marquis was proved, or whether it was because Master Prato was able to accompany the king to dinner.

An old man sitting in the corner said quietly: "Then it's time to fight."

"Yes, it seems that this time it's really time to fight!" A young man shouted excitedly, he thought that the people around him would echo him, so that he could say a few brazen words, but it surprised him It was the silence of the people next to him.

"We can hold it," a person sitting at the table wobbled a tin cup in his hand, and the wine inside was waggling, and his voice sounded so flickering. "After all, we have beaten that one. Mohammed, he even captured Constantinople. "

"It should be able to keep it. That Bayesett will not be stronger than him, and it is said that the army he brought is not as much as Muhammad." Another person seemed to be encouraging himself, looking at the silence around him. People, this person again asked Prato sitting at the table, "You said, Master Prato, you came from Rome with much more insight than us, and you often see the king and tell us about it."

Prato looked around. When he saw Moorco, he nodded deliberately, which made Moorco feel as if he was a little more angry than the people around him.

"To be honest, I haven't seen the Sudanese army," Prato said in a sentence, and the people around him couldn't help but let out a cry of disappointment, but he continued regardless of these. , The noble person around Sudan. "

"Oh ~"

There was another roar. People looked at Master Prato with awe. Speaking of this, a wealthy businessman from Rome who was able to talk to the king and laughed at him has always been able to condescend such a tavern. Incredible.

"That man is proficient in many languages, some of which I don't even know the source of that language, but he is so fluent in speaking, and he is so familiar with Rome, even said that he once corrected a cardinal at a party Regarding the fallacy in the history of a palace in Rome, as for other knowledge, it is a pity that I am not superb, so I ca n’t evaluate it, but only because he can argue with my friend Raphael about art issues, This heretic knows us better than we know him. "

Prato looked around. He had wanted to see enough worry and anxiety from people's eyes, but when he found them looking at him with curiosity like listening to stories, Prato couldn't help but waste such eloquence for himself. Sigh secretly.

"I'm reminding you that the Ottomans know us," Prato had to explain. "The Sultan's servants know the origin of every street and every palace in Rome, and we know what they are? I talked to a painter about our art and culture, but we do n’t know what they came from. Is n’t that terrible? Look at the present now. The one I heard since my ears came to Bucharest Hero, he actually surrendered to the Sudan, but no one has discovered before, is this not terrible? Think about it, those Ottomans still know what we are, or they understand that we do n’t even have ourselves Aware of weaknesses, how can we win if we fight against them then? "

Prato's words caused contemplation around him, and at the same time the vague restlessness began to spread among the crowd.

"So are we going to surrender to the Ottomans, just like that Roy?" Moore in the crowd asked dissatisfiedly.

"Of course not, the kings and nobles are trying to find a way, but sometimes the big people in the castle will also become stupid," Prato's words caused a round of laughter "We need real leaders and can protect this The man in the city, the Grand Duke Cepes seems to be good, but this is not enough. We do n’t know if the king wants to fight the Ottomans. If he wants to give up the city, or he will choose to negotiate with the Sudan. "

"This is impossible."

"The king is not a compromise."

"It may be that there have been rumors that Moldova has surrendered to the Ottomans?"

"And Roy ?, this is in front of us, who would have thought that the marquis would surrender to the pagans."

People talked about it until someone asked: "So what should we do? Wait for the king and nobles to make a decision?"

"Or we can wait for a miracle," Prato shrugged. "You know I have heard that in addition to the king, Rome has already sent troops to help you. Believe me that the world of Christ should not forget this city."

Prato's words made the originally low atmosphere suddenly warm up. People were excited to ask who this crusade was made up of and who was leading it. When I heard about the long list of a certain earl After the identity, there was a burst of wonder in the tavern.

Moorco stood sullenly at the corner of the table ~ ~ He didn't expect to hear the name of the Earl of Montina wherever he went, which made him annoyed but there was no way.

He was drinking coldly in his glass until Prato patted his shoulder: "Listen to my friend, I know you do n’t want to hear the name of the count, but he should be here soon, it is said that now The king is thinking about how to place the count, and you are the messenger of the Viscount of Helva, so you should prepare as soon as possible, or the king will summon you soon. "

"Summon me, why?" Moorco asked somewhat puzzled.

"Of course to greet the earl, for the king you are obviously your master preparing for the earl ’s arrival in Bucharest in advance, so maybe he will see you soon, especially at this time, one The Earl from afar and his army are very important. "

Moorco's face was darker, until he heard Prato whispering to himself while drinking: "But the Greek princess was indeed beautiful, and every time I saw her, I felt like I was in love. network."

Moore's eyes brightened instantly, and thinking of the Greek princess, he suddenly looked forward to the king's call.

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