Conquer the World

Chapter 1182: No longer

Chapter 1802 The Past

Mu Guangling looked at Fang Jie with an incredible look, as if the words before Fang Jie were like Tian Fang Ye Tan, he couldn't believe it. He never thought that Fang Xie would say this, how he never thought that Fang Xie would think so. The contradiction between Mufu and Fang Jie should not be resolved.

"Nothing is fixed except time."

Fang explained.

He stood on the arrow tower, overlooking the Mufu camp below.

"If nothing unexpected happens, you have brought in 200,000 troops this time, which is not enough, and as long as more than 30% of them are put together. The current situation in Mufu is exactly the same as when the Great Sui Dynasty collapsed. At the time of the chaos, the emperor of the Da Sui thought that he could quickly calm down the chaos. But he soon found out that his order was difficult to get a response. The Mu government has been operating in Dongjiang for many years, saying that you have millions of soldiers in my hand. No doubt at all. "

"But since you have been making mistakes, Mu ’s control has continued to collapse. Until now, these 200,000 troops are just the last thing you can take out to support the facade. Although I did n’t get specific Please report, but it is conceivable how many of these are recruits who have never been to the battlefield and killed. "

Mu Guangling's complexion changed, and he turned to look to the side.

"Keeping your own past, there is absolutely no hope."

Fang Xie said to Mu Guangling: "If you still feel that Dongjiang is still yours, then today ’s conversation as if you did not happen. I will not kill you on this occasion, but on the battlefield. For your strategy, I have only two choices. First, defeat you on the battlefield and tell the Dongjiang people you can't. Second, you surrender and tell the Dongjiang people that you can't. "

Fang Jie's words were very straightforward, directly to cut Mu Guangling's self-esteem again.

"Not nice?"

Fang Jie smiled: "Leave something for your son."

Fang Jie's words seemed to penetrate Mu Guangling's defense.

Mu Guangling was silent for a long time, after all, just a silent sigh. Perhaps he had already seen it, and the Kowloon seat in his mind had already left him. If he and the black flag army change from a dark fight to a bright fight, if he fights down, what else can he leave for Mu Xianjun?

"Don't look at me like that."

Fang Xie turned to look at Mu Xianjun: "While trying to kill me, but ... you couldn't do it before, you still can't do it now."

Mu Guangling stretched out Mu Xianjun's sleeve and shook his head slowly.

"You are not a person who can negotiate very well."

Mu Guangling explained to each other.

"I didn't come here to negotiate, but to give you two options."

Fang Xie sat down again because he knew Mu Guangling's heart was shaking. Fang Xie has no father in this world, but he can understand the kind of dodging a father has for his only son. Mu Guangling is not too young. He has been forbearing in Dongjiang for decades. Is it really so urgent that he wants to be emperor before he dies? No, he wants to fight for Mu Xianjun. The glory of any family, what turns the family into a country, these must be retreated before the feelings towards the son.

"If it wasn't for Mu Xianjun who established the Red Eye Army and the foreigners to fight dead, I would not come to you to have this conversation."

Fang Xie pointed to Mu Xianjun and said to Mu Guangling, "He is better suited to be a guardian than you."

Mu Xianjun's brow frowned, but the hatred in his eyes was gradually dissipating.

"think about it."

Fang Xie turned to leave.

Mu Guangling called out from behind: "Give me a court appointment."

Fang Xie stood still and looked back at Mu Guangling: "This is important?"

Mu Guangling said: "Take out your jade seal."

Fang Xie smiled, relieved.



People who have experienced too many things will doubt more things, so Fang Jie doesn't think that one conversation can make Mu Guangling cooperate. Yes, Mu Guangling really wants to leave something for his son, but how can this person's heart be changed in a few words?

What Fang Xie wants is only time.

Next, he will go all out to prepare for the decisive battle with Lehman.

He had no time, energy, or wealthy troops and Mu Guangling to deal with, and he could not let himself fight against a strong enemy in an unstable rear. It's as if two practitioners who are quite equal in their preparations are preparing for a life or death victory, and no one has the heart to take care of other things.

In a duel between two masters, if a spoiler appears behind one of them, even if the spoiler's cultivation is very scum, it will also cause distraction.

Once the energy and the person behind them are guarded, failure and war death may follow.

Fang Jie takes time, he needs Mu Guangling to be honest.

He even knew that an old fox like Mu Guangling knew what he was thinking. But Fang Jie ’s conditions were good enough, leaving half of the site for Mufu, leaving less than 200,000 troops, which is equivalent to Mu Guangling leaving a large sum for Mu Xianjun assets.

Under this condition, Mu Guangling is bound to be excited.

Because Mu Guangling knew that he could not win this battle. Even if he restrains Fang Jie from the back, so that Fang Jie cannot go all out to fight Lehman, what good is Mu Guangling? If Lyman wins, I am afraid Mu Guangling will face more difficulties next time.

Therefore, Fang Xie knew that Mu Guangling would not refuse.

People like Mu Guangling have long been not the only daredevil to choose because of hatred.

"Are you sure?"

Mu Guangling gently dried Fang Jie's intentions just finished, watching the big seal on that side a bit lost. Almost at the same time he was talking about Mu Xianjun, but Mu Xianjun's sight was not on the jade seal, but on the handwriting.

"So ugly"

He said, a look of disgust.

Fang Jie looked at Mu Xianjun without changing the color, and then threw the Yuxi from the arrow tower, and the black man standing underneath reached out to catch it, and put it in the deerskin bag at the waist. The ugliness of the writing ... not a year or two.

"No one on the battlefield dares to be sure that he will win 10% of the time. Sometimes he will say this in order to stimulate morale, but there are always all kinds of concerns in your heart. You also led the army for many years, naturally you know this."

Fang Xie ignored Mu Xianjun's ridicule, but said to Mu Guangling: "In fact, you should be very happy right now. If I am sure, after I have played with the foreigners, I might not be very hurt, and you still have a chance. If I I ’m not sure, at least it can also hurt the foreigners ... you will not be stressed when you face the foreigners next. "

The words are straightforward.

Fang Xie spoke very directly today.

After Mu Guangling dried up the ink, carefully put away: "I want to keep this thing, it will probably be of great use."

"North of Malan Mountain and east of Shanhaiguan."

Fang Jie emphasized again.

"Because of the south of Malan Mountain, I have given it to others to guard."


Mu Guangling asked tentatively.

Fang Jie didn't answer, but Mu Guangling knew that he didn't make a mistake. To be honest, he couldn't be happy anyway. Fang Xie's strength made him dissatisfied, and Wei An's betrayal made him angry. What he didn't know was that Wei An had not yet given a clear answer to Fang's position.

"So be it."

Fang Xie really left this time.

"The land of Eastern Xinjiang does not leave the Central Plains."

Fang Xie slowly said: "You have been in Dongjiang for so long, and Mufu has been in Dongjiang for a long time, so I believe you know the meaning of this sentence better than others. At that time, the emperor of Dasui dared to believe in Mufu I dare to defend Dongjiang. "

He leapt from the arrow tower.


Xiang Qingniu asked.

Fang Xie nodded, and whispered, "For the moment, this old guy has flickered, but he is not a trustworthy person. Now I don't have time to entangle with him. I will try to get the time to get the foreigners to work."

Xiang Qingniu said, "In fact, you can kill him."

Fang Xie shook his head: "The infamy is too heavy."



"You don't really want to kill him, do you?"

Mu Guangling looked at his son. It was as if a drop of water penetrated the paper and fell into Mu Xianjun's heart.

"The hate you show is just what you want to show. You don't really have any hatred against him, do you? You just don't want to make yourself look changed in front of this person, you don't want him Knowing that you don't want to kill him anymore, I'm right. "

Mu Xianjun smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes, the baby really did not kill him."

"What if you have the power to kill him?"

Mu Guangling asked again.

"Why does my father ask that?"

Mu Xianjun asked back.

Mu Guangling said: "I just want to know your attitude, because it is related to my future arrangements. You want to kill him, and you don't want to kill him, the arrangements for me are completely different."

"I don't want to, even if I have the power to kill him now, I don't want to."

Although he knew this answer, but listening to Mu Xianjun's answer to Mu Guangling's heart was still annoying and sad.

"He broke your arm."

Mu Guangling Road.

Mu Xianjun looked at his father: "If you are really good to me, you will not intentionally use such words to stimulate me. If you want to force me to kill, you can tell me directly. I will kill the solution, I know I can't kill him, I will go because you are my father. "

Mu Guangling's face changed, and there was a feeling of being humiliated by his son. But soon, the feeling disappeared.

"Can you give me a reason?"

Mu Guangling asked.

Mu Xianjun sat down and turned to look at the direction of Fang Xie's departure: "Although I know this is not in line with Mu Fu's style, I do think he is the most correct candidate. I have been in this for several years Inquire about Fang Jie's news, I know all the things he did in Central Plains. I believe, my father also knows. I also always have one thing I can't determine ... Is Fang Jie fighting for the world, is it for him? Yes, he's gone the wrong way. If not, what's his plan? "

"I think the world in his mind should be different from the world in my mind and not the same as his father's. The father contends for the world, thinking about what the family can get, what he can get, what I can get ... ... but it seems that Fang Xie doesn't think so. "

"You seem to admire him?"

Mu Guangling asked again.

Although Mu Xianjun did not want to admit it, he nodded: "Yes"

Mu Guangling sighed: "Even you have no fighting spirit, no hostility ... What use is there if I have fighting spirit and then hostility? Mu Fu will give it to you in the future. If I force my own will, I will not worry about it. How do you face it in the future, then Mufu may be even more difficult in the future. "


Mu Xianjun stood up ~ ~ softly: "Let ’s put down ..."

"lay down?"

Mu Guangling sneered: "Easy to talk about!"

"Not difficult"

Mu Xianjun shook his head: "When I broke my arm, I was sure that I would not let go of this hatred. But in these few years, I have no hate in my heart. We thought we could n’t let go, but we did n’t want to let go. When you decide to let go, what can't you let go? The hard part is not that others are not the environment, but your own heart. "

He knew that his words might not affect his father, but he had to say, "Maybe when you think you can let go, look back and see what happened."

Mu Guangling looked at his son who spoke so solemnly and earnestly. This sadness is not jealousy, but disappointment gradually turns into despair.

"Mufu ... no longer."

He says. rg

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