Conquer the World

Chapter 215: 瘸 The old man leads the way

Chapter 215 The Old Man Leads the Way

Red Sleeve's business is still good and jealous, and the old sister-in-law is still lazy. His world always seems so simple, a bench of gourd wine is all. The old man on the bench in the magnificent red sleeve moves always looked so unfit, but he was there, standing still.

When Fang Xie carried a pack of cooked meat and walked into the red sleeves, Xiao Dang was dealing with a guest trouble. This guest is obviously the first time to come to Chang'an, so no one is interested from where the emperor is far away. But the arrogant attitude of using red sleeves as their local third-rate prostitute-house is really disgusting. In fact, this is the kind of person who is most silent.

I came from a very small place, but always thought that the emperor was the first and the second.

Seeing that the person was making trouble, Fang Jie handed the cooked meat to the old sister-in-law and asked, "Why not throw it out?"

The old sister-in-law narrowed her eyes to pick up the cooked meat, and then squeezed a piece into her mouth. A self-righteous idiot, let her practice it. Besides, I don't need me now ... "

Before he finished speaking, he heard a scream. Fang Xie looked back, then opened her eyes immediately. The fourteen-year-old little head grabbed the front of the dice's clothes with one hand and lifted the man with a height of over one meter and seven-five with one arm over the head soldier. Then he fell down to the ground fiercely, and the man couldn't even speak after a bang. But the young man didn't stop, leaned down again, grabbed the man, raised it above his head, and fell down again.

So three times, the man was so angry that he fell.

"Dare to hit someone ... I'm going to the newspaper officer ..."

The dice said intermittently, and did not know how many bones had been broken. The young man's toes lay down on the person lying on the ground, then made a fierce pick, and the body was picked out like a sandbag. Two red-sleeved guys moved out quickly, and before the man landed, he copied his shoulders and grabbed his legs to catch him. The dunker almost scared his pants and said thank you subconsciously.

The two guys said rudely, then threw the man out of the way and threw it outside the gate of the red sleeves. The fall was even worse, the man couldn't stand up. Just a few arrests of Chang'an Prefecture passed by, and the man held one of the arrested thighs and cried and was beaten. Look at him like an idiot and catch him up, then bring him back to Yemen to file a case. Of course, this case must not be upheld.

The old sister-in-law doesn't need me to finish the shot yet, it's already over there. He shrugged. "Look, right ..."

Fang Jiechi smiled and said, "I hardly resisted to pinch Xiao Ding's **** last time I came, but fortunately I managed to hold it back. It hasn't been long before that, where is this girl like a woman ... It seems that in the future I still seldom mess around. "

The old sister-in-law glanced at him and said, "You're idiot. The woman's **** is actually the same as the tiger's butt. She touched it with a glance and she touched it. She didn't feel like a big loss. It feels disgusting, and it's strange not to kill. "

"Master, do you think she looks good to me?"

"You can try it."

"Just you let me touch it?"


Fang Xie smiled, and squeezed a seat on the old sister-in-law's bench: "Master, please, please."

"If you have a fart, I know you're fine if you don't look for me, it will come out when something happens. Damn, it's even more ruthless than 嫖-客."

Fang Xie said: "Master is really bad, even if I'm a puppet-offer ... That ... Take a step back and say that I'm a good male-colored puppet-offer, I really didn't find your strength, will Vomiting. "

The old sister-in-law kicked Fang Xie's **** and laughed and cursed, "Little bunny is saying something!"

Fang Jieqing cleared his throat and gathered up a playful expression and asked, "Master, have you been walking on rivers and lakes for decades, do you know if there are any organizations or ancestral gates near Chang'an City? Is it money? The kind of person who solves their problems for me. "

"You want a killer?"

The old sister-in-law frowned.

"No no no ..."

A nearby hand quickly waved: "It's not a killer, it's a bodyguard. I need to find a group of good people to help me protect a person, but I don't know where I can find these people. Silver is not a problem, but these people's people are It must be good. "


The old sister-in-law pondered for a while and said, "Chang'an City's Son of Heaven is the best place to find a killer, but there are still some good bodyguards for repairs. There is an old-fashioned dart bureau in Xicheng. It doesn't take Huangbai work, only guards, Changan City Many dignitaries here invited darts to be personal guards from them, but the price was very high. "

Fang Xie shook his head: "The ordinary dart master can't come here, because there are most likely to be masters with more than seven or eight grades."

The old sister-in-law said: "Who are you protecting?"

"This cannot be said."

Fang Xie shook his head: "Trusted."

The old sister-in-law hesitated for a while, stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to a place."



The old sister-in-law walked in front of him in an unhurried manner, and the solution followed him step by step. The two men went west along the 23rd East Street. It seemed that the place to go was not far away.

"From your current experience, you should know who is the best guard around the emperor?"

The old sister asked as she walked.

Fang Jie hesitated and replied, "Surely not the flying fish robe at Onai Guards, right?"

"Flying fish robe?"

The old sister-in-law snorted coldly: "The guys in the Dainai Guards Department are like a pile of waste compared with other people. Now the Dainai Guards Department is getting worse and worse, and it will almost fall to the point of charging. The ceremonial ceremonies are on the facade. It is the embargo that guards the imperial city, and there is a very special team in the embargo, and even the embargoed generals cannot be relocated. These people are selected from the entire country of Dasui, only eight hundred, called To the camp. "

Fang Jie has heard the name, but has never seen it.

"Very good?"

he asks.

The old sister-in-law nodded: "Let me tell you this. Even the flying fish robes and the embargo are controlled by Taiji Temple. As long as the emperor has the 800 soldiers in the battalion, he will not even stop them from mobilizing the army The emperor rushed out. If they want to stay in Taiji Temple, unless they die, don't want someone close to the emperor. If these 800 people take the initiative to attack, the inner guard will be razed to the ground in a long time. "

Fang Xie's mouth opened slightly, and it seemed difficult to believe what the old sister-in-law said.

The old sister-in-law glared at him: "You still don't know what's left, don't look so dying. The military system for the battalion was created in the Taizong reign, and these eight hundred people are quite unique. The emperor took them as dummy Even the wives of each of them were personally chosen by the emperor. The emperor would recognize the face of each of them, remember each person's name, and never remember the wrong one. "

"For the camp, wearing bright light armor and using a large knife, it is a secret where these 800 people are stationed, but there is no doubt that as long as someone dares to misbehave, they will appear next to the emperor. During the Renzong period, the five princes colluded. Military officials and the two generals at the time rebelled, trying to kill the prince to force Renzong to abdicate. Thousands of rebels rushed to the East Palace to kill His Royal Highness, and as a result, how many people died and how many people went in. It was to the camp that killed the thieves. It took only three hundred people ... "

Fang Jie knew that Emperor Renzong was the weakest of the Emperor Sui. Only when he was in office did a major case of the prince's rebellion occur. But the Emperor Renzong was only slightly weaker than other emperors. He reigned for twenty-one years, and he never lost a foreign war.

But the act of rebellion was only carried through in the history books without leaving too much ink. Fang Xie knew that this kind of thing could not be promoted. Perhaps because of this, he had never heard anyone bring up the rebellion before. It was in the old camp's mouth.

But he did not doubt the words of the old sister-in-law. With the wisdom and courage of Emperor Taizong of the Great Sui Dynasty, it was not difficult to build an army that was absolutely loyal to himself. However, with the vastness of the Great Sui Dynasty, only 800 people were selected ... Think about it You know how terrible this is to the camp.

"What does this have to do with the person we are looking for?"

Fang Xie asked, "Will you always take me to the camp?"

"Yes, neither."

The old sister-in-law smiled mysteriously and secretly: "Where I am going to take you, few people in Changan City know. I even bet that even Prince Yi, who claims to be a friend with vast friends all over the world, does not know. And the master you need is there. "


Fang Xie asked, "If there are really a group of elite masters who can stand up to the battalion in Chang'an, why is the court not using it? Why is the emperor not using it?"

"Because those people do not belong to the court or even the emperor, they belong to only one person."


"Prince Suizhong ... Yang Qi."



The old sister-in-law said as he walked: "Every new emperor ascends the throne, he will take over from the old emperor to the camp. But the new emperor will certainly replace a group of people, some of them are old, and some of them are old. The emperor was too loyal. After the old emperor died, they immediately committed suicide and funeral. When His Majesty ascended the throne, 800 changed the battalion to the battalion, most of which killed himself by suicide. At the time, he chose new elites for his Majesty. It was Prince Loyal to the camp. "

"Although there is nothing secret about the existence of the affair battalion, the Chaozhong officials and even some well-informed people know it. But the horror of the affair battalion is that no one knows where they are. His Majesty handed it over Prince Loyal, no one else knows anything at all. "

"You want to ask why I know?"

The old sister-in-law smiled, and was a little proud: "Because when Prince Loyal was doing this, I was behind Prince Wang."

Fang Xie was shocked, only to realize that the old sister-in-law was originally a loyal prince of the loyal prince. Thinking of the relationship between Red Sleeve's Auntie Yang and Yang Qi, it is no wonder that the old sister-in-law kept Red Sleeve's move for more than ten years. He had some speculation, but did not expect that the relationship between Laozi and Yang Qi was so deep. Now Fang Jie understands that when Yang Qi went west, he must have left the old sister-in-law to protect the red sleeves.

"Do you mean that Prince Loyal left a group of people for his own use?"

He asked ~ ~ Lao Zizi shook his head: "Can't say the same, when selecting people from all over Da Sui, it was natural to choose more than 300 or 400 people. Many of them are good people because of some They were not selected for some reasons. For example, there were murders on their bodies, such as bandits of ancestry, but these people were no less capable than those who were selected. Wouldn't it be a waste if these people were put back? So Wang left a group of people privately at first, so Stay in Changan City. "

"Your Majesty doesn't know about this."

The old sister-in-law smiled and said, "In the beginning, the purpose of leaving these people was actually for His Majesty. He thought that there was a service camp in the palace, and there was a small service camp outside the palace. For His Majesty, it was double insurance. But Who would have thought that there would be no news as soon as Lord Wang left, these people would lose their backbone. But they still believed that Lord Wang would return, so they did not dissolve. And before the Lord Wang left before, he told them to protect his Majesty for him. People who knew the secret , Except me, no more than two people. "

Fang Xie can think of another mother, but the third person cannot guess who it is.

"Can you convince them to help me?"

Fang Xie asked a little bit.


The old sister-in-law shook his head and said, "They will not listen to anyone except the Lord. And after all these years, their tempers are afraid to become wilder."

"What then? Does it work?"

Fang Xie asked.

The old sister-in-law glared at him and said, "What good is the silver money? They are also humans and they have to eat! Besides ... others ca n’t, but you do n’t have to.”

"Because you are the only descendant of Wang Ye, whether it's true or not ... it's the only one, isn't it?"

Fang Xie was silent for a while and asked, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

The old sister-in-law asked, "Have you asked me?"

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