Conquer the World

Chapter 1220: World No. 3

Chapter 1229 The Third World

In the room

Only two people

Fang Jie and Mulberry. . . Fiction

It seems that it has been too long for two people to sit and talk face to face quietly. It seems that Mulberry is a little nervous. She cherishes this little time and allows herself to use all her strength to enjoy this quietness. . Mulberry knew that it was time for the decisive battle.

A solution needs peace.

"Should you sleep for a while?"

She asked.

Fang Xie smiled and sat next to Sang Ling, and sat down on the ground with his head resting on Sang Ling's legs. That sweet fragrance was refreshing.

"If I say, you will be successful, wouldn't it seem cheesy?"

She asked with a smile.

When she laughed, the little folds on her nose were so cute.

Fang Xie closed her eyes and laughed while lying on her lap.

"Actually, I know, this is not the last time you face a dangerous decisive battle. After this decisive battle, you have another time. You are a paranoid person. If you don't complete all your goals, you won't stop and rest. Yes, you are a paranoid person. If you do n’t solve all the mysteries you ca n’t solve, you wo n’t stop and rest. ”

She stroked Fang Jie's hair: "Then take a short break and be with me."

"Actually there are no more mysteries to solve."

Fang Jie closed his eyes and said softly, "This time, if I win, I will stabilize for a while ... Then I will go to Daxue Mountain and see the mysterious thing. That is not because I am curious, not because I am not You know what it is just because ... Sangran died there. In any case, he is your loved one. "

Mulberry froze slightly, and his nose was a little sour.

"Even if he is my loved one, he is not close to you."

She leaned down, holding Fang Jie's head: "You are my dearest person."

Neither of them said anything, they just hugged quietly. After a while, Mulberry smiled and shed tears on Fang Jie's clothes: "In fact, I don't think I have known you very well, and I have even become a woman with some confusion."

"How do you know me?"

Fang Xie looked up at her: "Shall I share a huge secret with you?"

"What secret?"

Mulberry asked.

"I'm not from this world, do you believe it?"

Fang Jie looked at Sang Yan's eyes seriously and said that when he said this, there was an unparalleled comfort in his heart, which was an indescribable feeling. Easy and thorough. He always felt that he could not speak to anyone, but now, it is so natural.

He spoke out.

Mulberry apparently froze for a moment, but did not respond.

Fang Jie shook her hand, like a stubborn child, and said to herself: "Maybe this is a myth to you, but it is an unexplainable truth to me. I know when When I say all this, you might think I'm writing a story. So ... just listen to this story. "

Mulberry nodded, very seriously.

Fang Jie began to tell, telling everything about himself.

Tell what world he came from, tell everything he experienced. Mulberry was initially surprised that her mouth was wide and wide, but later, she only felt bad. The man who distressed himself experienced all these ordeals. Perhaps she felt the pain of Fang Jie, so she was crying.

"I thought this secret would never be revealed by myself."

Fang Xie reached out and wiped the tears from the corner of Mulberry's eyes.

"Do you believe it?"

he asks.

Sang Yi nodded, "I believe."

Fang Jie smiled and was very satisfied.

"I haven't thought about it until now. I haven't done any great merit in my life. Why did I give me a chance to be born again? So for a while, for a long time, I was very confused. Stop and think, what is the purpose of my rebirth? So when I do things later, I always have a sense of mission. "

Fang Xie smiled at himself: "It is this ridiculous sense of mission that makes me feel that I should be invincible, because I have the protagonist aura."

"What is the protagonist halo?"

Mulberry asked.

Fang Xie laughed abruptly: "It's just a kind of rhetoric, don't care ... I thought at the beginning that I had to come for a purpose. I've been waiting for one day to wake up and suddenly understand the meaning of my existence . Really **** nonsense ... I was really waiting, I was really serious waiting. Then I found that there was no sense of mission at all, and it was more of an accident that I was thrown here. "

"What kind of world was your previous life?"

Mulberry asked.

Fang Xie leaned on her soft abdomen and thought about it and answered, "When I was in that world, I thought that the world was full of filth, filth, no fairness and justice, and faced all kinds of injustice and anger. When I arrived in this world Only to find out that the world that I once lived in is so beautiful. "

"Do you want to go back?"

Sang Yue suddenly asked very seriously.

Fang Xie was silent and hesitated for a long time.

"miss you"

He looked at Sang Yue: "But I won't go back because of you."



"It's a bit **** nervous!"

Ye Manwen smiled, a little embarrassed. This is not because he is going to be angry or what he is going to do or is nervous. Of course, there is also excitement. As a new generation in the Sky Control Society, they shoulder the mission of ZTE. They dreamed of restoring the glory of their ancestors.

Now, this moment is coming.

Dugu Bingwen laughed, but did not laugh.

Because he was also nervous.

"Tomorrow is the Dachao meeting ..."

Cui You played with a snuff bottle in his hand, and his face was abnormally dignified: "We have prepared enough and have prepared long enough. Up to now, to be honest, there is nothing to prepare. We can only wait for tomorrow to come. , And then go step by step according to our plan. "

The seats in this room are different today.

Sitting in the middle is not Cui You, nor is that Bai Lao. It is two old men who have never appeared in front of Dugu Wenxiu. It seems that these two old men are calmer than others. But Dugu Wenxiu can see that their calmness is also pretended.

"It's not because you don't trust you that I just saw you two now."

Among them, the old man who looked a little thin smiled at Dugu Wenxiu, and this smile looked particularly ugly. It's as if you saw a big tree that has lived for at least several hundred years, and suddenly a crack opened in the bark of the old tree, smiling at you ... Du Guwenxiu even felt that an old tree was smiling at himself, May look more comfortable.

"You may be curious who I am, but I can't tell you yet."

The old man's face was indeed uglier than the bark, not only because his skin had become loose to a certain extent, but also because of a scary scar on his face. The scar wasn't very long, it looked about the length of a little finger, right in the middle of the forehead.

And when he was talking, he liked to raise his hand and stroke the scar.

"Tomorrow, after everything is over, I will tell you who I am."

The old man still seemed arrogant.

But Dugu Wenxiu has a feeling that this conceit is an explosion after depression. It was as if his ego had been severely suppressed by something all the time, and it was not until now that the suppression was released, and then he finally released himself completely. So Dugu Wenxiu even had an illusion ... He thought the old man was very poor.

Sitting next to this thin old man was an old woman.

Looks as old as a thin old man ... no, he's older than him. Dugu Wenxiu couldn't tell which of the two old men were older, but he knew that women became older faster than men after a certain age. A 60-year-old woman often looks older than a 60-year-old man.

Judging from the attitudes of the two people towards the two old men, it seems that this old woman is more respected than that old man.

However, when the old woman looked at the old man, her eyes were very different.

"He's right, young man."

When the old woman talked, her voice was so small that the voice of tearing the brocade was harsh.

"After tomorrow, the world will be restored to order. By then, you juniors will really be able to taste the taste of controlling the world. Speaking of which, these few of you, including the children of the Bai family, do not know What that taste is like. You can only imagine that taste through the description of others. "

"Tomorrow will definitely succeed."

The old woman laughed, uglier than the old man smiled.

"I remember, once I watched Kongtian reach its peak, I also watched Kongtian going to a trough. Over the years, because of the existence of Wan Xingchen, we really did not dare to act as before. I need not deny anything, until now I am still full of respect for Wan Xing. He is an enemy, but he is a powerful enemy. We must admit that in the 200 years since Wan Xing Chen sat in Changan City ... we must be honest and even live Go down to avoid his investigation. "

The old woman pointed to the surrounding wall: "Do you know why I made a layer of silver bricks inside the wall? I just want to block the investigation of Wan Xingchen. That guy's perception is too powerful ... You can only hide behind the metal and avoid the perception of Wan Xingchen. "

"But now it's all gone."

The old woman smiled and said, "The new era is coming, but the new era is still ours. The two of us will die after all, so the new era is yours. When you start to taste the taste of controlling the world , You will be deeply fascinated. "

"Do you believe it, Fang Jie will die tomorrow?"

The old man suddenly asked Dugu Wenxiu.

This sentence stopped Du Gu Wenxiu asking, but he couldn't answer for a while. But his hesitation did not betray him, because this hesitation made people believe more. So the old man couldn't help laughing more cheerfully, and his happiness, in the eyes of Dugu Wenxiu, was like a ghost crying.

"It seems you are doubting ~ ~ The old man looks at the old woman:" I changed my mind and I decided to tell him who I am. "


The old woman asked.

The old man looked at Dugu Wenxiu: "If this person can believe it, then why don't I dare tell him who I am? If he can't believe it, he will be anxious to send the news after knowing who I am ... then, There is no need to exist. "

He raised his dry hand and pointed his nose with a finger like a dead wood stick: "I almost forgot my name, but fortunately, I haven't gotten old enough. There was a time when people I'm wondering if I died or not, how did I die, so there are many rumors about me on the rivers and lakes, but these rumors are false. They are constantly speculating to detect my whereabouts, not because they are afraid of me? Is the third in the world. "

When he spoke the last few words, he felt relieved.

"The Third in the World"

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