Conquer the World

Chapter 1010: 1 way to die

Chapter 1010 Same Death

Xiang Qingniu really didn't know what he saw.

This was the strangest thing he had ever seen in his life.

He saw a big living person coming out of a black hole in the air, at this moment, a hallucination suddenly appeared in his mind, that black hole was what a giant bet-eye, and the person who fell out was a behemoth pulling from the fart-eye Comes out. The idea was disgusting, but he thought it was reasonable.

The man who fell out was obviously not prepared because he fell out.

If Xiang Qingniu saw Wu Yidao torture a person who had fallen out, he would have laughed. Because whether it was a **** or an egg, there was no defense when it just fell out ... Xiang Qingniu couldn't think of it anymore, because he found that no matter whether it was **** or an egg, there was no defense.

He rushed at it, then struck the one who fell out.


The man who fell out found him suddenly as soon as he landed, and then there seemed to be something flashing in his hand, especially dazzling. Xiang Qingniu paused involuntarily, and the man had swept to the side. Then there was a ray of light in his hand again. This time it was different from the previous one. It was not dazzling and a light milky ray.

Xiang Qingniu knew that the man wanted to run, and he must not let him get into the black hole described by Xiang Qingniu as fart-eye again.

Two black-and-white fishes rushed out quickly, one black, one white, and two streams of light instantly reached the person. The man's upper body had melted into the white light, and the black-and-white fish entangled his waist. Pulled out again. The black-and-white fish crossed over his waist, as if lashing back with a rope.

The power of Xiang Qingniu's Daoxin was so great that the man couldn't resist being dragged backwards and flew out. At the same time, the black-and-white fish wrapped around and snatched the things from his hand. The two fish swam back in the shape of a square box. Xiang Qingniu reached out and took a look, but didn't understand what it was.

So he dropped the thing on the ground and stomped hard.

With a click, the thing was broken by him.

"See how you run!"

Xiang Qingniu grinned, just like the smile of a sister-in-law who circled a good young woman around the corner. If he looks in the mirror at this time, he will be startled and redefine himself. That smile ... it's so scary. This absolutely does not match the justice he has always advertised, but it is very villainous.

The man's back hit heavily on the dirt **** not far away, as if an unexploded cannonball had penetrated into the soil, setting off a wave of dirt.


The man rushed out of the soil, pushed forward with both hands, and a strong inner force rushed straight to Xiang Qingniu's chest. The black and white fish hovering outside Xiang Qingniu immediately stopped in front of Xiang Qingniu. Among them, the white fish swam forward, then suddenly became large, and instantly increased by dozens of times in size, opened his mouth and swallowed the energy inside.

"Where are you from the thief?"

Xiang Qingniu stretched his hands forward, Da Zhoutian's cultivation came out surging. The man seemed to be entangled in something, and flew over to Xiang Qingniu involuntarily. And that huge white fish was waiting for him with his mouth open. The man's face changed greatly, his hands pressed down violently, and two inner strengths sprayed out from his palm. As he kept moving towards Xiang Qingniu, the two inner strengths plowed out on the ground. Deep groove.

The strength of Xiang Qingniu's palm was loose, and the man quickly flew back out and slammed into the dirt **** again. This time without waiting for his own struggle, he was sucked out by Xiang Qingniu's suction. Xiang Qingniu was as if he had a particularly elastic invisible rope in his hand, one tied to the other in his hand and kept being pulled by him and thrown away.

It seems that this offensive has little power, but in fact, every time he flies out and pulls back, this person has to face two layers of squeezing. The moment he moved backwards and forwards, there were two forces acting in front of and behind him. If it weren't for his high cultivation, the average person would have been squeezed into a pool of meat.

But even so, he couldn't help spitting blood after three times, and didn't know how many bones were broken by this pressure. The pressure on the internal organs made him have to vomit blood to relieve it. But he didn't know how long this cycle would last. The life-saving thing was broken by the nasty fat man in a black robe, and it seemed that the world was dark.

The point is that the fat man didn't hesitate when he stepped on the thing, and didn't know the value of that thing at all!


He resisted the whistling in his chest and belly and finally collapsed.

At this moment, Wu Yidao swept over from a distance and saw Xiang Qingniu had completely gained the upper hand, then breathed a sigh of relief, and then he saw the beach **** at the foot of Xiang Qingniu.

There was a twitch in my heart.

Then Xiang Qingniu saw the thing in his hand and grinned grinning: "Well, Lord Hou, you also snatched one, step on him and break him, or the **** might run away again. Although I don't know what this thing is, but it's fun to step on and crunchy. "

Wu Yihao quickly carried the thing behind him: "You ... don't make trouble!"



The world of solution has disappeared.

He was sucked into Dan Tian Qi Hai by himself, and then his seven Qi veins began to change, turning into seven big trees covering his whole body, and then Fang Jie's eyes turned red. Fang Xie did not know that when Sang Luan killed countless great freedom with red eyes in the Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain, he once smiled and said the word awakening.

The awakening of Sang Luan said naturally that it is the solution.

Fang Jie's eyes seemed to be fire, but so cold.

He took a step forward, and the earth shuddered.

Then he punched.

The fist also turned red.

Just like when he just rushed back, there was nothing fancy. This punch hit the black hemisphere of Mr. Qi, but the first punch just smashed the realm of Mr. Qi backwards, but this The punch actually penetrated the realm of Mr. Qi directly.

Fang Jie's fist smashed into it.

This one was like a punch directly on Mr. Qi's chest. Mr. Qi, who only showed a head outside, involuntarily uttered a painful moan, and blood leaked from his mouth. That blood was also black, it really seemed like a stream of ink was flowing from his mouth.

Fang Xie's right fist penetrated into the black realm, and then his left fist also smashed into it.

After breaking through the black realm, Fang Xie's hands opened as if they had caught the door gap and pulled to the sides. The muscles on his arm jumped up and looked palpitating. That male beauty is dazzling at this moment.


With Fang Xie screaming, he tore the realm open, and walked in.

"The world is your thing, and you can be like God here. But I am now going to walk into your world and make you never lose."

Fang Xie stepped on it with a bang, and the almost formed world fell down by him, and was directly embedded in the ground. A cyan footprint was left where he stepped on, like a seal that nailed Mr. Qi's realm there, unable to move.

"Kill a woman?"

Fangjie's red eyes swept across this extremely dark realm, reached out and looked forward, grabbed a black line from the wall and dragged it out, and that black line made a scream, howling Struggling to return to the wall. The hands that can be solved are like iron tongs, and the black line cannot escape at all.

After holding the black line, the solution began to step back, step by step, pulling the black line from the boundary wall longer and longer.

A bang.

Mr. Qi was pulled out of the wall by Fang Xie, and all his clothes had disappeared, naked and dark. The first reaction after he came out was not to fight back, but to cover the crotch with both hands. Because something was missing there, it was his heart disease.

"It turned out to be a monster."

Fang Jie snorted and stepped under his feet again.

This time, the black world began to shake. Under the feet of Fang Xie, countless cyan lines extended out and quickly covered the boundary wall. From the beginning, it was as if cyan traces were drawn on the black curtain. Soon the cyan traces became larger and larger, but within a few seconds, cyan replaced black.

"You are scared."

Fang Jie's red eyes looked at Mr. Qi coldly, his words were dull but colder: "I can only see such a state at your age, so the person who sent you from the beginning may be I want to kill you. Because your realm is not stable, you do n’t even know what you are using. ”

"I am going to kill you!"

Mr. Qi fluttered forward with open arms, but only took a step and suddenly thought of something. He stopped immediately, blocking his hands again at the crotch.

"Maybe you have a poor life experience ..."

Fang Jie's red eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and even penetrated Mr. Qi's body and saw his dantian Qihai.

"But, this is not the reason you did not die. You are from Moon Shadow Hall, how many days are you?"

Mr. Qi's eyes were full of resentment. If he could bite Fangjie now, he would definitely not have left over the bone scum of Fangjie, and swallowed it all. He is not incapable of counterattack, he still has to repair you, but he dare not let go of his hand, lest people be seen in that place.

He personally cut the place.

"It's okay not to say ~ ~ I'm going to die anyway, anyway."

Fang Xie stretched out his hand, and the blue air flow came out of his hand, disappeared momentarily, and suddenly appeared next to Mr. Qi and then wrapped Mr. Qi violently. He was struggling like a child, and suddenly there was a black fog in his eyes, which pierced the solution like two black lightnings.

Fang Xie's red eyes flickered, and the two black mists stopped in the air, followed by the black mist gradually turned red, and then flew back.

With a bang, two red mists got into Mr. Qi's body.

Alas, a red thread emerged from Mr. Qi's body, like a little snake, swam around his body for a while, then drilled in, and then drilled out. This is his black line, it's just changed to a color. This is the way he kills people, it's just a different person. Soon, his body was full of small holes drilled by red lines, and the sound of wailing made his ears tingle.

"I will kill you ... kill you!"

Mr. Qi made a final growl in his throat, and his forehead was pierced by a red line.

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