Conquer the World

Chapter 1119: Pierce 1 cut of light

Chapter 111: Piercing All Light

What makes two hatreds resolve the hatred? And what makes two close relatives turn into hatred?

There is no doubt that it is the human heart.

Language is the tool to do it all.

It works directly.

Therefore, when Fang Jie said that your Master ’s arm could not resolve the suffocation in your heart, he asked me to try it, because after you killed both of your masters, Ye Zhuhan's face obviously changed. Human eyes are the first place to reflect emotional changes, but there are some subtle changes that are difficult for others to detect. But the change in Ye Zhuhan's eyes was even more chilling than the change in his face.

Fang Xie turned and walked out: "I'm waiting for you outside."

Ye Zhuhan stood up, his fists clenched.

The first one to feel the change in Ye Zhuhan's mood was Mu Xiaoyao. She immediately saw something wrong and called Shen Qingfan and Mo Geling, but saw Fang Xie waved her three hands and motioned not to move. Then was Shiwan, who looked stupid, and immediately ran to Ye Zhuhan with a look of concern.

It can be seen that he cares about Ye Zhuhan from the heart.

"What's wrong, Brother?"

he asks.

Ye Zhuhan glanced at Shiwan and said to him very seriously after a moment of silence: "No matter what happens outside you don't come out."

Shiwan had to follow up, but Ye Zhuhan had already swept out of the ice cave.

"If you want to fight, you can fight it heartily. You have hatred in your heart. If it doesn't leak out sooner or later, it will be the bane. You know that your two brother-in-law's approach is wrong, but you have the same beast If you kill me after doing your best, you can count as revenge on your two younger brothers. "

Fang Jie stood in the open space outside the stone cave and stood with his hands on his shoulders: "Do you know why your brothers and sisters were brought here in the first place? It's because of your special constitution, because you are all people who can get out of your own realm. Your little master has a realm of darkness. I ’m afraid that you do n’t even know what kind of darkness it is. Liu Yanque has blood, but you do n’t know what kind of blood it is. ”

Fang Jie slowly said, "Although I don't know what your realm is, but since they are both so dark, you are not expected to be much brighter. You are not crazy, you want to come because you are far away It is much more firm than the two of them, but the deliberate suppression over the years will only make the gloom more intense. "

Ye Zhuhan's fist was already very tight, and the back of his hand was full of blue muscles.

"What evil did the two of them do?"

he asks.

"Do not ask"

Fang Jie shook his head: "If you know why the two of them died, maybe you don't want to hit me anymore. If you don't, you will feel sorry for those two. Brother. If you keep on doing this, the beast in your heart will become more terrible. "

Ye Zhuhan didn't say anything, because he knew that Fang's comment was correct.

"Since they are their brothers, you have to try to do something."

Fang Jie said: "That's what I do. Most of the time, I don't want to help my relatives. No matter what they do wrong, they are always your brothers and sisters. If the loved ones die, they still need to find out what to do to comfort themselves. Revenge is wrong, and that would be a crap. "

I don't know why, Fang Xie has been persuading Ye Zhuhan to kill himself.

At this time, the other people in the ice cave also rushed out, all stood at the ice cave entrance and looked at them both. The Shen Qingfan twitched slightly at Mo Gel, and the two men swept out on both sides, each holding one direction. Mu Xiaoyao and Xiang Qingniu stood at the entrance of the stone cave without seeming to do anything, but actually sandwiched Shiwan in the middle.

"No shot?"

Fang Jie saw Ye Zhuhan still didn't move, and couldn't help but sigh: "You are the most sad person, with good intentions and malicious intentions in your heart, and good thoughts and evil thoughts struggling and conflict, but no one can win. You guess why the two of them died. , So you have a moral bond and you ca n’t just take a shot. But you feel that they are close relatives. If you do n’t, you will be sorry for your own conscience. ”

Ye Zhuhan nodded: "You're right."

He took a deep breath: "They are wrong again, and they are also my classmates."

Then he reached out and pointed Fang Jie far away: "But there is one thing you said wrongly. I know that the old world is the world of darkness, and I also know that the world of the chickades is the world of blood. I also know that my world and them You say that their realms are all dark, but you ignore one thing, such as a knife, which is a weapon, but you can do good with a knife. So the dark realm may not be able to do good things. They just do n’t have that choice, and Darkness and light have nothing to do. "

Fang Jie frowned slightly, it seemed that Ye Zhuhan's words were not wrong.

"My kingdom is for light."

Ye Zhuhan said.

Then he slowly raised the hand pointing to Fang Jie, and then there was light in his palm.

When the light began to appear in his palm, it seemed that the whole world had become brighter. This kind of light does not make people feel warm. This is the other side of the light. Although it also carries temperature, it is full of violence

This is the 100,000 Great Mountain. What is the most in the 100,000 Great Mountain?

Naturally, the snow has not changed for thousands of years.

So it seems that the 100,000 mountains are all white.

When the light in Ye Zhuhan's hands appeared, the white snow around him became his weapon. Because of this snow, the light has become countless times stronger. Some people say that light is the enemy of darkness. Any light can make darkness tremble, even if it is only for a short time.

Similarly, any bit of darkness will eclipse the light, even if it is just a grain.

The snow reflects light, so the light is not mild but dazzling. Unparalleled glare When Liao Sheng brought Chen Zhenyu and others to the Shiwandashan Mountain, he couldn't adapt to the light reflected by the snow in the daylight. In particular, Chen Zhenyu once experienced a period of loss of light.

Therefore, this also corroborates what Ye Zhuhan said before.

The shadowy things are not necessarily bad. When the shadowy power is waved out for good, then the shadowy will make people warm. If the power of light is swayed for evil, then the light will make people cold.

Light is something that can make people see clearly. If there is a bit of light in the night, even if it is only a bit the size of a rice grain, it will let people lost in the darkness find their way. However, when the intensity of the white light reaches a certain level, it will make people's eyes lose the light and the darkness.

Is it contradictory?

No, of course not.

Endless white, blazing white.

This white can make people panic instantly, because when white reaches this point, it is no different from absolute black. The surrounding snow has become Ye Zhuhan's weapon, this weapon is so powerful and sharp. There is no doubt that under such circumstances, Ye Zhuhan's ability has made him invincible.

This is his home.

Maybe it's difficult for his bright world to exert such power elsewhere, but this is the most powerful method in the 100,000 Mountains. Compared with his bright realm, Mr. Jiu's dark realm can hardly be compared. That level of darkness is vulnerable to this level of light. Of course, if you leave the 100,000 Mountains, Ye Zhuhan's bright world may be greatly discounted.

In this way, Fang Jie seems very irrational.

He chose a wrong enemy to fight in the wrong place.

The cyan mist rose slowly around the square. These green qi do not originate from the heaven and earth vitality, but from the body of Fang Jie. The cyan mist puffed out of every pore in Fangjie, it seemed very slow, but formed a boundary in an instant.

Isolate the light temporarily from the original realm.

At the same time, Fang Xie closed his eyes and then opened again. When he opened it, his eyes had turned red, the kind of red that seemed to penetrate everything. In these blood-colored eyes, there seemed to be nothing to see through. That bright light was enough to make ordinary people blind in one breath, but Fang Jie could still see Ye Zhuhan in the distance.

By this time, others could not see clearly what was in front of them. Even a chef who is so high as a chef has eyes that are uncomfortable.

"Close your eyes, you can't get involved in this battle."

Fang Jie's voice sounded, still peaceful.

The Fang Jie in the green world slowly raised his hands, and then three strands of blue air separated from the world, and they were stopped in front of the Shen Qing fan, Mu Xiao waist, and Mo Gel, and then quickly formed a light green small world. , To protect the three of them. In front of Xiang Qingniu, the two black and white fish appeared, slowly swimming around Xiang Qingniu. A huge disc appeared in front of Xiang Qingniu, black and white, blocking out white light.

Shiwan could not bear it anymore, and closed his eyes in pain and squatted on the ground. The chef reached out his hand against his back, and Shi Wan's face became better immediately.

Fortunately, this white light was not directed at them.

So they can resist with the help of Fang Jie or their own cultivation, but they are all very clear, even they are so uncomfortable, let alone Fang Jie?

As sword

In the light that seems completely indivisible, in fact, there are countless swords hidden. Of course, these swords are not sword spirits, they are just a power of light. Everyone knows that sometimes the sunlight is a ray of light. Ye Zhuhan's light is the same, each strand is a sword.

The power of light ~ ~ Isn't it just piercing everything?

A square of white smoke immediately rose from the blue world of the solution. It's as if the hot light is condensed by something to focus on one point, and it will produce powerful power. When these gathered points are acting on the blue world, it is as if there are countless lasers hitting it.

Fang Jiexian found that his own golden fire had no effect on Ye Zhuhan's realm.

Because this is light.

The golden fire that can be burned by inner strength is powerless to light.

Fang Jie pushed her hands outward, and the power of the earth and the power of Jin Rui merged together to form a defense of absolute strength. Even if he has a green world, even if he has blood eyes, the light is still too dazzling. The defense mixed with the power of earth and the power of Jin Rui can resist part of the light.

However, this layer of defense was declared to have been breached within two or three minutes. The intensity of that light soon pierced the once-defensive, scarred, and then disappeared. Then Fang Jie used the power of ice. In this place, the power of ice happens to be the most powerful.

However, the impenetrable ice wall was pierced by light.

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