Conquer the World

Chapter 994: Defense and attack

Chapter 994 Defense and Attack

Qin he

The corpse had not yet had time to converge after the last slaughter, and the next offensive came like a tide. Gao Jun, who had lost his shore position, ruthlessly directed the next attack on the Heiqi Army front under Zheng Ziyu's personal command, regardless of casualties.

Xiahou Baichuan's face was a bit tired, and Zheng Ziyu's team began to storm on last night, and it has now exceeded six hours. The soldiers on the front line didn't even have time to eat a bite, because the enemy bite too hard, the reserve team would go up in batches if they wanted to replace them, otherwise Zheng Ziyu's men and women would swarm up.

This is no longer a tactic at all.

Just desperately.

On the day Gao Jun was repelled, the Black Flag Army crossed the river. It was Xiang Qingniu who broke into Gao Jun's camp with a lot of good people, and destroyed most of Gao's stone throwers and crossbow cars. He was attacked below, and then caught by Xiahou Baichuan a surprise, which lost the line of defense on the river.

Even so, the Heiqi Army killed at least 2,000 people across the river.

"Xu Ding!"

Xiahou Baichuan held a clairvoyant observation and found that the left wing defense line showed signs of loosening and quickly ordered: "Take two rushing battalions to the left wing support. Zheng Ziyu has used the heavy armored infantry on the left wing, and the brothers over there cannot bear it. Remember , We have the means to deal with heavy armored infantry, don't mess up! "

Xu Ding, the leader, called out loud, and brought up two campers.

Black Flag Left Line

At first Gao Jun rushed into the battlefield with a small number of light horses and was easily destroyed by the Black Banner's light cavalry. Speaking of the cavalry's combat power, the Black Banner's light cavalry has not found an opponent in the Central Plains. But Zheng Ziyu wanted to tune away the cavalry of the Black Banner, and then concentrate all his heavy infantry on the left.

Although the Black Flag's artillery has caused great damage to the enemy, the half-mad Zheng Ziyu did not care about filling it with human life. First, he attacked with light infantry to attract the firepower of the Black Flag's artillery battalion, and then the heavy armored infantry followed the light infantry. With the light infantry's life as a barrier to protect the heavily armored infantry and killed in front of the Black Banner.

The power of the musket is limited to the heavy armored infantry, but the feather arrow cannot break the thick chain armor at all. Infantry to defend feather arrows, chain mail is the most effective means. Dense iron rings are braided together, effectively blocking the feather arrows from drilling.

"Why the crossbow car stopped!"

The black flag general Zhao Yisi turned back and shouted with a dumb throat, as the enemy approached, the crossbow car could not keep up with the speed. To deal with the heavy infantry armed with teeth, at this moment the crossbow car is the best weapon to use. The artillery could not get this close, and the feather arrows were not lethal. As for the crossbow, it was meaningless to tickle the heavy armored infantry.

"The heavy crossbow is exhausted, the auxiliary soldiers are being transported here!"

His pro-team was running over to inquire and turned back to report.


Zhao Yisi personally waved the flag: "All pikemen were pushed forward by Lao Tzu, and at least four rows were arranged. Whether you can resist the heavy armor depends on you!"

A breakout battalion began to tie up the pikemen, replacing the archers. Thousands of pikemen formed a multi-row rectangular array before the battle. The thickness of the pikemen formation was the key to determining whether they could block the enemy's onslaught. However, under the continuous attack of the enemy, the formation was not very smooth.

"Have the cavalry not yet returned!"

Zhao Yisi asked loudly!

"General Xiahou has transferred the cavalry!"

"It's up to us!"

Zhao Yisi beckoned and asked his relatives to hand over their eunuchs: "The brothers of all battalions in this battle are desperate. We have the most pressure here. The heavy armored infantry is here. Reasons I ca n’t keep! I always tell you that being a soldier must be the best soldier. Even if the strongest enemy is here, we ca n’t let the brothers in other battalions say that we are persuaded! If anyone sees me back, he will slash me from the back! If I am still alive in this battle today, I will be drunk with you even if I violate the military regulations. If I die, remember to live I will burn some more paper money for Lao Tzu today, and I will invite dead brothers to drink alcohol underground! "



The soldiers roared and waited.

The heavy armored infantry holding the Modao was pressed neatly, just like a moving mountain. Feather arrows sprinkled over, wiping out a string of Mars in the formation of heavy infantry, but few fell. The Black Flag's crossbow car has not been replenished with a heavy crossbow, and the artillery can not exert its power.

After losing thousands of people, the enemy finally sent heavy armor to the front of the Black Banner.

"Don't do it!"

Zhao Yisi yelled, stood in the first row of the queue, and clenched the **** in his hand: "Even if he died, people would bring up our brothers in the future, but he would have to give his mother a thumb and say It's all real men, good guys! "

"Rather die! Don't retreat!"

"Rather die! Don't retreat!"

The shout was so neat, everyone's face was utterly decisive. Maybe this is the next sentence before many people die, but at this moment, no one regrets it. Whatever the purpose of this war, as soldiers, they have not forgotten their duties.


The world of soldiers.



"General, I'll guard you back!"

The relatives rushed forward to help Zhao Yisi, who was crumbling, trying to bring him back from the front. Zhao Yisi shook his shoulders and pushed the soldier away, raising his hand to wipe the blood from the eyes. There were already too many robes lying next to him, and the body covered the land with no color.

"My soldiers are fighting hard, and I will not retreat."

Zhao Yisi tried his best to poke the long puppet out. He was exhausted and couldn't poke the puppet front into the opponent's face armor accurately. His martial arts were good, and he had killed at least a dozen enemy heavy armored infantry before. In the face of those soldiers in heavy chain armor, it seems that only the face and neck are the weakest places. The face armor is thin, and the chain armor on the neck is relatively thinnest.


The heavy infantry on the opposite side split Zhao Yisi's long cymbal with a strange knife. The huge shock force made Zhao Yisi no longer able to grip the long cymbal. His body was stunned and he could not stand still anymore, and the opposite Mo knife slashed severely. The relatives around him were roaring, and threw forward on Zhao Yisi. The heavy and sharp Modao mercilessly cut the pro-military team into two, and the knife edge farted on Zhao Yisi under inertia.

Mo Dao was stuck on his armor, and blood continued to flow down the mouth.

The pain of this knife made Zhao Yisi sober again. He struggled to stand up, clamped the enemy's strange knife under his arm with his arm, and then slammed into the enemy's face with his iron helmet. This time Zhao Yisi tried his last strength, the iron helmet hit the enemy's face armor, and blood and water immediately flowed out along the hole in the face armor.

Maybe he was blinded, and the heavily armored infantry stepped back in sorrow, covering his face, and with both hands, he tried to pull out the iron sheet embedded in his face.

"Dead in the same robe ... not alone."

Zhao Yisi crawled over, holding the heavy armored infantry's back with both hands and pulled it down, then rushed to the heavy armored infantry, pulled out the dagger hanging from the waist and held it down with both hands, holding the dagger down the face armor. He stabbed in the hollow and went deep into the eye socket of that heavy infantry.


Another strange knife fell off, Zhao Yisi's head was unloaded with half of his shoulders, and slowly slipped off.

"Support is coming!"

Just then, the Black Flag's defense line cheered.

Xu Ding came with two camps to support. Each person held a thin wax rod with the thickness of a wrist. This kind of wood is very tough, and it doesn't necessarily break when it is bent to the opposite corner. The ash rod in their hands was two meters long, much longer than the spearmen's pike.

"Brothers go down and rest, it's our turn!"

Xu Ding roared and rushed up first: "The general said, as long as we persist for another half an hour, the enemy will lose!"

He held a white wax rod in both hands and slammed forward, piercing the chest of a heavy armored infantry. Even if there was a gun, it would not break that layer of armor, let alone without a gun. But Xu Ding didn't mean to poke the enemy to death, but to poke the enemy down! The toughness of the ash rod played a role, and it was almost 90 degrees without breaking. He took the opportunity to move forward and pushed the heavy armored infantry backward. The soldier stumbled over the body and tripped to the ground.

Wearing such a heavy armor, it is not easy to stand up after falling down!

Seeing that the soldier fell, Xu Ding held the stick of the white wax rod in his hands and slammed it down. He rolled in an arc in mid-air, and then hit the soldier with a slam. Cheeks can block swords and arrows, but this blow to the stick cannot be offset.

When the stick went down, the heavy armored soldier immediately murmured and couldn't stand anymore.

In the formation of intensive attacks, once the heavy infantry fell to the ground, it is actually a dead end. In the back, his fellow robes continued to push forward, was stepped on the first foot, and then was stepped into meat.

The vital forces of the two breakout battalions came up and temporarily blocked heavy infantry with this special weapon in their hands. The piece of stick poked forward, poking down the front row of heavy armored infantry. Those heavy armored infantry had to change their tactics and use strange swords to chop those sticks. But this way, their physical exertion has accelerated a lot. You know that ordinary people can't dance at all!

Although they are all strong men, but wearing heavy armor and holding a Modao, each step is consuming their physical strength, so the heavy armored infantry will choose a heavy weapon like Modao and pursue a one-shot kill. But now, they have to wave their swords to cut those long ash poles!

This unreasonable defense method completely disrupted the formation of heavy armored infantry. The soldiers in the first row fell down, and the people behind were stumbled one after the other. The heavy armored infantry behind them didn't know what happened, and they were still advancing at a customary speed.

The horn sounded, and the enemy's heavy armor began to slowly withdraw and rearrange the formation.

At this time, the drums of counterattacks rang out from the Chinese army.

"Our light riding went behind the enemy and copied their back team! The enemy was in chaos!"

"Brothers ~ ~ Go forward!"


The generals of the battalions saw the opportunity, and led their soldiers to launch a counterattack in a flash. The offensive was blocked and the Gao Jun who was about to adjust for the next attack was caught off guard. The timing of the counterattack was just right!

Xiahou Baichuan turned on his warhorse, and took off Chang Chang and pointed forward: "Black flag! Break through the enemy camp!"


The Black Flag Army, which had been defending for more than seven hours, finally reached the point of exultation, and the counterattack offensive was like the flash flood of the dike, which drowned the enemy's front team in an instant. In the distance, the two black lines were severely inserted into the back of Zheng Ziyu's army, one by one, and one by the left.


It may be deadlocked for a long time, but the victory and defeat often come at that instant.

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