Conquer the World

Chapter 992: Chen Xiaoru's method

Chapter 992: Chen Xiaoru's Method

When Fang Xie was walking back with the black swordsman captured by him, there was a sound of drums of war from the Qin River.In such a wilderness, the cry of soldiers and the sound of drums can float far away. Far away. Fang Xie knew that Xiang Qingniu had also succeeded. As long as Zheng Ziyu's crossbow and stone thrower were destroyed, the soldiers would suffer much less damage when they crossed the river.

Although the sound was not very loud, the sound came to Fang Jie's heart a little easier.

Drums, cannons.

The battle has already begun, and there is no need to worry about the next solution. Xiahou Baichuan is a battle-hardened general who knows how to fight this battle. This unscrupulous killing depends on the quality and courage of the soldiers on both sides. The side was frustrated first, and the other side lost.

After Fang Xie captured the man, he shattered several of his key air pockets. The man was as if he was scrapped. Then he removed the man's jaw, and he couldn't do it by himself. Generally, the killer's teeth are hidden in his teeth. It is poisoned, and once captured, it will bite the previously hidden poison pills.

After Fang Xie returned to the camp, Xiang Qingniu also happened to return.

\ "How is the battle?"

Fang Xie asked.

\ "Battle situation? \"

Xiang Qingniu froze a bit: \ "I didn't see ... you know that I have no interest in military and military affairs. There are too many dead people looking at troubles. I'm afraid of having nightmares at night. You know how I have such beauty It's a sad thing, not sleeping well is a shameful thing ... \ "

Fang Jie sighed: \ "You are not saved ... \"

Xiang Qingniu said to himself: \ "Even if you say so, it seems that I really haven't been saved. I know that he is handsome and has no opponents, and now he is handsome and has no friends ... \"

Fang Xie was too lazy to talk to him again, and carried the captured swordsman into the tent.

When Chen Xiaoru saw Fang Jie came back, he picked up the swordsman, first carefully dig out the hidden poison pills from the swordsman's mouth, then searched the whole body of the person, and tied the swordsman with a beef tendon rope. Only then did they stop. People from their inner guards were most skilled in this kind of things.

Fang Xie sat down in his chair and glanced at Chen Xiaoru, who then nodded.

He squatted down beside the swordsman and smiled. \ "I used to be from the Hundred Houses of the Inner Guard, you should have heard the name of the Inner Guard, so I don't intend to say anything more, threaten Not useful for people like you, but it's not so easy for you to die in my hands. \ "

The swordsman in black just looked at Chen Xiaoru with a cold look, without a hint of expression.

Chen Xiaoru looked back to Fang Jie: \ "President, let his subordinates take him away. The method of forcing a confession is a bit uncomfortable, but it is better for his subordinates to take it back and ask. \"

Fang Jie nodded.

Xiang Qingniu was more curious and followed behind Chen Xiaoru to see.

Less than half an hour, the fat man spit and walked back.

\ "p &

\ "Does it look good? \"

Fang Xie asked.

After Xiang Qingniu sat down, he poured a cup of herbal tea and rinsed his mouth, his face was as white as paper: \ "Although I am not a ruthless person, I have seen killing pigs, killing cattle and killing people. When Chen Xiaoru forced a confession, he killed the pig for decades and even spit it out when he saw it ... Damn, Dao, I have seen the means of the people in the inner guard, no wonder it was circulating on the rivers and lakes. Then, Ning Jin's palace, don't mess with flying fish robes. \ "

\ "What is Chen Xiaoru doing? \"

Fang Xie asked.


Xiang Qingniu swallowed and spit, but did not hold back the spit, and spit it out again: "" In the skinning of his mother ... Dao, this is the first time I have seen skinning, or is it alive ... "



Chen Xiaoru's hands are very stable, reaching a terrible level. The knife in his hand is very small, it seems to have been specially polished for peeling. The knife did not tremble, smooth when he slid forward in his hand. It's like running on an already laid track.

Knife opened his eyes, bloodshot in his eyes.

He just watched as he was being skinned.

\ "I told you it didn't hurt, but skinning has never been painful to give in. \"

Chen Xiaoru spoke quietly to the swordsman while working: \ "I used to do this kind of thing when I was in the guard at Dainee, but I haven't handled my hands for a long time, but you don't have to be afraid. I still remember the steps. It ’s clear. I just sprayed your leg with a secret anaesthetic, and you do n’t feel pain after peeling it and peeling it. Of course, I do n’t know myself. I used to ask this when I peeled people. They all said it didn't hurt, do you hurt? \ "

The swordsman's face was as white as paper, and the sweat on his face had gathered.

His eyelids were stitched by Chen Xiaoru with a needle thread, and he couldn't close his eyes if he wanted to close his eyes. He was tied to a special stool, and his neck could not be twisted, so he could only look at the gentle face. So gentle is peeling his skin.

\ "I know that you guys have been subjected to particularly cruel training, just in case the enemy will not be able to carry it in the sunset. But the training I just happened to deal with people like you, we are natural opponents. I I don't know how you think about being peeled. In my opinion, this is like completing a work of art ... It is incredible that you can peel a complete human skin while you are alive? \ "

Although the swordsman could not move, he was shaking with fear in his body.

. [,! The muscles around his neck had stretched, but you can imagine how intense that fear was.

\ "Don't shake, you will shake my knife as well. If the peeled skin is incomplete, it will be a failed work. When I was in the inner guard, I was responsible for slow peeling. Quick peeling. Sometimes I exchange between Ling, I go to peel him quickly and peel slowly. He doesn't need half an hour to peel off a particularly complete one at his fastest time. eight days.\"

Human skin has been peeled to the knee position.

Chen Xiaoru's knife stopped, set aside the thin layer of **** skin with blood, and looked carefully at the knife's knee: \ "It's not easy here, the skin is too thin, and the distance to the bone is too close. You look at it for a while, if my knife is crooked, you remind me? "

The swordsman stiffened, and passed out.

Chen Xiaoru picked up a towel and wiped his hands, saying hello: "Wake him up ... This is really a personal effort, I haven't done it for too long, and I'm really tired."

He sat across from him, watching the fainted swordsman smile and shook his head: \ "When a person is already scared to this point, you just ask him nothing, just tell him about peeling, It is a double torture for him. Because he doesn't want to say, but I look forward to asking you again, as long as you ask him, he might really recruit it. Maybe he will irritate you intentionally and hope you kill him. \ "

\ "So peeling also needs a good temper. \"



When the swordsman woke up, he found that Chen Xiaoru was watching him and smiling.

\ "You are so lucky, I have peeled off the skin of your knees when you passed out. You can see that there is only a layer of muscle-like things on this red knee, I do n’t know if you have killed a pig, If you have n’t killed a pig, you should have cut pork. There is a layer of film on the pork that is particularly annoying. Is there such a thing on your knee? Is there a way to peel it off? But no, you will see Bai Sensen. Bones. \ "

The swordsman's jaw hadn't been hung yet, and he couldn't speak.

He shook his head violently, but his head was fixed on the wooden post carried by the stool, and he could not move at all. The wooden post was carried back and forth by him, and the strength was conceivable. The more struggling the tighter The beef tendon rope had tightened his meat, and the pinched part had become purple.


Chen Xiaoru smiled: \ "I'm the best-tempered in the guard of the Dainai. When I execute, I will also ask the feelings of the offender. If they don't like to peel from the feet, then I will peel from the beginning. It doesn't matter, I Listen to you.\"

There was a rattling noise in the knife's throat, but he couldn't express his meaning. His eyes were open so round that the bloodshot inside was almost bursting, as if blood would flow out of his eyes in the next second. This person is already on the verge of collapse, and he can't imagine that there are still such cruel punishments in this world, even if there is no pain at all.

\"I guess……\"

Chen Xiaoru stopped and looked at the swordsman's eyes and said: "You must be thinking at this time, if I hang your jaw now, you must bite off your tongue. Then you can relax because you are useless, I will kill you, right? I am worried about this too, what if you bite off your tongue ... So, I usually stop and ask at half the time, do you want to say or do you want to Biting the tongue? If you want to say it, I will stick your skin back now and sprinkle the wound healing secret made by the Inner Guards. It won't be long before it's okay. If you are willing to bite the tongue, I will just keep talking. \ "

Dripping blood

The corner of the swordsman's eyes was really dripping blood, and it was his eyes that were too wide to tear.

\ "Bring a mirror. \"

Chen Xiaoru commanded.

A Xiaoqi school took a bronze mirror and fixed it in front of the swordsman.

Chen Xiaoru moved the stool and sat next to the swordsman's body: \ "I'm going to peel off from your face now, in order for you to see me put a bronze mirror in front of you. You will see yourself His face was peeled off a little bit, and the red meat inside was black and white with clear eyes ... \ "

The swordsman struggled like crazy, struggling a few times, and passed out again.

When he woke up again, his legs were already wrapped, and the severe pain gave him a surprise that he wanted to cry.He would rather feel the pain than bear the peeling that does not hurt at all.

\ "Now, would you like to say something? \"

Chen Xiaoru is sitting next to the bed, holding a bronze mirror in his hand.

\"I said!\"

The swordsman roared out with almost every effort, before he realized that his jaw had actually been hung up.


Chen Xiaoru leaned back and beckoned and asked people to come and record: \ "Sometimes the right decision is always made after paying a great price. However, after all, there is nothing wrong. Let's say, if you can say Be as detailed as possible, I can send someone to send you to the northwest and find a place to hide in no one. \ "

\ "I said ... what do you want to know, you ask me, you ask me! \"

Knife's throat was trembling, so hoarse.

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