Conquer the World

Chapter 291: long time no see

Chapter 291 Long Time No See

There are so many people in the Manchu dynasty and military, and the number of people who counted only one or two is not counted as a prince or a lord, but there are only a dozen in the court, but the true courtiers who can become the emperor's confidants are just the one in front of Fang Xie The servant of the Yellow Gate of Sipin. How could the only person qualified to sit in the inner court to sort out the memorial for the emperor?

So Fang Jie was just one sentence, and he guessed the intent of Fang Jie.

The conflict between Fang Xie and Lu Ou was indeed caused by Lu Ou's troubles in Red Sleeve. Fang Xie beat Lu Lu to death because he hit a small spot, but this was by no means the only reason. In fact, when he was in his shop, Fang Xie's attitude towards Lu Ou was already very cold. He did deliberately create a disagreement between him and the southwest left-winger, and of course he did it for the emperor.

As for the courtiers, Fang Xie was not interested in showing them.

This is why, when standing outside the Dongnuan Pavilion in the rain, Fang Jie wondered if he had done a little bit. He had deliberately created a contradiction with the left avant-garde, but it would seem that it was a violation of national laws to break a dignified fifth grade tooth into a disability.

Moreover, the contradiction with the left avant-garde seems to have made a little bigger.

In fact, Fang Jie knew why the emperor wanted to send himself to the southwest. Even if the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty were busy now, they would not be short of staff. According to the reason, civil servants should be responsible for the difference. The interpretation of seniority prestige and status is obviously not suitable.

But the emperor chose him because the emperor knew that he had a conflict with Luo Yao's son Luo Wen. The emperor did not want his commissioned mission to have too close a relationship with local officials.

Pei Yan broke the mind of Fang Jie a bit, Fang Jie used surprise to cover up the shock in his eyes. Only then did he realize that the insight of a person could be so powerful. Pei Yan only guessed his idea after a moment of thinking. If such a person is an opponent, Fang Jie will be really afraid of it from the bottom of his heart.

"Smart is good."

Pei Yan smiled and said, "Dai Sui never lacks talents and never lacks smart people. It can be said that children of Hanmen who are similar to yours are full of amazing people. But they fell down halfway. The majority who can no longer get up, you are much stronger than them. It is undeniable that part of the reason is that your luck is better than them, but the main thing is ... cleverness is not everything, and you have the opportunity to show your cleverness. "

Pei Yan glanced briefly at Fang Jie, and continued to approve the memorials: "When people go forward, they will try their best to make the road under their feet smoother. But few of them can understand the truth ... that is, there is When you put yourself in a seemingly unfavorable situation, it is in your favor. "

"This is what sets you apart."

Pei Yan said: "You don't need to care about what I said, I just spend too much time alone in this room. You can understand that a lonely person wants to find someone to talk to, and it has no purpose at all. But I am very To appreciate young people like you, Da Sui also needs more young people like you. "

Fang Xie nodded a bit, and stood up solemnly, "Thank you, Master Pei."

"no need thank me?"

Pei Yan smiled, "Thank you for breaking your mind?"

While writing something in the memorial with a Zhubi, he said gently: "I have been sitting in the seat of the servant of the Yellow Gate for more than ten years. I have only seen more young talents than my Majesty. A lot of people even I thought they would get up, but unfortunately ... it can make people remember the name and become a benchmark. In the past 50 years, there is only one Huai Qiu Gong. Your luck is ... Huai Qiu Gong Very old. "

After saying this, Pei Yan laughed and laughed: "Look at me, I would say something like this. Just treat me as if I didn't say it, and you never heard it."

Fang Xie's heartbeat began to grow faster and faster, and a thought gradually came to him after Pei Yan's words. What does Pei Yan mean? Huai Qiu Gong is too old?


Huai Qiu Gong is too old, he is about to exit this stage. He was a model of the poor, held by the emperor of the true ancestors, and a veteran of the Three Dynasties. But after all, the glory will gradually fade away with the passage of time. The emperor naturally did not want the Hanmen's children to lose faith after his old age, so the emperor naturally wanted to hold up another Hanmen model. With such a model, Hanmen's children in Da Sui still have their own goals.

This new paradigm ... is it me?

When Fang Xie thought of it, his fingers were shaking slightly.

If this is the case, then what Pei Yan said to him today is somewhat profound. First, since Pei Yan told him, she had a good show. It is more useful to start a relationship now with someone who will become Huai Qiu Gong in the future than to wait until later. Secondly, Pei Yan wanted to tell him that since you are the candidate in your Majesty's mind, there is no need to be afraid.

Since the contradiction with the left forward has been created, don't worry about it. As long as there are no major accidents, the emperor will not kill the model he will soon hold.

The second level of meaning in Pei Yan's words is to give Fang confidence.

"Master Xie Pei ordered!"

Fang Xie saluted again, more solemnly than the previous one.


Pei Yan couldn't help laughing, "I didn't say anything, and I didn't dial anything. I said just now that you are a rare smart person. A smart person has the benefit of a smart person, that is, many things are self-aware. It ’s not someone else who teaches it by hand, understand? Sometimes you have already stepped down the road, but you lost your way because you did n’t dare to walk. In fact, there are so many choices in life, in my opinion there are only two . First, forward. Second, back. But these two options can evolve in several different ways. "

"Go forward all the time? Back then back? First go back then back? As long as the right method is selected at the right time, many things are easier than you think."

"Students understand!"

Fang Jie nodded a little harder, and her heart suddenly opened up.



Dongnuan Pavilion

After Fang Xie entered the door, he meticulously saluted, and then stood side by side. The emperor still seemed to like to sit on the earthen mound for government affairs. The comfortable and wide chair next to the earthen mound was mostly just a decoration. Perhaps it was because it was cloudy and the light in the room was not very good, so when watching the memorial, the emperor's head was very low, with one hand on his jaw, his eyebrows frowning slightly.

"A fight?"

He asked without looking up.

Fang Xie replied: "Fighting ..."



The emperor nodded: "It's not too bad. If it is the first name of the martial arts school, the second outstanding nine genius in more than one hundred years of Sui Dynasty, has just been condemned as a first-class figure. He was stabbed in a fight with a casual person who came to Beijing from another place, and even scum felt embarrassing. "

"Chin ... takes a bit more shot."

Fang Jie bowed his head.

"How heavy?"

The emperor asked.

"Mutating a disabled Wuping general in the southwest, violated the laws of the Great Sui Dynasty, please be punished."

"This is a problem ..."

The emperor looked up at him and asked, "I heard that you abolished one of your arms, and you even lost your palm ... left or right?"

"Left hand"

Fang Jie answered truthfully.

The emperor said, "The left hand ... is better. If you lose your right hand, it will be difficult to re-hold the knife. After all, changing habits is not an easy task. If a person has made a lot of achievements The tooth general cannot even hold the knife, and it is difficult to kill the enemy for the country. It is indeed a loss. "

Fang Jie didn't know what the emperor meant, so he had to be silent.

"What if it was because of this incident that people would abandon your left hand and give it back to others?"

The emperor looked at him and asked.

Fang Xie replied after a moment of silence: "Can you owe debt?"

The emperor seemed to have guessed that he would definitely answer that way, so he poked his lips, and the expression was nothing unexpected: "then keep the account in mind, and I will deduct your credit to help you pay off the debt. You will be punished for one year Dai Lu, please do your best. "

Fang Xie did not expect that this matter would be so easy to finish. Although the first year of the township is not a small number, it seems that the left hand of a fifth-grade general with this money did not lose. He remembered the conversation with Pei Yan before, and his admiration for the low-key Huangmen servant was stronger in his heart. This man actually guessed the emperor's reaction completely. That's why I talked to myself and told him not to worry about anything.

This person's understanding of the emperor's character was so terrible.

"Tell me, did you abolish one of your hands because Lu Ou violated the national laws or because of the woman who hit you?"

Fang Xie couldn't help but hesitated to hear this question, and then seriously answered: "The ... the young man in the red sleeve move is not a minister's woman. Of course, the minister's indignation and shots have nothing to do with her."

"There are two beautiful beauties around you. I heard that although Hongxiu Zhao's little head is pretty, he is only a half-old child. He is naturally incomparable with those two in your family. So you are It's not fair to say this because women are angry and fight with generals who have come to Beijing. "

The emperor said: "The law of the country is inviolable. But it's not good if you are young and bloody, and you don't have a light or heavy shot. Even if you want to maintain the imperial court, you can't know how to control yourself when you are hot. After you go back and reflect, You can't come by your temper. "

When Fang Xie heard this sentence, he suddenly understood the meaning of the emperor: "Your Majesty thank you!"

The emperor gave him a glance at him: "Let's give Trouble a little trouble, and Thou have to thank you ..."

He pointed to a will on the desk case and said: "Just for you to break people, I have to write a will to appease ... How is the work fee calculated? It is even cheaper to deduct you for one year ... Although the written characters are not very good, if they are sold out ~ ~ it would not be much lower than the authentic calligraphy of Yan Liuzhi. "

"A two-year penalty?"

Fang Xie asked tentatively.


The emperor nodded: "Then punish you for two years, go home and think about it in the past. As for when to go to Yongzhou, I will send someone to inform you."

"The minister just casually said ..."


"Thank Lord Ron"

Fang realized that he was really saluting, wanted to laugh, and held back.

Just then, there was a loud noise outside Dongnuan Pavilion. The emperor had not had time to let Su Buwei go out to see, but saw the curtain was opened from the outside, and a figure of Suona rushed in with a fragrant wind. This person came in too fast, if not for quick response, the two would definitely collide together.

"Father Emperor!"

The woman who came in rushed into the emperor's arms directly, and wiped her nose and tears on the emperor's robe: "I don't want to go to the southwest, I don't want to marry that Rowan who is Roche! I have never seen it before He, who knows if he is crooked! Besides, are you willing to marry me so far? "

Fang Jiechi smiled and said that he would go out when he resigned.

The emperor stopped him: "Wait a minute ... you are in charge of the princess. You are now going out with the princess, and there is something else ... That, Wanyi, this person is planning to send to the southwest. Look at the commissioning, if you have any questions, just ask him directly, don't disturb the father's criticism of the memorial, okay? "

Da Sui Long Princess Yang Wanyi glanced back and saw that this person was familiar.

Then she suddenly remembered what Fang Jie had said in the prison about the most disgusting words. She immediately stood upright and pointed at Fang Jie's nose and said, "It's you!"

Fang Xie laughed quickly: "His Highness Princess, I haven't seen you in a long time."

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