Conquer the World

Chapter 1142: not only that

Chapter 142

When Sussie saw the young Han man in black clothes, suddenly a kind of fear came out in his heart. It was so far apart that the distance between the two ships was enough for the bullets of the musket to depart and not know where to fly, but the look of that one seemed to fall straight on his face, as if a mountain was pressed in his heart.

Suses was familiar with this feeling.

That's why he was afraid.

This feeling is as if Lehman's eyes stayed on him every time he went to see Lehmann the Great. That man, like Lehman, gave Sussi a feeling of solitude. But Susis was annoyed that he did not think that a cowardly person could bring himself such pressure.

So he wanted to fight.

His men consciously touched the short urn hanging on the waist, but finally did not dare to pull it out. Not to mention that the bullet is not so strong at this distance, even if there is, it will shift. Even if the firearms of this era were more developed, it would be good to shoot and kill the enemy within tens of meters.

There is a faint layer of mist on the river, so the monster on the opposite side is not very clear, but it is this kind of hazy, which makes people feel more afraid. Human beings are just like this, and they will naturally become frightened when faced with something so big.

Big dragon boat

It was at least three times longer than Suzis.

Although the Opulu Empire's experience in building sea-going ships was far better than that of the Sui people, the scale of wooden warships was far less than that of the Sui people. The length of the dragon boat has exceeded the imagination of the people of the Opulu Empire. They never thought that the ship could be so large.

Susis was scared, so he ordered all the Musketeers to gather immediately. This musketeer is, of course, not an ordinary soldier, but a God of Musketeer sent to him by Lehman the Great. The firearms equipped by the Tushen Musketeers are classified in the entire Opulu Empire. Even generals like Sussie don't understand why they can kill those seemingly powerful Chinese practitioners.

Suses understood why Ryman didn't publish the secret, because Ryman needed enough mysterious and powerful means to maintain the majesty of his emperor. It is to make everyone unable to resist from his heart, and to make people believe that he is truly the person of God's care.

Beside Susis, there were at least eighty Musketeers. Lehman sent him at least five hundred people.

These musketeers can't make any difference from ordinary soldiers in their clothes. Only the golden bullet bag hanging around their waist can show their identity.


Under such invisible and silent pressure, Susis finally couldn't help but speak first. He put his hands in front of his mouth and shouted at the man on the huge battleship: "Do you have anything to say to me? Say? I'm Suzis, the commander of this naval fleet. If you're here to surrender, I can accept it on behalf of His Majesty the Opul Emperor. "

"I'll go to your mother."

Xiang Qingniu, who was standing behind Fang Jie, was irritated by this crappy sentence, but he understood the Chinese. He ran out from behind Fang Jie, and his broad robe sleeve spread out like a fat eagle. He flew out of the ship, fluttered on the river, and stomped on the river toward the enemy ship.

Fang Xie did not expect Xiang Qingniu to start suddenly, and wanted to stop it was too late.


The frightened Susis ordered immediately!

The ready-made Tushen Musketeer began to shoot. When Xiang Qingniu was approaching the ship, the dense gunfire of the rowing gun blew on the bow, and Sussi, who was pulled behind, could see nothing. He It is urgent to know whether the Han Chinese who seems to be flying is dead.

The answer is yes.


Xiang Qingniu pushed forward with both hands on the river surface, and then Da Zhoutian's majestic inner strength spurted out, and rolled like a angry dragon to the Tushen Musketeer on the ship. At this time, the second line of musketeers who took the place had stepped forward and fired a second round of ammunition at Xiang Qingniu.

At this moment, Fang Jie's eyes stood on the bow of the dragon boat changed dramatically.

He swooped down from the ship, and the black figure flashed on the water like electricity.

Xiang Qingniu rolled heavily on the bow of the ship within a week. At least fifty of the musketeers who were too late to evacuate were knocked backwards by this shock. Most of them had already died before falling. Xiang Qingniu wanted to grab the ship and kill the foreign general directly, but he felt a bit uncomfortable when he wanted to lift his breath.

The body was a bit heavy, but it was impossible to draw on the water.

At this time Fang Xie arrived, and pulled Xiang Qingniu forward.

Before the remaining musketeers of Tushen had gathered, Fang Jie smashed the ship's bow with a huge punch, and he hit the bow with a large piece!

The river water began to pour into the ship, but Fang Xie seemed to have no intention to fall in love, pulling Xiang Qingniu back.

"Really **** evil door!"

Xiang Qingniu opened his mouth in pain, and it was a little distressing to scold him. The two medics were nervously slitting the wound for him, trying to scoop out the thing that had fallen into his bones.

"It's evil."

Fang Xie glanced at Xiang Qingniu and waved his hand to signal to the military doctor to let go. He took the scissors and personally treated Xiang Qingniu's wound: "In terms of your inner strength, ordinary bullets can never be broken. If you use Taoxin to protect your body, even the shells may not be able to do you well. But these musketeers do have some weird things, which can easily break through your strength in the week, and then hit you again. "

Xiang Qingniu scolded: "It's **** unreasonable!"

Fang Jie couldn't help but smile: "For foreigners, your self-cultivation is also really **** reasonable"

With a click, a small round thing was clipped out by Fangjie with scissors and placed in an iron pan aside. According to the impact of the bullet, the ordinary lead bullet is stuck in the bone after hitting the human body, and it must be deformed. But this thing still keeps its original shape, rounded like a pearl.

Crystal clear.

"If I were you, leave me alone, jump on the boat and grab some bullets to see what it is."

Xiang Qingniu gave Fang Jie a dissatisfied look.

Fang Jie opened his palm, and there was a red spot in his palm. Xiang Qingniu took a closer look and found out that it was not erythema at all, but a small hole was opened, and the flesh and blood were exposed.

"Although I didn't get on the ship, all the soldiers fell when I hit the bow with a punch. When a foreign soldier who was preparing to load bullets fell, the bag in my hand did not catch and fell down, I reached out my hand Catch one of them and that's it. "

Fang Jie retracted his hand: "The bullets have a very strong penetrating power, and they can care nothing about repairing. They themselves seem to have the ability to penetrate everything, even if they are heaven and earth. This bullet flies in mid-air. At times, no matter how violent the air flow was, it had no effect on it. "

"Unaffected by Qi?"

After Xiang Qingniu asked this sentence, he suddenly frowned.

"what happened?"

Fang Xie asked.

"What did you use to burn me?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

Fang Xie looked down and found that Xiang Qingniu's wound had gradually turned black, and even black spots had appeared on the bones where the bullet had been stuck. Fang Xie picked up a sharp knife from the iron plate, swiped the whole piece of meat with his wrist, and then scraped the bone of Xiang Qingniu with a knife.

"I fuck!"

Xiang Qingniu gave a bad curse, and his forehead was instantly covered with sweat.

Fang Xie held him in one hand and held the knife in one hand to continue shaving his bones. After one minute, it was confirmed that no dark spots appeared again, and he was relieved. Then, a small cloth bag was found out of Xiang Qingniu's wide robe sleeve. After opening, there were three small white jade bottles.


Fang Xie asked.

"The biggest one, don't pour too much. That thing is in this bottle. You know how valuable it is!"

"You are such a genius, you are a wizard."

Fang Xie poured a whole bottle of wound medicine on Xiang Qingniu's wound, and wrapped it with a clean white cloth: "It should have the same ability as the big stone we made on the north mountain of Changan City, but it should be weak Quite a lot, once you touch a person ’s body, it will corrode, whether it ’s meat or bones, you still do n’t rush to hurt your wounds, or worry about whether you have any sequelae. ”


Xiang Qingniu could not see the injury on his shoulder, but he could feel a sense of weakness. This is why he suddenly became unable to maintain stability while on the river. Obviously, this kind of bullet harms practitioners much more than the red wound on the surface.


Fang Xie took the iron plate a few steps and sat in a chair, watching the bullet the size of a fingernail. It looks like the finest jade carved from this thing, but it is more rounded and natural. From the perspective of no deformation, the hardness of this thing is very strong. But since it can be processed into bullets, it means that there is a little more investigation than that on the north mountain of Chang'an City.

By the stone on the mountain, the power of Fang Jiewu's overwhelming sword could not be broken.

"The most important thing to notice now is that this thing ignores the power of practice."

Fang Xie said: "It can burn my hand, even if you wear iron armor, it may not work. Speaking of which, the most important lethality of this thing is the corrosive force, and it will not be affected by the internal strength, and the more the hit rate is guaranteed, A person who cultivates profoundly, the more conceited he is in his own cultivation, no one will think that you will not be able to stop a bullet. When you jump off the bow, I have no time to stop or stop, also because I don't think you can stop a bullet. "

"That's why the practitioners die in the hands of these bullets in large numbers. The practitioners are self-conceited and feel that their body strength is stronger than the armor, so they will rush forward unscrupulously. Once rushed in and entered With the enemy's range, it is basically impossible to avoid ~ ~ Xiang Qingniu said: "Most people who are highly advanced should be like me, and do not evade at all, because they will feel themselves You don't need to avoid it, you can ignore the bullet. Can anyone think that it is the bullet that totally ignores our efforts? "

"But this is not enough"

Fang Xie suddenly said something.

"What is not enough?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

"The bullets alone can indeed kill the practitioners. But those who control the firearms themselves are weak. The practitioners are fully capable of assassinating the enemy and do not attract the attention of the musketeers. Even the enemy is always around Even if there are guards around when sleeping, it is not that they have not had the opportunity to assassinate each other. However, from the start of the war in Eastern Xinjiang to the present, the foreign generals who died of the assassinations are not high-level, and the true senior commander has not died. There have been countless assassinations of Lehman, and Lehman has not been damaged. These bullets alone are not enough! "

Fang Jie looked to the outside, his tone became heavier: "the enemy must have something we don't know, and that thing is their means of life."

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