Conquer the World

Chapter 1163: Nothing can be changed

Chapter 161: Nothing Can Be Changed

Sourance put down the tea cup in his hand and drank the tea stalks that he drank into his mouth. Since arriving in this land, he has fallen in love with drinking tea. When he first drank it, he thought it was the hardest drink in the world. The first bite was astringent and bitter. But afterwards, the fragrance of his tongue always made him want to stop.

Up to now, he has been able to easily discern the quality of tea, and the new tea is still the old tea.

The climate of southern eastern Xinjiang is very suitable for growing tea, but there has been no particularly famous tea species. Compared with the famous teas in Jiangnan, the tea in Dongjiang is not strange, but the taste is not bad.

Now Xiuluns is drinking the most expensive rock tea in Eastern Xinjiang.

"I underestimated Mox."

The old man who played a huge role in the rise of the Opulu Empire seemed a bit lost, sitting on a white tiger-skin-covered seat, and the expression on his face made people feel depressed and depressed. In the years of the Opulu Empire's conquest, the Emperor Lehman did not dare to obliterate these years, but now he is frustrated on a back that he despised.

"Am I really too old?"

He mumbled to himself.

Outside, a man in a general's uniform walked in quickly and bowed deeply towards Xiurens: "Sir, the situation on the battlefield ahead seems strange."

This man is called Modolik, and his status is high enough by military rank. But in the presence of Xiurens, he still maintained enough humility and obedience. He was a hand-pulled man. He was not aristocratic and had nothing to do with the family.

But he was regarded as a disciple, and he was regarded as a teacher.

Perhaps Schurens is smarter than others because he knows how to keep some people loyal to himself. One of the most important methods is to promote some really talented but poor people. These people know how to be grateful. They do n’t feel like those who are from the aristocracy. No matter what they get, they think that is right. A person like Modolik has the qualities that Han people call a day-long teacher and father for Xiurens.

"what happened?"

"My dear little Mody Rick, I don't want to hear any more disappointment now than something like this was calculated by Mox," asked Xiurens.

Mordo Rick's face was not very good. He stood in front of Xiurens, and respectfully replied, "Master ..."

"I still like you calling me a teacher."

Schurence waved his hand to interrupt him.


Modo Rick changed his name and continued, "I have been quietly watching the situation with the people of Moksi these past few days, and something very strange has happened. It has been four or five days in a row, the Chu army He has not stopped and has been attacking, but there has been no progress. However, not only that, every time the Chu people's attack fails, a large number of soldiers are captured by the Black Flag ... "


Sourance stood up violently: "Order all teams into combat readiness. Modolik, I want you to take your team to arm immediately in front of you, whoever hits the camp, stop immediately."


Mody Rick knew that Xiurens had understood what he meant, and his response was exactly the anxiety in his heart at this time: "What about the team of Moxes? What I am worried about now is that if Mok If Si is not aware, it is likely to be defeated by the combined Sui and Chu people. If Mok Si loses, it will be his own person who strikes our camp first ... "

"no matter who"

After being silent for a while, he said: "As long as it hits the camp, you can shoot."


Modo Rick responded immediately: "I'll arrange it."

"and also"

Sourance's complexion kept changing, apparently it wasn't just this incident that worried him: "Without accident, it will be just a few days before your Majesty's Warlord sends. If the Warlord knows this, He wouldn't help me explain it before me. This is a rare opportunity to overthrow my family. The empire is jealous that I have gained too many people over the years. As long as they seize the opportunity, they will treat me To the abyss. "

"How to do?"

Modolik's face also turned white.

He is not a member of the Thousands family, but because of his relationship with Thousands, once Thousands fell, he would also be in danger. Modolik knows the ugly faces of the so-called nobles in the empire. As long as Xiulunsi falls, people like him who do not have a backing-view or are willing to be dogs of other people's homes are untrustworthy dogs. Either ..... the ending is an inexplicable removal.

The war for the interests of the empire is far worse than the killings on the battlefield.

"kill him."

Xiurens took a deep breath: "No matter who the Warlord comes from, he must die by accident. This cannot be concealed from His Majesty, but His Majesty will not do anything without evidence. Now I can only pin my hope on Ke Ke Bo, if he is not old enough, you should know that if my family falls, he will become extremely lonely. "

"I hope so."

Modo Rick sighed and turned to leave.



When Schurens saw the man in front of him, he looked ugly and just took a bite of **** ... No, it was more uncomfortable and disgusting than taking a shit.


The warlord sent by Emperor Lehman was actually Kirkbo.

When the two old men who had a very high status at the Opry Empire Rights Center faced each other, they had to laugh bitterly. Of course, the smile on the corner of the latter's mouth was a little gleeful.

"I bet you, this vicious old thing."

Kirkbo didn't use any kind of Sirius, he walked to the chair and sat down: "If I come on the expected itinerary, now I'm dead halfway. The respectable Prince Sirius is reluctant to see anything A warlord appeared and saw him ugly, right? "

However, it seemed that Sirius had been evacuated all his strength and seemed so stunned: "It seems that Your Majesty really feels that neither you nor me are of any use. He sends you to be the warlord, obviously not just against me. "

"No no no"

Kirkbo shook his head and smiled and said, "My situation may be better than you. I successfully avoided the assassinations you arranged, and then just do things fairly, at least after seeing your family fall, I can live a few more years. If I were to give up my rights, I could even die naturally. "


Anger began to appear on Schurence's face: "Why ?!"

"You actually know."

Kirkbo laughed, but nothing was really happy in it.

"Yeah, I know ..."

Saurons sat down suddenly, his eyes a little bit distracted: "My family has also made huge benefits in the process of the empire's outward expansion. His Majesty now feels that I have got enough."

"No, not your Majesty."

Kirkbot said: "Sorens, why are you confused?"

Sourance froze slightly, and then came to realize: "Yes, I am confused. Too many people in the empire are jealous of my current position, jealous of everything I have obtained over the years. During this time I was not around Her Majesty, There must be too many people trying to bring me down. They will collect all kinds of things that are not good for me, and then weave all kinds of lies ... But this is not the saddest thing, the saddest thing is that Your Majesty believed they."

"Blame yourself!"

Kirkberg said: "How could your Majesty believe in lies if it wasn't for something extraordinary that you did yourself? Now that Your Majesty believes some of them, it means that those are not lies. You should be very aware of your Majesty that no one in this world can He was deceived. Including you, Shrews! You are old, but the more arrogant you are. You think you can do everything you do n’t know, but forget what kind of emperor it is! "

Sourance was silent.

Kirkbo sighed: "Actually, I understand you, and it would be the same for me ... you know that you are old, and you can still be called a dignitary before you are below him. If you leave the center of rights, your family interests will immediately shrink or even suffer. So, you want to get the best benefits for your family while you still have rights, I understand, I will do the same. "

He poured a cup of tea by himself and looked at the floating tea: "But Xiurens, you should not despise your majesty. No matter who in the world despise Lehmann the Great, it will not end well."

"You may not be much better than me."

Schurence looked up to Kirkbo: "Your Majesty sent you, didn't you want to take the opportunity to get rid of you?"

He sneered: "It is impossible for Her Majesty to guess, and I will get rid of the Warlord sent by him. So he chose you, and you have a clear idea of ​​what this means. But unfortunately, you are not willing to follow His Majesty's arrangements Do it. "

"My death hasn't arrived yet. Death will not come to me."

Kirkbo said: "Yes, you are right. Your Majesty also wants me to die. He knows better than anyone. The most fierce fight in the empire is me and you, and this kind of targeting is an inseparable cooperation of interests. He knew that you and I were mostly acting. So the moment he wanted to get rid of you, he already decided to get rid of me first. "

Kirkbo said with a smile: "So he named me Warlord, because he guessed you would get rid of Warlord. Then I would die very ... obscurely."

He used such a word.

"Then, he will let people spread the news that you assassinated me. I don't think anyone will be surprised when the news spreads. Because they all know that you and I have not been friends but enemies for so many years. You Kill me, this is normal. Your majesty is here. I die in your hands, and my family will not lose loyalty to the emperor ... But this is what I am A little better than you end. "

"Because I was killed by you, my family can be saved. And if you kill me, your family will be destroyed!"

Kirkbo's tone suddenly regained, and Sourance's face turned pale immediately.

"Shurrons, am I right?"

he asks.

Sourens hasn't spoken for a long time ~ ~ because he knows Kirkbo's guess is correct. Lehman apparently no longer intends to allow him and Kirkbo to control the rights of the two old men, and he will reshuffle.

"You are such an idiot."

Kirkbo drank all the water in the tea cup with no regrets that the water was still a little hot: "You deliberately delayed the war in Dongjiang, and then deliberately pushed the young generals one by one to the death. You thought you were secret Impenetrable? You are too idiot ... You think that, your Majesty will make you think that he must be able to live without you, and the battle in Dongjiang must continue with you ... But you really angered him, so he came here in person. What he wanted to tell you was that the rise of the empire was not on you, but on himself. "

"what should I do?"

Schurence asked.

Begging in tone.

"You've crossed the border, I can't help you."

Kirkbo sighed: "As I know that I must die, but I can only decide whether I die a few days early or a few days late. Nothing can be changed."

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