Conquer the World

Chapter 260: So it is

Chapter 260 It Was So

Tai Chi Palace looks no different from usual. When Fang Jie and Shen Qingfan Mu Xiaowao came in, they found that the guards on duty did not increase, and the number of flying fish robes was as usual. Fang Jie knew that this was just a superficial thing.

Prince Yi is going to rebel, but he has no direct evidence if he doesn't. Yang Yan is very cautious in doing things, at least it is difficult to dig him out of the cargo transportation. Even if the emperor doubts, it is not good to win a prince for no reason. Fang Xie also knew that the emperor waited for Prince Yi's shot, perhaps because he wanted to wipe out all the anti-Parties. But he didn't know why the emperor was so sure. Prince Yi had not shown any confusion until now, and it was obvious that he was confident. The brothers had the same confidence in their bones.

The people of the Yang family seem to have this kind of quality, maybe it is the temperament that has gradually formed over the past 100 years.

The little **** Mu San led the Fang Jie three all the way in. When no one was there, he deliberately slowed down and got closer to Fang Jie.

"A major incident occurred in the northwest, and the entire army of 700,000 troops was annihilated ... Your Majesty was so angry that after listening to the emergency report, he was white for a while and looked strange."

He said in a low voice.

Fang Xie said, pretending to continue casually: "I already know about the Northwest, what I want to know now ... is there anything you have ordered for the military ceremony tomorrow?"

Mu Sandao said, "I just listened to a few words when I was going out, and I didn't dare to stay long. Your Majesty let us all wait out when listening to the Northwestern Express. I deliberately dragged it out before listening. His Majesty did not know what he said later, but His Majesty urged General Xu Xiaogong, General Xu Xiaogong, and General Yang Shun, General Zuo Weiwei to enter the palace. These two generals are also waiting in Dongnuan Pavilion, not in the front. "

Fang Jie turned his head, but found no clue from these words.

"You said Your Majesty was white for two?"


Xiao **** Mu San sighed in a low voice, "Master Xiaofang, didn't you look at it, then it was white for a short while. I was fine when I went out, and when Her Majesty's Mission came to us to serve, I saw I saw it, my heart was sore at the time, but I can imagine how angry my Majesty was. "

Turning around an aisle is in front of Dongnuan Pavilion, Mu San no longer speaks. After the four arrived at Dongnuan Pavilion, Fang Xie saw the two generals sitting in the outbuildings as soon as he entered the door. He immediately stood up straight and met each other with military salute. When the two generals saw Fang Xie marching ceremony, they stood up and returned.

"Have a look at the humble servant. I have seen two generals!"

Xu Xiaogong and Fang Xie were quite familiar. After returning to the ceremony, he laughed and said, "I was surprised when you entered the marching ceremony. I actually forgot that you were also from the military and military background. Very good, very good.

Fang Xie and General Yang Shunhui, Yang Shunhui, met for the first time, and he was not familiar with this general who looked only in his thirties. However, he has also been mentioned before that Yang Shunhui is the youngest of the sixteenth guard generals. If it was not because he had royal blood, how could he be the peak of a military general at this age.

Yang Shunhui is of medium build, he is not fat or thin, and his face is a little pale, but he is not sickly white. There is no need to have a white face. Seeing Svenvin has no momentum at all, he is more like a teacher. Fang Jie knows that with the character of the emperor today, if Yang Shunhui really has no ability, even the royal ancestry must not rise to the rank of general. The emperor has always focused on abilities. With so many descendants of the Yang family, Yang Shun will be able to stand out from the crowd.

"You are the famous solution?"

Yang Shun smiled and said, "Into the palace, I also brought two beautiful women who are beautiful and beautiful.

There was no irony in this remark, Fang Jie heard that the general was just joking. Since he still had a mood to joke with an unfamiliar person like himself, Fang Jie guessed that they should be very sure about tomorrow's affairs. Or ... they didn't know it at all? And looking at their expressions so easily, it should be obvious that the Northwest defeated them. His Majesty has not returned yet, and no one is expected to mention them.

Unsure, Fang Jie smiled and said, "These two were also invited by the Her Majesty to the palace for questioning. Where is the courage to bring the family into the palace?"


Yang Shun would hesitate for a moment and then laughed, "Yanfu is not shallow."

This man doesn't have a bit of a shelf, and he has the character of being familiar. After all, in terms of identity, Fang Xie and he are now a hundred thousand miles away. The little **** Mu came up with tea from three ends, and Fang Xie sat down in the last position. Shen Qingfan and Mu Xiaoyao looked at each other. Instead of sitting, they stood behind Fang Jiejie. This move made Xu Xiaogong and Yang Shunhui very envious. They were three wives and four widows, and those women who were jealous were unconvinced.

The three of them said some boring topics, and none of them mentioned tomorrow. Obviously, the two generals had some defense against each other.

While talking, the little **** shouted aloud, "Your Majesty is here!"



The emperor walked quickly into Dongnuan Pavilion, and took off the crown and handed it to Su Buwei behind him: "You two come in first, and you will be waiting outside, and I will talk to you later."

Fang Xie quickly leaned over and said: "Chen Zunzhi"

He looked up when he got up, and found that the emperor's two wives were indeed white. And it's not that mottled white, it's completely white. It seemed that the emperor suddenly seemed to be twenty years old. Generals Xu Xiaogong and Yang Shunhui followed the emperor into the back room. Su Buwei gave a slight nod before he entered the door. From the eyes of the eunuch, Fang Xie could see that this person seemed to be close to himself.

His Majesty warned him not to intervene in Wu Yidao's affairs. Before Fang Jie entered the palace, he was still a little uneasy, but depending on the situation, it seems that the emperor's mind is not at all.

He waited for a full hour outside, and it was completely dark outside. The maiden picked up lanterns and filled the corridor, and it was really pleasing to see those mermaids running under the lights. But there is nowhere to look at the beauties at this time, and my heart is full of tomorrow's affairs.

An hour later, the two generals came out of the back room, the other nodded and walked away, their faces had become extra dignified. Su Buwei approached the other side and beckoned at the door. Fang Xie quickly got up.

Entering the Dongnuan Pavilion, Fang Xie found that the emperor did not sit on the earthenware as usual, but looked at the huge map of the Great Sui Dynasty on the wall. In the northwest corner of the map, there is a particularly striking area outlined by a red pen. But the red was a festive color, because Da Sui had two thousand miles more territory. But now, the red eyes were dazzling like blood, and it looked awkward.

"Fang Jie, what's happening today ... you're very reckless!"

The emperor did not turn back, but there seemed to be no blame in his tone.

Fang Xiechu said, "It is the minister who has made his own claim, please sire for punishment."

The emperor's sight seemed to stay at the northwest corner of the map all the time, and the voice was quiet: "I won't let you intervene in Wu Yi's work, but you still do it. Do you know what this is?"

The emperor turned slowly and looked at Fang Xie's eyes and said, "It's not good for resistance."

Fang Xie didn't want to explain, but just kept silent. His attitude made the emperor's face slightly stretched. The emperor did not sit back on the earthen figure, but very rarely sat down on the wide chair.

"I never liked sitting on this chair, do you know why?"

he asks.

Fang Xie replied for a while and said, "I don't know."

The emperor said: "Because the chair is too comfortable, you will be obsessed with it for a long time. Sitting on the earthen floor is very uncomfortable, and you may change your position from time to time, even if you sit against the wall. Uncomfortable will not make people sink because of ease ... but I have been sitting on the soil for so long that people think that I am stupid and I do n’t know that the chair is more comfortable. "

Fang Jie didn't understand what he said.

"I'm really stupid?"

In this case, Fang Xie did not dare to answer.

The emperor did not need him to answer, "I am not stupid, but sometimes I do n’t think about things comprehensively. Since I ’m not stupid, I know that what you are doing today is out of loyalty. Because of loyalty, you have violated your words, and you are doing what you do. If it is effective, I wo n’t blame it. If you are conscientious, you have nothing to do with it. You just do n’t want to evaluate him in history books. ”

"Since you've stepped in with Wu Yidao, then I'll ask you ... What do you think of Wu Yi and Cargo?"

Fang Jie hesitated for a while and replied: "I thought ... Wu Yidao is still loyal to His Majesty, and he can see it from the northwest movement of troops. As for the cargo transportation, it is really too big ..."


The emperor glared at him and said, "I thought you were a lot smarter than those courtiers, and now you don't seem to be clever. You say Wu is loyal, and I have never doubted this. He has helped you, you I want to repay you and understand ... but you think you can change your mind with a single sentence? "

"Don't dare!"

The emperor said: "Don't you dare? You seem to say a lot of things that you dare not say, and you don't really do much."

Fang Xie bowed his head and still didn't explain.

The emperor didn't seem to dislike him for not explaining, and said for a while, "I scold you for being an idiot because you are really idiots. Those courtiers don't want to think about it, and you don't want to think about it. If there is no permission from You, a business firm How could it be so big? You all thought that I was going to swallow the goods through the sky, right? Idiot! Idiots are extremely extreme! The goods through the sky are already shy! Do you want to grab your own things ?! "

This sentence surprised Fang Xie greatly: "Ah?"

"Ah for what!"

The emperor said: "At the beginning of the ascension of the emperor, he wanted to pay attention to business. But you also know that if you want to raise the status of a businessman, there will always be too many people who oppose it. So I thought of a way. I could n’t come to the surface. I came in secret. I asked Wu to set up a business and do business with Dongchu people. The world's first commercial bank is the world's first cargo company! Because of the existence of the world's first commercial bank, the business people in Da Sui have also been driven. How much tax do you know for the country's prosperous business? "

"I want to be an example of honesty ... But I am an emperor, so I ca n’t really lack silver flowers. If I do n’t even have the silver for rewarding the harem, would n’t this emperor have done it very badly? It's something I did to subsidize my family. Wu Yidao is a wizard. I never thought he could make a business as big as this. "

Fang Jiexin said that what you said earlier is sounding, but what is behind is the truth.

"Now you understand?"

The emperor asked.

Fang Jie nodded: "I see, no wonder Wu Yidao is so confident."

The emperor snorted: "I wanted to use this opportunity to force all the courtiers to show their true form. You are good, step in! But fortunately ... you are not broken 朕I have known for a long time that they have entered the world with the purchase of goods, regardless of it, because I know that the courtiers also have difficulties. It is really difficult to maintain by relying on Lu, so I keep opening one eye and closing one eye, Pretending not to see it. However, what I didn't expect was ... Cargo got them greedy by the world. It's not terrible to be greedy for money. What's terrible is that they have the desire to covet the world with others! "

Fang Xie said, "It's a reckless minister."

The emperor said: "You may be so troubled, whoever is just greedy for money, whoever wants to rebel will be forced by you. If not, I don't know how many villains are behind Lao Qi!"

Fang Xie was silent. After a while, he couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty ... Then ... Where did Wu Yitong go?"

The emperor gave him a white look, and Fang Jie smiled: "The minister knows, you shouldn't ask, don't ask."

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