Conquer the World

Chapter 224: I made you think like that

Chapter 224 is what I made you think like this

I ate three large bowls of white rice in one breath, sweeping away the four dishes of wind and roll clouds, Fang Xie leaned back and snorted comfortably, groaning contentedly, stroking his slightly belly. Fang Jie felt very happy for the rest of his life after the calamity.

"Drink the medicine in a while."

Shen Qingfan put the fried medicine aside and said, "This is Mr. Biao's own cooking. She has worked harder than anyone in the past two days. I looked at the classic books in the library last night and wanted to find a cure for you. Method. I always think about how you are born with good luck. There is no shortage of people around you who can help you, and most of them are women. "

Fang Xiepu chuckled and laughed: "What do you want the big dog and Kirin to think?"

Shen Qingfan smiled and said, "I have a serious matter to discuss with you now."

"what's up?"

"Am I staying here or going back to the shop?"

Shen Qingfan asked, a little expectation in his eyes. But Fang Xie thought for a while and the answer disappointed her, then she glanced at Fang Xie resentfully.

"Go back to the shop."

Fang Jie thought for a while and said, "Anyway, I have already told my husband, and I will go back to the shop every day. They all live in Yanwuyuan. If there is anything I want to leave, I ca n’t go. It ’s easy for you to be outside. Get away. "

"Fang Jie, do you always plan for the worst outcome?"

She couldn't help asking.

Fang Xie nodded and said, "I was not an optimistic person now. I now step into the muddy water with one foot, and how easy it is to get out. The emperor pushed me in a word, and I cannot pull you in. . I have already told Mr. Zhuo, and asked him to help tell Xiaoyao. After she returned from the northwest, don't go into Chang'an City immediately and find a place to stay outside. The big dogs and the unicorns went to Jiangnan, but I feel relieved. "

He sighed: "Who knows what happened in Chang'an City for a while, I can't wipe out the whole army because of other people's affairs. I'm betting on my future, but I can't involve your life. You and I both live in Yanwuyuan. I can't even walk if I want to. "

Shen Qingfan frowned slightly: "You can't believe anyone in the yard?"

"Except yourself."

Fang Xie shook his head and said, "I can't believe anyone."

Shen Qingfan said, "Since this is the case, I live in the shop. But do you think that Xiao Yao will listen to your living outside the city and not return?"

Fang Xie froze, then shook her head: "Her temperament ..."

"Fang Jie ... Do you think that Prince Yi's affairs are very difficult to solve? Or do you have found something that makes you have to plan for it later? Prince Yi ... really dare to have that thought?"

Fang Xie said: "I still can't see clearly, I don't know if he wants to fight for power or something else. The wisdom of the emperor is not comparable to that of ordinary people. I don't think that Prince Yi would dare to have that mind to succeed. His What are the chips? What to fight with the emperor who owns the world? Just because I do n’t know his chips, I am more worried. The emperor is smart, and Prince Yi is not an idiot. If there is nothing to give him confidence, why should he feel himself can?"

Shen Qingfan said: "Well, shall we go? Ignore these right and wrong."

Fang Xie smiled and said, "Not good ... I have something to do."

"what's up?"

Shen Qingfan asked.

"Fan Gu's blood debt of two thousand and eighty frontier troops, I must collect it. I now suspect that the purpose of Li Yuanshan's slaughter is related to Prince Yi, and maybe Prince Yi is hiding behind it. This is why I am willing to promise that the emperor is close to Prince Yi. I am not a good person, but I remember those who are good to me. Two thousand and eight hundred ghosts are standing behind me, waiting for me to get justice for them. The killer pays his life , The debtor repays the money ... I don't have the ability to kill Li Xiaozong and Li Yuanshan now, so I must climb up. "

Fang Xie breathed a long sigh of relief. This was the first time he had said these words to others, so he felt relieved.

"I'll stay with you."

Shen Qingfan said: "Although I have not seen the soldiers and folks, but since you have decided, I will accompany you."

Fang Jie took her hand and let her sit down on her lap: "When I first came to Chang'an City, I was thinking that An An would live well and steady. For a while, I even thought that if I could not die, I would In this way, the waste wood that cannot be cultivated can be found in a place to be a farmer. After arriving in Chang'an City, everything did not develop as I expected, and I knew how weak I was, even if I wanted to find a place Will it work? No, because I do n’t even have the right to control which way I go. "

"Then I will fight, at least the right to do what I want to do."

He paused and said, "I always feel that Prince Yi has the confidence to be inseparable from Li Yuanshan. But Li Yuanshan is just a general of a guard. How can his soldiers and horses be elite? To kill my eunuch, why did he act on such a trivial person like me? Speaking of, he used to be an **** in Yushufang, how could he shoot himself because of a small soldier of Fan Gubian, what is his relationship with Li Yuanshan ? "

"He died in Fan Gu. Li Xiaozong killed it by himself."

Fang Jie frowned: "The eunuchs who accompanied him were also dead ... At first I thought I was right. Li Yuanshan slaughtered the city to cover up Li Xiaozong's killing me, and to wipe the stain for Li Xiaozong. But now I Only then I realized that I took myself too seriously. Li Yuanshan did n’t even have the interest in killing me. How could he kill the entire Fan Gucheng people because of me? I was thinking ... he slaughtered the city and wanted to bury him The truth of this is not the death of that eunuch. "

"Because I was involved, I thought about everything. I thought Li Xiaozong was targeting me and Li Yuanshan was also targeting me. I didn't die because I was lucky and met the boss and encountered a red sleeve move. My grandfather, the more I became clearer later, he was just an ant in Li Yuanshan's eyes at the time, how could he be angry because of me? "

"After thinking of this, I thought of the eunuch."

Fang Xie thought for a while and continued to say, "What is it that makes Li Yuanshan at the cost of slaughtering the city and also kill a once powerful **** who has great power? You must know that Wu Peisheng is the closest **** around the emperor. Sometimes he can even Affects the emperor's thoughts. Killing Wu Peisheng, once the matter is exposed is a major crime involving the entire family, Li Yuanshan is not afraid? This only shows that ... Li Yuanshan killed Wu Peisheng because there was one more crime than killing the **** Bingpen Sin. "

"A greater crime than such a felony, what can it be?"

he asks.

After being silent for a while, Shen Qingfan spat out two words: "Conspiracy."

Fang Jie nodded and said, "I later thought whether Wu Peisheng had discovered Li Yuanshan's secrets, so that Li Yuanshan had to kill him. At that time, Wu Peisheng deliberately went with Li Yuanshan in order to cover up what he knew. Get close, even lowering his identity and running to Fan Gu to kill me in person, he just wanted to paralyze Li Yuanshan. And I was really insignificant at that time, and he died. But Wu Peisheng should not have thought of what he found. Li Yuanshan already knew what happened, so he killed the game in Fan Gubu. The game was originally aimed at Wu Peisheng, not me. "

"Wu Peisheng did not run away immediately because he did not know that Li Yuanshan had seen him. Or, he wanted to find more things."

Fang Xie Shen chanted: "I ca n’t figure out these things until after so many conspiracies after Changan City. Because people always take themselves as the center and think everything happens because of themselves. In fact Otherwise, in fact, I was an outsider at the time. What I can't figure out now is, what exactly does Li Yuanshan want to hide? Is what he hides is Prince Yi's biggest chip? "

"So ... you have to be Prince Yi's confidant first."

He paused and said calmly, "I even now wonder whether the emperor gave this to me because he also suspected that Wu Peisheng's death was not easy, and I was the only one in Fan Gucheng. Lively, he knows I'll be willing to check this out. "



Prince Yee Mansion


Prince Yi looked at the swimming koi in the pool and sighed: "In order to keep them alive and well in the middle of the winter season, I spent a lot of money to keep the water in the pool to maintain the temperature. They also know themselves and dare not Swim outside the pool. Even their humble creatures know that they can't live without loneliness. Why do some people always think that they can be lonely? "

Qin Liuqi knew who he was talking about, and thought and answered, "Li Yuanshan may be because he felt that the lord's back was holding in his hand, so he would inevitably be proud and think that the lord cannot leave him now. . "

"Such a person is the most shameful."

Prince Yi snorted coldly: "They are so greedy ... they's Li family is just a hopeful in a remote place in Longyou. There is no solitude. How easy is it for the Li family to want to really get started? Li Yuanshan has forgotten his identity and arrogance More and more disgusting. "

He threw the letter in his hand into the fire.

"Dare to dare to speak in such a tone, and he really considers himself a big man."

Qin Liuqi hesitated, "Should someone send someone to beat?"

"No need."

Prince Yi waved his hand and said, "Isn't he thinking that he can't live without him? Let him feel like this ... The more he does, the more he will be more dedicated, because he will take everything as his own thing Come. "

"Subordinates are worried, will they get out of control?"

Qin Liuqi asked.

Prince Yi smiled and said, "The Northwest is not the only one who is Li Yuanshan alone. The secret he thought was sending heavy soldiers to guard others and would not be able to **** it. It was too naive. He once said that he would let go Opening the defense line allowed the Mengyuan people to kill the Mandu banner. His Majesty was bound to be angry at that time. As long as this was done cleverly, Yang Kai could not stay in the northwest. Drop him. "

"Private communication, this is always a knife hanging from his head."

"And ... tell Li Xiaozong that Li Yuanshan is being followed closely by Gu."

Qin Liuqi nodded and said, "Li Xiaozong's secret letter said that he suspected Li Yuanshan seemed to have found something, and he has been crowding him out for a while."

"Gu likes to deal with young people ~ ~ From the beginning, Gu was close to the new upstart of Yanwu Academy. The top three of the last session, the top five of the last session, and the last five all worked hard to pull over. This year's Fang Jie, Yu Xiao, Pei Chuxing, Xie Fuyao, Gu also have to come over, because Gu knew that the future of Da Sui, it is still these young people. Gu originally thought that Li Xiaozong was nothing but a dispensation Now that Li Yuanshan is going farther and farther, he is willing to hold a handful of Li Xiaozong. "

Prince Yi smiled and said, "Gu is just a lazy prince with no real power, so Gu is dealing with those young talents, but he just talks about it, everyone feels like this. What a wonderful thing ... … No one would have thought that the emperor had prepared for ten years in order to conquer the Mongolian Yuan, and Gu had prepared more than ten years for this matter. "

"Master Wang is far-sighted, and others will naturally not understand."

Qin Liuqi bowed his head.

Prince Yi laughed: "Now Goku makes everyone feel that Goku really wants to go to the northwest to grab military power ... but who can guess that going to the northwest is no different for Gugu. If His Majesty really Let Gu go, but go a long way ... Gu likes Changan City, so he doesn't go anywhere. "

He turned around and looked at Qin Liuqi and said, "Let those in the court go to the air again, suggesting that Gu go to the northwest to preside over military sounds. Gu knows the fourth brother too much ... the more so, the more He won't let Gu go northwest. Brother Si thought he understood everything, but in fact he didn't understand anything! Li Yuanshan thought he understood everything, in fact, he was just an optional chess piece. With him , Gu is more at ease, without him ... can Gu do nothing? "

Qin Liuqi whispered: "On the eighth day of February, Daji, it is said that the days for sending troops have been set."

Prince Yi smiled and said, "Once there is a good luck, there will be a second, a third ..."

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