Conquer the World

Chapter 482: Inspector

Chapter 482 Inspection Officer

The entire county was bombed, and the rebels almost came out in search of assassins throughout the city. Every courtyard in the city was thoroughly searched. Finally, clues were found in a small courtyard but no one was found. Overnight, the generals with more than five grades almost died, leaving Han En alone in a scorched state.

Before I was born, someone saw that Zheng Duobao was running out of Jiang Yunlai ’s residence in blood. He ran his arms frantically while running and made a hoarse voice. He did n’t know what he was shouting. His body was wounded, his tongue was cut off, so people could n’t understand what he shouted, and he could n’t save life. Li Liao rushed over with someone and immediately sent someone to investigate what was going on. As a result, no one saw when Zheng Duobao entered Jiang Yunlai's residence, and Jiang Yunlai's relatives did not see how he entered Jiang Yunlai's bedroom.

Li Liao arranged for someone to deal with it, and then returned to his home. As a result, someone ran to say that several more generals had died the next morning. When the soldiers pushed in the door, they discovered that Li Liao didn't know when he was killed. The body was lying on the table, already stiff.

In the morning, more and more dead were identified.

Speaking of which, Han En is the most unscrupulous of the rebel generals. If it was not because his uncle Han Renzao was a confidant of Li Yuanshan, he would not have been a General of the Five Grades. There are two most trusted counsellors in Li Yuanshan. One is Tang Wenjing, who is also from the Longyou family, but his family is in trouble. Han Renzao was born in Jiangnan. Although the Han family is not a first-class family in Jiangnan, it is also a famous family with a history of hundreds of years.

After learning that he was now the highest officer in She County, Han En's heart did not settle down. The first was fear of death, lest the assassin who had feared murder had not yet left. The second is panic, not knowing how to deal with these things. It is still Li Liao's pro-team who is more knowledgeable about Li Er, and constantly reminds him that he barely shows no fear.

"What should we do now?"

Han En whispered to Li Er.

"The general's family members also need you to appease yourself, and then keep the corpse properly. Send someone out of the city and follow the official road to search the distance. Although there is little hope, you must do it. Also, if there is no accident, the afternoon inspection will make the adults It will be able to arrive that when such a big mess comes up, the patrol will come. The general only needs to hand over everything to the patrol to make a decision. Of course, the silver must be sent.

Li Liao is dead, Li Er knows that if he wants to continue mixing, he can only find a new master. Although Han En is a waste, now she is the only one in She County, and the inspector is about to arrive. If nothing unexpected happens, the inspector will definitely let Han En preside over military affairs.

Too far from Xiangcheng, there must be no generals in the army, and patrols have originally given this right, so Han En's superiority came naturally.

Li Er thought that it wouldn't hurt to get closer to Han En right now.

He thought for a while and continued, "After the inspection, you will be furious, and you will definitely scold you, but the general doesn't care about it, it's all a matter of scene. The general should not collide or resist. You have sent enough money, and the inspections will allow you to preside over military affairs. It is said that from today, a team of more than 10,000 people in Yi County will be given to you. "


Han En hesitated for a moment, thinking about the truth, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "If you look at it this way, it's really not a bad thing for me."

Li Er thought you idiot, how can you laugh now ...

"Li Er, what did you say first?"

After a smirk, Han En remembered that she had forgotten most of what Li Er said before.

"Let the people take care of the corpses of the generals, and then send someone out of the city to search the assassins along the official road, and then to appease General Li's family members."


Han En patted his head and walked and said, "Follow me. If there is anything, I will forget to remind you directly."

While talking, suddenly four or five cavalry rushed down the street. These people, wearing green brocade robes, wearing beam crowns and black cloaks, the head of the man did not come down after holding the warhorse, and shouted directly at the crowd: "The inspection has brought the adult to thirty miles Let's go later after the break. Where is General Li, please come out to meet me! "

As soon as this was said, Han En was stunned immediately.

Li Er touched him from the back and Han En reacted, and immediately walked forward: "Please go back to the inspector, and you will be greeted out of town immediately."

The man pointed his frown with a whip and asked, "What happened, General Li?"

"General Li ... dead"

Han En was smart this time, pretending to be sad: "Last night, an assassin entered the city, assassin General Li was assassinated, and he was being sent to hunt."

The man's face changed a bit, then he clenched his fists and said, "I'll go back first, and the general will report to the inspector personally."



The establishment of the patrol envoy was not long after Li Yuanshan was appointed by a cronies after the imperial army invaded Hexi Road. Although there were no specific official posts, the authority was staggering. After Li Yuanshan professed to be the king, he became more and more trusted by his family. All the elite men and horses were handed over to the children of the Li family. The inspectors are no exception. They are all from the Li family.

Most people are a little puzzled about Li Yuanshan's arrangement. The people and horses arranged in front are the rebels led by his seven tigers. They are all forced people. The combat strength is really not strong. Although the number is large, it is difficult to resist the offensive of the court. After the best equipped and trained men and horses are deployed in Xiangcheng, the original elite of Right Xiaowei followed Li Yuanshan to guard Xiangcheng.

Not many people really know what the purpose of Li Yuanshan's arrangements is, but the inspectors responsible for inspecting the army west of Xiangcheng know that because Li Yuanshan's arrangements were all in the seven inspectors.

At Shililibao, inspections made Li Xiaolian stand a little lost under a big tree. According to his seniority, he is the nephew of Li Yuanshan's family and the same age as Li Xiaozong, but his fourth brother Li Yuanshan has the eldest son, and naturally his status is not comparable to Li Xiaozong.

The battle ahead is becoming even more disturbing. Although the advance of the imperial army is not as fast as before, it never stops. Li Xiaolian knew what Li Yuanshan's arrangement was, but he was still unreliable. This decisive battle is a battle between life and death of the Li family. There is no doubt that Li Yuanshan is indeed a hero, and it is very likely that he will take the Li family to the top of the world. But if it fails, everyone from the top of the Li family will not have a chance.

Li Xiaolian is very clear that the current situation is developing as expected by Li Yuanshan, and almost every step has not deviated from Li Yuanshan's plan. No matter he is on his own side or the court, he is following the road he drew. But this is not the reason why Li Xiaolian can be practical. At this time, he believes that even Li Yuanshan may not be practical.

Appointed by Li Yuanshan as an inspector, this must be exciting. Once the Li family finally turned its family into a country, Li Xiaolian knew how bright his future was. But because of this trust and promotion, he determined that once he defeated himself, he was one of the first beheaded by the court.

"Sir, are we waiting for Li Liao to bring someone to meet or set off later?"

The guards handed him a water pouch and asked.

"After a short rest, we set off. After all, there are only thirty or so miles to go to Shexian before dark."

Li Xiaolian replied, still thinking about the war situation.

As a person close to Li Yuanshan, he knew that Li Yuanshan had been planning what he is doing from the beginning. In the past three years, Li Yuanshan has continued to expand his army and set up a line of defense to Hexi Road, as if he had sealed himself in the northwest. He never tried to go out of the northwest because Li Yuanshan was waiting for the army of the court. Outsiders even thought that his ambition was absent, and occupying the three northwestern areas would satisfy the lack of initiative. Li Xiaolian scoffed at this argument. He admires Li Yuanshan and sincerely admires it.

Only those who really stand high can see what will happen in a few years, and let what happens in a few years follow exactly his design. Those behind the scenes couldn't understand Li Yuanshan's succession of successors for success. Li Yuanshan is like a big country player. It took him three years to play the next game. Once the layout, no one can solve it.

While Li Xiaolian was thinking, the guard on the roof suddenly issued an alarm: "There is an army in the north, the smoke is rolling, it should be a cavalry!"

Li Xiaolian froze, leaned on the courtyard wall and jumped on the roof, took the guard's clairvoyance and looked north.

"Get everyone on board and be ready to evacuate."

He stared at the north and ordered.

Three hundred inspectors wearing green brocades and black cloaks made the guards mount immediately, waiting for his next order.


Li Xiaolian put his eyes down, his face was full of doubts. There seemed to be something unexpected, and then he lifted his eyes again and took a closer look.

"Why is there a Mongolian wolf ride in this place?"

He murmured, and then jumped off the roof and instructed: "The wolf rider came, and their horses are faster than us. They can't rush away. Those barbarians don't care what we are. Once they are removed, they cause Note that we can't stop the arrow rain. Show the back to the Meng Yuan barbarians, and their feather arrows will grow as accurate as eyes. "


He called the guard leader and whispered, "You will go out and talk with the Mongolian Yuan people, and ask who they are."

Saburo responded and led someone out of the village and stopped on the official road. After only a few moments, the flying wolf flag on the official road ahead became clear. Saburo knows the Mongolian Yuan people's costume leather armor, knows that these barbarians are unscrupulous in the northwest, and even if they are close friends of Li Yuanshan, those Mongolian barbarians may not be in their eyes. These scums are pieces set by King Dingxi, and they cannot be offended yet.

The wolf riders also apparently found them. When the team was about thirty miles away, the team suddenly separated, the wings spread outward, and the semicircle came over, quickly surrounding the entire village.

Li Xiaolian signaled to his men to put away their weapons and not to act lightly. Saburo walked forward with a few people and saluted with fists: "We are the team of Her Majesty the King of Dingxi's patrol. Which general will lead the army?"

The bearded Mongolian man, who was headed by him, gave him a scornful look: "I am Hami, a general under the command of General Baihuo, and have been ordered by the general to meet Secret Service. Where are you going?"

When Saburo saw that the hands of the barbarians were placed on the machete handle, he did not dare to carelessly, and smiled, "The King Dingxi sent inspections to make inspections everywhere, and the general came from Fengcheng toil."

The bearded Meng Yuanren gave a humming sound and looked carefully. Saburo gradually relaxed his vigilance: "I heard General Bohuo mentioned that King Dingxi sent seven people to be the inspector. The inspector made the master absent. I want to ask him something. "

Saburo looked back at Li Xiaolian, who shook his head without leaving a trace.

"I am"

Saburo nodded and said.

The bearded Mongolian man jumped off the horse and strode forward: "Our scouts found a large number of Han troops west of Fengcheng, not playing the banner of King Dingxi. General Baihuo sent people to investigate, that branch The team has already broken Fengcheng. This matter is urgent. The general sent me to Xiangcheng for a special report. Now that you are the ambassador of King Dingxi, how about going with me to Xiangcheng? "

As he walked, he said that he had reached Saburo.

Saburo's face changed, and he went back to see Li Xiaolian subconsciously. This matter is too big and has exceeded his ability to handle it.

"Fengcheng was breached?"

Li Xiaolian couldn't help but ~ ~ came quickly and asked loudly: "How many people have broken Fengcheng? The red flag is flying?"

After he asked this sentence, he suddenly found that the bearded Mongolian man smiled very strangely. Li Xiaolian couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, then his face suddenly changed.

"who are you!"

He stomped his feet and yanked the horizontal knife out.

The cavalry around the village had pulled their hard bows away, and thousands of feather arrows aimed at them.

"Let's drop the weapon."

A young man in a black gown came out from behind the beard. Although his clothes were stained with a lot of dust, his smile was clean and his eyes were bright. The young man was very beautiful, and even Li Xiaolian, who had always been arrogant about his appearance, couldn't help wondering.

The man in the black shirt looked at Li Xiaolian gently and said, "If you find the knife drawing useful, I don't mind you trying. Although they are all dead, the whole body is more beautiful than being broken into pieces, right?"

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