Conquer the World

Chapter 505: I am waiting for you

Chapter 505 Where Are I Waiting For You

The emperor leaned back in the seat, and with one hand on his jaw, Fang Jie told the story. Fang Xie tried not to mention his concerns about the emperor's body, because he knew what he was thinking even if he didn't mention the emperor. And to say why this decision was made, it should be traced back to the letter that Luo Weiran and Wu Yidao sent people to send him, and Fang Jie was unwilling to say these things. It is not a good thing, and it is not a good thing for himself. Party and private business ... This is the emperor's most taboo.

The emperor seemed interested when he heard Fang Xie said that Feng Cheng, the defender, had encountered Fengcheng.

"Such officials are a pity."

The emperor said warmly and somewhat helplessly: "From the perspective of national law, it is an unforgivable death penalty to betray and rebellion for any reason. But I also know that officials such as Liu Xie are certainly not a minority in the northwest. Da Sui. But you know that Gui knows that there is no reason for You to forgive their sins. There are some mistakes, and you ca n’t get forgiveness if you know to correct them.

Fang Xie knew that the emperor was right. Officials such as Liu Ye must be everywhere in the northwest, but this is not the reason they will be pardoned. What Fang Xie could do was just to let the emperor know that there were such a group of officials in the northwest, because of this and other reasons, he had to become Li Yuanshan's men.

The best result is that these family members are exempt from criminal liability.

"You're doing a good job."

The emperor was silent for a while and said, "The reason why He kept him in prison for more than ten years was because He knew his character well. If he didn't want to use the people in the court at that time, he wouldn't have him out of prison. There is just no other choice. "

Fang Jie understood this sentence.

The emperor actually did not want to use the people in the court from the beginning of the Western Expedition, and did not use any of the court officials at the time. Asahi-gun king Yang Kai, Mou Liangzhu, Zong Lianghu, these people can actually be classified as people outside the court, they have no relationship with any of the interests in the court.

Thinking of this, Fang Xie suddenly felt a bit ridiculous.

Civil and military officials, so many emperors of the court did not have a trust. The Western Expedition was handed over to Asahi-gun King Yang Kai, but unfortunately he failed because of Li Yuanshan's rebellion. The counter-insurgency was an imperial conquest of the emperor, and most of them were brave men who did not belong to any interest faction. These recruits only loyal to the emperor alone.

Even so, the emperor had no intention of letting go of those officials who were once pillars of the Great Sui Dynasty. The killing in Haoran Temple made everyone cold.

Fang Xie said, "The minister should not murder the good."

The emperor glanced at him: "You shouldn't kill a good conspiracy, but you kill. You shouldn't kill Li Yuanshan, you still kill. You know what is right and what is wrong, but you always make An uncomfortable choice. The solution ... your greatest strength is to be decisive, and the biggest disadvantage is to be decisive. What others dare not do, you dare. If others dare not say, you dare ... who gives Got your courage? "


Fang Jie answered.

The emperor stumbled a little, then shook his head and smiled: "You mean, you have nothing to worry about if you have the largest patron in the world?"

"The minister's meaning is that the minister has the world's largest patron, so as long as what is done is good for the court and his majesty, it can be ignored."


The emperor glared at him: "I let you be wanton because I know you have no heart. But if you don't behave in the future, you won't be able to rely on it."

"Don't dare, but the minister thinks that if there are more officials like him in the world, and his majesty is a patron officer, the rule is not far away."

"You praise yourself for not blushing like this?" Hegemony 505

The emperor asked.

Fang Jiechi smiled: "To be honest, don't blush ..."

The emperor laughed and seemed to be really open. Su Buwei looked at the young man sitting in a chair below with a smile on his face. It's been too long for anyone to make the emperor laugh like this. Although he knows that the emperor can't really trust the young man, he can see that the emperor really likes this guy. Even Su Buwei now feels that this guy is really cute.

"Since you are only telling the truth in front of You, then You ask ..."

The emperor looked at Fang Jie: "What do you think about Kokotai's sudden attack on Luo Yao? I know that many people in private talk about it and say that I should not join forces with the Mongolian barbarian. Not only did the ancestors behave in a bad way, but also lost the face of the Da Sui court ... Fang Xie, what do you think? "

As soon as this was asked, Fang Jie felt a cold sweat on his back.



Fang Xie remained silent for a long time and did not answer the emperor's words, and the emperor seemed not impatient at all, just watching him quietly waiting for his reply. It may only be a few minutes, but it feels as if the centuries are long after the solution. The question the emperor threw at him could not be answered at all, because it was not a question with the correct answer.

"Chen ... I don't know."

The emperor shook his head: "After a long time, I uttered three words, and you really let me down."

Fang Xie looked up and said earnestly: "I do n’t know, I do n’t know how the people talk about it, and I do n’t know what the impact of this incident is. I do n’t know, I do n’t know why His Majesty made this arrangement. Why? Because the minister is dumb. But the minister knows one thing ... No one in the world loves Da Sui more than His Majesty. In the world, no one has more public interest than His Majesty. So the minister also knows that no matter what the people below say Your Majesty, it's all right. "

The emperor froze slightly and couldn't help laughing: "This is the sweetest fart I've heard in recent days."

"The minister is telling the truth."

Fang Jie answered.

The emperor nodded: "No one in the world loves Da Sui more than you, and no one in the world cares more about the people than you. This is a good statement, so I listened with great relief."

He stood up and waved his hand to support himself without Su Buwei.

"Everything you do is for the Great Sui. Every decision made by your Majesty is for the Jiangshan community. The people below talk nonsense because they don't understand You. So they are not as good as you, although you don't understand You , But you know that a courtier should trust the decision of the emperor. "

Fang Xie did not speak, but just listened quietly with her head down.

"Li Yuanshan put the Meng Yuan barbarian into his house three years ago. He thought he had borrowed the most powerful knife. Three years later, I used this knife to poke more than one person's ambitions. Why do we need to explain? The miscellaneous things in Yushitai really thought that he had said a word of innocence and he would be free to be presumptuous. Yesterday, there was an Xu Shi named Xu Qian who knelt outside and scratched his blood, and you guessed him What are you asking me to do? "

Fang Jie shook his head.

"He let him abdicate, saying he was sorry to the ancestors. If he didn't abdicate, he would die outside." Hegemony 505

The emperor did not seem angry, but just smiled: "So I followed his wish and let him die outside. Some people dare to speak because they also love Da Sui and don't want to make mistakes. Some people dare to say, It is for the sake of fame and fame to show its ridiculous and courageous so-called courage. I haven't gotten sick enough to see who has any thoughts. In the future, I will speak on my own.

There are indeed a group of people in this world who rely on doing so-called courageous things to cheat fame and fortune.

There are such people in any era.

Fang Jiechi said, "His Majesty is going to kill him. He must show that he is not afraid, and then he must say sadly that he is a loyal minister but cannot continue to be loyal to the country, but he died well. If he is stupid-forcing it, he will Pointing at you and yelling, right ... I think this kind of person can't be killed casually ... "

The emperor frowned: "You said he shouldn't kill?"

Fang Xie said: "The minister meant that he should not be killed casually. If he was told to kill him, he would feel great. Even if he was told to do so, he would not care, because he only cared whether it would lead to Others praise him. He will not take his life seriously, nor will he take the life of his loved ones seriously, but he will certainly take his reputation very seriously, so he can tell him before killing him After his death, he will be confessed to the world on the charge of being spied by Meng Yuan. He doesn't care about his life and his relatives' thought that even if he dies, it is a good place to die. The death of his wife and children is just a tool to fulfill his reputation, but if he is a spy He must be crying and begging for an understanding that he knows wrong. "

The emperor said, "That's how he did it. That's how he responded."


Fang Xie said two words lowly.

"You just said he was stupid-forced?"

The emperor asked.

Fang Jiechi smiled and did not dare to answer.

"That's a good word. Although I heard it for the first time, I understood it right away."

Fang Jie: "..."



The emperor stood at the gate of Yuxi with his hands on his shoulders, looking at the clear sky outside: "Meng Yuan Manzi, you will understand your painstakingly sooner or later. Kokotai Mengge is a smart man, even smarter than you think. Ambitious After all, a wise person will not be silent all the time, but I really want to talk to this person in my lifetime. "

Fang Xie seems to understand this sentence.

"You killed Li Yuanshan, some people are very angry."

The emperor shifted the topic, it seemed that he did not want to continue to say anything about the Mengyuan people.

Fang Jie nodded: "I guessed."

"Um ... they worked hard for more than a year, and the corpse came out of the blood, and finally you were robbed of the credit for it. It is inevitable that there will be resentment. 要 You must take care of their emotions anyway, after all, they are all To those who have made great contributions to Da Sui. I also owe a lot to them, and they should still be given the rewards they did not die on the battlefield. "

"The minister understands"

"Go back and take your black flag to kill the wolves."

The emperor waved his hand and said, "I have no time to pay attention to any saliva battle. I will have a good time in the next days. If I am in a bad mood, I will escape if I can avoid it."

"Meng Yuan people have a way back to the prairie."

The emperor said.

When saying this ~ ~ he glanced at Fang Jie.

Fang Xie shook his head: "No."

The emperor seemed very satisfied to hear what he wanted to hear: "Li Xiaoche's remnant soldiers will not let you go after him. He knows that you want to lead this errand. Jin Shixiong also told him that you are the most suitable candidate, but he I think it ’s more appropriate for you to have an errand. Now that you understand it, I ’m not going to say much. The knife can be borrowed to kill, but you do n’t have to return it after borrowing it. Although I ’m a son, I can say something Don't count. "

"You never heard this sentence."

The emperor smiled.

Fang Xie nodded: "Chen really didn't hear it."

"Go ahead"

The emperor took a deep breath: "If you have time after breaking through Jinyang, you will go to Langrushan Qingxia."

Fang Jie said: "The minister is there waiting for Her Majesty to come."

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