Conquer the World

Chapter 178: God is against God?

Chapter 178 Heaven Against God?

"Who cruises along the river?"

Mungo asked outside the account.

The guard on duty outside Wang Ting came in and answered, "It is Wang Ting, General Kokotai, who has the **** teeth, who is leading the troops on the riverside today."

"Send someone to tell him, bring the horse back, leave a dark whistle on the river bank, and find out that the Han people will cross the river and report immediately." "Fiction" The novel chapters are updated the fastest

Mengge ordered.

"Thanks a lot for sweating."

Freedom nodded slightly.

Mengge commanded this, it was considered that he had accepted the request of Da Zan Zhe and Gai. Let Kokotai's **** teeth return with the horse, just to make the Han people feel that there is something wrong with Yishui.

"Go tell the people below, shout, light some fire in the camp, but don't ignite the camp."

Gai Yan turned back and ordered his relatives: "Let the horses all gather and raise more flags."

Mengge also ordered his men to do the play, and then looked at Da Zongzuo: "If the Han people can't come, what are you two planning?"

Gai Shen said: "If the Han people can't come, there is nothing to worry about. The army slowly retreats, and the army alternates with cover, slowly withdrawing. If the sweat does not promise me, I will take my soldiers back. This There was no need to fight anymore. At first, I planned to come and see the beautiful world of the Han people's flowers and flowers, but now this beautiful scene is covered with knives. "

Gai Zhen glanced outside: "I thought the Black Mountain Army was invincible. I saw how low my vision was when I saw the firearms in the hands of the Hans and the artillery on the big ship."

Meng nodded and said nothing.

The atmosphere in the big account became a bit desolate, and he calmly groaned for a while and smiled and rounded the field: "General Bloodfang is the strongest martial artist among all the generals in Wang Ting. It ’s okay for Khan to get him back to discuss it first. If the Han people were attracted, General Bloodfang could play a big role. "

When referring to **** teeth, Gai pardon could not help but praise: "Bloody teeth, real husband."

Mengge picked up the corner of his mouth, and he was naturally a little happy for others' recognition of his generals. In addition, the way they came up with is really a strategy to retreat from the enemy, or maybe he thought of something else to be happy about, so in this slight smile, there was such a thorough relief and pride. .

"The blood tooth is indeed worthy."

Brother Brother slightly replied for the first time.

The three were silent for a while, and Meng looked at the outside of the big account: "For a moment, the Han people were afraid that they would not come to attack. Even if it was an attack, there was still a period of time from preparation to crossing the river. . Anyway, this will be idle and idle. Tell me about the turmoil. "

Mengge said, "I'm very interested in what kind of constitution the Koktaimeng family is."

Da Zi shook his head after carefully recalling it: "It has been so long ago, and there is nothing written on it. Although I can be regarded as never dead, I did not inherit it from the earliest. The memory of that being. "

"It's really a pity."

Mengge said with regret.

Da Zili said: "I am afraid that there is only one God who can keep all the secrets. The people of that year are all gone. The King of the Great Wheel who could have got rid of life and death, and truly lived by cultivation for thousands of years. Now, who else was there? "

Guyan could not help but ask, "How powerful is Sanlang and his eight generals?"

Da Zili said: "You only need to see King Dalun Ming ... In fact, if King Dalun Ming is not worried about being removed, he is far stronger than he is now. He has been deliberately suppressing his own cultivation. He has been in Afraid, afraid that God feels that he has threatened God and is removed. "

He sighed: "Actually, Dalun Mingwang is also a poor man. In order to avoid being killed by God, he has not dared to touch God's secrets for so many years. He dare not inquire about God, He was truly terrified of God. Until ... until decades ago, I deliberately told him that God's control could not cross the Wolf Rushan ... "

When he said this, Mengge happened to look at the hundred-year-old secret written by the Great Freedom Essence and was also talking about this past. The great freedom in front of him did not inherit the memory, so it should be the time of watching the secret book. And what Da Zhuang said "I" did was actually what the ontology did.

Mengge listened to the free narrative and looked at the records, his heart became more and more unsettled.

The notes are really messy, and there is not much pen and ink in this paragraph.

"I now really understand that King Dalun Ming is a poor worm. For more than a thousand years, he did not even dare to ask everything about God. After God controlled him more than a thousand years ago, he had lost it. He has the courage to resist. Perhaps, in the entire Dalun Temple, only the Great King Minglun himself sincerely believes that God is really a god. "

"For me, every day is a bit boring. Therefore, I decided to entertain the King of the Great Wheel in the eyes of herders and the God of Supreme in the eyes of the King of Rounds."

This is the beginning, and the story is a bit sighing.



"God will summon King Dalun Ming every other day to give him instructions. King Dalun Ming looks ugly with his **** and kneeling in front of God. The buttocks are as if waiting for God's presence at any time ... In fact, King Dalun Ming did not dare to look up from the beginning to the end. If he dared, he would find nothing in front of him and nothing. The voice of God echoed around, but where is God? "

"The King of Great Wheels is really afraid of it, but I always think that this **** is a bit weird. I started to pay attention and pay attention everywhere. As long as the voice of God appeared, I wanted to trace the source of this voice. But I have never found it, and never I thought it would be like this. Until the day when San Ran appeared, he waved God's voice with a wave of his hand. I realized that the truth was that simple and it was always there. "

"I still remember the decisive face when King Dalun Ming made his decision, but I already had flowers in his heart. He or I was just one of the eight generals who stood with him behind Sangran. Of course, if not God tells me, neither am I. "

"Every day is so boring, and Dalun Mingwang feels that he can control me. He really thought that I was just a very talented disciple he found by accident, and even he was extra vigilant. I originally wanted me to Becoming a Buddha is just an option for him to change his body. God said it doesn't matter. I have been made so many times for more than a thousand years. God has a way to let the Great King Ming give up choosing me to be the Buddha I must use. . Of course I believe the word of God, because it is too easy for him to do it, he only needs to tell Dalun Mingwang not to use that person, Dalun Mingming will never dare to disobey. "

"God didn't even need to explain anything to King Dalunming, and King Dalunming didn't dare to question anything. However, although King Dalunming gave up the Buddha I made a must, he was very worried about me. Because God intended He felt that I posed a threat to his status. He began to target me, very insidious, maybe as he targeted my own body more than a thousand years ago, so this time, I decided to play with him. "

"I pretended to be full of respect for King Dalun, and once I was chatting with him, I deliberately introduced the topic to God, and then tentatively asked King Dalun, how exactly would God allow a person to be strong. Naturally he didn't answer much, but he must have begun to grow in his heart. "

"After a long time, I talked to Dalun Mingwang again about this topic. I talked a lot and Dalun Mingwang never dared to answer. His expression that he was very interested in God and wanted to know it but did not dare to understand it. It ’s really funny. Sure enough, he started to scold me sharply, and he was not allowed to stigmatize God. Then I pretended to ask him in surprise, do n’t you, God will disappear two hours every three months? Is it? "

"The King of Great Wheels really does not, because he never dared to understand. So I naturally told him some rules of God. Then I told him that God is actually monitoring everything he can monitor because he There is a heavenly eye. As long as someone's cultivation reaches a certain point and can threaten God, God will not hesitate to take the shot. The King of Great Wheels originally believed that God is the result of human practice to the highest place, so he didn't doubt it.

"Then, I asked King Dalun Ming, how high is your cultivation? Was it hard to suppress the realm? King Dalun Ming looked at me with such eyes and made me feel very happy. I, more than a thousand I will help him for the hatred of my body years ago. "

"Sure enough, King Dalun Ming remembered the time. I said those words to him three months ago, and today he started tempting three months later. When he was sure that God would not appear, he was very happy. Three more months have passed, and Dalun Mingwang has started to implement his plan. I just didn't expect that this pervert ... is so powerful. "

"He split himself."

"He let the other go to the Central Plains himself, because I once told him that God's control can't reach the edge of the wolf milk."

"God didn't notice all this, and it made me even more convinced that when God disappeared every three months, he really became like a dead person, ignorant and unaware. He is not a big round king in these short two The hour splits himself, and King Ming does not send away the person who has not yet awakened. If he did, he would be surprised. Who else would doubt God other than me? "

"The King of Great Wheel Ming is too weak, so weak that every time I see him, I can't help but kill him. But he thought he could hide anyone and still behaved in front of me. Several times I I thought I couldn't bear it anymore, but when I thought of it as a big show, I was full of curiosity about what would happen next. "

Seeing this, Mengge couldn't help but take a deep breath. He suddenly felt that King Dalun Ming was a poor worm. A poor worm who has been under the control of God for more than a thousand years and has never dared to resist or even understand, in order to avoid being removed by God, he can turn himself into two people ...

There is no doubt that this poor worm is terrible.

Maybe ~ ~ Many people underestimate Dalun Mingwang.


Dazuo said, "I have never understood what this passage means."

He walked to Mengge and pointed to a small word of what was written down. Mengge looked down, and the passage was written at the end of the story of Li Zhe lie to King Wang.

"Today, I suddenly feel that God is afraid. This is a weird thing, maybe it is my delusion. If he is not alone, then he is naturally not afraid of this emotion. I tentatively asked, but he did not answer but Asked me a question: you humans always like to think of heaven as the supreme being, but who of you can determine what heaven is? "

"I didn't understand what he meant, and he continued to talk to himself: If the sky is conscious, then the only keneng is that the souls of all beings form the sky, but this explains the difference ... if there is really anything special in this world Did the people appear to be deliberately brought in? Why was it deliberately made? Against me? "

Da Zizuo and Meng Ge looked at each other, and no one understood what this meant.

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