Conquer the World

Chapter 985: Animal spirit

Chapter 895 Beast Qi


A very light but crisp sound came out in the silent night and shocked a hare in the grass. Then the sound of boots stepping on the grass appeared, and a moment later, a chubby figure slowly appeared in the moonlight, carrying a round thing in his hand.


He left the thing behind.

That's a human head.

The fat man looked to the left and right, and took a deep breath while stretching his body: "This kind of thing is really a bit boring ... no meaning at all."

He looked at each other behind him, his face changed a little. Only less than three hours have passed since the night and the sky has not yet lit up. Those enemy scouts lurking around the camp have been cleaned up. The fat man in front of them seemed to have a special perception. No matter how good the enemy scouts hid, he couldn't hide his eyes.

"how many?"

he asks.

One hundred households of Xiaoqi School wearing a Jinyi bowed down and answered, "One hundred and sixty-six."

The fat man nodded with satisfaction: "These people can't go back. The enemy's scout leader will definitely send someone to inquire. Let's go. I have already seen where the most suitable place for the transitional river to come. Today, don't go back to the camp. Then, I will sleep in the nearby grass for a while. Tomorrow evening, someone will come to investigate. Just kill one. "

Only one night, the fat man named Jiu Secai conquered the group of men.

The people at Xiaoqiang School are carefully selected elites. It is not easy to convince them of a new leader. However, it doesn't seem to be too difficult for Jiuxingcai.

"Vice Dutong, should you send someone back to inform you?"

The hundred households reminded.

Jiu Caicai was a little surprised, and then I remember that the status is now different. Before Wu Yi sent him out to do things and basically gave him the full power to dispose of them. Now he has entered the Xiaoqi Riding School, which is not as free as it used to be. But this is also good. It's the best to do one thing and one thing.

"it is good"

Jiuxuecai nodded: "You arrange for someone to report back to Dutong Master."

Hundred households nodded and turned around and instructed people to do things.

"Sir, what did you do?"

The one hundred schools of Xiaoqi Riding School couldn't help but ask a question. After the question, I regretted it a little, and it seemed rude to ask directly. However, it seemed that Jiuxuecai was not angry, and his eyes flickered a bit, as if he was remembering something.

"I'm not in a hurry anyway, sit down and rest for a while."

Jiu Seicai kicked the man far away, then found a clean place to sit down: "I almost forgot myself, how did I come here. It seems that some things are particularly easy to forget, and some things are obviously forgotten When I was asked, I came back to my mind ... I will tell you my story, but you will ask me to drink when you go back. "

"it is good!"

The Xiaoqiang schools agreed neatly, then sat down in a circle, their faces full of curiosity. This new vice president is indeed a bit mysterious, so fat is actually so good, and the method of killing is clear and sharp, even more than those from the inside guard.


Jiu Secai smiled, and smashed a hairy grass into his mouth: "Where do I start ... sometimes even I feel strange, how did I survive."



Successive emperors of the Da Sui era were appointed by the old emperor to choose the best person among his sons to inherit the throne. How to look at these princes who are the best is a little easier than managing this empire. Every prince knows the traditions of the Da Sui royal family, so everyone knows from the birth that they have the opportunity to sit on a dragon chair.

fair competition

Some people may say that when the princes were still young, they may have been one of the few simple days in their lives. Because once they reach the age of hair, they will be crowned, and then they will start crazy competition. If you think so, you are wrong.

Competition starts from birth.

The game of the prince's adulthood is a battle between the prince and the forces behind the prince. As soon as the prince is born, his mother is already preparing for his son's future.

This tradition also makes the seemingly calm harem, but in fact it is not calm at all. The emperors of all ages in Da Sui followed the ancestral teachings, and the harem to the queen ordered the concubines and eunuchs to be excluded from participating in political affairs. But this does not mean that the concubines who gave birth to the prince did not compete, but this competition did not appear on the bright side of the harem.

Everyone wants to prepare a thick foundation for his son, and he will do more with less when he fights in the future.

There is no habit of setting up a prince in Da Sui, so the prince will not have any privileges. Moreover, as the emperor's first son, it was even more difficult, because he did not know how many people would compete with him in the future, and he could defeat several of them.

The emperor of the true ancestor was romantic, with seven sons born, and more than twenty princesses. Of course, this does not include the debts left by him when he visited the world many times. How many children the Emperor Zhenzong had, in fact, he did not know.

Perhaps a widow selling beancurds somewhere in the south of the Yangtze River was carrying Yang's blood.

Qin Fei was originally a very gentle woman, but since she gave birth to the second prince, she had to learn some unseen means. Of course, no one in the harem dare to harm other princes under the severe means of the emperors of the past, but the concubines who gave birth to the princes are like a general who is about to begin to lead soldiers, and they are about to prepare for war.

The second prince was very beautiful, and those round eyes looked so clean and thorough.

Holding her son, Qin Fei's face was full of love.

"Master, you have ordered the slaves to do it. The master's house has a group of people ready when the second prince is born, and he is always waiting for the master's dispatch."


Qin Fei nodded: "Your Majesty will not question such things, so there is no need to avoid taboos. Go back and let the family pick a few pleasing to the eye and send them to see if they are clever."


The **** who answered the question gave a resounding response and turned to work.

"My son."

Qin Fei pinched the fat little face of the second prince: "Mother-in-law will prepare enough things for you, so that you can smoothly and smoothly ascend to the throne in the future. Mother-in-law and son-in-law, the mother-in-law will still count on What about you. Don't let me down ... my mother and everyone in my mother's family will have to do their best to protect you and teach you ... my mother knows that you will be very hard, but for the throne, What's the hard work? "



A blink of an eye

The second prince is fifteen years old and has already given birth to a talent. He now has six competitors, and in these fifteen years, five more princes were born. Of course, the second prince over the fourth son never took it to heart. The fourth child's mother is very low, and she has a bit of Hu pedigree. Her family is just a Beijing official who has no real power from Wupin. The life has not been so good. Where is the ability to prepare for the fourth child to win.

The fourth child is ten years old, but the guy seems to have confessed his life since he was a child. He always looks very humble in front of other princes, and will definitely not make him feel threatened. In fact, he is indeed not threatened. His father and mother and his family were even more low-key than him, knowing that they couldn't compete for anything at all. They simply showed an indisputable attitude from the beginning, reassuring, and they could live a more stable life.

There is no doubt that if the young mother's and her mother's family showed a little bit of indifference, the strength behind the other princes could instantly crush that family into a fan.

"Are these all new?"

The second prince glanced at the dozen or so children standing in front of him. The oldest was about the same age as the youngest, and the youngest was six or seven years old. The youngest was so thin compared to other people that he could blow away in a gust of wind. . He didn't understand how he was chosen. Such people, what's the use of staying.

"What is your name?"

The second prince pointed at the thinnest child and asked.

"no name."

The child shook his head: "No one took it from me. I was raised by an ape."


The second prince couldn't help laughing, "It turned out to be a beast ..."

He laughed enough, and his face suddenly chilled: "Do you know what it means to do something with me? Maybe someone told you that there is no limit to the future of doing things with me, or maybe he forgot to tell you that before your limit is unlimited Dead. Look at them ... "

The second prince turned back and pointed to the dozen or so guards standing behind him: "These people were selected from three groups of one hundred and twenty people, and one of the ten was selected. You only sent a dozen people in this group. Why do you think you are the one to survive? "

The child's face changed, and he asked, "If you can't be selected, you will die?"


The second prince walked back to the chair and sat down, raising Erlang's legs: "The rules are also simple. Now you more than a dozen of you can choose your opponents. If you kill the last one, stay with me. As long as you can survive You live the best life, and I don't care if you are a beast. "

The child bit his lip, and suddenly pierced a dagger hidden in the cuff into the abdomen of the largest child, twisting his wrist forcefully. The oldest child immediately called out in pain, and the facial features were twisted together. The youngest child smiled coldly and twisted his hands until the older child slowly fell down.


He turned to look at the others, like a little beast.

"Junk stuff!"

The second prince fiercely slammed the table and scolded: "How did you get this group of wastes in with a dagger ?! If he wants to assassinate me, you all have to die!"

The second prince's men were so scared that their faces were pale. Someone used to lift the child up and threw it in front of the second prince, and slapped a few slaps.

"How did you bring in your dagger!"

Someone asked angrily.


The child choked off the blood in his mouth and smiled proudly: "Your Highness, you said, I am a beast. When faced with danger, the beast's response is always faster than that of a human. The dog hides its teeth Everyone was willing to touch his head, and those who were bitten when it showed his teeth couldn't react. "

"Kill him!"

The second prince was taken aback by the child's words, faintly felt that there must be something wrong with leaving the child.

"and many more"

I don't know when ~ ~ Qin Fei appeared behind the second emperor. She walked slowly to the second prince and rubbed her hair covetously: "All you need is this kind of person, leave him."

"But there is a condition."

Qin Fei pointed at the remaining children: "If you can kill them all, I will leave you."

The child struggled to stand up and glanced back at the companion who had been sent in. Then I suddenly ran over, the running posture was strange, I really missed a beast.

In the sunset

The small boy was holding a dagger, and the dagger was bleeding.

"You will stay with the second prince to do things in the future. I will give you a name and call it beast gas. The beast breath of you is useful.

Qin Fei turned and left.

The child looked back at the corpse on the ground, expressionless.

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