Conquer the World

Chapter 1175: The death of hyacinth

Chapter 1175 The Destruction Of Hyacinth

A fierce attack came, and it was too late for the black morning glory that had broken through many countries. The Black Flag Army almost exhausted all the artillery, exhausted all the heavy crossbows, and tried to disrupt the black morning glory camp within the first wave of offensive. No doubt it succeeded.

Neither Schurens, Kirkbo, or Yanu Dang, who was in danger, was not expecting the Black Flag's offensive at this time. When Saurons talked with Kirkbo, he said that Fang Jie was definitely not a person who would easily let them go. The war between the two sides will inevitably occur after the surrender of 150,000 weapons and equipment.

Because he guessed, the solution was to weaken him and then fight.

However, the facts were clearly beyond their expectation, so that Sorens's strategy was completely useless. Although Kirkbo didn't understand what Sorens meant, Mox's men and horses were defeated and dispersed. But Yanu, as the most trusted subordinate of Xiurens, and the oldest subordinate who knows him the best, knows his thinking mode.

Therefore, he chose the time when the war broke out.

As long as this time point is controlled by the black morning glory, the victory of the war is likely to tilt to their side. Although it seems that the Black Flag has taken advantage, because the arrogance of Xiurens pulled the black morning glory into the abyss, but as long as the timing of the counterattack is mastered, it is not impossible to defeat.

A lot of gunpowder mixed with these weapons. And he brought in all the musketeers of the slayer God, who tried to ignite the gunpowder when entering the Black Flag Army Camp, and then rescued the hurricane.

Obviously, it was miscalculated.

Fang Jie didn't plan to arrange the offensive after receiving the weapon, what he wanted was the collapse of the foreigner's command system. No matter how sturdy the military record and how glorious the past is, after the collapse of the command system, the army will become blind and deaf.

Without a unified dispatch command, the army immediately became confused.

After Yanudang left with all the musketeers of the God of Slaughter, Xiang Qingniu took thousands of practitioners into the camp of the black morning glory. Their characters are doing their best to assassinate those foreign generals, regardless of their level, as long as the generals meet one to kill one and find one to kill one.

Strike, so precise and vicious.

The more than a thousand practitioners are all Zongmen disciples who participated in the Chang'an City Wulin Conference. These people were carefully selected from the sects associated with Central Plains and Daozong. They were a fresh force, and they came when the number of practitioners in the Eastern Xinjiang region dropped significantly.

In the war with foreigners, practitioners in eastern Xinjiang have always been at the forefront. They know that at this time, they are much more powerful than ordinary people, and they should be in the forefront. However, the practice of the practitioners is different, and the practice of Dongjiang is not as good as that of the Central Plains. Most of the practitioners practice below the 7th and 8th grade. Such strength is not enough to prevent the inner body from being hit by bullets wear.

Therefore, a large number of practitioners died while achieving brilliant achievements.

Now, the Central Plains practitioners who had been very different from the Eastern Xinjiang practitioners came. In a sense, they came to avenge the practitioners in Eastern Xinjiang.

So from the beginning, the killing was so brutal.

Xiang Qingniu divided these practitioners into twenty squads, as if inserting twenty pointed knives in the camp of foreigners. In the war of this era, there was no lack of action against assassinations of local generals. This is not an amazing tactic, but the amazing thing about this assassination is that


There has never been a war, and there will be so many assassins rushing into the enemy's camp to kill those generals.

Within a short hour, the black morning glory's command system collapsed.

Then, it was the Black Flag's all-out attack.

The main force of the Black Flag Army brought by Sanjinhou did not hesitate to consume all the artillery and began to storm.

All Black Flag cavalry started to attack, they were the main force of the attack. After the frontal attack began, Chen Dingnan's department behind the black morning glory also started the attack.

Under both sides, the front of the black morning glory collapsed quickly.

"This is impossible!"

Mu An general Wei An patted the table, and stood up fiercely and scolded the scouts who came to report: "This is absolutely impossible! Even if the Black Banner has an artillery, it will not have the combat power to break through the foreign defense line instantly. But How could an army of more than 200,000 foreigners fail so quickly? "

The scouts repeatedly explained that Wei An couldn't believe it.

"Check again!"

He ordered loudly.


At this time, a general outside hurried in, because it was too urgent, and he was stumbled. The man shouted as he ran: "General, there is a team of at least 70,000 to 80,000 people on the Black Flag Army, and we are moving to our side, please order it quickly!"

Wei An's face changed drastically: "Hei Qijun's solution is what he intends to do! Does he think that with his strength, he can attack me while attacking foreigners!"

"Great general!"

His general told him: "The subordinates thought that this was just a solution to the suspects. He must be gathering all available power to attack the foreigners, but he was worried that we would threaten him behind him. He, so he dispatched a team that is temporarily unavailable for combat, not necessarily to attack, but maybe just to set up the line of defense. "

After hearing these words, Wei An's heart calmed down.

"If so, it's very possible. But the Black Flag Army is really brave and dare to make such a big move. If the Black Flag Army is defeated in this battle, the entire foreigners south of Malan Mountain The main forces have been wiped out. "

Wei An paced back and forth in the camp, his face constantly changing: "This will not work. If the battle of the Black Flag Army is won, then the status of the Black Flag Army in the Eastern Xinjiang must rise to Mufu immediately. Our loyalty to Mufu has been gradually lost. Now the Black Flag Army has fought such a victory, but the people will soon recognize that the Black Flag Army does not recognize our Mu government. "

"How to do?"

His generals hesitated, "You can't fight the Black Flag at this time, right? If we do, our insults are really back. The people will poke our backbones behind us, At that time, it will be difficult for us to think about straightening up. "

"I know!"

Wei An glanced at him with anxiety on his face.

"I don't know what's wrong. There is no news at the north of Malan Mountain. His Majesty the Grandpa has at least 200,000 horses. If you pass through the canyon at this time, even if we don't do it, the Black Flag will not dare The troops were invested in a decisive battle with the foreigners. The Grandpa hoped to see the scene where both the Black Flag and the Westerners were defeated.

Wei An opened his mouth to order the army to prepare for action, but he held back several times.

"General, in fact, the generals are unwilling to beat themselves."

A general said carefully.

"Who the **** is his own ?!"

Wei An scolded: "You must say clearly, is it his mother's foreigner or the Black Flag Army and we can count ourselves ?! The foreigners are here to grab the Eastern Xinjiang, isn't the Black Flag Army from other countries coming to grab the Eastern Xinjiang? The foreigners won the East Xinjiang is the foreigners, and the Black Flag army won the East Xinjiang is the Black Flag! "

One of his voices muttered very lowly: "This scene has not been created by us yet."

Wei An was furious and wanted to scold, but in the end he could only sigh.


A general close to his body, lowering his voice, said: "In fact, we are in a situation more than the Grandpa. The Grandpa is north of Malan Mountain and it is difficult to get involved in the military affairs of the general. Now the situation in East Xinjiang is chaotic, But everyone sees clearly that the era of Mufu is over. You also saw that the people of Dongjiang no longer support Mufu. What do Mufu rely on? In the past two or three years Everything he did broke the hearts of the people. "

He saw that Wei An had no response, and then continued: "Brothers haven't talked in private, we are willing to follow the general. The general himself should also plan for himself. You can see now that you can be sure that Mufu will win Are you afraid you ca n’t do it. If Mufu cannot win, we have invested all our forces. How will the winners treat us in the end? "

He went on to say more clearly: "I think if the Black Flag wins in the end, Fangjie can tolerate a person who does not move, and will not tolerate a tit-for-tat."

There was a moment of hesitation in Wei An's eyes, and he was immediately captured by the general: "General, we don't have to work hard, just pull the team back up to ten miles, and the Black Flag will understand the mind of the General. Even if it is black The flag army was defeated. In the future, the grandfather of the state will question him. Can't he find a speech? "

Wei An's mouth twitched a few times and finally stomped heavily: "Come, order the army to retreat ten miles!"

Malan shan

With thousands of remnants of defeated soldiers, Mocks stood on the mountainside, holding a thousand miles to see the fumes billowing in the distance. The corner of his mouth sneered and sneered a few times, muttering to himself: "Sullens, this is what Han Renmen often says is the cause and effect of retribution. You send someone to hit me, the Han comes to hit you, huh, you will always be nailed On the pillar of history's shame. To the Han Chinese you are an aggressor, they spurn you. To the empire, you are a traitor, and the people of the empire will spit you. "

Bo Minglang with injuries asked: "Brother, what shall we do now?"

"Let them fight."

Mocks sneered: "Although we have less than 5,000 people left, but now we are an unnoticed team. Now the battle between the Black Flag Army and Schurens is at the most important time, and there is no one Pay attention to us. Now we will detour from the foot of the mountain ~ ~ directly bypass the Black Flag troops to attack the Malan Mountain Pass. "

He looked to the side of Malanshan Pass and said, "As long as we take the pass and stick to His Majesty's arrival, we will still be successful!"

After this sentence was finished, I heard the horn sound suddenly around me.

I saw a lot of Black Flag soldiers killed from the mountains, and arrows came from the sky. The blow came so abruptly that Mocks was unprepared. He didn't expect that the Black Flag Army would hide a soldier and horse in Malan Mountain. He didn't know, he was just too unlucky.

The team that Chen Dingnan arranged at the time was to kill the enemy from the wing suddenly when the foreigners attacked the most. Who would have thought that this team was useless when defending the Maranshan Pass, and happened to encounter Mox's remnants. Several young generals in the south of Chen Ding have already seen Moksi's team. After careful observation, it is found that this foreigner team is not too many and has no defense. At this time, why not wait?

Moks, a proud young general, never thought that he would be frustrated in such an environment for such a time.

Sometimes luck is also important on the battlefield.

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