Conquer the World

Chapter 1103: It is difficult to kill without catching

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Chapter 103: Only Can't Kill but Can't Kill

The wind blew from the east to the west. ※, more ~ ​​new ~ most ~ fast! Wshucom ※

Gai Yan stood near the river and sniffed. The air seemed to be filled with blood, but it was not very heavy. He shook his head slightly, his doubts were always there. However, because of this wind direction, the **** taste is somewhat reasonable.

He drew out the waist machete of the soldier who stood next to him, and threw it into the river. The knife rushed forward like a lightning against the water, looking like the back of a big fish. Gai Yan leapt forward, falling lightly on the machete, hitting the back with a palm of his hand, and the force of the shock pushed him away.

The river in Yishui is wide, but his palm is extremely thick, and the anti-seismic force is long and long, pushing him all the way to the east bank of the river.

But when he reached the middle of the river, Gai's face suddenly changed.

He turned to look upstream, and there seemed to be a faint cloud of blue mist that was fleeting. Gai Jian's brow frowned slightly, and he looked at the dead body on the other side, and looked at the upstream side. After a little hesitation, he actually clicked on the water with his feet, and the machete turned in one direction and rushed out.

The vitality in the air seems to be swinging violently. The practitioners at the level of Gai Jin are very sensitive to the changes in the vitality of the heavens and the earth. The drastic changes in his feelings are scarce for the average practitioner. The shaking place is far away from here, and the vitality flows slowly over there. Obviously, someone is moving the heaven and earth vitality on a large scale, and the surrounding heaven and earth vitality flows to supplement it.

The generals of the Montenegro looked at the generals upstream and were at a loss.

"Resume in situ and send scouts to cross the river to investigate. I will not return, I cannot cross the river."

Gai's voice came from a distance, and his men were a little more at ease.

Gai Jian stood on the machete with his hand in his hand, and the machete was violently moving forward to break the waves. The weight of the blade is impossible to float on the water, but the practitioner has this ability, and it becomes impossible. From a distance, Gai was as if standing on the water and automatically gliding upstream.

The changes in the vitality of the heavens and earth in the distance seem to have changed. Obviously, the orientation has changed and the speed of movement is quite fast. Gai Jin was anxious in his heart. Obviously, this change in the vitality of the heavens and the earth can only be achieved by the practitioners. This can be inferred from the scope of the flow of heaven and earth's vitality, and what seemed to be a flash of cyan mist before, made Gai Yan have to think that it was the blue world of solution.

In this way, Gai Jian stepped on the machete and went retrograde all the way for six or seven miles, and then felt that the change in the vitality of the heavens and the earth came from the northwest direction of the east bank. Gai Jin immediately swept up the river bank, and the machete lost its thrust and sank.

After landing, Gai Jin glanced back.

There are reeds intermittently on both sides of the river, although they are not dense, but they block the view. When he looked back, he could no longer see his army. However, Gai was not worried. His subordinates were trained in the Black Mountain Army and only obeyed his orders. As long as the Black Mountain Army did not cross the river, it would not be able to enter the trap of others. In the open area by the river, Gai expected that no one would dare to attack the 200,000-odd Montenegrin army.

He has always been very confident in his army.

Feeling the change in the strength of the heavens and the earth, Gai Yan once again adjusted his direction.

The force under his feet was amazingly fast. Even if I meet someone at this time, I can't see him, and his speed can only be seen vaguely unless someone stares at him from a distance. If it hadn't been discovered before, I'm afraid he was passing by ordinary people, and ordinary people just felt that there was a wind blowing for no reason.

After traveling about ten miles to the northeast, the change in the vitality of the heavens and the earth became more and more intense.

Gai Yan grabbed a towering tree and stood on the treetop and looked northeast. At this look, my heart suddenly shocked.

I saw a cyan mist with a radius of tens of meters staying there. Because it was still far away, it was hard to see what was in the mist. But Gai Jin can be sure, that is, the Qingjie of Jiefang. He knows how much vitality it takes for the big sleeve practitioner to open the realm. If it is not for fierce fighting, it will not be possible for Fangjiejie to open such a long realm.

However, it can be seen that the internal strength of Fang Xie is very deep. Even if the general practitioners can open the boundaries, they cannot afford such consumption.

There seemed to be a strange power on the periphery of the blue mist. It's as if there is something immense but intangible that is slamming the green world with a bit of fierceness. And this kind of flapping is not like ordinary lifting and falling, but a kind of power that Gai Yan can't say clearly but can sense clearly.

It's weird.

It seems that the power is a circle, without gaps, endless.

Gai Jin was shocked. He knew how powerful this power was. If the non-Fang untied out of bounds, I'm afraid it would have been tortured to death. This kind of power is recurring, there is no end and no beginning, once it runs, it is difficult to be destroyed by other forces unless the caster interrupts.

In other words, Fang Xie was like facing countless people now, and each person gave him a punch, and after the punch, the next punch was connected without gaps. Because there is no gap, Fang Xie has no strength to fight back, and can only rely on the green world to support the defense.

Gai, who had wanted to go there immediately to change his mind, planned to keep watching for a while. Because he could feel that although the person attacking Fangjie could not see it, it was extremely strong. If he rushed past, he would inevitably be implicated, and the strangeness and strength of this power would not even cover him. Confidence can be defeated.

Just when Gai was thinking of watching for a while, it seemed that the mysterious man who didn't know where to hide also found him. A very ambitious inner strength suddenly appeared, rushing towards this side like an angry dragon. When Gai's face changed, he jumped up from the big tree before he left, and the inner strength slammed on the big tree, breaking the big tree that was clinging to it, and the big tree fell backwards, huge. Tree canopy smashed into a cloud of soot.

"I don't know which senior is superior, please stop. I am not your enemy, and the person now fighting with you is also my enemy. Therefore, you and I may join forces so that killing Fangjie will be faster. "


A sound came from a distance, full of doubts: "How can I believe you?"

I can't tell the age when I hear the sound.

"It's easy," Guy said.

After he had answered this sentence, he suddenly held his hands and hands as if holding a long knife. He raised his arms high, and then fiercely fell towards the side of Fang Xie.

This knife

It's showing attitude!

"Bad sword cover amnesty, it really deserves its reputation."

When the voice came again, Gai Jin knew he was fooled.

That knife was stopped by a very powerful force, and he did not hack into Fang Jie at all. At the same time, Fang Jie also withdrew his green world and swept over here. Immediately afterwards, Gai Yan felt that the retreat behind him was blocked, and the person who blocked himself was the source of that powerful power.

Therefore, Gai Jin's heart tightened.

The practice of this mysterious man is obviously above him. Before that, the man still fought with Fang Jie on his face, but after the man blocked his knife that split into Fang Jie, he immediately came behind him. The man seemed to be able to open the door to the void, and stepped out step by step, then changed position.

Gai Jin knew that when the practitioner reached a certain height, there would be a large practitioner who could reach such a short distance and move quickly. However, this distance is generally not too far. The rumored pioneer, San Ran, has been able to move quickly within three or five miles.

However, that's just rumor.

The speed this person has shown has not reached the height of that instantaneous movement, but the speed is already amazingly fast. Guy asked himself, he couldn't do that. So, relatively speaking, at this time, he is more threatened by the mysterious person behind him.

"Who are you?"

he asks.

After asking, he suddenly thought in his heart, the answer came immediately after asking the question, why should the person answer?

"I know Xiao Yijiu of the Central Plains, and it really has a good reputation."

He says.

The man behind laughed and laughed: "It's just that Fang Jie made a good game. You think I've really gone west, so I will come to find the trouble for Fang Jie. If you know I'm still there, again How could you have the courage to bring soldiers back? Fang Xie just drew a delicious and delicious dish, and attracted you greedy guys. "

Guyan frowned: "Are we?"

He thought for a while and then nodded: "Yes, Mengge must have lost, and the dead bodies on the river bank are also the result of the solution. I came because I saw this delicious food. Mengge's greed is heavier than me How could someone let it go? In fact, the game was not so clever, it just caught people ’s hearts. "

Fang Xie stopped about a hundred meters away from Gai Jin, and after Gai Jin said this sentence, he replied: "The general is already gone. If you can't make this delicious painting attractive, how will the general come back?"

Gai Yan took a deep breath: "The two of you joined hands, and it looks like I'm going to die today."

Fang Xie shook his head: "No"

He pointed behind Gai Jin: "Xiao Zhenren will not shoot, he still has to go west to do things, and does not use too much energy. He is also holding a dog called Dazuozi. If he shoots, what will happen if the dog runs away? Do? This battle is still between you and me. Xiao Zhenren is just to prevent you from leaving. "

Gai Yan glanced back, then saw that about a hundred meters away, Xiao Yijiu wearing a robe was standing there, and there was a dog-like person lying on the ground beside him, who was wearing a white and immaculate monk's clothes. It has become dirty. And the white lotus, which was so muddy and unstained, had an iron chain around his neck, so embarrassed.

The thing that angered Gai's heart most was not the fate of the solution, but the squatting gaze at him, which was a gloat. The expression is obviously, oh, you fell in too, come and accompany me. Moreover, Da Yijiu was captured by Xiao Yijiu, apparently there is a kind of awareness of being a dog, just squatting there, very adaptable to his new identity.

This attitude made Gai Ji sick.

"Can you tell me, how could Montgomer's army of 100,000 or more be destroyed by you?"

At this time, Guyan suddenly asked such a sentence.

Fang Xie nodded, and then briefly explained. After Gai's face calmed down, he watched Fang Jie clenching his fists: "You are all counted in ~ ~ This mind is admirable. There is no righteousness or evil on the battlefield. There is no light or darkness. Just to win, you did it. "

This is naturally not a real compliment.

Fang Xie didn't get annoyed and slowly said, "You don't have no chance. In order to trick you, I spent a lot of energy to support the youth community, so you may not be able to kill me without Xiao Zhenren's shot. I do this The situation is not only trapping you, but also myself. You and I are generally in the same place, so it is fair. What deceives you may not be fake, and there will really be a major practitioner in the near future. Look for me, I have to fight you first, and then he will be more difficult than you face. "

Gai Jin was puzzled: "So why don't you just ask Xiao Yijiu to kill me?"

Fang Xie shook his head: "I was going to kill you, but I changed my mind now. It ’s as if I was going to kill the big freedom, and it still has a lot of use for you. So today, I just do n’t kill. Besides this is me My own business, of course, I do it myself. "

Guyan frowned: "You want to capture me? Hahahaha, you are not arrogant!"

The corner of Fang Xie's mouth slightly raised, "Don't you know if you tried it?"

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