Conquer the World

Chapter 1049: Hunter in the pit

Chapter 1049 The Hunter in the Pit

Yishui West Bank

The river is wide, and sometimes the sun can be seen on the east bank when it rains. Of course, this is not because the river is wide. At this moment, the sky on both sides of the bank is a color, but the people on both sides of the river bank are definitely not a color. The Mongolian people who had just experienced a round of slaughter by the Black Flag Army Marine Division were downcast.

This eastward expedition made everyone proud.

After arriving in Ping'an County, the little Ping'an County made them realize the tenaciousness of the Han people. However, the garrison people in Ping'an County finally withdrew, and Yishui became their nightmare again.

"Two-leg sheep ... two-leg sheep ..."

Meng Yuan Khan Koktai Mengge stood on a high **** and murmured to himself watching the rushing river in the distance: "We always call the Han people two-legged sheep and think the Han people are weak. But why We always face such Han people? It is not a river that blocks us, but the Han people ’s aspirations. "

Standing next to him is the Mr. Jiu who likes to wear a white Confucian shirt and robe, so that other emperors are imitating the standard dress that has gradually become the emperor. He left the secret place, his heart was always empty, just like the underground palace.

"Forgot to sweat, how did you call the two-legged sheep?"

He glanced at Meng Ge, a smile rising from the corner of his mouth with a hint of irony.

"When the Meng Yuan attacked the Central Plains for the first time, it could go back almost nine hundred years ago. At that time, the cavalry of the Meng Yuan people really caused the Han people to suffer, but why the Meng Yuan people have not been able to enter the Central Plains. The two-legged sheep that Khan is feeling here is just the title of a Han Chinese woman when your ancestors first marched nine hundred years ago. At that time, the wolf cavalry of Mengyuan was like a real beast. They The woman I like the most is a woman who captures Han people. She has fun at night and eats during the day. "

He paused, and the sarcasm in the corner of his mouth was even heavier: "At that time, the brutality of the wolf cavalry really made the Han people feel scared, and it was precisely because of this fear that the Han people became more united. Every time a wolf rides in, no matter How powerful the internal fighting between the Han people will immediately stop unanimously. You can only eat women to achieve the purpose of scaring the Han people. The so-called two-leg sheep ... really does not represent a glorious history. "

Mengge's expression changed suddenly, and he turned to look at Mr. Jiu.

"Mr. Jiu's visit this time didn't seem to help me much."

"At least I can save your life."

Mr. Jiu replied: "Four Zong ’s four great freedoms may not be able to win Xiao Yijiu. The reason why Khan is still alive is not because of the weakened Buddhism, but because of me. If Khan thinks I have not come Meaning, then I can leave. However, the perspiration of the profuse sweating will become meaningless. "

Mengge was silent for a while, and sighed heavily: "Why are there so many awesome people among the Han people? My territory is larger than that of the entire Central Plains, and my population is much larger than that of the Han people. , Why there were no major practitioners in Mongolian Yuan. "

"Because of Buddhism."

Mr. Jiu ’s answer points directly to the root: "Presumably, Khan will not deny that the rule of the steppe has never been the golden family but the Buddhist sect. Only when you reach Khan you can the rule of the steppe become more powerful than ever. Get up, but IMHO, this power is only psychological. "

"Practitioners on the prairie are basically Buddhist. Because Buddhist Buddhism is always propagating, if you want to become a practitioner, you must go through the Buddha's education. If you do n’t have the Buddha's education, people who practice are all demons. . Therefore, there are not as many gates on the grassland as in the Central Plains. "

"And there are many practitioners in the Buddhism. How many people can use Khan? I know that the Golden Family has been preparing to seize power from a very early age. By the time of your generation, the accumulated power is already very strong. The strength of World War I. But who won this war? "

He smiled: "I'm afraid it's hard to say."

Mengge hated Mr. Ji's smile a little: "You're right about all this, but at least one thing I succeeded ... resisted."

"But you're fighting with Buddhism again now."

Mr. Nine said.

"you do not understand."

A mocking and contemptuous smile also appeared on the corner of Mengge's mouth: "You don't know or imagine what the last day of the world will look like, and you won't understand what my purpose of the East Expedition is. Maybe you think it is my personal greed Desire, although I am too lazy to explain anything to you, what I want to tell you is that what I am doing is a sacred thing. Yes, it is sacred ... even if I fail, even if I bring a million Yuan Erlang was killed in battle, and I wo n’t regret making such a choice. I am for the sake of everyone, not for myself. All of them, including you Han people. When one day you know the truth, you will Worship me. "

He looked to Mr. Jiu: "But what I want is not this worship, but a responsibility. Someone once said that the higher the status of a person, the greater the responsibility. You Han people are now in chaos without the rule of an emperor, so I have to come to you The Han emperor did it. "

"what's up?"

Mr. Jiu was puzzled.

Mengge's sight was in the distance, and the Black Flag's sailor ship on the river was still cruising back and forth. Not long ago, the artillery on the ship had just completed a round of slaughter against Meng Yuan soldiers preparing to cross Yishui. The bodies of at least thousands of soldiers flowed down the river into the distance.

Mr. Jiu looked into the distance along the line of sight of Mongolia and saw the big ships.

But he was destined not to understand Meng's mind.

Because he had never seen that picture.



"The four great freedoms can't beat one Xiao Yijiu."

Mr. Ji glanced at the four identical people sitting opposite him, and couldn't help shaking his head. He really couldn't understand where the pride came from. In the rumors, the pride was second only to the King of the Great Wheel, but now the four pride are not enough, but ... the face of the pride is still A high look.

What he couldn't understand was this. Why is he proud?

"But you look like winners."

He says.

One of them smiled so freely and iconically, so beautiful and gentle.

"The four of us are all free, but the real free is dead. You ca n’t understand that, because you are a mortal. I just want to tell you that although we are not as good as Xiao 191, but he is also Every mortal. And we are messengers of God. "


Mr. Ji stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Dalun Ming is dead, but you are still promoting yourself as a messenger of God? No doubt Dalun Ming is a great **** on the grassland for a thousand years. No one dared to challenge his might. I respect him. But after he died, there are still gods on the grassland? "

Da Zongzi seemed to care nothing about his sarcasm, but on his face was a kind of mercy and forgiveness about Mr. Jiu's ignorance.

"Is the King of Great Wheels a god?"

He smiled and said, "When is King Dalun Ming a god? His identity is the same as us. If he really wants to distinguish, he is just a messenger of a higher god. Everything, including cultivation and status It ’s all given by God. If you think he is a **** on the prairie, I do n’t blame your ignorance, but just express your shallowness. Do you know sans chaos? Even sans chaos is just a representative created by God. King Lunming counted again. "

The laughter of Mr. Jiu came to an abrupt end, and he looked at Da Zongzuo: "Who is God?"

"It's time to take you to the Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain."

Freely said, "But unfortunately, God has not called you, and I have no right to take you there."

"Isn't it Da Mingming who dominates Dalun Temple?"

Mr. Ji asked.

Dazuo said: "First of all, you have made a mistake. This world is not the Dalun Temple only before the Dalun Temple, but the Dalun Temple before the Dalun Temple. All titles are given by God, and you do n’t know these things are reasonable. But you ca n’t laugh at Buddha with your own ignorance. ”

"If Buddhism really has a god, why doesn't he come in person?"

Mr. Ji asked again.

"God didn't want to interfere in human affairs, but watched quietly. Only when one's own development has gone astray, God will appear to correct it. Now, people have already gone astray, so there will be This expedition. Regardless of the purpose for which you proposed the alliance, God will not care. God is omniscient, and if you see God, you will worship. "

Feel free to say.

"God Almighty, know everything?"

Mr. Jiu froze, and he thought of the underground palace in an instant, there were too many things he didn't understand. If God is really omniscient, can he answer the questions in his heart?

"I want to meet him."

Mr. Nine said.

"I will help you with instructions. If God allows you to see him, I will take you to Dalun Temple. But that is the biggest secret in the world. Even if God promises you to go, you ca n’t say it in a random way. Otherwise, When God's punishment comes, you don't even have the chance to resist. Sangran is in awe and is the only one in the world, but in the presence of God, he is vulnerable.

Daozuo smiled and repeated: "It is vulnerable."

"However, it will have to wait until after the Eastern Expedition, or after removing all obstacles. The biggest obstacle now is not Yishui, nor the battleship of the Hans on Yishui, but the man named Xiao Yijiu. If he can kill If he is killed, the army will be able to advance quickly. If he is dead, I would be willing to ask you in advance to take you to Dalun Temple. "

Be at ease.

"Xiao Yijiu ..."

Mr. Jiu shook his head after being silent for a while: "I have no chance to win him alone."

"Then think of a way, five of us together."

Da Zizi said: "You can dig a hole and let him jump in."

Just then, suddenly someone outside said eagerly: "Jiuye, there is a secret signal."

Mr. Jiu's face changed, and he stood up and walked out of the room. Outside the door, his companion lowered his voice and said, "The signal came all the way. The source is from Jiangbei Road. It should be sent urgently by the messenger. After our people saw it, they sent the signal all the way. It's been almost half a month. "

"I'm leaving."

Mr. Jiu said: "Nothing big ~ ~ Messenger will not take the initiative to contact me."



"Is there a way to find that Mr. Ji with the signal?"

Wu Yidao asked.

Jiu Seicai shook his head: "It is impossible, because the people in Yueyingtang don't know where Mr. Jiu is, so the signal is not spread out in a line, but spreads out. Wherever there is a disciple of Yueyingtang, the signal is like a spider The net passes in all directions. So it is impossible to find Mr. Jiu along the signal, but to wait here. "

Fang Xie nodded: "Wait then."

He stroked the exposed knife in his hand and felt the coldness on the knife: "Since this person likes digging pits so that others can jump inside, then we are waiting for him in the pit. I want to know and want to count the whole world. What exactly does a person look like. "

Wu Yidao also smiled: "This time, it's not the prey, but the hunter."

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