Conquer the World

Chapter 315: Off fire

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Chapter 315 Out of Fire

The big ship crossed the Yangtze River, and Fang Jie stood at the bow and looked at the waves cut by the bow below, still not calming down. The inexplicable illusion on the Kaishan platform had left him a little puzzled. The illusion was so real that the images in his mind never disappeared.

Although Fang Xie escaped for more than ten years, he rarely took a boat. At this time, the scene of overlooking the waves breaking the bow of the boat made him feel a little bit more emotional.

I do n’t know when the black kid Yan went wild behind him. Fang Xie didn't look back, but seemed to know his arrival: "To explain why you should lie to Chen He and Chen Ha?"

After saying this, Fang Jie turned to look at the two old urchins not far away. The two men seemed to be afraid of this rickety feeling. The two of them sat pale on the deck, holding hands, still talking lowly. After listening, Fang Xie could not help but evoke a smile.

The two guys were laughing at each other. He said he was afraid of water, he said he was afraid of fish.

This reminds Fang Jie that in the imperial capital, he once said that Chen Hen and Chen Ha were **** and sunk into the river to feed fish. Obviously the two men thought of this too, so they dare not approach the ship's rail at all. They were originally from the southwest and lived not far from Yongzhou. In principle, the two of them should be familiar with the boat, but think about their bereavement at an early age and their mother-in-law died, leaving them alone. Because he committed evil and killed people, and was locked in a cave by the loyal prince Yang Qi for more than ten years, he was also unfamiliar with taking a boat.

大 "My lord should have guessed it."

Wu Yan asked rhetorically after a moment of silence.

Xie Fang nodded.

Wu Yankang asked again: "Since adults have guessed, what are you going to do?"

Fang Jie looked at Yan Kuang and smiled. "Since that day, Chen He and Chen Ha killed people in Guangye, I knew that Her Majesty would never let these two people survive. Their two actions were completely unconstrained. Moreover, it is so amazing that it can be deceived by Xiao Yijiu into chaos, and naturally it can be deceived again by others. "

"Your Majesty is doing this ..."

He Fangjie paused and asked, "Why didn't you kill them both?"

因为 "Because I can't beat them."

Ji Yan shook her head wildly and answered.

Fang Xie shook his head: "If you think this sentence can deceive people, you must first ask yourself if you are biased. I just want to ask you a word and kill the two of you. Will you feel relieved or not kill them? Are you comfortable? "

Wu Yankang didn't answer, so Fang Jie knew the answer.

His Majesty "Your Majesty wants them to die, and we, as courtiers, must obey, otherwise, the felony of disobedience, right?"

Fang Jie smiled and said, "But His Majesty didn't tell me directly, let me get rid of them both. Since His Majesty didn't say, why should I do it? As for His Majesty, I have arranged for others to do this, I naturally I don't know. Since I don't know ..... guess what would I do? "

Ji Yan froze a bit, then tentatively asked, "Whoever kills them, adults kill them?"

Fang Xie nodded: "This is the sentence, whoever kills them, I will kill them. Of course, you can tell Su Gongfu what I have guessed is your Majesty sent, but it will not affect my decision. This trip to the southwest takes half a year between round trips. If I do n’t try to make Chen He and Chen Ha useful people in Da Sui, then I will feel like I am losing it. Yan Kuang ... you also follow It ’s not short for me. Since I know you are n’t really stupid, you naturally know some of my temperament ... I always quit doing things like that.

Wu Yan frowned frantically: "My adult's future is beautiful, why is it necessary for these two people to influence the career?"

"Yan Kuang ..."

Fang Jie sighed to Mr. Heihei: "You are here to persuade me, but have you persuaded yourself of that level? If you really think so, you will not be dragged to Wei County on this way, nor will you Bring them back alive again. Chen Hu Chen Hu ’s practice is astonishing, but the minds of the two of them are not as deceived as the children. It is impossible to kill the two powerful opponents, and it ’s not worth taking wisdom. It ’s too difficult. Even if you do n’t support you secretly, would n’t you succeed by tricking them into taking two poisons? Even if you hand them two bottles of poison and tell them that they are sugar, they wo n’t doubt you. But they do n’t Die, not because they don't kill well, but because you don't want to kill. "

Ji Yan was silent, but her fingers were tangled and rubbed back and forth.

"I don't know it."

Fang Xie said to Yan Kuang word by word: "You can tell your secret friends, I will not give them another chance. If Chen He and Chen Ha die halfway to Yongzhou, I will use this life Time digs them out of the dark, digs out one and kills another. "

"I don't like threatening people, because the threat itself doesn't make much sense. I like to do it, and I must do it when I say it."

Tong Yan froze frantically, then nodded: "I see."

"What do you understand?"

He asked.

"Adult, you are not a qualified adult ... but you are a good friend."

Xie Fangjie couldn't help but smiled: "I don't have many friends, and I will feel bad for one less."

"But the temperament of an adult seems unsuitable for office."


Fang Xie stood at the bow of the ship and stood with his hands down: "I always don't believe what others think of me. Why am I not sure about what others say I can't do? "

Uh ...

Uh ...

再 No matter how wide the Yangtze River is, there will always be another bank. The big ship first crossed over at the request of Fang Jie, set down the people, and set sail again, all the way westward against the river. To go to Yongzhou by waterway, go up to 150 miles upstream. At the junction of Luoshui and the Yangtze River, change to Luoshui and go south. If you do n’t delay the road, you can reach Yongzhou in less than 20 days.

It took only thirty miles to go against the current and the sky was completely dark. Even if it was a huge official ship, even if the sailors were experienced local fishermen, no one dared to sail at night. There are always many legends about immortals and ghosts among the people facing the river, such as river gods such as water monsters.

The people along the Yangtze River have been telling a story that many, many years ago, the gods of heaven had subdued the dangerous water monsters in the Yangtze River. But the water monster feels unfair. It says to the gods that since people are creatures, I am also a creature. Why do you favor humans? They are not as powerful as me, so it is only natural that they were eaten by me. God said you are bullying, is n’t it that bullies say you do n’t let me eat?

This sentence silenced the question asked by God, so God set the rules. The river in the day belongs to humans, and the river in the night belongs to water monsters. If someone is eaten by a monster in the river in the evening, the gods will not punish him, and can only blame the person for not obeying the rules.

故事 This story is naturally false, after all, it is just a story.

The moral in this story seems to be deep. The more you think about it, the more you can say that the monster said. This world is such a world, and it is not wrong to be born strong.

He Fangjie heard the story of an old boatman when the ship was docked.

He recalled what the monster said to the god, and suddenly found that if the monster was real, it must be a wise man.

"Sir, it ’s a rule you ca n’t touch the boat at night, so we can only rest by the shore, but let ’s go at dawn. The waterway of more than a hundred miles will not be too fast because it is a countercurrent, but no accident. If you can reach the junction of the two rivers in two days, the county guard has sent someone to inform the local government in advance, and there should be a big boat there to meet them. "

The old boatman apologized to the other side to explain.

Xie Fang Xie waved and said, "I know that even if there are no rules for ships that are not feasible at night, people will always be tired, and they should rest."

Hearing that, the old boatman felt warm.

"Thank you for your big shirt, Cao Min resigned."

Xie Fang nodded and looked at the endless Mount Mengshan in the distance from the North Shore in deep thought.

I was on the northern bank of the river about a mile away from the official ship, and a small boat stopped ashore. The fisherman went ashore to tie the ropes, and then set fire to cook. This is a couple. Because they live on the riverside all year round, the man's skin color is dark and there is a layer of water rust. It looks very healthy. The woman is also very flexible and healthy. The skin is much whiter than the man, wrapped in The plump thighs in the sarong would be terrible if they were wrapped around the waist.

Look at the age of the fisherman is about 30 years old, but people on the riverside have been blowing wind and sun for a long time, and they are older than people elsewhere. Or the fisherman's distressed wife, so the woman's appearance is still pretty good.

The woman greeted today's guests while lighting the fire.

This is a group of seven or eight people, male and female. The boatman's woman greeted her all year round and saw that these people were not easy to mess with. In addition, the sky was already a little dark when these people came, so she didn't plan to accept the business. I didn't expect these people to make bold shots, and threw out a bar full of twenty-two pieces of silver, which made her unable to refuse at all.

Twenty-two silver is the usual two-month harvest for their husband and wife.

The big Sui Fuqiang, so the daily price is not high. Twenty-two silver is enough for two of them to live for two years. You should know that the restaurant in the town requires a few dishes and a pot of wine to eat beautifully. Even in the imperial capital, a table with a table or two of silver can make sense.

For the sake of silver, the fisherman's woman promised to come down, but she kept on guard because she accidentally saw those people hiding weapons in their packages.

"Madam, we just go to the shore, you just cook, we just count the money. Prepare a few more pots of wine, and we settle together."

The man headed by Xun explained that and then left with him.

The uncle woman watched them walk into the night, and could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief: "heads, I always feel that these people are not good."

"who cares!"

The fisherman with a smile smiled and said, "Let's just make money and come back to the place."

He squeezed on the woman's full **** while talking, and the woman shy away from her eyes but was happy.

In the night ~ ~ Li Huo took people away. With the help of the grass and trees on the shore, he quickly approached the official ship where Fang Xie was. They hid behind the grass and looked at the boat.

"Can't drag any longer, maybe there is some doubt about the solution now."

Li Hu frowned, lowering his voice and commanding: "Lu Minglan, Gao Xiao, Li Sanxing, the three of you are the best, and quietly touch the big ship tonight. Although the two idiots are good, they are not alert, Find opportunities to poison their meals! "

"But ... will poisoning be implicated in others? In case Fang Jie is also poisoned, how can we act on behalf of Su Gong Bus?"

"The two people don't eat fish, the chef will definitely make some special food."

Li Li sneered sneerly: "As long as you observe carefully, you can't go wrong. If you can't poison the food, don't you poison the water in their room while they are away?"

"Anyway ..."

He clenched his fists and said, "Tonight the two idiots must be allowed to see the King!"

He just changed his face when he had just finished saying this.

In the night, no one was around.

But I do n’t know why, leaving the fire to make sure that he will be killed as soon as he moves. He didn't know where the sense of crisis came from, but it was so clear. It was as if there was a weapon walking by his side, I don't know where the weapon penetrated into his body the next second.

He is not just him.

的 All the people under him felt this way.

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