Conquer the World

Chapter 1131: Destructive Danger

Chapter 131 The Destructive Risk

This is a long process.

First of all, Fang Jie must determine whether Mr. Zhuo can drive those reptiles. If not, of course, there is no need to spend a huge amount of effort to drive the mountain out. So everyone waited until Mr. Zhuo really made those reptiles move obediently, and then began to show their power against the stone crack.

Xiang Qingniu has never been a cannon-talker.

So after starting hands-on, he was the first.

Da Zhoutian's exercises are running, and he drives the mountain while walking forward. The meteorite was not small, and it was extremely difficult to drive a way out. However, all of the people present were cultivated to be high enough, and they took turns to step forward without stopping.

The reptiles were frightened at first, but Mr. Zhuo's extreme control eventually stabilized the situation.

"Now I have to admire myself."

Xiang Qingniu and Shiwan changed positions, and the opening of the mountain for an hour made him look tired. He glanced back at the reptile army that was slowly following them, and couldn't help but sigh, "If it weren't here, who would know that there is such an ugly thing in this world?"

"Ugly than you."

He looked at Fang commentary.

Fang Jie said to himself: "I talked to Yanzhi's father a while ago and gave him a house. He asked me about Taoist character, and I told you that I knew it carefully before telling me He. He said that he is such a daughter, but he can't just marry his daughter casually because he is high. He asked me to pay more attention to him if he finds something wrong with someone ... "

Xiang Qingniu strode forward a few steps to do a search around: "Well? Did you hear any sound just now? There must be something great practitioners hiding around here. I just woke up and found out My mouth wasn't listening. What did I say just now? It's awful, I must have been stolen. "

Fang Jie gave him a white look and exchanged places with Shiwan.

Although Shiwan's realm is not low, the actual combat experience is poor. It seems that there is no trick to deal with this crack. Compared to Fang Xie and Xiang Qingniu, his difference is really not small. Fang Xie is the kind of pervert who has been chasing and killing since he was a child and then faced it once and then it ’s a dead fight. Xiang Qingniu is a kind of stranger who can dare to fight against the sky on the rivers and lakes, and can fall in love with the rogue. .

"I don't know what Fang Jie thought about. This thing is a treasure, but it is also a great disaster. In case of any mistake, it may be a disaster for Chang'an City."

Ye Zhuhan walked beside Zhuo Buyi, and seemed to want to know the person this Fang Jie recommended to himself. Fang Jie said that Mr. Zhuo's cultivation may not be higher than him, but he can definitely teach him a lot of knowledge on the other hand. Maybe because of living in the 100,000 mountains all year round, I haven't seen too many people and things, so Ye Zhuhan doesn't have the kind of thought that you take it for granted that you are inferior to me.

he asks.

Zhuo Buyi replied: "The idea of ​​Fang Jie has always been imaginary. You can hardly guess what he was thinking. Remember that when he was just a little guy who couldn't practice, I couldn't really peep into his heart. He is so determined that he can hardly be influenced by anyone. "


Ye Zhuhan was silent for a while and asked, "How about a dear?"

Zhuo Buyi glanced at Ye Zhuhan, then shook his head: "Even a close relative, it is difficult to make a decision to change the solution."

Ye Zhuhan nodded: "Is this a necessary factor for the big ones?"

He sighed: "But these things are too far away from me, and even I am still surprised. Why did you choose to follow Fang to Dongjiang instead of you, as he said, to you and you? Meditation in one spirit. He said that you can certainly give me pointers. "

Zhuo Buyi spent a great deal of mental energy to control those reptiles, so he spoke half an hour slower than usual. If it weren't for his strength now much stronger than when he first saw the solution, I'm afraid he can't be distracted. At that time, Zhuo Buyi couldn't control such a large amount of things at all, so it can be seen that the quiet life in recent years had a great impact on him.

"Quietness is not in the environment."

Zhuo Buyi controlled the walking speed very accurately. It did not seem fast or slow. They always solved the speed of opening mountains with them, and guaranteed not to stop for a second, so those reptiles acted the same. Slow, but none stopped for a second.

Only then did Ye Zhuhan notice that those reptiles and Zhuo Buyi were in sync.

He kicked his feet, and those reptiles kicked his feet, of course, not necessarily that foot ...

He settled, those reptiles settled.

So it seems simple, but Zhuo Buyi controls the reptiles walking, but in fact, Zhuo Buyi spends a lot of energy to know.

"Before talking to you just now, there were so many reptiles behind me, and I was driving in front of me."

Zhuo Buyi smiled: "I suddenly thought about what I would have for lunch for a while ... the moment I thought about it, it was quiet."

Ye Zhuhan froze for a moment, thoughtfully.



With the word Kaishan, you can't even use a second.

But it's really going to be done, even if it is a group of masters who are metamorphosed and want to get through this mile and a half way. From early morning to dark, several people took turns to move their hands but only traveled less than 300 meters. It seemed that it would take several days to figure out the mountain.

If you think so, then you must be someone who doesn't know how to practice.

Even a person like Fang Xie who can generate internal strength on his own, it is not possible to shoot continuously for several days without recovery. So Fang Jie expects that it will take almost ten days to get out from here. And even harder than them, is Zhuo Buyi. I ca n’t stop less than 300 meters a day. How much effort does it take?

While Ye Zhuhan has been watching Zhuo Buyi, he found that the man was really quiet.

He didn't speak, he was in silence. He was quiet in such a noisy environment. He controlled so many reptiles and was quiet. His words were quiet, his eyes were quiet, his temperament was still quiet.

And Ye Zhuhan, although he released a lot of violent feelings in his heart after the battle of 100,000 mountains and Fang Jie, what he lacked most was still quiet.

"After I go out, I need your best efforts to help me."

When Ye Zhuhan was a little bit dreamy, Fang Jie suddenly came to him and said something.


Ye Zhuhan froze for a moment, then asked, "How can I help?"

Fang Xie said his thoughts very seriously. He tried his best to make every word of himself so clear that Ye Zhuhan would not understand. But because he said so clearly, Ye Zhuhan's face changed at that time. Don't say Ye Zhuhan, even Mr. Zhuo's face changed while listening.

"No way!"

Mr. Zhuo hurriedly stopped: "This method is extremely dangerous. Even if you two are careful, you won't be able to make a difference. And if there is something wrong with this method, it will be a disaster! Solution I know how important this meteorite is to you, but it's not worth the risk for it! "

After listening to Fang's explanation, even Zhuo Yi's mood was a little chaotic, and the reptile army in the back seemed a little turbulent.

"I'm fine."

Fang Xie shook his head with a smile, then looked at Ye Zhuhan: "But he may be a bit troubled. The suffocation that he has accumulated in the heart of the Shiwandashan for so many years is too heavy. I'm afraid he can't control himself when it is critical. So I I had planned to let him go back and watch with you for a few years, but now the situation is urgent and I can't wait that long. "

Fang Xie said, "You don't have to help in this busy situation. I can think of other ways."

"What kind of risk would I take?"

Asked Ye Zhuhan.

Fang Jie thought about it and replied, "You have two extremes in your nature. It has always been your purity to be the master. Once the hidden monster in your heart is inspired by your suffocation, maybe it will come later. Become another you ... just like Liu Yanque, but maybe, I'm not sure. "

Liu Yanque was silent for a long time, then nodded, "try it."


Zhuo Yiyi said: "This method is too dangerous, in case of any accident ..."

"Mr. Zhuo"

Ye Zhuhan interrupted Zhuo Buyi's words: "In fact, I also know that for so many years, I have suppressed myself in my heart to kill and kill many and many people to vent. It is very hard. I'm not as good as Shiwan, he is really good-natured. .I'm afraid that one day I can't control my heart and become a walking dead. After listening to the commentary just now, I was thinking that this method is certainly dangerous, but if it succeeds, it will be extremely useful for me to control my mind. benefit."

Zhuo Buyi wanted to persuade, but also knew that Ye Zhuhan was right.

"Do not worry."

Ye Zhuhan took a deep breath and said, "If I'm really crazy, you know what can kill me. I don't want to be a Liu Yanque, I don't want to be an old kid, so I always try this method. If it's true Being able to remove the demon is a kind of liberation. If you ca n’t get rid of it and go into the devil, then you kill me, why is it also a kind of relief? "



Ten days

For ten days

Consistent with Fang Jie's expected time, several major practitioners opened the way to the outside. Those reptiles carrying meteorites did not leave the meteorite's radiation range, so there was no abnormality. These things are tightly controlled by Zhuobuyi and still maintain a very stable formation.

The moment the crowd appeared outside the mountain, even if they were calm people, they couldn't help cheering. No doubt this is an unprecedented feat!

Four or five first-class practitioners have excavated a passage of one and a half miles.

If it is spread, I don't know how many people would rather take a risk and come here to see it.

"Are you ready?"

Fang Xie asked Ye Zhuhan.

Ye Zhuhan took a deep breath, then nodded: "Let's get started."

Fang Jie said a moment, then suddenly opened the boundary. After the open realm gradually took shape, he pulled out of the realm, and then merged the power of the earth, the power of Jin Rui, and the power of fire into the Qing Realm, mixed with Jin Rui. The force of the earth's force **** up a layer of sand and gravel on the ground, forming a nearly sealed circle.

Fang Jie dragged his hands in a virtual way, held up the rounded, substantive original realm, and then slowly pushed it onto the meteorite. After pressing down with both hands, the original realm sealed the meteorite.

After finishing, he looked at Ye Zhuhan.

Ye Zhuhan nodded towards Fang Jie, and slowly rose into the air. He closed his eyes in the air, and then used all the available forces. An extremely bright disc appeared in his hand. It was really a sun, and no one dared to look directly.

"Go on!"

Ye Zhuhan suddenly roared ~ ~ like a beast!

This disc, which contained all his violent anger, was thrown out by him, and then flew towards the original boundary of Jiefang. Fang Xie opened the original realm at this instant, and after the disc flew in, he quickly closed the original realm!

In an instant!

The realm twisted fiercely!

It was as if there was a huge savage beast that wanted to break through the original realm and rush out.

Everyone held their breath and watched the scene nervously.

"Crazy ... really crazy!"

Xiang Qingniu couldn't help looking at the violent scene, and thought of a person who was also obsessed with madness, and the guy named Xiang Qingzheng trapped Dalun Mingwang in his own way. Medium ... Although Xiang Qingniu did not see the earth-shattering battle, he saw the ruins.

And everyone knows that if the two worlds come together in this way, if something happens, then the disaster will even be devastating for these onlookers.

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