Conquer the World

Chapter 1046: Good guess

ps: I have been on the road today in the field. I have only written a chapter now, sorry for the late update. I also want to thank you for the reward, which surprised me and moved me by surprise.

Chapter 1046 is a good guess

The chef said, why your white eyes haven't grown so much over the years.

Qiu Yu hesitated and realized it after a while.

She turned to look out the door of the little shop. The door was closed and she could see nothing. But Qiu Yu's face became dignified, as if he saw something to worry about. At first, the chef said that when her white eyes didn't grow, she hadn't responded yet, and she had seen everything clearly.

Her eyes were so special after all.

Far, far away, she saw someone approaching this side. Her eyes couldn't tell the age of the man, the clothes, and the looks, she could only see a stream of inner strength flashing on the roof. This person moved faster than expected, even if he jumped from the passerby's head without being noticed by anyone.

"Blame you all."

The chef sighed: "I honestly do business here, make my favorite meals, adhere to the rules I want to adhere to, who is hindering me? Even if I have an impeccable disciple called Tan Qingge, I tell He hasn't had a relationship with me since the day he stepped out of the Wuyuan Academy. You have to check the Yueyingtang, I don't know. I'm just a cook. I have forgotten what I have done for a long time. "

Qiu Yu looked at him and smiled suddenly: "Intentionally."

"on purpose?"

The cook froze slightly, but did not understand what Qiu Yu meant.




Wind and rain floor

Fang Xie moved a chair and sat in the hallway on the third floor, looking at the sun that had passed. At this time, the sun was not dazzling at all, and it was like a child's face. The wind in the city is different from the wind in the wilderness. The wind in the wilderness can rub over the ground, and the wind in the city seems unwilling to contaminate the trivial things in the city. It is shy to refuse to pass through the streets, but Laughing at the rooftops of life in Changan City.

Fang Jie holds a purple sand teapot in his hand, and the humming song is a rhythm that people in this world have never heard.

After entering Changan City, Xiang Qingniu was the first time to see Fang Jie so comfortable. There are many people and things in Changan City that involve Fang Jie's energy, but he still has two people in his heart. Xiang Qingniu did not know that Fang Jie had a previous life, but he could feel the contradiction of Fang Jie.

"Don't try to test me."

Fang Xie glanced at Xiang Qingniu.

Xiang Qingniu smiled hesitantly: "I just want to know if you are now leisurely, is it really leisurely or pretend to be leisurely. Is there any good thing?"

"Nothing bad."

Fang Jie took a sip of tea.

This tea is not very good. Changan City was besieged for a few years. Where can I find any good tea? Almost all the tea in Changchun Garden was sold by the people in this garden to sell rice for eating. As for Taiji Palace, the tea was left unattended because the palace people died, and it was long unavailable.

It ’s also a bit sad, for those who ca n’t leave in Changchun Garden, they want to take out some of the garden ’s things and sell them. With so many babies, they do n’t know how much they are. It's not even as expensive as a pound of fine tea. It's just because those people know what the value of tea is, and they don't know the price of antiques.

"Did you laugh?"

Xiang Qingniu didn't believe it.

Fang Xie looked at Xiang Qingniu: "To give you an analogy, for example, there is a particularly good rich man who is never harsh on the people in the house. Because of this, the people in his house also respect him. . One day, the rich decided to join forces with friends to make a big business, and they worked hard to reach an intention with the other party, but suddenly the competitors of the rich came out and knew the bottom line of the rich Qing Erchu ended up trading with people at a lower price than the rich. After the rich went back, he didn't plan to check who sold him because he knew he had lost an opportunity to make money, but didn't want to lose one. Deemed to be family members. "

Xiang Qingniu thought about it: "Some women are kind, but they can't do anything by doing so."

Fang Jie shook his head: "Wrong, since the day the rich man was betrayed, he has actually lost that family."

Xiang Qingniu froze, thinking for a while before understanding the meaning: "So?"

"So, you can't be like that."

Fang Jie felt the temperature brought by the purple teapot in his heart and looked outside: "Maybe you feel very impractical, but will this really happen ... The rich do not intend to hold anyone accountable, only if there is no This opportunity. But the person who betrayed him because he felt guilty ... what would he do? "

Xiang Qingniu thought about it and answered, "In the end, I can't bear the suffering in my heart, and can admit everything to the rich? Or go away after getting the silver?"

"Are you outrageous?"

Fang Xie asked.

Xiang Qingniu thought about it again, and suddenly thought of a river and lake rumor that he had heard before: "I remember listening to Xiao Yijiu before, there was a gate called Broad Sword Gate on the river and lake. It was one of the greatest gates, and then one day, the disciple most valued by the disciple sold the cheats of the martial arts to others. The disciples found that it was him, but because he paid too much attention to him, he did not reveal it. Just waiting for the disciple to tell him everything. This disciple was really guilty. Under long pressure, he finally made a decision ... He assassinated the master. "

Fang Xie nodded: "So, there is nothing good. Whether the rich finally found out that the traitor was severely punished, or ultimately pretended that nothing happened, in fact, they have all been lost, and want to keep ... long gone."

"What the **** are you talking about?"

Xiang Qingniu became more and more curious: "Don't tell me what happened to your Black Flag Army."


Fang Xie said: "I just feel for others.



"You really don't shoot ?!"

The chef shouted loudly towards Qiu Yu.

Qiu Yu stood up and pulled Mu San back and swept out, fully exited to stand about 100 meters. She shouted at the chef: "Although it happened because of us, you didn't promise us anything, and it had nothing to do with us. What he wanted to kill was you, why should I take a shot?"

The cook avoided an inner strength, his body looked like a spinning top spinning up and down, and he seemed to fall down at any time, but he couldn't. No matter how the old man in the white Confucian shirt attacked, he could avoid it, and it didn't seem to work hard. It was the old man who looked a little embarrassed, which made the scene weird.

Those who are going to be killed have been fleeing but are not embarrassed, those who are going to kill have been chasing behind but are very embarrassed.

This old man wearing a white Confucian shirt is Mr. Eight of Moon Shadow Hall.

In Moon Shadow Hall, besides Mr. Jiu, he is the most honorable person, and also the longest living one among all the heavenly monarchs in Moon Shadow Hall. There will always be people who challenge Tianjun, even if they know that there is great danger, there are still people who stand up and go forward.

And he has been alive.

That's because he has a self-knowledge and knows what can and cannot be touched.

So he knew now that he couldn't kill the cook himself.

Even if it seems that he has always taken the initiative and seems to have the upper hand, but he can't kill the cook. The cook always dodged and never fired back, but even that didn't work. So it was time for him to leave. He received the news not long ago that the identity of the chef may expose the secret of Moon Shadow Hall, so he must kill the chef.

He knew that the cook was a practitioner, but he never thought that the cook would be so high.

"I beg you, I'm going to die."

The chef pleaded with Qiu Yu as he dodged.

This made Mr. Ba very angry.

The chef's cultivation was clearly above him, but the chef didn't fight back but avoided dodging, but he also turned to one who was far worse than him for help! If the chef is willing, as long as he can fight back, Mr. Ba will choose to escape five minutes ago. The most annoying thing is that the chef not only avoided all his offensives, but also controlled all the internal forces that might spread to innocent people.

For example, he punched the chef with a punch, and the chef avoided it, but his inner strength would smash into the things behind the chef. According to Mr. Ba's repair, it was not a problem that he knocked down a private house with a punch. However, while avoiding his punch, the chef sent his inner strength into the sky with a single stroke, and did not know how far to fly and eventually dissipate.

Until now, even his mother's bowl hasn't broken!

"Take your own shot. He's been captured by you."

Qiu Yu shook his head and said, "I obviously have the ability, but pretending not to use it ... It's not funny at all."


The chef eagerly said, "I never said I did n’t know how to practice, and I never said that I was bad, but I really wouldn't fight ... How many years have passed since the day I started to practice. I don't remember it, but I really haven't had a fight with anyone. "

Qiu Yu is still laughing, so she naturally does not believe it.

Then she saw the old man wearing a white Confucian shirt turned and fled, and it seemed that the chef was still yelling at her, and she had no choice but to doubt that this chef would not really fight?

Mr. Eight decided to flee.

He took the thing Mr. Jiu gave him from his cuff and was ready to leave.

Then, he suddenly felt that his body was rigid, and he lost the command of his body in a flash. No matter how hard he tries, he just doesn't listen. His left hand had reached into the sleeve of his right arm, and he had touched that thing, but he could no longer move a penny.

For a moment, Mr. Ba was filled with panic.

He didn't like the feeling, so he avoided it all the time. This feeling of having no control over his own destiny is actually a precursor to death, anyway, he thinks so.

Sweat beads the size of bean grains instantly covered his forehead.

Then, he saw a middle-aged man in a blue robe walking slowly out of an alley. This middle-aged man was quite handsome, and his whole body was full of books ~ ~ Such a People, no matter how little they can see.

But it is such a person that makes Mr. Yakage, who is the most alive, feel the threat of death.

"Master Hou, this man is very strong, and I only succeed when I am not prepared. If Hou doesn't do anything, he will run away."

Middle-aged man said.

San Jinhou Wu Yi came out from behind him and clenched his fists: "Thank you Mr. Zhuo."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "I can see that he has a very strange thing on his body, but it has some similarities with my abilities. Although there are not many, the root cause seems to be far away. I am confined to a place And that thing seems to open a place. "

Sanjin waiting, the palm of his hand pressed against Mr. Ba's abdomen, a strong suction appeared in his palm, and Mr. Ba's face immediately became distorted. His face was not distorted, but really distorted. It was as if the strong wind swept over the calm lake surface, and immediately blew up layers of folds.

"Mr. Zhuo was right, it was such a thing."

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