Conquer the World

Chapter 289: 2x 1 Arrow Double Vulture

Chapter 289 Two Birds with Two Arrows

Tai Chi Temple

On both sides of the open space outside Dongnuan Pavilion, there is a row of buildings that do not match the overall style of Tai Chi Palace. These are five tile houses. If they are placed elsewhere, they don't look very low, but they can be located in the magnificent Tai Chi Palace. These five tile houses look so inconspicuous.

Such a house has a row on the left and right outside the Dongnuan Pavilion. Outside the Tai Chi Hall, there is a row on each side.

On the left is the place where the eunuchs and court ladies are on duty to rest, and of course there are the guards inside. On the right is the place where the courtiers waited for the emperor to see it. Since the Emperor Tianyou ascended the throne, the row of tile houses to the right of the Tai Chi Hall has become the office of several courtiers. The emperor was diligent and often called courtiers to the Dongnuan Pavilion to discuss matters. The gates of the various imperial courts were outside the Taiji Temple, which took too much time.

The emperor simply let several important ministers work in the tiled house outside the Tai Chi Hall. It would be more convenient if he heard the news. Later, these slightly dilapidated houses gradually became a symbol of honor. Because only the emperor trusted those who reused would be eligible to sit there.

Later, these glamorous houses were given glorious names.

It is called the vestibule of the temple, and the officials who have been in these tile houses for a long time have been court officials in the back by others. Someone once joked that if it is impossible to be a court official in Beijing, it would be better to go to a place as a parent officer. Having said that, no more than ten people are eligible to work here for a long time.

These people naturally know what the court judges say, but they don't care about this kind of jealous teasing. On the contrary, they think it is definitely something to be proud of. With so many people from the Manchu and military dynasties, how many can be called court officials?

In contrast, the tile houses outside the Tai Chi Hall are also called the outer court to distinguish the tile houses outside the Dongnuan Pavilion, and the ones outside the Dongnuan Pavilion are called the inner court. If it is said that being a foreign court official has been admired and envied, being an inner court official is even more jealous.

Since Prince Yi's chaos, the foreign court has more than a dozen officials on the town for a long time. While processing the official duties of the ministry, he is also collating the information about Prince Yi's troubles. These things are often asked by His Majesty. In the inner court, usually there is only one official who works in the office for a long time, no matter before or after Prince Yi's rebellion.

Qualified to sit in the inner court, always waiting for this person your Majesty called. It's not very high by grade, but the authority is beyond imagination.

He is Pei Yan, the servant of the Yellow Gate. In terms of grade, it is not as good as the Shangshu of each department, which is equal to the minister of each department.

Da Sui is too big. Every day, the coupons sent from all over the country, plus the various coupons handed in by Beijing officials, can be said to be full of two ox carts every day. With so many memorials, even if the emperor is diligent, he can see them at twelve hours a day, not to mention that every memorial must be approved.

The matter of combing the memorial was handed over to the **** of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. But after Tianyi emperor Yang Yi ascended the throne, he abolished this habit. Yang Yi ordered that no one in the harem should interfere in the government affairs of the previous dynasty. Either the **** cannot, or the concubine. Even the queen has not spoken in previous government affairs for so many years.

Because of this, it also caused the biggest difference between the **** Yu Shufang and his predecessor. When the emperor was reigned, the emperor's ability to deal with government affairs was valued by the emperor, but the emperor now valued loyalty. The biggest difference between Su Buwei and Wu Peisheng is that he is more self-aware. Unless the emperor asked him to speak, he would not say a word about the affairs of the court.

It is because Wu Paisheng has dealt with government affairs for so many years, and is used to sorting out the courtiers ’merits, and then to approve the unimportant memorials according to the emperor's thinking, so he has a little more sense of mission and responsibility than Su Buwei. In other words, his loyalty to Dasui is even stronger than his personal loyalty to the emperor. Because of this, the emperor would let him take people to inspect the northwestern roads. It is precisely because of this that Wu Peisheng died unsuccessfully.

Because, he discovered Li Yuanshan's secret.

The existence of the iron ore was not first discovered by Mu Xiaoyao, but Wu Peisheng. Therefore, Li Yuanshan did not hesitate to design such a big and **** bureau, so that the whole city of Fan Gu would be buried for Wu Peisheng. Fang Jie guessed right. What happened to Fan Gu that night was nothing more than an insignificant person.

Wu Peisheng found traces of Li Yuanshan's desire to rebel and found the existence of the iron mine. However, he was unable to deliver the news in a timely manner, and his every move was under the surveillance of Li Yuanshan. In order to gain the trust of Li Yuanshan, he pretended that he found nothing. He also pretended to have collected a lot of money from Li Yuanshan, and promised to eliminate the solution for Li Xiaozong. In fact, this is just Wu Peisheng trying to paralyze Li Yuanshan.

In fact, Li Yuanshan never believed him.

Fan Gu is a killer, a killer specially designed for Wu Peisheng. In order to prove that he is really just a **** who is greedy for money, Li Yuanshan promised to go to Fan Gu. But there was a grave that had been dug for him for a long time, and also a grave that had been dug for Fangu for the two thousand people and the 800 frontiers.

From the moment Li Yuanshan discovered that Wu Peisheng was investigating him secretly, Li Yuanshan was designing **** the big man who was once very popular before the emperor, and also played a significant role in front of the current emperor. If you want to kill an **** with a pen, it is obviously not realistic to arbitrarily arrange a robbery. Besides, although Wu Peisheng doesn't take Xiu as his strong point, he is also a master of Qipin.

Those who can kill him, who are more than eight ranks, are disdainful of what robbers are doing to stop the road. There must be more than eight grades of cultivation, even if they do not serve the court, they can be reused and respected if they invest in a commercial bank or a large family.

So to kill Wu Peisheng, Li Yuanshan had to find an excuse to convince the emperor to the emperor.

So he thought of Meng Yuan people.



Huang Men's servant, Pei Yan, was sitting on the chair, looking at the mountainous memorials on the table in front of him, raised his hand and gently rubbed his frowning brows. He has been sitting here combing the memorial for more than two hours, but it is not finished A quarter. This is his main job every day, sorting the scores according to their priorities. Sort out important memorials and send them to Dongnuan Pavilion to present to the emperor. Not important, he replied in the tone of the emperor.

He is also responsible for drafting the edicts, the jade seal representing the emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty, placed on the side of the table. Few people would think that most of the jade seals on the original imperial edict were not printed by the emperor himself. In fact, anyone who is familiar with the court knew whether the will was written by the emperor himself, and it would be known by looking at the seal on the imperial edict. If it was printed with the eight characters "Assigned to Tianji Shouyongchang", then the intention was written by the servant of the Huangmen. If there is a small seal printed on it, and the four square characters of the master of Dong Nuan are on it, then it is the imperial edict written by the emperor.

Pei Yan leaned back and stretched her arms. Maybe he has been sitting for too long every day, and his neck is getting worse. I feel sore every day and sometimes feel sick.

Taking a sip of tea, Pei Yan squeezed a tumult in her stomach. There have been too many things these days, and he can't guarantee even three hours of sleep every day. Not only do you have to face the mountain of official business, you also have to figure out the emperor's mind at all times, the latter is more tiring than the former.

He rested for a moment, then focused his gaze again on a memorial in front of him.

This memorial was passed to the capital by a county order from Shandong Province. There were many twists. In order to avoid the investigation of the Northwest anti-thief, this memorial was first sent to the county's hometown in Dongping County as a family letter, and then secretly transferred by his family to his friend, and then by his friend Transfer to Chang'an.

So when seeing this memorial, Pei Yan's brow frowned immediately.

Without a doubt, this is the most important memorial today.

The memorial was written on a piece of ordinary parchment, but in a very secretive way. Only by spraying water on it will the handwriting be revealed. The Inner Guards Office still uses this method to pass secret reports, and few people can see through. If it wasn't for the magistrate's friend who went to Chang'an in person and explained when he submitted the memorial, Pei Yan could not see the hidden text in the parchment.

This is a memorial written in small prints, no less than a thousand words. A detailed account of the current situation in the Northwest, and even some rebel forces.

What interests Pei Yan, there is another story about Wu Peisheng.

That massacre by Fan Gu.

This county magistrate and a general in Li Yuanshan's army, the general told him the secret when he drank too much alcohol.

In the memorial, it was written that Wu Peisheng secretly investigated whether Li Yuanshan was greedy for ink after he arrived in the northwest, which was his duty to inspect the roads in the northwest. But precisely because Wu Peisheng was too serious and rigorous, he found out something about Li Yuanshan's preparation for rebellion.

However, he did not hide Li Yuanshan's secret investigations, which was why the Fan Gu tragedy occurred. Those people, those frontiers, were killed by Li Yuanshan. Then blame the Meng Yuan people, so that he can cover up the fact that he killed a eunuch. And Li Yuanshan's purpose is far more than that, this is a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Not only did he kill Wu Peisheng, he also aroused the emperor's idea of ​​crusade against the Mengyuan people. Li Yuanshan knew that the emperor had been obsessed with conquering the Yuan, but he had never made up his mind. He understood the pride of the Yang family and made up the case of Meng Yuan slaughtering Fan Gucheng. One of them was to kill Wu Peisheng, and the other was to make the emperor go west as soon as possible.

Only when the emperor went west, he had a chance to rebel.

And Li Yuanshan, this is not the first time to play such a double-edged trick.

Pei Yan, as one of the most trusted people around the emperor, naturally knew what Prince Loyal was doing more than a decade ago. And that incident was also a lie fabricated by Li Yuanshan. At that time, there were no Meng Yuan masters sneaking into Da Sui to try to assassinate the emperor, all of which he fabricated out of thin air. Then he sent it to Chang'an with an urgent and confidential report. When the emperor consulted the Prince, the Prince immediately decided to go west to kill the pirates.

Then Li Yuanshan sent a secret letter to the Meng Yuan people, saying that the court of the Sui Dynasty organized a large number of masters of rivers and lakes to prepare to sneak into Meng Yuan to assassinate Big Khan Meng. As a result, the Mengyuan people rushed to gather their hands to intercept, but due to some errors in the calculation time, when the people in the rivers and lakes of Dasui arrived in Fangu, there were not many real masters gathered at the Mengyuan side. Therefore, for the first time, the rivers and lakes of Da Sui killed Meng Yuan's people and cleaned them up.

But later ~ ~ Buddhism people arrived one after another. The two sides are really close to each other's killings, and the rivers and lakes of Da Sui also began to be killed.

In that case, the biggest winner seemed to be Prince Ye Yang, but in fact he was Li Yuanshan. He took this opportunity to make Prince Loyal disappear, and the Yuan people also trusted him. For more than ten years, he has been secretly dealing with the Meng Yuan people.

Two birds with one stone and two birds before and after, Li Yuanshan played very successfully.

For the first time, a large number of influential people in Da Sui were buried, and the whereabouts of Prince Zhong was unknown.

For the second time, 700,000 troops from Da Sui were buried, and the northwest was empty, and no one could stop him from rebellion.

Looking at this memorial, I thought about Prince Loyal. Pei Yan couldn't help but sigh long ... Li Yuanshan, you are indeed the descendant of Li Xiao. The plot is so vicious.

He shook his head and cleared away the complex emotions. Then he picked up the memorial and clamped it under his armpit. He took out a paper umbrella and walked out of the inner court door.

There was a light rain outside just half an hour ago.

When he went out, he opened the oil-paper umbrella, but slammed it again.

He saw that in the rain, in the open space outside Dongnuan Pavilion, a young man in a black shirt stood there, standing against his hands, straight as a javelin. The boy looked up slightly and looked at the sky. He didn't seem to care at all about the raindrops on his face, uninhibited and indifferent.

Seeing this scene, Pei Yan suddenly thought that when he first saw Prince Loyal many years ago, he was also in a rain. At that time, the Prince Loyal took hundreds of slaves to guard the gate, and the soldiers of the embargo rushed up one by one, and then fell down layer by layer. In the rain that day, Prince Loyal was also a black shirt, so unruly and indifferent, it seems that the embargoes are not seen at all.

So similar.

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