Conquer the World

Chapter 365: Aunt

Chapter 365 Grandpa

If he didn't go to the barracks, Luo Yao would not go out in the tall building all day. Except occasionally going around the backyard, he could hardly see him moving. It was as if there were treasures in that building that attracted him, and he still didn't lose interest for so many years.

In fact, this is only due to his temperament. If no one who knows him would have thought that General Luo Yao would be a scholar when he was quiet, he would often read a book and sink for a long time without moving. Luo Yao also likes to go to the barracks to feel the excitement, and when he drinks with his generals, he is extremely heroic. So even those who are familiar with him can hardly determine whether the general would like to be quiet or lively.

Chu rarely goes to a tall building, and she and Luo Yao live in a yard but seem to live in different worlds. Two people are husband and wife, but rarely meet.

After returning from the barracks, Luo Yao saw his wife Chu standing outside the tall building far away. She watched Xiaohu stunned, as if he was so familiar when he first met her many years ago. He saw her for the first time that year, and she was standing by a small lake, watching her reflection on the water. At that glance, Luo Yao knew that this woman would become his wife.

She comes from a small family and has a modest family background. So the marriage was settled quickly, after all, at that time Luo Yao was already an upstart in the army. Although the position is not high, the Luo who holds the court is enough to satisfy ordinary people.

After marrying Luo Yao, she did everything that a wife should do, except that she was too fond of her son Luo Wu.

Because of this, Luo Yao's killing became a wound that could never heal between them.

"How did you come?"

Luo Yao approached Chu and asked softly.

For his wife, he has always felt guilty. So no matter what kind of change his wife has done for so many years, he has never questioned or even intervened. He knew Chu hated himself, so he rarely went to that courtyard. He knew that Chu had done too much over the years, but he pretended not to know.

"I'll talk to you about Zi Xie."

Chu answered blankly, eyes still staring at the water.

"go in."

Luo Yao said.

"No need to"

Chu shook his head: "Is Zi Zi your son?"

"How did you ask this?"

"He had contact with the people of Buddhism a while ago. Have you asked another question besides hitting him? For so many years, he seems to be something you have picked up from other places. Don't ask. "

"You know ... it was because of being too fond of Xianchang ..."

"I don't want to listen to these."

Chu's head turned to look at Luo Yao, and his eyes were flat with a coldness: "I'm just here to tell you, if something goes wrong because of your negligence, I won't forgive you again."

"I ... look back at him and go in, okay?"

Chu ignored the plea in Luo Yao's tone, and said quietly and coldly: "In addition, the Lord has been away from the house for a while, and I want to see him."

"Okay, I'll arrange it later."

Chu nodded and turned away.

Luo Yao looked at her back and couldn't help but grin, and the sadness in his eyes was so strong. At that time, he and she were in love each other, and each time seemed to experience a torment. Every time he went out, she counted the days. Every time he comes back, she hangs on him like a child. However, since he killed their first child in Changan City that day, she never smiled again. Since then she closed herself, and he has been unable to walk into her heart for more than two decades.

But Luo Yao loved her so much. Because of a big mistake made by Luo Wu that year, Luo Yao killed thirty-two members of his family in one breath, including his old father, his brother and two daughters born by two young sisters. Du did not kill her. Before he went to Beijing to accept Jing's crime, he knelt in front of her and burst into tears. But she was sitting stupidly in a chair with no vitality in her eyes.

Thinking of those past, Luo Yao's heart began to hurt.

He killed the whole family for Luo Yao's forgiveness, didn't he just want to keep her?

Back in the study, Luo Yao leaned back in his chair and remained silent for a while. I didn't know how long it took before he let out a long sigh of relief and said to the outside, "Go and call Zhongbo, and say I have something to ask him."

The soldier outside said a breeze and left quickly.

In the three-story high-rise building opposite Xiaohu, in the same study as Luo Yao's study, Luo Wen sat on a chair and stared blankly at the red elixir on the table in front of him. That was given to him by Shi Yuan. He threw the bag containing the elixir into the fire in front of Zhong Bo, but he secretly took out the elixir before.


Still not eating?

He had been sitting still for a morning, and he was so fascinated by this elixir.

"A wolf-faced ape ... is not enough!"

He murmured, and then there was a gleam in his eyes.

"I have to rely on myself. I'm not just Luo Yao's son. I'm Luo Wen, unique Rowan in the sky!"

He grabbed the elixir and put it in his mouth, swallowing his neck and swallowing.

After a while

There was a flash of red in his eyes!



The next day was the day when he competed with Ye Jinnan, Fang Jie still behaved very leisurely. He returned home early from the Shanzi camp, as if he had forgotten the test the next day. Since the day before yesterday, he took all the troops of the Shanzi camp out to practice and returned, but he has never led any troops.

The soldiers of the Shanzi camp were all nervous, but he was just as relaxed as everyone else.

But this relaxation is for others to see.

Fang Xie knew that the more nervous he was, the more soldiers in the Shanzi camp followed. And if the performance is light and light, the soldiers will feel that he has the victory. Of course, he is not very sure about tomorrow's test. After returning to his residence, he had lunch with Mu Xiaoyao Shen Qingfan and others, and then spent the whole afternoon shopping.

He deliberately changed his clothes and walked on the street with two beautiful beauties. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women would always be jealous. When women see Shen Qingfan and Mu Xiaowao, they will pout their lips to show their disdain, but in fact they are thinking why they are not so beautiful. The men looked greedily at the eyes of both of them, while they looked at Fang Jie with hatred.

Fang Xie didn't bother to bother at all, but when he saw a Cardamom girl or a young woman winking and smiling at himself, he would also make those women shy with a bright smile. Men stroll around the street to see women. The weather is hot enough, and there will always be gains when walking on the street. And when women go shopping, they don't just buy things. Who can deny that they are not on the streets to see handsome men?

It seemed that he was walking aimlessly on the street, and from time to time he smiled with Shen Qingfan. After turning around many shops, finally entered the door of Jubaozhai.

When the treasurer of Jubaozhai saw Fang Jie, he quickly greeted him, and greeted him to sit down in the room specially for VIP reception.

"Is everything ready?"

Fang Xie asked.

The shopkeeper nodded: "It was done a few days ago, and I wanted to send it to you, knowing that you have been busy in the camp recently, so you did n’t dare to bother. Now the people in the city know that, you General Ye will have a match tomorrow. I don't know how many casinos have bet and how many people have pressed silver. "


Fang Jie couldn't help but laughed: "Do you win more or do General Ye win more?"

"There are more generals who press Ye. After all, General Ye is one of the ten best men in Luomen. Everyone in Yongzhou knows General Ye's name, but there are many who press you."

"What's the odds?"

"One to four"

Fang Jie smiled and beckoned Chen Xiaoru who was standing outside the door. Then escaped from his arms, a stack of silver tickets was handed to him and said: "This is three thousand and two silvers. Find a few casinos to bet separately and buy me to win."


Chen Xiaoru froze for a moment, and looked at Fang Jie incrediblely.

"Come on, if you win, it's the boss's money, and the day after tomorrow will give you some money."

"Uh ... what if you lose? It won't deduct our money?"

Chen Xiaoru couldn't help asking.

Fang Jie gave him a glance at him: "If you lose, deduct yours for thirty years."

Chen Xiaoru smiled, and went out with a silver ticket.

The treasurer took advantage of this meeting and went in to take out the good things. Things are packed in a very fine sandalwood box with a lock on the outside. After opening, the shopkeeper carefully took things out and handed them to Fang Xie and asked: "Look at it, is it similar to your drawing?"

Fang Xie took a look at it and couldn't help but praise it: "Perfect."

This is a pair of spectacles made after crystal polishing. The frame is made of the best and hardest wood. The weight is not heavy. There is also a layer of gold around the outside, which looks dazzling. It took a full month to make these glasses, and you can imagine how delicate the work is.

"You gave enough crystals, so you made two."

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "This is the first time I've seen this thing. I took it and tried it ... I was so impressed for a few days that I couldn't afford it if it wasn't killed. I really want to keep one for myself."

His vision is not very good, no wonder he is so envious.

Fang Xie smiled and said, "I still have two crystals in my hand. I'll send them back to you. You can find a craftsman to do it yourself. But this thing needs to know how bad your eyes are, so polish You have to keep trying it when you are away. People far away from the capital city, I plan to give it to people who do n’t think it will be appropriate to wear it. I do n’t know if it will work, if they are useless, they will ruin a few crystals. ”

"It works."

The shopkeeper quickly said, "I took it and tried it, and I saw a lot of things clearly."

Fang Xie laughed ~ ~ After putting the glasses on, he handed them to the shopkeeper: "Find a good guy and send it to the emperor. He dedicated it to His Majesty. "

"I'll go back and pick the right guy."


Fang Jie said, "In addition, I have to tell you something. Your young lady has come to Yongzhou. You should know what the reaction will be. So you think of a way to send her back to the emperor. .If this matter is not easy to handle, it is estimated that you, the treasurer, will do the trick. "

"This one……"

The shopkeeper chuckled and smiled: "Actually, I know ..."

He took a letter from his arms and handed it to Fang Xie: "Hou Ye's handwritten letter was delivered last night by Flying Pigeon."

Fang Xie stunned, took the letter, opened it, and looked at it: "Wu Yi together ... your uncle's!"

The shopkeeper smiled and stood up and saluted: "Hou Ye said ... let us treat you as my aunt ..."

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