Conquer the World

Chapter 990: No way to escape him

Chapter 990 Keeping Him Nowhere To Run

Wu Yidao opened the curtain and came in, and Fang Xie was pacing back and forth in the big account: "Aware, isn't it difficult to solve the problems of the swordsmen in Zheng Ziyu Army?"

Fang Xie shook his head: "It's not easy to solve, but I don't understand. Qingniu just guessed whether it would be the ancestral door that was picked by the Master of the Year. People, we have no way to know. In recent years, there have been no rumors about this sect in the rivers and lakes, how to act, how powerful, these are not known. It may not be difficult or difficult to solve the swordsmen in Zheng Ziyu camp. It is a solution to how many of these people will lead. "

"It's true that there is no such gate on the rivers and lakes."

Wu Yidao found a place to sit down and thought for a while, and said, "I know a martial arts gang who has fallen away many years ago. Now I rely on being an assassin to make a living. This pedigree is small and there are no masters. , But they know everything about the underworld, because they need all kinds of information, otherwise they will not survive. I will go out for a while to see if I can leave a secret message to contact them, if possible, talk to these people There should be some credible information. "

"I'm working on it."

Fang Xie said, "I was thinking, if such a ancestral door that had been picked by a gentleman with a sword more than 200 years ago was silent for a long time and suddenly popped up, I'm afraid the picture will not be small."

"Everyone in this world feels a chance."

Wu Yidao didn't worry too much: "Your cultivation is very strong now, plus Xiang Qingniu and me, even the overwhelming practitioners can come and go, so you don't need to take your mind too much. These two I will be able to find out the news and find the opportunity to kill those swordsmen first. It is the business of the army to cross the Qin River. "

Fang Xie nodded: "Okay, then wait for Houye's news."

Wu Yidao said with a hum, and said, "Yin Yu, they are planning to come over, and they have already set off. I brought the child, and I will arrange for someone to answer."

Fang Xie froze slightly, then shook his head: "This time they will not be too smooth on the road, the southwest has already entered the rainy season. Looking back, I asked Xie Fuyao to take a trip back and let Zheng Qiufen dial a few Clippers. "


Wu Yidao nodded his head: "It's safer to go north by sailing ship."

Fang Xie suddenly thought of something: "The news that Yinyu and his sister came over cannot be leaked out, not afraid of 10,000, just in case ..."

"I know"

Wu Yi smiled together: "Nothing will happen. They set off from the Suzaku Mountain Camp, and they are on the way to Xinyang City. Nothing will happen along the way. After they arrive in Xinyang City, you will arrange a sailor ship It is estimated that it is almost there, and it will not be a few days before and after. Let them wait in Xinyang City, and then there will be no danger in walking the waterway. However, Ning Er is still small, for fear that the bumps along the way will be a little uncomfortable.

"Achievements in the medical practice do not have to be low, and nothing is expected."

Fang Xie said: "They too, just wait a few more days at Suzakushan."

"When men go out to do things, they often forget about home."

Wu Yidao reminded: "But when a woman is at home, she remembers that there is nothing else for a man to do."

Fang Jie was shocked, a little guilty.

"Either you come, you will pick them up after you break the Chang'an city."



Outside Changan City

Acropolis of Changan City, Gyeonggi-do

There are acropolises in four directions: southeast, northwest, and southwest of Chang'an City. The construction of these acropolises is also extremely solid. During the heyday of the Great Sui Dynasty, each acropolis had to maintain at least 2,000 elite soldiers. However, after the Great Sui riots, the troops of Gyeonggi-do were continuously deployed, and in addition, Gyeonggi-do also fell into war, and it was not the first time that the Acropolis had been breached. At that time, Luo Yao's men and horses had broken through, and now it has become Gao Kaitai's command post.

Gao Kaitai has stopped his attack on Chang'an City since the talks with the settlement broke down. All the troops on the front have contracted back. For Gao Kaitai, Changan City has no meaning. There are only two things he has to do now. The first is to defeat Fang Jie. The second is to choose a good retreat if you cannot defeat Fang Jie.

He has already deployed some troops to explore the path of Shun Cheng Dao. If the defenders there are not too powerful, once the soldiers are defeated, the first choice is naturally to go east. If the east is not accessible, you can only go west.

Shuncheng Road and Tai'an Road are the richest places in the northern half of the Great Sui Dynasty, which is not much worse than Jiangnan. On the black ground of Shuncheng Road and Tai'an Road, the northern granary of Da Sui.

"Master Wang doesn't seem to have much confidence in the Black Flag?

A middle-aged man wearing a Confucian shirt sitting not far away said as he sipped tea.

This man looks like he is forty years old, he does n’t have to have a hundred faces, and his face is slightly longer, but his facial features are very good. It looks like a gentleman. He should be a knowledgeable professor. The moon-white Confucian shirt makes his own book-like atmosphere more intense, so that people will never make people feel much threat.

But when Gao Kaitai looked at the man, his eyes were alert and fearful.

He knew the strength of this person, and Gao Kaitai's own cultivation was good, but he knew that he was in front of this Confucian shirt man, and he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on to the time of three breaths. This is not the most important reason for Gao Kaitai's fear, the most important thing is that this person is not the strongest one, he is ranked fourth.

His men all called him the Four Lords.

Outsiders, call him Mr. Four.

"Mr. Four may not know much about military affairs ... march to fight without first considering victory. Regardless of how sure you are to win, or if you are unsure to win, the first thing you need to do is prepare for retreat. The battle with the Black Flag Army is fierce, but I do n’t have a chance to win. Without your help, my chances are not as good as Fang Jieda, but now Mr. Four is here. I think the chance of winning is greater. some."


Mr. Four couldn't help laughing: "Master Wang, it's ridiculous. Although I can still say something in Zongmen, the overall situation still depends on Jiuye. Jiuye said that Wangye will win this battle, then Wangye It should not be lost. The reason why we are willing to help Wang Ye naturally will not see Wang Ye defeated. Zong Men has already transferred half of his strength and naturally will do his best. "

"After Mr. Four returns, thank me for Mr. Jiu."

Gao Kaitai said with a smile.

"go back?"

Mr. Four shook his head: "No, I won't go back. At least I don't have to go back until the battle is over. Jiuye told me before, and now the most worried thing is not how the battle on the Qin River side was fought, but Fang Jie wants to take shortcuts. If he sends a master to assassinate Wang Ye, the guards around him will not be able to cope with it. After all, there are not a few practitioners around Fang Jie now. As far as I know, Taoism respects Qingniu It's all by oneself, and Lord Wang can't hide himself by himself? "

Gao Kaitai's complexion changed, but he suppressed his dissatisfaction and smiled kindly. It was just that I had regretted it a hundred times and a thousand times in my heart. How could I have been fascinated at first? I asked these people to come back as helpers. Now these guys have been anti-customers, but his own safety is in the hands of these people.

Now he understands why these people find themselves. If these people go to Fang Jie, Fang Jie will definitely not pay attention to them. And because they are not as good as they are now, and there are no major practitioners protecting them, they can do whatever they want.

A Mr. Four has made Gao Kaitai feel anxious. I really do n’t know how terrible that Mr. Ji will be if he comes. This gate is said to have disappeared on the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years, how can there be such a powerful strength? If Gao Kaitai knew that they were so strong, they would definitely not use them. Now that the guests are strong and the weak are weak, one can imagine how bad the future will be. But this is not what Gao Kaitai was most worried about. He was worried about ... the foundation that he had worked so hard for, and finally fell into the hands of others, and he could not do anything.

"Hehe ... that's naturally the best, and there are four gentlemen who can rest assured."

Gao Kaitai laughed with companionship, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable.

"Well ... where is Mr. Jiu now?"

Gao Kaitai asked.

After taking a sip of tea, Mr. Si said gently, "Jiu Ye went to the west. Ya Ye came back from the west some time ago and had some contact with the people of the Buddha. I did n’t dare to make the decision myself, so I came back to ask Jiu Ye. In the future, we will bring the people of the Buddhist sect to Wang Ye as your helper, and the world is almost in his pocket.

"Person of Buddhism ?!"

Gao Kaitai's face changed: "People in Buddhism still don't want to provoke."

"Master Wang is really thinking about it."

Mr. Si laughed: "The rivers and lakes are actually rivers and lakes, and the world is not just the Central Plains. As long as the people in the rivers and lakes can be enemies, they can also be friends. The people of Daozong and the people of Buddhism are not at odds with each other. We can use this. Rest assured, the Buddhism at this time is much worse than before. Now they can't wait to find another help. After all, the court of the Yuan Dynasty in Mongolia suppressed the Buddhism enough. "

"The people of the Buddhism do not have the prestige of the past in the west, do they dare to be proud when they arrive in the Central Plains? And this time, Jiuye went there. For Jiuye, there is nothing in this world that can't be done. Matter. Does the Lord still doubt this? "

"No no no"

Gao Kaitai said with a smile: "Niu Ye's ability, I can trust it."

"do not worry."

Mr. Four stood up and walked to Gao Kaitai and said, "Since Jiu Ji will help Wang Ye, it will be difficult for him to sit in the mountains and rivers in the future. Wang wants the Lord of the Ninth Five-Year, Jiu wants the **** of the rivers and lakes. There are two disadvantages. Wang Ye cannot do without us, nor can we do without Wang Ye. With this premise, what is Wang afraid of? As for those people in the Buddhism who are worried about Wang Ye, they will use up and kill them. "

"I'm just afraid of the Buddhists, it's hard to cope."

Gao Kaitai is still a bit worried.

"Not good enough?"

Mr. Four laughed and laughed: "When I look back, I really should let Wang Ye see Qiye ~ ~ But Qiye should have been to the south for a while to come back."

"Qiye's cultivation is strong?"

Gao Kaitai asked tentatively.

"At least ... I'm not an opponent of the three."

Mr. Si praised sincerely: "What's more, he was only sixteen years old. The seventh man is now the seventh man, and maybe a few years later he will be the eighth man ... Of course, the ninth man will always be the ninth man."

"What did Qiye go south?"

"Fang Xie's base camp is south, so he must not be able to lead the soldiers with peace of mind. Hearing that his wife and children are all on Suzaku Mountain, although this method has been done a little, but in a very period, it is not important what method is used. It worked. Even if the boss couldn't kill Fang Jie, Fang Jie heard that his backyard was in chaos and was afraid to lead the army again. As soon as he rushed back, his death was almost over. "

Mr. Si smiled: "If Jiu Ye counts a person, there is no way for this person to escape."

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