Conquer the World

Chapter 377: Saw it

(Fourth, the last day. Although we started late, we only started preparing to hit the monthly ticket list yesterday, but this is nothing, but there are no more than 800 people in the camp, so the world is unparalleled!)

Chapter 377 saw it

When Fang Xie saw Bochi's hand, her pupils contracted suddenly, and the memory of the zombie came out immediately. The hand was dry and stiff, dark cyan, and black blood could be seen. The fingers are like chicken paws, and each joint looks so thick-large. If you only look at this hand, no one can think that it belongs to a living person.

"I'm not interested in Rowan."

Fang Xie stepped back, and seemed to be a little afraid of disgusting the withered palm.

"You seem to care about Rowan?"

Fang Xie asked tentatively.

"He ... is my disciple, the only disciple."

"No wonder."

Fang Jie nodded: "Be assured, I am the Emperor's will to check Luo Yao. I have the arbitrary right of Linji, to be honest is to find out what I have to say, the emperor only looks at what I reported Although Luo Wen is Luo Yao's son, I have many ways to excuse him. If Luo Yao's conviction is conclusive, then I can let Luo Wen be a witness and make some contributions. The emperor will not move him. Most Unfortunately, I can arrange Luo Wen to send Luo Yao away before the emperor kills him. "

"Why do I trust you?"

Bo Chi said coldly: "People who want to kill Luo Yao abound for so many years, but none of them succeeded. I have been in Luofu for a long time, I know Luo Yao's means! Why do you make me believe You, can you kill him this time? "

Fang Xie smiled and said, "You should know that I am different from the people before. First, I can find that you are still alive, it proves that I am more capable than those people before. Second, this time I want to move Luo Yao. Not Jianghuke, but the emperor of Da Sui! You should know what the emperor of Da Sui represents, that is the supreme existence of the Central Plains! No matter how powerful Yao Yao is, he is not just a servant of the emperor? The emperor wants to kill him. Just an excuse. If you can give me this excuse, I can give you a satisfactory answer. "

Bo Chi was silent for a while, and he looked up sharply at Fang Jie and said, "If you lie to me, I will kill you. If our Shaman wizard wants to kill someone, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth In the past. And you also know my means, you can't escape. "

"You don't need to threaten me."

Fang Jie smiled: "If I am Luo Yao, there is no need to tell you this to lie to you. I just bring Luo Yao, do you think you can continue to live?"

Bochi was touched by this sentence, and he knew he was betting right by watching his eyes flash.

He knew nothing about Bochi, but relied on only a guess.

At this time, the bolder the better.

Bo Chi hated Luo Yao, which was determined by the solution. Bochi didn't understand him, which was also a matter of solution. He knew he was a commissioner from the court, and he didn't know he was Luo Yao's son.

"What do you want to know?"

Bochi asked.

Fang Xie didn't directly ask Luo Yao what he had called these wizards more than a decade ago, which would also make Bochi doubt.

"How many times did Luo Yao and Buddhism come and go, if you can remember, tell me the specific time. Da Sui and Meng Yuan are at war. At this moment, if I tell the emperor that Luo Yao and Buddhism are close, only This Luo Yao is over. "

"Luo Yao ..."

Bo Chi thought for a while and replied, "I have met with Buddhism several times when I was in Luofu. You know that Shang Dynasty also believed in Buddhism, but it was not as religious as those in the Western Regions. The reason is that at that time, People in the Shang country believe in our Sha people's shaman. I have been expelled from Luofu for more than ten years, and I haven't known how many times he has met. But a dozen years ago, people from the Buddhism came to Luofu very closely. Luo In order not to be discovered by others, Yao can only see people in the backyard. We wizards live in the backyard, so we see a lot. "

"We are equivalent to being imprisoned in Luofu, so Luo Yao is not afraid of seeing us. Those who are Buddhists are different from the Buddhist disciples who used to preach in the Shang Kingdom. They are wearing golden badges, and I remember them clearly. Luo Yao seems to be very polite to these Buddhists, so we decided that those Buddhists are very high. "

Fang Xie nodded, this and Luo Yao's words can already be confirmed.

Luo Yao said that when he was born, the envoy of the Buddhism came to Luofu. It seems that Luo Yao did not lie about these things.

"Do you know what the Buddhism people said to Luo Yao?"


Bo Equator: "Others don't know it, but I do know it well! There are not many people who know about it now. The wizards who participated in it are the only beast I and Amosa are alive! Amos Sa is a confidant of Luo Yao, who betrayed our ancestors of the Qiang tribe. All other wizards of that year had been killed by Luo Yao. "

Hearing this sentence, Fang Jie's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!



"At that time, when Luo Yao sent troops to Yongzhou, he did not slay our Dai people. Later, he summoned all the wizards in Yongzhou to his house and said there was an important thing for the wizards to help. Just after the extinction, the status of the Dai people is at stake. So the wizards went to protect themselves. "

"But within a few days, these wizards were all killed by Luo Yao. At that time, no one knew how those wizards offended him. From then on, Luo Yao ordered the slaughter of the Dai people. Most of the Dai people started to flee. Return to the jungle. Some Dai people who dreamed of returning to their former life fled to Cangman Mountain, including me. "

"In the beginning, Luo Yao did not treat the Dai people on the Cangman Mountain. Instead, he mobilized men and soldiers to march into the jungle. Luo Yao's soldiers killed people, regardless of elderly women or children. The war began, but we Dai people For so many years, Shang Guo had been honored and treated, and he had forgotten the fighting methods left by his ancestors, and soon fell into the army. Luo Yao's soldiers penetrated the jungle and slaughtered one cottage after another. "

"He took all the wizards he had taken to his house, and said that he was interrogating the secrets of the Dai people. Because the wizards had a high status within the Dai people, daily decisions were made by the wizard and the small toasts of various villages. No one doubted his excuse. But he caught so many people and none survived. "

"Later, Amosa came."

When Bochi mentioned the name, his eyes were full of hatred.

"It is undeniable that Amosa is one of the finest wizards of the Dai people. He is a sacrifice around the big toast and has a high status. He proactively told the big toast to find Luo Yao for the sake of the Dai people's survival. Luo Yao Hearing his name, he temporarily stopped the attack on the Shan people after Amosa moved to Luo. "

"Amosa has been staying in Luofu for several years, but it still doesn't seem to help Luo Yao complete the thing. But the beast knows that I am the descendant of the sacred shaman of the Dai people, so he mentioned me to Luo Yao."

"Holy Wizard?"

Fang Jie was surprised.

"There are three types of shamans in the Wa. The first is an ordinary shaman. There is at least one in each zhaizi. Large zhaizis can have dozens of wizards. Then worship the wizards. It is very important for small and large toasts. People. They are second only to the priests in the village, and the sacred wizard is the most important high priest beside the king. "

Bochi's eyes eased, it seemed that the glory in his memories made him proud.

"The holy wizard, the high priest, is the most noble person below the King of Kings. This position has always been held by the best people in my family, and no one can ever **** it away. My family is apart from the King of the Kings family The most noble bloodlines. But later, the Qiang civil strife, the King of Kings was killed by the rebels, and my ancestors struggled to the end in order to keep the blood of the King of Kings, but still failed to save the King's descendants. "

"Later, everyone who wanted to be a rebellious rebel wanted to be the king of the king, so they killed each other. Hey, the dead are said to fill the valley. Those people should be damned, all dead. Only the most powerful person later thought A way out was to choose no one as the king of the king, but to choose a big toast. Although he was strong, he could not win everyone. This proposal gave peace of mind to those who wanted to fight for the king but did not have the ability. "

"Since then, my clan has survived incognito. Later, the Shang State was established, and my clan was banned as an official for assisting the Emperor of the Shang State. But they did not want to be an official, so they asked the Emperor of the Shang State to change My mountain was rewarded by my people. Since then, Cangman Mountain has been a place where my people live in seclusion. For hundreds of years, my people have been fighting on the mountain of Cangman Mountain and have reached the scale of 10,000 people. "

"As soon as Luo Yao knew our holy shaman, he immediately sent soldiers to siege the Cangman Mountain. He sent Amosa to tell my people that if the best wizard was not surrendered, he would slaughter the Dai people on the Cangman Mountain."

"So you stood up?"

Fang Xie asked.

Bo nodded his head: "This is my responsibility. I must protect my people. However, Luo Yao is not a human at all. Ten years ago, he killed all my people because of one thing. Tens of thousands Life ... he is a demon! "



"What did Luo Yao ask you to do?"

Fang Xie tried his best to suppress his mood and made himself still calm.


This is the second time he has mentioned these two words.

Bochi sighed, and seemed unwilling to recall that past.

"I followed Luo Yao back to Yongzhou and entered Luo's backyard ~ ~ The first thing I saw at the time was dozens of wizards who were under house arrest. These people looked to Luo Yaodu. I was very scared. When I saw him, I fell on my knees like the chief toast of the Dai people. The only one who didn't need to kneel was Amosa. "

"Amosa took me to the room and told me that if I could help Luo Yao fulfill his wish, Luo Yao could help me restore the status of the holy wizard to the Dai tribe, and even help me ascend to the throne of the King. I was then It is also too greedy, and I believe in Amosa ’s crap. After all, my family has not restored glory for hundreds of years. I urgently want the family to stand up again. So I promised Amosa to help Luo Yao. "

"But I later realized how Amosa could make me successful? He was using me. If I succeeded, he would lose his status and even be killed by Luo Yao. He had already planned and waited for success. I was removed at that time. Later, it was he who brought the soldiers and horses to the Cangman Mountain. "

Fang Xie finally couldn't bear it. "What the **** is it? What child?"

Bochi said for a moment in silence: "The next day, Amosa led to a secret room. The secret room was empty, there was only one coffin."

"It's a strange coffin made of cold iron. Inside it lies a dead body, a young man."

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