Conquer the World

Chapter 350: Stay or leave

Chapter 350 Stay or Leave

As expected by Fang Jie, all of the left forwards were guarded outside the cave and did not enter. There were five people missing from the team. Obviously, in addition to Luo Wen and the old man with a steel sword box, four well-trained people entered the cave together. In the absence of time to investigate whether there are other entrances to the cave, how to enter the cave has become a top priority.

"How do I get in?"

More than two dozen soldiers were on guard with their backs facing the cave entrance. It seemed that a large living person, who had always been a flying bird, would never wish to enter from under their eyelids.

Zhuo Buyi looked at Fang Xie and looked at his deep frown, knowing that he was helpless now.

"These people are well-trained, and even if they do something to attract their attention, they will never leave together. Twenty people guard the cave, and the ants can't hide their eyes from crawling inside. Although Xiu Wei is not high, it seems that all are veterans of battles. Twenty people have already formed a defense. Although we can't stop it, it is difficult to kill so many people without alarming the masters inside. "

Fang Xie nodded: "With Chen He Chen Ha's light work, there may still be a chance to go in. But it will be difficult to bring us two. It is useless without them."

When he said this, he suddenly lighted up and looked at the cliff road opposite: "The solution is there, but it is too risky."


Zhuo Buyi looked at him and said.

Fang Xie pointed to the cliff where the cave is: "The cliff is not too high. Do you see the big tree about two feet above the cave? Let's go over the cliff and then on you and me Tie the rope and let Chen Heng and Chen Ha hang us both. All the armored men are facing outwards. They are about a foot away from the entrance to the place where we settle down. However, as long as a little voice is heard, they may be caught Perceive. After letting us down, Chen Heng and Chen Ha come down again. It is not a big problem that the two of them did not find the light work. "

Zhuo Yiyi gave him a white look: "In case someone looks back, you and I will be hung in the air, I'm afraid they will be hit by a range sieve immediately."

"Then I had to shout and fire at me for victory before I was dying."

Zhuo Buyi asked, "What does this mean?"

Fang Xie stood up, tightened his belt and laughed: "I didn't mean anything, but I was so impressed when I saw someone shouting like this when I was young."

"I find that you are not really afraid of death."

Zhuo Buyi stared at him.

Fang Jie skimmed his lips: "Who is not afraid of dying is a grandson, but now is not the time to die."

Zhuo Yiyi laughed: "Guess what would I call if we were found when we were suspended halfway down?"

Fang Xie said as he walked forward without turning back: "Call for help."

Zhuo Buyi laughed, his face you knew my expression. Several people left the lurking area and walked far away before starting to climb the cliff. When he got to the top, he jumped and climbed on the trees like a spirit ape. When he looked down directly above the cave, Fang Jie's face was slightly white.

Zhuo Yiyi looked at him with a surprised look and asked, "Are you afraid of heights?"

Fang Xie nodded: "The limit is as high as Fan Gu's walls, but I still feel dizzy every time I go up. So I have never dared to try to wait for the walls of Chang'an, although I really want to."

"Then you come up?"

"Because I like heights."

This answer from Fang Xie made Zhuo Buyi's face slightly changed, and his heart was even more upset. He heard this sentence in a pun, and Fang explained that he likes high places by no means like standing at high places, but another kind of high places ... the high places of life.

Suddenly he found that he still didn't see the boy clearly. He knew that Fang Jie had a pure side in his heart. Such a character was destined to be ten times more difficult than the cold man in the climbing process. However, Fang Xie never shy away from his ideal of climbing to the top, and now Zhuo Yi does not understand why he wants to go to a higher place. If it is easy to understand that Fang Xie is a person who loves power barely-naked-nude, it seems that Fang Xie is definitely not the kind of person who can be desperate for power.

"What do you like high up?"

He asked subconsciously.

Fang Xie stretched out his palm and turned it back and forth.

Zhuo Buyi did not understand, and Fang Jie did not explain.

If one wants to know that his destiny is not in the hands of others, then he can only be the one who controls the destiny of others. Standing at the highest point, turning your hands into clouds and rain.

The two men tied their bodies with ropes, Fang Xie explained a few words of Chen Heng and Chen Ha and then looked at Zhuo Buyi with the eyes of death. Zhuo Buyi stared at him and whispered two words, making Fang Jie couldn't help laughing.

"Don't pretend!"

Chen He and Chen Ha held the rope, and slowly lowered Zhuo Yi and Fang Jie. It is not difficult to achieve this with the cultivation of the two of them. It is difficult to make no noise when the two of them are solved. This feeling of being hung down, made Fang Xie think of the performance of Tom Cruise's Nara in Mission Impossible.

The two people held their breaths, and behind the soldiers slowly fell to a height of about one meter from the ground. Fang Jie immediately made a gesture. When Chen Han and Chen Ha stopped putting on the ropes, they were exactly two feet away from the ground Feet around. The two people parallel to the ground first supported their hands on the ground, then their feet, as light as if they were touching the sleeping lover's cheek.

Even though neither of them was a timid person, they sweated on the forehead when they reached the ground. After landing, the two men untied the rope slowly and gestured upward. Then, under the expression of Fang Jie's stunned expression, Chen He and Chen Ha jumped directly from the cliffs as high as two feet high.

Fang Jie almost shouted when the two of them leaped, but the next two perverts were standing in front of him like fluttering leaves. Without making a sound, they came down as if stepping on a cloud.

Fang Xie sighed in his heart, saying that when he took away one thing from heaven, he would still give back one thing. Chen He Chen Ha's intelligence is only as good as that of a five- or six-year-old child, but the metamorphosis of it makes people startled.



Landing is the most difficult part. After entering the cave, it becomes easier. Because the defense outside seemed secure enough, the first section of the cave solved them without any trouble. However, Fang Xie always felt that there were two gloomy eyes behind him, and they were not far away. He turned back several times, but found nothing.

The farther you go inside, the darker it becomes. If there were no torches left by Rowan and stuck in the gaps of the stone wall, it would be impossible for them to see the road.

Zhuo Buyi walking in front stopped suddenly, then looked at Fang Jie.

Fang Jie looked at Zhuo Buyi's eyes, and immediately knew what he thought. At present, the repair of the four Chinese people is the lowest. Although he planned this matter, it will inevitably be exposed because of him. If the people in the cave are really strong, the solution is the easiest one to discover.

He stuck it to Zhuo Buyi's ear and said in a very light voice: "After I'm here, you can do it after you go in and find a chance. If you can't do it, withdraw immediately. If there is anything I need to help, let Chen Hu Chen Ha come back One told me that both of them did a good job. "

Zhuo Buyi nodded, and Fang Xie whispered to Chen Heng and Chen Ha, Chen Heng Chen Ha set up Zhuo Buyi and went down into the cave. Fang Jie found a hidden depression and retracted his body. , Staring outside, the whole body muscles involuntarily taut.

He shrank in the shadow and couldn't help sighing, saying that I was a burden now. The more he thinks about it, he feels that his strength needs to be improved faster in this era. If he has not been exposed to this level of things, then his strength can be barely mixed, but now he has reached this height. Nope.

Just as he sighed softly, he suddenly heard a smile near him.

The sound was very light, but it was too close, almost sticking to Fang Jie's ears.


This chuckle made Fang Jie's goosebumps pop out instantly, and he already reacted subconsciously with his tight muscles. It was only in my mind that his body had bounced out. At the same time, the fist smashed into the place where the laughter came out, and turned around while guarding his other hand in front of him.

The laughter was too close, he even felt a breath spray on his face when he laughed.

Fang Jie's response was fast enough, but he knew he might not be able to do anything. Since that person can stick to himself so close without being discovered by himself, if that person is really a person, he is definitely not an opponent.

When I realized this in my head, Fang Jie found that the fist he had smashed was tight, followed by the portal and held by someone, and then a sense of weakness spread quickly to the whole body.

"I know you're looking for me, and I want to talk to you."

The sound is very light, but every word is clearly passed into Fang Jie's ear.

Shi Yuan!

Fang Jie's head exploded sharply, and his heart became almost blank at this moment.

His body was restrained, and there was no room for resistance at all. Fang Jie watched as he was abducted and taken away, passing unscrupulously behind those soldiers who were standing outside the door. Just past those people passing close by, those people didn't even react at all.

Only then did Fang Xie understand why he always felt a pair of eyes staring at himself after entering the cave. It turned out that Shi Yuan didn't know when he would go with them. Chen He Chen Ha's practice is not bad, but his alertness is too low. Zhuo Buyi's repair is completely unaware of the big damage, let alone an explanation.

Fang Xie felt the wind blowing from his ears, and was quickly led by Shi Yuan to leave the cave and climb up the cliff.

I climbed upwards for about a hundred meters before stopping. Shi Yuan liberated Fang on a protruding rock, then looked at the people and laughed softly: "I have a chance to talk to you now . "

Shi Yuan Yishou ~ ~ Fang Jie feels strength to return to his body.

He stood up and looked at Shi Yuan with his back facing him, without any assurance that he could hit him off the cliff.

"You came to Yongzhou, really just to do things for the emperor of Da Sui?"

Facing the source of the interpretation of Fang Xie, he asked his first question.

He didn't rush to let Fang Jie give the answer, but waited quietly.

"Few people in this world know why you exist, not even yourself. But there is no doubt that I am one of those few, and if you want to listen, I can tell the whole story. You. But you have to give me an answer before that. "

Shi Yuan turned his head and looked at Fang Xie word by word: "After you know your history, make a choice."

"Stay in Yongzhou, or go with me to Daxue Mountain?"

The first response of the solution is, why are these two choices and others?

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