Conquer the World

Chapter 1026: Changed my mind

Chapter 1026 changed his mind

Kokodaimundo don't hold back and smile, squinting and watching Gai Yan come from a distance. Throughout the afternoon, the Montenegro Army mobilized a team of 10,000 people to attack the city of Ping'an County, leaving more than 900 corpses outside the city wall, but none of them climbed up the city wall.

Don't naturally feel happy about the performance of the Montenegro Army. The people of the Black Mountain Army were not Meng Yuan people. It would not be a shame for Dobe to die more. On the contrary, the more he died, the happier he was. It was also at this time, don't suddenly understand that Dahan Mengge agreed with the Montenegro army to attack the city.

At the beginning of the offensive, the Han people's resistance was bound to be strong. The time during which the Han people's resistance was the strongest was handed over to the Montenegro Army to attack, in order to consume the fighting spirit of the Han people and the strength of the Montenegro Army. Don't immediately think about it, it is estimated that after the Heishan Army can't win the Ping'an County for a long time, Khan will justly withdraw the Heishan Army and switch to a wolf attack. At that time, the number of Chinese defenders had been greatly reduced, and their fighting spirit was almost eliminated.

In his heart, he had to admire the wisdom of sweat. On the surface, it seems that the big man made a compromise to Gai Jin, but in fact, Gai Jin lost a secret loss.

"Has the invincible General Gai Yan already won the Ping'an County?"

Kokodai Mondo said with a smile: "I have ordered my relatives to pack my clothes, can I eat in Ping'an County tonight? Is it reasonable for you to teach me in the morning, Han? At least the house is more comfortable than the tent, and at least there is less mosquito harassment at night. "

Gai Jian glanced at him and walked past him without a word.

He was carrying two soldiers behind him, one of whom was carrying a cloth bag in his hand and didn't know what to put on it. The other had a cold look and a doubly look, in which there was a knife hidden in the Buddha's eyes. Don't be angry about this performance at all, but laugh out loud.

Going out of the Mongolian tent, Gai asked for it, and there was a voice from Mongolia, and then two Wangting guards opened the curtain of the big tent from the inside, and Gai Jin walked in.

"His offense is unfavorable. Please sweat it."

Gai Xun knelt on one knee and said with his right arm resting on his chest.

"Get up."

Sitting on the blanket, Mengge, who was eating and grabbing meat, quickly waved his hand: "It's just an attack. It's nothing to fail to win Ping'an County today. The Han people are not the two-legged sheep often raised by herders. They are also bloody. .I saw today's killings. The soldiers of the Montenegro are all warriors and have been attacking forward. "

Gai Jin stood up, grabbed the bag from the hand of the soldier, and fell down. A **** man's head grunted and rolled out, all the way to the foot of Mengge.

"This is the captain who is commanding the attack today. He deserves punishment for his unfavorable combat."

Gai said.

Brother Brother frowned slightly and glanced at the head. The **** head seemed to be provocative and disgusting.


Don't take a look at him behind Gai An to immediately glare, brush out the horizontal knife on the waist: "In the face of sweat, you dare to be so rude!"

Gai Yan turned his head back and glanced at him, and snorted from his nose: "I don't know that this is rude to the sweat. The head of the loser in my tribe is sometimes shaved off with fur The lower skull is used as a wine glass. This is a respect for the devotees and a forgiveness of the deceased. If I offend the sweat, please forgive it. "

After a moment of silence, Mengge waved his hand and motioned for the guard of Wang Ting to put away the knife: "Sew this head and the corpse and bury it with our ritual of respecting the warriors. I am not aware of you Tribe, but I want to tell you that there is nothing wrong with your subordinate. He has not been slack or stopped attacking. If I were you, I would give him another chance to prove himself. "

He sat down and glanced at Gai Jin: "It doesn't have to be a winner to be a warrior. As long as you have faith and courage, it is worthy of respect in my opinion."

Gai's face changed, knowing that he had lost it this time. If the profuse burial of his subordinates spreads, his subordinates will be afraid that there will be some unfavorable remarks to him immediately.

"Xie Dahan forgives him."

Gai Jin walked over and held up the head of the soldier to his own soldier: "Go, let the shaman sew up the head, and bury it in heaven."

The so-called celestial burial is to leave the body in the wild and let the beast and hawk swallow the body. The tribe of Gai has always had such a custom, they will not bury the body underground, in their view it is disrespect to the earth and will offend the gods. Heavenly burial is, in their opinion, the most holy. After the corpse of the deceased is devoured by the beast, the soul will be taken up by the hawk to fly back to heaven.

But even in his tribe, the funeral was held in a specific place. Put the dead body on horseback and run along a specific road. When the body bumped down, that place was his whereabouts. This is the Central Plains, there are not so many grassland hawks.

Unlike Gai's tribe, the Yuan people believed that cremation was the purest way to leave. The corpse that was burned by the fire took away the evil, and only the pure soul left for the paradise world. This is influenced by Buddhism, because people who died will be cremated. As for why Buddhism has been using cremation to deal with corpses ... maybe it has something to do with the mysterious "he" on Daxue Mountain.

"Stop him with holy fire."

The curtain outside was opened again, and a young man stepped in slowly: "Burning his sinful business with fire, fire will take him to bliss."

"No need"

Guyan shook his head: "He is my tribe."

"He is my subject."

Suddenly Mengge's narrowed eyes opened, and there was a deterrent majesty in it. Gai Jin's face changed slightly, and he nodded after a few moments of silence: "Then do as per the sweat."



"It's already here, why hasn't that Mr. Ji yet appeared?"

Mengge glanced at him and continued to eat the meat in front of him. The chef who cooks for him can make nine flavors of lamb, and golden crispy roasted ravioli. In Wang Ting, the mutton he roasted by himself was often snatched away. He can make forty-eight different dishes with one sheep.

Smell the meat, there seems to be nothing uncomfortable. Buddhism does not ban meat but bans killing. However, this ban on killing is just a joke. From the history of Buddhism to more than a thousand years, those who died in the hands of Buddhism spread the body, only to be able to spread from the Mengyuan Wangting to Daxueshan .

In the Western Regions, all religions other than Buddhism are excluded. At that time, Huang Sect, the state teacher of the court of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, founded Huang Sect, but Huang Sect pursued something that was also Buddhism, which was called a branch of Buddhism. Huang Jiao was founded by Mengge and instructed by Sang Ying. It aims to gather some folk practitioners in the Western Regions to prepare for the war with the Buddhism.

It is just that the Huang religion that was just created is incomparable with the Buddhism. Since Mengge went to Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain and saw the picture and listened to "his" instructions, he has revoked the Huang religion.

"That Mr. Nine is not necessarily reliable."

Freely looking at the fragrant cooked meat on the plate, the throat knot moved slowly. Mengge pushed the plate to him, freely and reluctantly, and squeezed a small piece of meat into his mouth.

Then he returned the plate to Meng: "Just one piece. I can't quit my greed, but I have to control my greed."

Mongo shook his head and seemed to disagree with such a move.

"I've been a lot worse. That Moon Shadow Hall was a prominent sect of the Central Plains more than 200 years ago, but it has already been destroyed by other rivers and lakes. Even if he has 200 years of sedimentation, how capable is he now? You said that Mr. Jiu was amazing. Where is he amazing? "

Mongo asked.

"It's because I don't know where his greatness is, terrible but amazing, so he is really amazing."

Dazuo's answer was a little more verbal, but his answer was serious.

"Okay, even if he is an amazing man, where are others? After winning the Ping'an County, I will cross Yishui. Without enough ships, my soldiers will cut down trees and risk crossing the bridge. Say ok There will be someone in Yishui to answer, I haven't seen it. If no one has answered after arriving at Lingmenguan, then I think that you, as the representative of the Buddha, should have expressed something. "

Mongo said.

"Yes, if the Spirit Gate is not open, I will kill him."

Freedom said slowly.

"If you think you can kill Mr. Jiu, then you can try it."

The sound rang from outside the big tent, close at hand. Da Zhuang's complexion changed, and he had swept outside the tent the next second. Meng's hand holding a piece of meat stopped in midair, a bit stiff. You know that there are no shortage of experts in this camp, and those four great freedoms are here. There are also several old monks of the Buddhist Sect, as well as the personal guards around Meng Yuan Khan, but this person who spoke was so unknowingly appearing outside the big account.

"who are you?"

Freely stood at the door and asked.

A few moments later, three other great freedoms came over, trapping the man in the middle.

"You can call me Mr. Ba."

The person who came was an old man who seemed to be surprised by the four unparalleled feelings of freedom, but he did not show any fear, looking at the words of freedom as if looking at a few monsters.

"I just ordered Mr. Jiu to tell you something, and I just heard you talking about Mr. Jiu. But in my opinion, what you just said was just a joke, because there are not many people who can kill Mr. Jiu in this world. And none of you here. "

"What did he ask you to say."

Dazuo asked coldly, without continuing the previous topic.

"Mr. Jiu told me to tell you, if you do n’t win the Ping'an County and cross Yishui as soon as possible, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass the Lingmen Gate. March. Although the Lingmen Gate is easy to defend and difficult to attack, after all, the number of defenders is limited. If you delay this way, you will be blocked by the Black Flag Army outside the Lingmen Gate.

"What about the ferry I want?"

Mengge came out from the inside and looked at the old man wearing a white Confucian shirt and asked ~ ~ Ferry? "

Mr. Ba couldn't help laughing, "I'm not a fairy, and I won't transform you into a ferry boat. Do you Mongolian people can only walk on horseback?"

"Your Mr. Jiu agreed, and he was ready to disembark at the ferry in Ping'an County."

Freely said coldly.

"Isn't Mr. Nine able to talk?"

Mr. Haha laughed and laughed: "Anyone can talk and talk, but only weak people will be killed if they talk, and no one can do even if the powerful people talk. Ping'an County, let eight thousand people bravely block you. Hundreds of thousands of troops are hard to get in ... 啧啧 啧 ... no wonder one day is worse than one day.

Mr. Ba took a look at Mengge: "Don't be angry, I will tell you another thing that Mr. Ji is not talking, so you are happy ... Gao Kaitai can't be trusted. Mr. Ji has no intention of helping Gao Kaitai become the emperor of the Central Plains. From now on, he intends to help you ... Meng Yuan's great sweat extends the territory to the east coast. "

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