Conquer the World

Chapter 1022: The future is on him

Chapter 1202 The Future Is on Him

Li Tai's funeral has been dealt with, Wu Yi arranged for a thick funeral, and then sent someone back to the camp to inform his family. This is the first general who the Black Flag Army lost in recent years. He did not die on the battlefield, but died in an assassination. Li Tai followed Fangjie from the northwest. At that time, he was a member of the Sui Army in Northwest Wolf Rushan. Although he was not talented, he was cautious and acted steadily. When the cavalry flying character battalion was originally divided, Fangjie He was promoted to the rank of vice cavalry of the army.

Later, with the increasing strength of the Black Flag Army, Li Tai's military rank was also promoted from Vice Admiral to General. In Huangyang Road in the southwest, when Xiahou Baichuan was assassinated, it was he who led the army to check the Buddhism. Then he led the army galloping thousands of miles and rushed to Xinyang City to guard.

Regarding Li Tai's death, the soldiers of the Black Flag Army were a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Fang Xie left San Jinhou Wu Yidao and Dao Zun Xiang Qingniu. If Fang Xie took both of them when he returned to the southwest that day, I'm afraid that more than Li Tai was assassinated in the camp that day.

"With such a big game, Gao Kaitai doesn't have such an effort or such a big picture."

Dugu Wenxiu glanced at Fang Xie: "The protagonist said earlier that this incident involved a gate of the lakes and lakes called Moon Shadow Hall. Perhaps all this was planned by the people of Moon Shadow Hall."

"This person is very ordinary. He has counted everything before he showed up. Perhaps he was watching in the dark, waiting for an opportunity. It can be seen that Moon Shadow Hall is definitely not as simple as trying to re-enter the rivers and lakes. The principal is afraid of being ambitious. "

Wu Yidao looked to Fang Jie: "The urgent task now is to attack the Lingmen Gate first. As long as the Lingmen Gate is closed, the place is extremely dangerous and difficult to defend. The wolf rider is not familiar with the strategy of siege and wants to win the Lingmen. It's not so easy to close. If you haven't arrived yet after the Lingmen Guanguan wolf ride, you can still send troops to guard Yishui west. "

Fang Xie nodded and instructed Chen Xiaoru, "Go and get Yan Zeng."

Chen Xiaoru promised and turned around to send someone.

"Master ..."

Dugu Wenxiu groaned and looked at Fang Jie: "Is it a bit inappropriate to use Yan Zeng?"

His voice was slightly lowered: "If this is really a big picture, Yan Zeng is Gao Kaitai's old ministry. He is the top priority in defending Li Yincheng. If Gao Kaitai trusts him, he may not tell the bureau. Is he? If he knows this, then his surrender ... "

Wu Yidao's eyes changed: "Dugu means that Gao Kaitai deliberately lost Liyin City in order to lead us northward to achieve his goal of enclosing us with the wolf ride?"

Dugu Wenxiu nodded: "It's not that his subordinates are too suspicious, but that the situation at this time should not be too much for his subordinates. Li Yincang is where Gao Kaitai's military rations are located. He sent Yan Zeng to lead a heavy soldier to guard, but hit Li Yincheng Although Yan Zeng was very defensive at that time, it seemed to be easier when he surrendered. When crossing the Qin River, the protagonist sent Xia Hou to attack and sent Yan Zeng to attack the spiritual gate ... But Yan Zeng was easy to defend with the spiritual gate. Difficult to attack as a reason, just surrounded the city barrier, no offense. "

Wu Yidao's face sank: "So it's really suspicious."

He looked to Fang Jie: "According to the reason, after the protagonist got Yan Zeng, he went north without any obstacles. Yan Zeng persuaded the defenders in three or seven cities along the way to open the door and surrender. He can talk about these people, why can't he just say nothing? Thousands of defenders at the gate? At that time, it was not obvious what the Lingmen Gate was. It was irrelevant whether the army could go north or not. But now, the important points of the Lingmen Gate appeared. Yan Zeng did not attack the Lingmen Gate. He accused the protagonist that persuading Jiangmen to close the gate would not be possible ... it is not intentional to guarantee it. "

"and also……"

Dugu Wenxiu added: "Now it seems that not only Yan Zeng is suspicious, but also those Gao Kaitai's subordinates he advised to surrender along the way are also suspicious. That journey has been too smooth, and it has gone beyond some imagination. Almost Yan Gao It won't be long before the city's generals open their doors and surrender. "

Fang Xie shook his head: "You two have a point ... but you forgot one thing."


Wu Yidao asked.

"The premise is that if all this was Gaokai Taibu's game, Gaokai had already colluded with the Mongolian Yuan long ago. Now that he had colluded, why did he fight so hard in the Qin River? Tens of thousands of troops died in battle, and this loss caused him It's not that big. If he wants to block my black flag army south of the Qin River to facilitate the encirclement with the wolf ride ... That doesn't make sense. If so, he won't split the troops to guard the Qin River. Instead, most of the troops are located to the north of the Qinhe River, and they will not let us come over. "

Dugu Wenxiu listened for a moment, then nodded: "The principal makes sense."

He looked at the map and frowned for a moment, then said, "It is true. If Gao Kaitai and Meng Yuanren had been colluding for a long time, then he should personally lead troops to defend north of the Qin River."

"I don't want to doubt a subordinate easily."

Fang Xie stood up and slowly said, "Yan Zeng is a general, but he is now a Black Flag. If I choose to doubt that he still trusts him, I would rather be the latter."




Fan Gu

The boy took one thing and looked at it carefully, then shook his head: "Master, what is this thing?"

Mr. Jiu took a look and shook his head: "I have lived here for several years, and I haven't figured out what the place is, and I don't know what the things here are for. I repaired Dacheng and returned to Moon Shadow Hall. After becoming Mr. Jiu, I came back to live here for two years. It was only by chance that I understood what one of them could do. "

"Is that what you gave to the other Heavenly Masters, Master?"


Mr. Jiu nodded: "I found a lot of books in a stone door over there. I wanted to read them to see if it helped, but the books turned gray when I held them. Last time I brought you a few over Only you have the most thoughts on the things here, so I will bring you again. "

The boy nodded: "Thank you Master for your appreciation, I will definitely work harder."

He walked to the front of a strange-looking cabinet, looked at it carefully, and shook his head: "This thing should be composed of a very complicated structure, even my original master may not be able to unlock it. This should It's a secret lock, but you need more than just a key to open the door. "

His original master was a locksmith.

A well-known locksmith, the master's box created by his master, few people can open it. This boy has shown enough talent in this respect since he was a child. When he was seven years old, everything that his master had made was difficult for him.

"So I plan to keep you here."

Mr. Jiu pointed to the distance: "You feel comfortable looking at these things here, and I will leave them to protect you. In the future, your diet will be taken care of by them. You do n’t need to worry about eating and drinking, they will help you Take care. "

"How about you?"

The teenager asked.

"I still have a very important thing to do. Since I returned to the light with Moon Shadow Hall, what I want is not an instant light, but an eternal light. I have now taken the Mongolian Yuan people, Gao Kaitai, and Heiqi Army. Count it in, and let the three parties fight. The harder the fight, the better. In the end, it is my Moon Shadow Hall. Moon Shadow Hall has been in the dark for more than 200 years, and only under my rule did it begin to improve. Since Heaven has left it to me to do it, I have to do a good job. Not to mention, this time an opponent is still the old acquaintance of the year, how can I stay out of the matter? "

"But Master ... I will be scared to stay alone."

"You are a man. Men can be scared but cannot shrink back. No one is not scared, even if I have scared things. But if we shrink back when we are scared, nothing will happen."

Mr. Jiu said seriously: "Your talent is here, and the success of Moon Shadow Hall may be on you in the future."


The boy hesitated and asked, "What if I accidentally break something?"

Mr. Jiu couldn't help laughing: "If you don't break it, we don't know what these things are for. So there is no difference between breaking and not knowing the usefulness, but as long as you find the usefulness of one thing, right I've been very helpful. I won't blame you if everything in this place is broken. "

"That's good."

The boy smiled a little, he was a little silly.

Mr. Jiu shook his head: "I will come to see you after I've been busy with this big event."

After that, he turned and walked out.

"Saburo will leave it to you. If something happened to Saburo, none of you will have to go back to see me. Remember, Saburo can't die if you still have one person alive. The future of Moon Shadow Hall may be here As long as you can understand the role here, it is not a dream for Moon Shadow Hall to turn the ancestors into empires. By then, you will all be meritorious, you know, I will never give rewards. "

"Jiu Ye rest assured that Master Three will give it to us."

Mr. Jiu nodded, and then looked back at the young man named Saburo: "Reassuredly look at these things here, and give me a surprise when I come next time."


Suddenly Saburo leaned out of the room and shouted excitedly at Mr. Jiu: "Master, I opened the door and found this thing from there. I just do n’t know what it is, this cabinet is all this. Stuff. The cabinet is extremely tightly sealed, so everything inside is kept intact. "

Mr. Jiu couldn't help laughing, and he knew that he had read the right person. He bet Saburo on the future achievements of Moon Shadow Hall, and Saburo did not let him down. He walked over there, looking at the excited expression on Saburo's face ~ ~ and his heart, which had not fluctuated for a long time, became excited.

"This thing shouldn't be difficult. It should be much simpler to use than the one you found. Master there is a pull ring. So many of the same things are obviously often used. This pull ring is just for convenience. Let me try. Can we still pull it apart? Perhaps there will be unexpected changes after pulling it apart. "

Saburo spoke, and pulled the tabs outside the tumbling thing.

He let go and clicked something that fell from it. Saburo looked down and hadn't had time to stand up ... the things in his hands burst open, and the huge explosive force directly tore him into pieces. The scene was so shocking that Mr. Jiu, who was walking here in the distance, was completely frightened.

He raised his hand to block the shards that flew up.

Just looking at the stump and broken arm in that place ... Saburo, who was still smiling proudly for a second, turned into a puddle of meat.

"Is this ... Providence?".

Mr. Jiu looked at it, his body trembling involuntarily.

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