Conquer the World

Chapter 975: You can surrender

Chapter 975 You Can Surrender

This is a small town that is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary.

To the present troubled world, the rundown in the town seems so natural. If there are any other places in Jiangbei and Gyeonggi-do that have not been damaged, there are only things inside the high walls of Chang'an City. At that time, all the emperors of Da Sui were working hard for the same dream, creating an unparalleled city wall in this world. They firmly believe that as long as the city wall is there, Chang'an Baili will not be attacked from outside. As long as the people of the Yang family still control the city of Chang'an, the world will still be the Yang family.

But they never thought about the break-up of Chang'an City, not from outside the city but from inside the city. The Yang family ’s dominance was shaken not by outsiders, but by their own Yang family.

Relatively speaking, this dilapidated town seems more reasonable than Changan City.

Hundreds of thousands of troops of the Black Flag Army, plus no less than 50,000 drop troops, settled around this town. After crossing the Yangtze River, all the way forward, the fatigue of the soldiers did not come from the battle, but from the rapid march.

There is an official road running from east to west in the north of the town. According to Dao Sui's rule, the north of this official road belongs to Gyeonggi-do.

Gyeonggi-do is huge.

If Chang'an City is the heart of Da Sui, then Gyeonggi Province is Da Sui's left chest. Now that the half of the chest has been tortured by the rebellion, where is the former solemnity.

Someone once said that depending on the strength of a family, it depends on how many properties he has in Gyeonggi-do. Not all family members are willing to live in Chang'an. It is not bad for a family to have a representative in the court. There are several people working in the court at the same time, so this is undoubtedly a super big family.

Some of those families were officials in the imperial court. In order to provide support, the greatest convenience was for the family to purchase real estate in Gyeonggi-do, and a group of people specifically supported them.

It would not be an overstatement to say that the entire family of Dasui ten or eighty had real estate in Gyeonggi-do. Moreover, you don't know at all whether the blue-brick and red-tile courtyard in a small town lives in a noble official. These people may not all live in the big city, nor do they all live in the big house.

Gangbuk-do, which is close to Gyeonggi-do, is a heavy armored armour outside the chest. However, this armor did not work as expected. Only after the war broke out, Luo Yao savagely cut and shattered the armor, leaving Gyeonggi Province's half chest bare under the blade.

If there was no war, the name of this town might never appear in history books. If it were not for the solution, even the name of the small town with war is destined not to be spread. Of course, the indigenous people in the town certainly did not want their residence to be famous because of the war. Of course, they won't object to anything happening in the town now, because they are dead.

Here, swept away more than once.

Luo Yao's team, the team that later won Tutu, the court, plus Wang Yiqu Gao Kaitai's team, plus countless bandits composed of chaos and deserters.

This small town has a very interesting name, called Yihe Town.

It is said that this was originally two adjacent villages, and often fought for the canals that watered the crops. In the former Dynasty of the Great Zheng State, the construction of the canals was not as developed as it is now. Whoever controls the canals can guarantee the defense of the crops. To this end, the people in the two villages will fight each other for a long time.

No less dead.

Most of the dead were mature men, so there were especially many widows in the two villages.

There are more widows, and more and more.

Somewhat far away ...

Later, the heads of the two villages felt that fighting this way was not the way to grab the canals for crops and food, but the people who ate the food were dead. Is it worth it? So the two people sat down to discuss and decided to use the canals in separate villages. On that day the gongs and drums of the village were full of firecrackers and firecrackers, everyone was wearing red, and no one knew how few people were drunk, and how many widows' doors quietly opened a slit ...

Later, the two villages became larger and larger, and the houses they built were gradually connected. The people in the two villages discussed for a while and simply merged the two villages into one place, which is called Yihe Town.

Those who thought of these two words at first thought it would never be expected that the town would usher in a catastrophe many, many years later, nor would they think of ... In Yihe Town, two big men sat face to face, and one of them proposed a peace .



Gao Kaitai has seen Fang Jie once.

Not in Chang'an City, but in the northwest. At that time, the Northwest was in chaos, and the Mongolian wolf rode into the country. Looking for a place on the northwestern land to plan the soil, maybe there was a dead body. Emperor Tianyi of the Great Sui Dynasty, Yang Yi led a rebellion, and in a **** battle in the northwest, Fang Jie took his team thousands of miles to rescue and drive. Gao Kaitai was the first time at that time that he had seen a small and famous man in Changan Lord Fang.

See you many years later, today's little adult has become a grandfather.

It is heard that Her Royal Highness Princess Sui Long is preparing for the Fang Xie's ceremony to seal the king.

Gao Kaitai had to express his emotions, and human encounters were really unpredictable. Even if he didn't underestimate the solution at first, he just thought that this young man would be the same as him at most in the future. Or, with the old scholars in Chang'an City, become the youngest college scholar in the empire.

Changes in the world are unpredictable.

Today, the young man's face is gone, and the deepness in his eyes has a touch of vicissitudes. This is a sign of real maturity, not age.

"Zhen Guogong has a good look."

Gao Kaitai cleared his throat and pulled his thoughts from the Northwest back to reality: "When I first met in the Northwest with the Zhen Guogong a long time ago, I said to people that the future of the Guo Guogong is infinite. I People are stupid, but they are not mistaken when it comes to looking at it. At that time, the style of the town's grandfather was convincing. "

Such polite words are not even nutritional.

Fang Xie smiled: "The general is very polite. At the beginning, he was far away from the general in the northwest. I did not expect to see him again. It has been years."

He addressed Gao Kaitai as a general, not Gao Kaitai's independent Yu King.

Wang Yiqu claimed the title in Gyeonggi Province, claiming to be King of Thailand. Gao Kaitai calls himself Yu Wang. The meaning of Tai Heyu is good. However, no matter how auspicious the name is, it can't control the current situation.

After Shen Fu's officialdom for so many years, Gao Kaitai naturally understood the meaning of Fang Xie's title, so he smiled a little at himself, but he didn't care much. This is the situation now, and he is in a disadvantage. Even if the outcome of the war has not yet been determined, he knows that he has a few chances.

How powerful the Black Flag Army is today is a matter on the table. It can be seen clearly whether it is a sighted person or a blind person.

"Yeah ... at that time happened to be in the midst of a national crisis and couldn't get closer to Zhen Guogong. At that time, I didn't expect to meet again in the future. I just didn't expect to see each other again. "

Gao Kaitai sneered for a while, glanced at Fang Jie and said, "Why don't you see Her Royal Highness?"

Fang Xie said: "His Royal Highness is in a boat and is resting in the camp. If the general wants to see His Highness, I can send someone to ask."

"No no no"

Gao Kaitai shook his head: "I'm not in a hurry to see His Royal Highness. Some things are more important now."

What he said was unobtrusive, and he didn't care much about the attitude of the princess. In fact, these people now think differently. Seeing Fang Jie is far more important than seeing Grandpa. On the surface, their respect for the princess is a drama. Without the mighty military power of the Black Flag, they would have no respect for a princess who died.

"I always thought that if you can sit down and talk about something, you don't need to win or lose on the battlefield. You and I are all veterans of battle, and I feel bad when I die."

Gao Kaitai took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Zhen Guogong is willing to sit down with me to talk, and naturally also distresses the lives of his subordinates. Therefore, since this is possible, I simply say something straight."

He beckoned, and a follower came over with a map.

Gao Kaitai took the map and pointed it on the table. "Zheng Guogong has a strong military force now, and I feel ashamed. This is the truth. I don't need to be fooled. I can't beat Chang'an City and let it out to the town. It's not impossible to fight in public. But there must be something to explain in advance ... "



Gao Kaitai pointed at the map and said, "Gyeonggi-do is so large that it is enough for our people to avoid it. I am willing to rip out the siege of Chang'an City and give the capital to the town government. However, there are others Hundreds of thousands of brothers looked at me, and I can't let them be too disappointed. I want to raise soldiers, and I need land. There is a reason for this crop. You have 10,000 pounds of grain. There is no land in your hand. use."

Fang Xie nodded: "It makes sense, you continue."

After Fang Jie said this, Gao Kaitai felt that there was still a chance to go further. His hand drew a circle on the map: "Not only Gyeonggi-do, but Jiangbei-do, I can let them out. Those who were apostate defectors now are in the town. I do n’t have to hold the government to do things. As for the strength of their men, it ’s my gift to the king of the kingdom in the near future. ”


Gao Kaitai glanced at Fangjie's face and saw that there was no change in Fangjie's expression, and then continued: "I always have to consider for my brethren, so ... East of Gyeonggi-do, Sunjeongdo, Taean-do, these are not mys. Excessive. If the town gong nods, I will go back now and pick up the men to leave Gyeonggi-do. "

"Really good place."

Fang Jie nodded: "Shunseong-do, Taean-do, both of which have not experienced war, and are the most prosperous and prosperous places east of Gyeonggi-do, the best way to raise soldiers. The general is really good-sighted, this The place is impeccable. "

He glanced at Gao Kaitai: "But ... what do I want to do in such a good place?"

Gao Kaitai's face changed, and after a long silence, he gritted his teeth: "Northwest! The northwest is a weary place, and it may not recover in ten years. I only need the northwest, is this feasible?"

Fang Xie nodded again: "This requirement is really not too much ~ ~ I know exactly how poor the northwestern part is. The general's willingness to bring troops back to the northwest is already a great concession, in my mind Very moved. But ... what do I want to do in such a broken place? "

Gao Kaitai's face suddenly turned white. He stood up and pointed at the map and said, "This place in the north of the river, you have to give me a place!"

Fang Xie picked up the map and slowly and carefully stacked it: "I do n’t give you anywhere on this map. I do n’t give you anywhere outside the map. You say you have hundreds of thousands People need places to raise, don't make it difficult, I can support them for you. As for yourself, if you want a place to care for the elderly, I will not hesitate. "

Gao Kaitai's mouth trembled a few times, and his fist could no longer be tightened.

"Zhen Guogong, is this going to start a war anyway?"

He gritted his teeth and asked.

"Do not"

Fang Xie smiled: "You can also surrender."

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