Conquer the World

Chapter 1059: Be your woman

Chapter 105: Be Your Woman

Tai Chi Temple

This is a day of solution.

However, there are too many people who are more excited than trying to explain themselves. Regardless of whether they were officials of the Black Flag Army or others, they all wore the most gorgeous Korean clothes to attend the Korean congress. Such days are definitely not just days that are important to one person, but everyone gathered around Fang Jie.

The solution is better, they are better.

Everyone stood outside the hall and waited.

Soon after, the man in the royal robe would come from a distance and accept the worship of the people. Everyone was just guessing whether Yang Qinyan, the princess of the Great Sui Dynasty, would come. If she did not come, it means that she had completely given up on the matter. If she comes, she will give Da Sui to Fang Jie.

In fact, everyone knows that the so-called king of the king is just a necessary process. Although Da Sui has now collapsed, court control is no longer accepted in most places, but most people still live according to past habits. No one wants to touch that layer of window paper first, because if it breaks, it will cause a lot of exclamation like breaking the virgin-maid-membrane of many people.

Yes, everyone here knows that this is just a process. Maybe it won't be long before there will be a grander ceremony. At that time, Fang Jie was no longer wearing a black embroidered dragon robe, but Ming Huangsi, representing the pinnacle of worldly rights.

While everyone was waiting, in fact, Fang Jie and Yang Qinyan sat opposite the Yonghe Hall behind the Taiji Hall.

The princess was dressed in costume, so she needed to sit in order to maintain the tedious ornaments on her body. Just the gold ornaments on the head have made the neck a little uncomfortable. It's not easy to sit and look graceful and luxurious, and not to be embarrassed. Yang Qinyan began to be taught by the officials of the Ministry of Rites and the royal etiquette when she was a girl.

And Fang Jie wears the black robe he usually likes.

Very ordinary clothes.

"Maybe all this is wrong today."

Yang Qinyan glanced at Fang Jie: "Perhaps, this error has been irreversible since I fled from Changchun Garden and Changan City. I once wanted to use my own abilities to restore the Yang family's rule to Da Sui. At that time, I firmly believed that I could be realistic, but gave me a lesson and told me what is delusional. There are naturally many, many reasons. One of the most unacceptable but must accept is that I am a woman. "

She seemed to sigh: "So, I'm doomed."

Fang Xie didn't answer, just listened quietly.

"But it seems like I really should thank you."

Yang Qinyan leaned forward slightly, holding up the tea cup on the table in front of him with a movement that could not pick out the flaws, and took a small sip. Sometimes people drink water not because of thirst. She needed an action to calm her heart, even if she knew it was impossible.

"If you didn't send someone to rescue me, I might have died in Changchun Garden. Although this is just a possibility, it is a life-saving grace after all."

She leaned over and thanked him, "Thank you."

Fang Xie shook his head: "Whether you believe it or not, I have never saved you out for today. I also never need the testimony of your Yang family to show that you are upright and bright. If I wanted to, I would have been long ago You can sit on the throne. I have waited until today, not because you are here to give the truth, your gift can only comfort the hearts of those who still have feelings for Da Sui, and let them think that my throne is your gift. Not from myself. "

Yang Qinyan didn't expect Fang's explanation to be so direct, but now she is no longer unable to accept such words.

"What is this?"

She tilted her head and thought: "It's as if a woman was raped, and then the other person is pretending to be gentle, and you can pretend to be your wish?"

Fang Jie tilted her head: "This is what the raped person would think of. The raped person only thinks if he is comfortable."

Yang Qin froze and smiled bitterly.

"Do you want to tell me that no matter how much illusions I have, Da Sui is a thing of the past? Even a little bit of consolation?"


Fang Xie said seriously: "If you want to live in this state all the time."

Yang Qinyan did not speak for a long time. After a while, she turned to look out the window: "The civil and military officials in front of the Tai Chi Temple have all been waiting. Maybe a long time ago, our Yang family also enjoyed this atmosphere. Entered Tai Chi Temple. "

"So fair."

The solution said.

Yang Qinyan said, "I keep telling myself, you ca n’t change anything, do n’t force yourself to try to change something. Whenever this time, I have to admit that I am weak, and as a Yang family, Jiang Shan is dead. I want to live, even if it is not happy. "

"There will always be some happiness."

Fang explained.

Yang Qinyan fell into silence again, but her expression became more and more plain.

"If I changed to my previous position, I would definitely propose some unrealistic conditions to you. I even thought about giving you the throne as a king, but the system of Da Sui cannot change, and the national title of Da Sui cannot change. It ’s a big deal to give you the biggest right to oversee the affairs of the state and the world, as long as you have n’t retained the last face of Da Sui. But then I found out how naive I am and how can I tell you this? As you said earlier, these It wasn't my gift, but you came step by step yourself. I just want to ask for everything by virtue of the Yang family ’s status as a worthless princess. It ’s a joke. ”

Fang Xie did not answer.

Yang Qinyan breathed a sigh of relief: "So, the biggest difference between me now and before is that the conditions for mentioning are different. I will dress up to attend your ceremony and will announce in public that I will give you the world. You only You need to give me a promise, how do you place me? "

Fang Xiemen looked up and looked at this woman who still made herself look noble.

She still maintains the princess's attitude, struggling to support the last pride of the Yang family, just because she feels that there is noble things in her blood.

Fang Jie suddenly felt that this woman was also poor

"After you become king, it is equivalent to removing the last marks of the Yang family staying in Chang'an City and Tai Chi Temple. This capital city built by the Yang family's 200 years of poverty has changed their last name. I can no longer use big The status of Princess Sui came to discuss the conditions with you. You can use this capital as a gift that the Yang family is reluctant to give you. How can you place me as a gift? "

Yang Qin Yan asked twice.

She still arrogantly raised her jaw slightly, still trying her best to maintain the proper manner of a princess. Speaking of which, she is really not a woman as glorious as Shen Qingfan Mo Geling, but she always has such a temperament that makes a man's heart break.

Or, in other words, it's a way for men to conquer.

Because she is a princess.

Regardless of acknowledging or not acknowledging, saying a very rough word, every man's heart may have a fantasy of persuading the princess, especially a woman whose face is not as glamorous as it is immortal. As if every little boy might have fantasized about conquering his beautiful female teacher. It's as if every soldier with acne on his face dreamed of conquering his beautiful lady chief.

It is said that after the founding of Da Zheng in the former dynasty, the founding emperor of Da Zheng gave a princess to a great general who worked hard. The general did not leave the house for a few days, and then someone asked him what he was doing. The general replied somewhat proudly: "Fuck the princess."

This is the right answer.

The person who asked him was his friend, so he didn't hesitate to speak: "The princess is so ugly and plump, you have been doing this for several days?"

"It's really not beautiful, and it's not fragrant. I want to vomit after a long time."

The general replied, "But she is a princess. And, I conquered her."

His friend was speechless, and after thinking for a long time, he had to admit: "This is indeed a very fulfilling thing."

How to place me

This is Yang Qinyan's question, and she is waiting for Fang Xie's answer.

"Just continue to be your princess."

This is the answer of Fang Jie.

"What kind of princess?"

Yang Qinyan asked.

"After a while, maybe you will choose a general under your command. On the surface, it looks like I fancy that person and then get married. In fact, you just throw it out casually, as if you lost a burden? Or maybe your heart is a little bit tougher and you can just give me a glass of poisonous wine? "

She sneered, with a strange expression on that proud face.

"will not"

Fang Jie shook his head.


Yang Qinyan continued to ask, "Will I just throw me to a man casually, or will I not poison me?"

Fang Jie couldn't answer.

He knew he couldn't do anything to kill this woman, but hadn't he thought about the former? So he couldn't answer because he was unwilling to deceive this woman.

"Sometimes, choices are made when it is impossible to choose."

Yang Qinyan carefully smoothed out the hair of her horns to make the gold ornaments on her head look more perfect and dignified. It doesn't matter whether this little gesture is to cover up the anxiety or nervousness in her heart, or to hide her disappointment that she has no control over her destiny. This action is somewhat distressing.

She was a carefree person. If nothing else, Tianyi Emperor Yang Yi would carefully select a young man with excellent character ~ ~ and then marry her in a beautiful scenery. As long as Da Sui is still there, she can continue to be a respectable princess freely, and even her man must be very respectful to her.

But now, it's all gone, long gone.

"Since my destiny has only these two choices, either you will be married to a man whom I do n’t even know the name, or you or your men will use a glass of poisonous wine for a while. The dagger was dead. Why don't I pick one of these two? "

"When I have the courage to face all this and stop thinking about finding a perfect life, what can you do? Can you give me the choice I want? If I said this choice, you would not Will there be no courage to accept? "

She asked.

Fang Jie nodded: "You said"

She raised her head sharply to Fang Jie's eyes, slightly raised her jaw, and still tried her best to keep her arrogant words, "I'm your woman!"


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