Conquer the World

Chapter 479: Nothing counted

Chapter 479 Things That Are Not Counted

Feng Cheng Shou Liu Liu routinely makes a circle around the four gates every morning. This is a habit that he developed when he was a Fengcheng Jun. \\

Later Li Yuanshan approached and slaughtered the city without surrendering outside the wall.

At this time, most of the county soldiers in the city had already died in battle, and thousands of people had died. The county guard sighed a long distance, worshiped Changan City in the direction, and then jumped off the wall and fell to the spot. Liu Ye looked at the corpse of Chengxia Junshou and wept, and after a long time ordered to open the door to surrender.

After Li Yuanshan entered the city, he forced the young people to join the army and let Liu Ye train. At first, the people thought that Liu Xie had to surrender before he had to force it, but no one thought that Liu Xie did not reject Li Yuanshan's order and took over the post of Fengcheng County Guard. Then he did his best to train Li Yuanshan.

Since then, the people in Fengcheng have secretly scolded him.

Just over half a month ago, Li Yuanshan sent people to transfer most of Fengcheng's rebels, leaving only a few thousand people to guard Fengcheng.

After the army was transferred, Liu Ye was still the same as before. When he got up in the morning, he first went to the city gates to inspect, and then returned to the county guard house to handle his official duties. In the afternoon, he must go to the barracks to make a circle.

His subordinates believe that Liu Fu is the steward of his family, and watching Liu Ye's white hair that has increased significantly in the past two years, he can't help but feel a pain.

No one in this city understands the hard work of adults.

"Sir, is this battle coming to an end?"

He followed carefully and asked.

Liu Ye, who was walking in front, heard these words, paused, then shook his head: "Maybe ..."

No one passed by him saluting him, neither two people greeted him. Liu Fu was angry when he looked at it, and hummed coldly: "These guys really don't know what to do, if you haven't worked hard to protect them in the past few years, will they have a peaceful day today?"

"I just made myself feel better."

Liu Ye said as he walked, "People still want Da Sui, this is a good thing."

Liu Fudao: "At that time, the adults promised Li Yuanshan to train soldiers, but they were not afraid that they would cause trouble for the people of Fengcheng because they refused Li Yuanshan. The adults have tried their best to train them over the years, or have they mastered something to save their lives on the battlefield? Hard work, these white-eyed wolves don't understand anyone. They don't want to think about it. Li Yuanshan forced them to join the army just to let them die on the battlefield. The adults did not perfunctory but rigorous training, just to let them go to the battlefield in the future. A chance to live. These idiots don't understand anything. "

"People are simple in heart, not bad. However, I train them harshly, not just to keep them alive ..."

Liu Ye's words were not as many as ever, and he smiled at every passing people, in exchange for his white eyes.

He didn't care. When he came to Simon, he told people not to check the people in and out. This is a little puzzling, I don't understand what this means for adults.

Just then, a trumpet sounded on the wall. Liu Ye's face changed, and he hurried along the road to the city wall. With the sound of the trumpet, the lazy guards on the wall were tense. Everyone grabbed their weapons, and the archer put the arrow pot at the tentacles of his feet, pulled out a string, and stared deadly at the dust and smoke that floated outside the city.

The gates began to close, and Liu Ye stood on the wall and shouted to the people outside, letting them enter the city immediately. The people ran into the city in panic, and even those who left the city immediately turned around and returned.

"Sir, here comes the flying wolf flag!"

The adult looked down after putting down his eyes.

Liu Kun frowned: "Why are the Mongolians here?"

He kept the soldiers on alert, but did not order that arrows should not be released.

Not long after, the cavalry outside the city stopped about 200 meters away from the gate, and then two or three horses were separated from the team, prompting the horse to go outside the gate. One of the cavalry raised his head and shouted to the city wall: "Open the gate of the city quickly. We were ordered by General Bai Huo to rush to Xiangcheng to see the special service. If you have blocked the journey, consider the consequences yourself.

The speaker is in Chinese, but it is obviously a bit unfavorable.

Liu Ye stood on the city wall and looked at the people outside with clairvoyance, his frowns deepened. After a while, he turned and walked down the city: "Open the gap in the gate and I'll go out and see for myself."

Liu Fu and others were afraid that he would follow along, but Liu Ye waved his hands to signal it. In the gate of the city gate, dozens of soldiers opened the gap in the gate, and people blocked it there. In case of something, the gate could be closed again immediately. Liu Xun squeezed out of the gap, sorted out his clothes, and strode away from the cavalry.

Liu Fu stood nervously on the wall, sweating in his palms. He instructed those pro soldiers who were loyal to Liu Ye to be ready to go out at any time.

He watched Liu Yan walk to the front of the cavalry team, talked with the Mongolian leader for a while, then turned back, beckoning to open the gate while walking. Liu Fu quickly ordered, and then took the soldiers down the city to pick up Liu Ye. After the city gate was opened, the Mongolian people and their slaves entered the city gate from Caoma and did not stop directly toward the east gate. Liu Ye asked his relatives to go to Dongmen to inform them, and told the Dongmen defenders not to block.

Looking at the cavalry with 3,000 men in the past, Liu Fu took a sigh of breath and cursed: "These barbarians must die sooner or later!"

"No ..."

Liu Min smiled slightly and moved forward with his negative hand.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

Liu Fu caught up and asked.

Liu Ye didn't follow outsiders when he saw him, and said with a smile: "Don't you see that those cavalrymen are not Mongolians at all?"


Liu Fu froze for a moment: "My subordinates don't really see it, how do you know, sir?"

"I felt a problem when I was on the city wall. Those who stopped outside the city gate for at least two hundred meters were outside the range of the archer, haha ​​... if you are a Mongolian, are you so careful? In the past three years, Mongolia The Yuan people are used to walking in our northwest, and although the Mongolian cavalry is powerful, they rarely line up when they march. Do you think about how the cavalry stopped before? Especially the rear team, The standard dovetail array can be attacked and retreated. "

"My lord knows everything!"

Liu Fu heartily praised it.

"More than that, although the two leaders of the team were wearing the Mongolian robes, one of them had a bearded face similar to that of the Mongolian Yuan, but the difference was that his eyes were not black, and most of the cavalry's eyes They are not black. Although the appearance of the Mengyuan people is very different from that of our Han people, their eyes are black. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess the origin of these people ... King Asahi-gun organized a fight against Mon slaves at Langru Mountain And the rebels, the northern Han Dynasty Yan Han Wan Yanyong sent cold cavalry to help, of these people, 80% of them are the cavalry of Northern Liao Dynasty. "

Liu Fu was startled: "Then what are they going to do? Do they want to sneak into Li Yuanshan's back road? Impossible, how can only three or four thousand people be so bold, even with such boldness, it is impossible to succeed? . "

"I do not know."

Liu Yidao: "But I know they should be passed, that's enough."

As he walked, he asked in a low voice, "Are you ready for Da Sui Long Banner?"

"Master, rest assured, the thirty dragon flags are ready long ago, and they are hiding in their subordinates' home. When the master orders, the subordinates will take people to cut off the rebel flags and replace them with the big Suilong flag."


Liu Ye nodded his head: "I guess ... it won't be too long? Your Majesty's Royal Convoy, the army has killed less than three hundred miles away from Xiangcheng. Li Yuanshan kept moving from the rear to prove the pressure on the battlefield in front. Great. The army of the imperial court has won streak in a row, morale is as good as rainbow, and the end of the rebels is not far behind! "

After hearing these words, Liu Fu's eyes were a joy: "My subordinates look forward to this day, for three years!"

Liu Ye patted him on the shoulder: "After all, I am a child of Da Sui, a subordinate of His Majesty, and I have to do something. Once the army of the imperial court surrounds Xiangcheng, I will raise the dragon flag first. The cities in the northwest There are many people who have my general mind, and as long as someone takes the lead, all places will respond. "

He raised his head and took a deep breath, looking at the dazzling sun.

Tears ran down his face.

Liu Fu looked at the behavior of the adult in puzzlement, saying that the adult was stinging his eyes by the sun, right?



After coming out of Fengcheng, Wan Yande could not help but breathe a long breath, and then looked at Fang Jie and laughed: "I can't think of how to come here so smoothly. Your idea is really good. When you haven't done it, think It is extremely dangerous, and after coming out of the city, think about how so easy and simple to come over. There is really no good eyesight among the rebels who keep the city ... but it is no wonder that the Yuan people are used to doing well and rebelliously, the rebels. I dare not provoke you. "

He laughed so easily that he was obviously in a good mood.

But after he said it, he couldn't answer. Wan Yan Zhongde looked to Fang Jie, and when Fang Jie looked back at Fengcheng, he thought deeply.

"What are you thinking?"

Wan Yan Chongde asked.

Fang Xie lifted the beard from his lips and watched the flying wolf flag still held by his soldiers for a while: "Wrong."


Wan Yan Chongde puzzled.

Fang Xie nodded: "Wrong, it's not the rebels who didn't find us, but they deliberately let us over."

He asked people to remove the Flying Wolf Banner and said for a while, "You know the biggest flaw in Fengcheng's attempt to hide the rebels?"

He pointed to his eyes: "It's the eyes. The people in northern Liaoning are all blue eyes. The Mongolian barbarian is black. I thought about it before, but I didn't say it. The bet is Shou Will the rebels in the city be negligent, but when Liu Ye came out of the city and stared at me and your eyes for a few glances, I knew that he saw us through. But he didn't say, but he was immediately sent to the city. The door opened ... not because we were lucky, but because we met a defender who was not in the same mind as the rebels. "

"on purpose?"

Wan Yan Chongde was startled, and then asked: "Then he deliberately did this, let us fear to hurt him in the past, will we send someone to contact the rebels immediately after we leave the city?"

"will not"

Fang Xie shook his head, very determined.


Wan Yanzhongde said, "It's better to be careful."

Fang Xie looked back at Fengcheng again ~ ~ it seemed to be looking for the old man who smiled at him before.

"Because he is a Sui, his eyes told me."

Fang Xie relieved and pointed his whip forward: "Speed ​​up and rush forward. There must be no rebels at least 270 miles forward. We can't delay any time!"


He beat the Crimson Horse, and the Crimson Horse yelled twice excitedly, and spread his four hoofs and rushed forward.

Fang Xie thought about Liu Yan's eyes when he thought about it. Then he began to slowly draw a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was a joy without any trace of impurities.

"Li Yuanshan ... you have counted everything and the organs did everything, but you still have one thing that you haven't accounted for. This thing may be enough to make it harder for you to stand up."

He thought in his heart, his eyes bright.

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