Conquer the World

Chapter 509: 15 catties of grain

Chapter 509 15 Pounds of Grain

There were hardly any decent obstacles along the way. Most of the rebel soldiers lost their armor and lost their weapons to find a place to hide, lest they be caught by the army after the war, and the rest of the fierce generations will enter the forest. For the bandit, but did not dare to attack the cavalry. After Li Xiaoche fled, he sent people around Jinyang to gather the defeated soldiers. Many of the rebels who could not afford to eat also fled to the past.

When they came, they walked day and night, and when they went back, they resolved to let the team stand and let the cart walk in the middle of the team, with cavalry on both sides, and the battle flag was inserted on the cart. It looked like a million from a distance. Yu Ren's team is similar, so the small rebels and mountain bandits and thieves will avoid them even if they find them.

Fang Xie was meditating along the way, remembering what was hidden behind a short conversation with the emperor and the old man.

The emperor's performance was as close as ever, and in Changan City, this close made Fang Jie's heart warm. But now, he felt more and more that something cold was hiding behind him. Fang Xie thought a little bit of bitterness in the past few years when he thought of leaving Fan Gu to Chang'an and now.

At the time of Gu Gu, he was a qualified Imperial Frontier and a natural scout because of his existence. Fan Gu's hundreds of miles of horse thieves were hit by the disaster. But he was inexplicably involved in Li Yuanshan's conspiracy and almost became a funeral for Wu Peisheng. Then I went to Chang'an. I never did anything I'm sorry about this empire, and I never thought I'd be sorry about this empire, although for a long time the solution did not consider itself a typical Sui.

But until now, it seemed that everything he had experienced was a distrust.

The emperor used him to defend him, and the solution was understandable. After all, he hadn't even figured out where he came from. How could the emperor be unconcerned? To be honest, it is not easy for the emperor to do this now. Fang Xie even thought that if the emperor was Li Yuan and Luo Yao, and he changed place with Yang Yi, he could not say that he was dead.

So Fang Jie didn't have any resentment in her heart, but she was helpless.

The old man's words kept lingering in his mind. Fang Xie faintly guessed who the old man was, and the words he said, word by word, beat in Fang Jie's heart. He asked Fang Xie, did you forget how you came? He said that every step you take is destined to bleed into the river, can he really peek into the sky?

Is it really already arranged by God?

Riding slowly on the horse, Fang Jie looked up at the sky.

It was as if many years ago he was sitting on a runway on the runway of a run-down farm yard with a low wall, looking up at the sky with a touch of expression, full of doubts. It is a mysterious and mysterious thing to come to this world in the first place, beyond the knowledge that Fang Jie received in the previous life. Even in this world, it is difficult for people to accept, let alone modern people?

Then he was involved in Da Sui and Meng Yuan, Buddhism, Luo Yao, these forces inexplicably.

So much so that he didn't know himself and couldn't see himself clearly. In particular, what made him uncomfortable was that, as if he didn't know it, others knew it. Fang Jie is certain that Luo Yao knows a lot, and he can guess some from the old man's words.


Fang Xie asked Zhuo Buyi, "Do you know Wudang Zhang?"

Zhuo Buyi shook his head: "No one on the rivers or lakes dare to say that you know Zhang Zhenren ... After all, in terms of age, at least one hundred years old has opened. Few people of this generation on the rivers and lakes have had any contact with Zhang Zhenren. It ’s just heard. Wudang Mountain has always acted in a low-key manner and has never been as assertive as Qingle Mountain. My understanding of him only comes from many rumors.

"Say it."

Fang Xie said, "I'm very interested."

Zhuo Yiyi asked, "Do you think that person is Zhang Zhenren?"

"Seven out of ten."

Fang Jie nodded.

"Why is it in the camp?"

Zhuo Yiyi murmured, then suddenly thought: "Yes ... the emperor Doroyao's precautions are not only the hundreds of thousands of male soldiers, but also Luo Yao's self-cultivation. So it is love to bring Zhang Zhenren beside him. There is an excuse, if it is him, Luo Yao may not dare to take risks. It is not Luo Yao who is not confident, but Luo Yao does not think it is worth it. "


Fang Xieheng said, "That's why I was curious about Zhang Zhenren. The most famous person in Da Sui more than a hundred years ago was Wan Jiantang and Wan Xingchen. After more than 100 years, the most famous person in Jianghu was Qing Leshan Xiao 19. Zhang Zhenren is younger than Wan Xingchen and less than Xiao 19 by grade. Living between these two people has not been as famous as the two of them, which is abnormal. "

Zhuo Buyi said: "Legends of rivers and lakes, Zhang Zhenren used many names to smash the world. Zhang Chuping, who swept Jiangnan with a sword 80 years ago, and Zhang Donglin who wiped out Jiugou and Shizhai village with a pair of fists 70 years ago. Zhang Liulu, who threw down the 13 gates north of the Yellow River, had no news at once, so some people attributed these names to Zhang Zhenren, but he never admitted it. "

"Some people say that his real name is Zhang Fengshan, and some people say that his real name is Zhang Sanxiao. He doesn't bother, but because he lives in Wudang Mountain Sanqingguan Yiyang Caolu, people also call him Zhang Yiyang."

Zhuo Yiyi said: "But in the past forty years, there have been no rumors about him. Disciples in Wudang said that the real person could not retreat, and they did not ask about rivers and lakes for a long time. So people gradually forgot the name, and even ignored There is such an old monster alive in Da Sui Jiang Hu. "

Fang Xie asked: "In your opinion, what about Zhang Zhenren Xiu Xiu than Xiao Yijiu?"

"Not good for comment."

Zhuo Buyi shook his head: "Some people say that Zhang Zhenren is better, but because he hasn't appeared on the rivers and lakes for too long, this view has been ridiculed by many people. Xiao Yijiu's big Sunday ... is very strong."

Fang Xie nodded: "Anyway, there is Zhang Zhenren beside the emperor ..."

When he said this, he suddenly thought of something, his face changed slightly: "The emperor ... is waiting for Luo Yao to kill him."

Zhuo Buyi also understood, and couldn't help but sigh a long time: "Meng Yuan people stabbed Luo Yao from behind, Luo Yao would be furious, saying that he would not be angry to kill the emperor, and the emperor was with him There must be more than one Zhang Zhenren. The emperor still wanted to use himself as a bait to solve as many civil disturbances as possible in Da Sui, and did not want to leave hidden dangers to the Prince. "

"There is a premise"

Fang Xie said: "Will Luo Yao really kill the emperor for the reason that the Mongolian Yuan used force against him?"

"Maybe there are other reasons we can't think of."

Zhuo Yiyi said: "So much so that Luo Yao must go."

"Do you want to go back?"

he asks.

Fang Xie was silent for a while and shook his head: "Don't go back. If the emperor didn't guess Luo Yao would go, he wouldn't let me leave so hastily. He wanted to keep me and play for the prince ..."



After marching for nearly a month, the team returned to Fan Gu. The cavalry was relieved by the way to some gangsters who were in trouble. The soldiers were like hunters. They were not called combat but massacre to the remnants. When we returned to Fan Gu, the climate was already a lot warmer, and all the way up we saw that the victims were sore in the wasteland. The seeds planted by these victims may be the food they have starved to death and how many people are unwilling to move, because Li Yuanshan has lost, and the people came out of their hiding places to prepare to rebuild their homes.

They hope that after the autumn, some of these grains will be able to produce so that the days can continue.

But even the coarsest grains with the shortest cycle have no idea how many people will starve to death in these months.

They grow not only hope but also life.

Because there is no shortage of food in the cottage, enough food has been robbed of the rebels' Western Camp to persist for a long time. So all the way up, the grain from the Sui Army camp left enough food along the way, and the rest were distributed to the people along the way. Although everyone did not share much, at least they added weight to their hopes. Those people who have experienced the scourge of war will be grateful to Dade for such a small help.

What Fang Xie didn't know was and didn't think about it, just because of this seemingly insignificant kindness, his name gradually spread among the victims.

There is a small adult in Beijing who loves people like a child.

If Fang Jie knew it, he would feel ashamed.

When Fang Xie returned to Fan Gu, he found out, or because the news of Li Nibing ’s defeat spread, the victims went out to find places where officials and troops were stationed, and they just felt that they would feel safe. Around Fan Gu, those broken villages have been repacked and lived in. The men went hunting in the mountains to support their livelihoods. The women cleaned the dilapidated houses and went to wasteland.

Fang Xie admired Sun Kaidao for looking far enough, and on the day he returned to Fan Gu, Fang Xie saw Fan Gu's long line of troops. Those who come to collect seeds are registered according to household registration, and each household sends 15 pounds of seeds. If they are diligent, the wasteland will be planted, and some coarse grains can be laid before the winter to cope with the long winter.

This is not a large investment, but it can be exchanged for the support of many people.

Seeing the officers and soldiers entering the city, the queuing people spontaneously gave way, everyone had a kind smile on their face, and their eyes were full of respect and respect. Fang Xie was not angry with Sun Kaidao's self-assertion. The cottage only needs to spend half a month to consume enough people to meet the needs of these people for seeds, and these people are reluctant to take 15 pounds of seeds per household. Go eat it.

When approaching the city, Fang Jie suddenly found some disturbances in front of him. He urged the horse to go forward and looked closely and found that there was a trouble among the people in the queue. Chen Xiaoru had just ordered people to restrain the order, but Fang Jie waved his hand to stop it.

It was dozens of people besieging three men, and the beatings howled and begged. But the beating people didn't mean to stop their hands, and they almost lost their strength to call for help. It's strange that such a long team, everyone else just watched no one care, but many people were applauding.

"You beast! You should be killed!"

A shabby man kicked fiercely while kicking fiercely: "General Fang is compassionate, and each family sends fifteen pounds of seeds so that we can live through the next winter! Your scums received the seeds yesterday, and at night When I went back, I cooked and ate, and today I came again! Animals! If you take one, you will have one less, and there will be one more family who can't survive the winter! "

"Kill him! Such a bitch!"

During the tearing ~ ~ One of the beatings suddenly revealed the earthy yellow livery in the worn out clothes, which was the clothes of the rebels. When the scene was seen, the crowd was boiling immediately.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"This group of scumbags dared to come in to collect food and kill him!"

The angry crowd rushed up, punched and kicked.

Fang Xie didn't send someone to stop, but just watched the people kill the three people alive. The body was dragged to the side of the road, beyond recognition. I don't know how many people spit on the corpse before leaving, and the earthy livery was torn apart.

After venting their anger, the victims returned to the official side to continue lining up, and returned to their original standing position. No one disputed this.

Fang Jie urged the horse to move forward, and it was difficult to calm down.

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