Conquer the World

Chapter 251: It's too difficult to get out

Chapter 251 It's Too Hard to Get Out

This swordsman from Dongluo has followed the merchant ship of Dongchu to Da Sui. Because Dong Chu's merchant ship has to travel many places, it has been a year since he arrived in Da Sui from his own country, so he learned a lot from the Central Plains. Although the language is not fluent, at least it can express its meaning clearly. Of course, it can understand most Chinese meanings.

So, he understood your father died?

The proud dwarf was furious immediately, and he drew out the sword in his hand. Dongsong's sword is similar to Dasui's horizontal sword. It is said that many years ago, after Dongchu's merchants sold Dasui's horizontal sword to Dongshang, Dongsong's workshop immediately served as a model for weapons, so he began to copy. But to show the difference, the swords they created were slightly changed.

For example, the double-edged sword in the hands of the East Sword Swordsman looks similar to a horizontal sword, but it is slightly curved, and the position of the blood tank is slightly different.

"Bagga Road!"

He cursed and pointed at San Jinhou's forehead with his sword: "The samurai who insulted our sunrise empire is a death penalty, and I will fight you."

San Jinhou picked his lips and looked at the old man sitting on the side and asked, "Are you coming together or one by one?"

The old man pouted and said, "I don't mind you kill this idiot first."

San Jinhou smiled and nodded.

The East Swordsman was furious and glanced back at the old man. "I and you are now on the front, how can you collude with the enemy!"

The old man smiled and said, "Idiot, I do have the same goals as you, but first of all, you are an alien barbarian. Let the old husband and an alien join forces to kill Da Sui. The old husband cannot do it. I must kill this person. , But certainly not with you. If you were killed by him, I would be very happy and maybe applaud. If you happened to kill him, then I would kill you to avenge him. Because the old husband is Sui, Sui The battle between us is a matter of our own family. I will not intervene in the contest between you and him, but I will not watch you go away after killing the Sui people. "

The East Swordsman suddenly said: "What is the truth? People standing on a front are friends!"

The old man sneered: "A barbarian who came to Da Sui for dogs for a few dollars or two miles, is qualified to be friends with my husband?"

"I killed you first!"

The east swordsman was furious and pointed his sword at the old man.

The old man frowned: "If your sword is pointing at me again, I will kill you immediately."

Maybe it was the Dongjian swordsman who had seen the cultivation of the old man, and although he was furious, he was still very cautious about him. He muttered a few words in his own national language, and then pointed the sword at Sanjinhou again.

Sanjinhou pointed at the old man and said with a smile, "I mean the same thing as him, but I won't warn you."

After saying this, Sanjinhou disappeared.

The East Swordsman was shocked, but did not expect the enemy's speed to be so fast. However, he is also a famous samurai in Dongbei, and has rich experience in battle. So as soon as Sanjinhou disappeared, he turned back fiercely and slashed out. The Eastman swordsman's swordsmanship is simple and straightforward, without any fancy movements. Basically, all the sword moves are fast and powerful.

But this sword failed.

He turned around and fell off with a sword, only to find that his estimation was wrong, and the enemy did not appear behind him. He was startled, and quickly turned again. However, it was found that San Jinhou, who had disappeared before, was still standing in place, but he returned after a flash of his body just now. The pupils of the East Sword Swordsman dilated, because he saw a bowl of fists smashing into his face.

He immediately lifted the long sword up and tried to cut off San Jinhou's wrist. The sword edge passed, but San Jinhou's arm suddenly twisted as if he had broken it. This is totally contrary to common sense. What's wrong with one's arm? Can you break it by yourself? The long sword failed, but the fist did not.

This punch hit the nose of the swordsman of Dongying fiercely, and he slammed, as if the soy sauce bottle was broken, and the blood in his nose was sprayed out. San Jinhou seems to have intentionally left no room to kill him with a punch, but bullied himself at the moment when the East Swordsman's head tilted back, and slammed his shoulder against the East Swordsman's chest.

Like hitting a bell, the East Swordsman's body was knocked out like a shell. The old man sitting behind the East Sword Swordsman flickered and flew to the side like a hawk. Suddenly, the body of the Dongjian swordsman slammed against the big rock where the old man was sitting.

With a click, the east swordsman's waist folded back ninety degrees, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

Sanjinhou slowly walked to the fallen East Swordsman and looked down at this dying guy: "You really shouldn't leave your country. This world is different from another world. The so-called Sunrise Empire is in us In the eyes of the Sui people, it is a joke, and it is not funny. "

The meaning of this remark was not understood by the East Swordsman.

Only the speaker understands.

San Jinhou leaned down and grabbed the robe of the East Swordsman. He lifted it up and said in a calm tone: "I really want to let you go back, so that you can tell your compatriots not to run out of shame. But I am not a Buddha Zong's people have no good virtues. So ... you can die. "

He grabbed the sash of the east swordsman and pushed it forward fiercely. The head of the East Sword Swordsman slammed against the stone fiercely, bursting like a watermelon against the stone.

At this moment, no one knows why Sanjinhou would use such **** methods to kill people.

A supervisor standing in the door of the moon suddenly exclaimed, shouting at San Jinhou with a trembling voice: "You ... you are not Wu Yi!"

"Sanjinhou" slowly opened the long wooden box aside, and took out a long knife like a clear water from the inside. There was a layer of frost in the wooden box. But there was no frost on the blade of the long knife, only a faint layer of water vapor.

"Sanjinhou" held the long knife, turned around and looked at the Moon Gate with a smile and praised, "You are very smart, you guessed it."



"Sanjinhou" reached out and grabbed one on his face, and peeled off a very delicate mask. When the mask was removed, his handsome appearance surprised everyone!

"The solution!"

Several of the stewards in the Moon Gate shouted the name almost at the same time, and then their faces became particularly ugly. Originally, Wu Yidao's murderer has been killing them in the backyard of Songbailou. It has surprised them all, but after seeing this young and handsome face, their hearts can't help but start to twitch.

When Fang Jie, posing as a golden waiter, came in, they killed Wu Hui and went directly to Songbai Tower to find their troubles because Wu Yi was hunting down the carriage of Songbai Tower, which was out of town. But now there is Fang Jie, not Wu Yidao, who can't help but think ... Where is Wu Yidao?

Fang Jie, who took off the mask, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "It's really uncomfortable wearing this thing, especially I dare not look in the mirror. I don't know if you believe it or not, I was scared when I saw it at first sight. A jump. "

The stewards looked at each other, and no one could understand what he wanted to say.

Fang Jie looked at the old man and said with a smile, "I just admire what you said just now. The contradiction between Sui people is a family matter. That's what I said ... so I'd like to persuade you ... you go, today. It is by no means what you think. If you stay here again, you will surely die, and your death will be ruined. Although I do n’t know who you are, but since you have your own pride, you do n’t want to be a barbarian. May you be buried in the graves of the grave after the death to fight against the thieves and be cast aside by the world, your children and grandchildren will always bear the imprint of shame and live the lives of slaves. "

The old man apparently hesitated, and finally shook his head: "Since I have agreed to others, I cannot regret it."

Fang Xie nodded: "I know that persuading you is also persuasion, but I feel sorry for the Sui people ’s own contradictions, and they still have a lot of injuries and injuries. They are the pride of Sui people, even if they die. Should die in such a conspiracy. "

The old man's eyes struggled for a moment, and he asked for a while, "How often do you persuade your enemy like this?"

Fang Xie shook his head with a smile: "No ... because before I killed him, I saw someone turning over the wall and going out, it should be to move the soldiers, right? And you all went out of the city to chase those carriages, naturally May be called back in a short time. So ... go to find a helper now, must be looking for your backstage person, right? I'm just waiting for that person in your backstage to stand out ... If it doesn't force a certain share, he How could it be easy to show up? "

Fang Xie pointed towards the directors of the Moon Gate with his dew knife: "Although they are not big people, there is nothing too glorious to speak of. But they know too many secrets because those adults cannot see them. Everything is handled by them. It ’s more effective to catch these people than to catch those grown-ups. So ... your back office knows that Wu Yidao has killed Songbai Tower, and he may take all these affairs away. His What was the reaction? "

Fang Jie asked and answered, "Of course, this cannot be allowed to happen, so he will immediately dispatch masters around him to stop Wu Yidao. In his opinion, he would rather kill you than fall into Wu Yidao's hands."

He smiled: "But I'm not Wu Yidao, I'm Fang Jie ... then where do you guess Wu Yitong go?"

He asked those stewards.

Those executives certainly don't know. In fact, even Fang Xie is not sure where Wu is now. He only knew that Wu Yi must be in the most important place.

"Are you very upset and angry? You have been waiting for the moment when your Tianluo Di net is tightening, but now you suddenly find out that you are the people in the net. This must feel terrible ... if I , I must be annoyed, want to scold my mother, feel ashamed to want to commit suicide ~ ~ Fang Jie looks a little proud, and declares the enemy's defeat with the posture of a winner.

"Don't doubt, the reason why I say so much to you is not my words, nor is it my complacency. It's because I'm waiting for someone sent by you in the background. As for you ... you are already the king of the net, You ca n’t run it. But rest assured, you ’re captured today, and the adults behind you will be fine, because tomorrow will be the ceremony of the troop ... With so few officials, the people will doubt. The emperor loves face, and he must wait for tomorrow after that."

"So, today ’s early dynasty has not ended. And it will not end today. The emperor will leave the adults behind you until tomorrow morning and take them directly to the ceremony. Of course, they are just filling the number. Nothing but tomorrow, you will be more important, because after the military ceremony, I will take your confession to the emperor. Whoever performed well, said that his wife, son and grandson must not be linked. "

The old man's face changed greatly, and he stepped back a few steps: "You mean, this is the trap set by the emperor at all?"

Fang Xie nodded: "You finally understand."

The old man's complexion kept changing. After hesitating for a few seconds, his feet suddenly moved a little, his body flew up like a kite and jumped out of the yard. He could see his figure rising and falling on the high-rise building, and soon disappeared.

When the old man was gone, Fang Jie couldn't help but raised his hand and wiped his forehead: "Hoo ... it's not easy to lie to a person. It's too **** hard to figure it out now. It ’s okay for people to live. Fighting ... how do I know that the old guy who has n’t fought the old guy is the best way to defeat a man without a fight? ”

He smiled and looked at the stewards: "Am I terrible? I lied to you just now ... the emperor, I don't know what happened today."

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