Conquer the World

Chapter 492: 1 way with blood

Chapter 492 Go All The Way With Blood

More than twenty Buddhist disciples had no room to fight back, but were stepped directly into the ground by the big foot that appeared out of nowhere. This small ascension surprised the following Buddhist disciples with astonishment, but they had not waited The astonishment calmed down, the fat man in the black robe stretched out his **** for a gesture, and said a sentence.

Then the heads of the twenty or so disciples exploded, and the blood mist was flying.

Seeing this scene, the young monk in the red robe sitting cross-legged frowned slightly, followed by a change of face, and disappeared suddenly, just a second after his disappearance, a huge finger came from behind him. He poked over and banged the cricket with a bang.

Dozens of blue-robed monks carrying a cricket were struck by energy, and four white-robed monks disappeared instantly. It was already more than ten meters away when they reappeared. The four people reached out and put together to form a seat. The young monk in the red robe sat on it, tilted his head and looked at Xiang Qingniu with interest.

"Han, are you from the Sui state?"

He speaks Chinese language and his voice is clear and pleasant.

Xiang Qingniu took a few steps forward, mentioning the slightly downward golden band with his jaw slightly raised: "You name it first, and I'll see if you are qualified to know who I am."

The young monk in the red robe pouted and smiled, everyone was like a girl.

Xiang Qingniu was disgusting and vomiting. In his opinion, the man behaves like a girl, even if it is long and beautiful, it is disgusting.

"You don't need to know who I am, and I will know who you are soon. I will take you back to Daxueshan Commandment Academy, and no one will survive those means."

The young monk in the red robe extended his finger to Xiang Qingniu: "If you can't catch him, then you will die."

He said lightly that he did not seem to take into account the lives of the monks at all.

"Take him down!"

A white-robed monk sang angrily.

All the remaining yellow-shirted monks squeezed forward, and soon formed a circular array with Xiang Qingniu wrapped in the middle. Xiang Qingniu rubbed his nose with a golden belt in one hand and rubbed his nose, then smiled and said to himself: "No wonder Brother Brother likes to stay in the northwest so much, the people who killed the Buddhism were so comfortable."

He didn't even look at the monks in yellow shirts, and asked the young monk in a red robe with his lower jaw, "Ask you something. Was there an old man who killed the original Snow Mountain in the past?"

Upon hearing this, the young monk's face changed immediately: "Do you know the big demon?"

he asks.

"Magic you-mum-it-a-force!

Xiang Qingniu cursed viciously and vulgarly: "It seems that you know, and quickly tell me where he is now."


The face of the young monk in the red robe quickly calmed down. He looked at Xiang Qingniu seriously and said, "All those who dare to violate the majesty of my Buddhism have only one end, and that is to be thrown into **** and never be reincarnate. All kinds of suffering, endless. You killed my Buddha disciple just now, and it will end likewise. "

"Those who threaten people are the weak, and the strong are good at slap in the face."

Xiang Qingniu sneered, his eyes glanced over the yellow-shirted monks and said with pity, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Take him down!"

The white robe monk ordered earlier said, "This is from the land where the Central Plains demon raged. You saw it just now. If you do n’t catch it, it will be a disaster for the world. Cang Sheng, how can you not try your best to surrender the demon? "

He didn't finish talking before he stopped because the demon in his mouth didn't give him the chance to stay.

"Great arrival!"

Xiang Qingniu whispered three words, all the monks looked up subconsciously and looked up, nervously alerting that the big foot that had just stepped on more than twenty monks into the ground appeared again, but they looked up and waited But they didn't find anything. Just when they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the ground sank suddenly. Within 50 meters of the circle, even the position of the young monk in the red robe was included. Suddenly sinking, a thick cloud of smoke rose.

Chen He grew surprised and opened his mouth, and the hairy grass that had been scratching fell off: "Oh ... Xiaoha, this fat man can fight so much."

Chen Ha was also surprised. He rubbed his eyes and said, "I didn't see it. I thought he would bully the two young boys."

After the dust gradually dissipated, a spectacular picture appeared in front of the Chen brothers. They couldn't help but stand up, and didn't hide their shock.

A huge footprint longer than 50 meters appeared, and the ground on which the footprint was located sank for half a meter!

Within this footprint, none of the yellow-shirted monks were squeezed into flesh.

They died so thoroughly that they couldn't even see the corpse capital, either the flesh was squeezed into mud, or the bones were broken into powder. More than sixty monks were killed in a big way. This power has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

Chen Hen looked at the fat man with a golden belt in the distance, swallowed and asked, "What are you doing here ..."

Xiang Qingniu turned back and said lightly: "Killing people, killing from the beginning, will not leave a trace of affection. Brother 2 is like this, Master should be like this, I should also be like this. Master said that my Tao is the first of all , But Tao's heart has already moved to kill ... "



Xiao Denglin

Great arrival

Kill one's heart

The way

It was just that the four white-robed monks carried the red-robed young monks to avoid it again, and were not suppressed by this type of ascension. In addition to the five of them, the dozen blue-pasque monks also died. Although their practice is far better than that of the Huangshan Monk, it is just that the corpse looks slightly intact.

The face of the young monk in the red robe had become dignified. He stepped down from the arm chair that the four men had made and walked forward slowly. With every step, there is a glory. When his feet were on the ground, green grass quickly emerged from the dry ground. When his feet left, the grasses withered and dried immediately. The grass appeared only to keep the young monk's bare feet from getting dusty, so his life was extremely short.

The young monk walked towards Xiang Qingniu, and said for a while, "I always thought that the oriental demon could not produce too many amazing overwhelming practitioners, and today I know that my vision is low. The king of Ming once said that the light is bright The land is vast, and the darkness is just as huge. You Sui practitioners have come out of the darkness, and although few dare to step into the light, each one is impressive. "

Xiang Qingniu poked his lips: "Light and darkness ... blind-forcible."

It seemed that he had become more vulgar since he met these Buddhist disciples.

"But King Ming also said that ... a demon is a demon after all, born in the dark, and even if he is powerful, he can only survive in the dark. Once in the light, he will eventually be incinerated by karma."

He raised his finger to Xiang Qingniu: "Can you plead guilty?"

The moment he raised his hand, a lot of colorful flowers suddenly appeared beside Xiang Qingniu. These flowers have no rhizomes and leaves, floating one by one slowly around Xiang Qingniu's body. This scene looks very beautiful, if a woman sees it will be inexplicable. But there is no doubt that these are killer flowers.

Xiang Qingniu is not a woman and doesn't like flowers very much.

So he shook his head: "No wonder no one has said that the biggest feature of your Buddhism is to convict others every time. No matter what you do, you must first put on a way to heaven, just like you said It's all irresistible ... "

When he was talking, he rolled his hands out, and then there was a drop of rain.

I don't know how many invisible swords surging out, chopping every flower into pieces. There are tens of thousands of flowers, and there are tens of thousands of swords, no more, no less.

"The reason why the herdsmen in the Western Regions believes in what you have said is because you are strong. But in front of people who are stronger than you, what else do you have to say?"

He also stepped forward to meet the young monk in the red robe.

"My luck is really good. I just met a rumored Buddha before entering the grassland."

The young monk in the red robe changed his expression: "How do you know?"

Xiang Qingniu was too lazy to answer: "Since the Buddha is still alive, it means that the old thing of the Ming Dynasty is not yet **** good. I ’ll kill one of his heirs first and hold your head to talk to him What makes sense? "


The young monk in the red robe was clearly furious, his hands clasped together: "King Kong Rage"

As his voice fell, his body suddenly changed. The body was quickly pulled up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the size of a single cricket was double that of the previous one. It seemed that Xiang Qingniu only reached his waist. If ordinary people saw this change, they would already be scared and knelt down.


Xiang Qingniu cursed, still holding a golden strap that was falling because his stomach was too big, the other hand pinched a seal and pointed forward. A sword burst out, stabbing fiercely at the Buddha's chest. The red robe on the Buddha's body had been cracked, and the rags could not cover his skin that had become metallic. Jian Qi hit a crackling sound on his chest, but didn't break his chest.

"Knew it"

Xiang Qingniu was not surprised at all: "Buddhas are all Vajrayanas, but your Vajrayana is not ugly ..."

He opened his palm: "Little Zhoutian"

The three-character one fell, and the Buddha, who had exceeded three meters in height, suddenly became stiff and it was difficult to move forward. He had only time to be surprised, and suddenly his body was out of control and was rushed forward by a huge suction. Seeing that huge body was about to hit Xiang Qingniu, the suction suddenly disappeared and replaced by A majestic repulsion hit him in the chest. The intensity of this moment was such that even the Buddha ’s King Kong could not bear it.

Without waiting for the Buddha to be able to break free from the restraint, the suction appeared again, and the huge body that was severely smashed out was rolled back and sucked back, and then blasted out again by the repulsion. Three times, there was a rattling sound from the Buddha ’s King Kong, and he saw cracks in his metallic skin.

"Surprised, shocked, scared and puzzled?"

Xiang Qingniu squinted his eyes and asked, where did the Buddha still have the previous pride?

"You are a Buddha, high above you."

Xiang Qingniu sneered: "I'm Taoist, and you're still high at my feet."

His hand stretched forward, and the huge body was pulled back again: "I won't ask what your name is, because more and more Buddhas will die in my hand, you said me Can't remember. "

He sucked the Buddha back and pressed his palm against the hard muscles: "Buddha claims to have all the ways, the Ming king claims to have all the ways and all the ways, your master has not bragged-he is indeed a master of the world. . But my teacher also taught me the same skill, called ... One sword breaks all methods. "

The strength of his palm spit out, and the Buddha was blasted out again. Just as the huge body rolled, the sword fell from the sky, but it was invisible but sharp, and the sound of the sword ripped apart the Buddha's chest, but the sword energy did not dissipate, but turned into a ball of light into the Buddha. In the body of the son, the Buddha's face suddenly twisted for a second, followed by a scream of utter sorrow from his mouth.


Thousands of rays of light shot out from the Buddha's body one by one, constantly breaking his muscles, and only for a moment, the gold body, known as indestructible, was torn apart by the sword, and the flesh flew, With a loud bang, the huge body was broken into pieces like a meat grinder ~ ~ Meat pieces were flying everywhere.

"Kill a Buddha"

Xiang Qingniu smiled and said to himself, "It really feels very fulfilling ..."

He looked at the four frightened white robe monks and asked, "Do you run, run or run?"

The four monks froze and ran away.

Chen Ha came over and was silent for a while Xiang Xiangniu: "Why stay alive?"

Xiang Qingniu shrugged his shoulders: "Let them go and ask someone to kill us ... it's not as easy as if they jumped up and killed themselves, since I can't hide and walk all the way to the Daxue Mountain, Instead, he killed Daxueshan with blood. "

Chen Heng asked, "Did he just say that Xiao Yijiu was dead?"

Xiang Qingniu shook his head: "I don't believe, how could a master kill so easily?"

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