Conquer the World

Chapter 516: No way

Chapter 516 There Is No Way

The nails were put down again and again, and the minced meat hanging on the one-foot-long mace nail and the blood couldn't stop falling when it was lifted. The corpses of the stone wall had been piled up half a meter high, and the ground beneath the corpses seemed to have been drunk with blood, so that the blood no longer penetrated but gathered into a stream and flowed to the lower part.

For an hour, at least a thousand corpses had been paved under the stone wall that was just a hundred meters long. Some were from the Yuan Dynasty and some were from the Black Flag soldiers.

A black-armed soldier with an arrow fell from the wall without holding his body firmly. He fell on a thick corpse pile and did not die immediately, but was not able to stand up. A dozen wolf cavalry roared around, ten Several scimitars kept falling, and soon the Black Flag soldier turned into a puddle of meat.

When the machete was dropped and raised, blood, visceral fragments, and bone debris were thrown into the air. In the sun, the blood reflected a dazzling color.

"I-fuck-your ancestors!"

The Black Flag soldiers on the stone wall roared and dropped the nail shot again. The heavy nail shot was severely hit on the crowd who besieged the Black Flag soldier. At least four wolf cavalry were shot and pierced. The leather armor on them left more than one blood hole in each person.

The wounds caused by the dense nails are extremely horrible, and even if they were not killed on the spot, they can no longer see the hope of life.

The shouting and mourning sounds did not disperse over the gorge, and the beasts and birds in the jungle in the mountains were scattered scaredly. The strong **** gas drew several fierce beasts to stand on the cliff to watch, but was frightened by the scene of flesh flying below. At some point, humans are more fierce than fierce beasts.

The fighting was unprecedentedly fierce, and the Mongolian Yuanren did not stop attacking after losing a thousand team. The second thousand-man squad shouted, clearing the corpses on the road and trying to push a siege hammer closer. This siege hammer is extremely simple, but it seems that the giant tree that the two of them are hugging is heavy enough. If it swings and hits the door, the only gate in the stone wall is not sure if it can withstand the impact.

"A crossbow!"

When Xiahou Baichuan saw the siege hammer, he shouted with a hoarse voice: "All the crossbow cars, remove the siege hammer to me!"

The Black Flag soldiers who operated the crossbow on the city wall almost changed, and most of the earliest people had been shot dead by arrows. But they killed more enemies before they died. When the war began, the pre-war tensions and fears had disappeared, and the rest was an inability to let go of the enemy ’s past decisiveness and revenge.

On the Mandu Banner pasture, Da Sui's soldiers returned home.

Today, these soldiers of the Black Flag Army are doing what the Mongolians did, so that those barbarians cannot return home!

After adjusting the direction, the soldiers who operated the crossbow truck reloaded the heavy crossbow, struggling to winch the rope and then loosened their hands. After the heavy crossbow flew straight out, the wolf cavalry who pushed the siege hammer down. One, There was no attack on the siege hammer, and the soldiers immediately reoriented.

The second round of heavy crossbow whistled out again. A heavy crossbow hit the iron chain hanging from the giant tree coincidentally. When it slammed a piece of Mars, the iron chain was broken and the giant wood fell off and hit the base. He smashed the base with a click, and the two wolf cavalry were smashed underneath, and a head was squeezed. Red blood and white brain were squeezed out of the squashed leather helmet and mixed. The tofu brain in soy sauce ticked down.

The other soldier was squeezed on the waist, his intestines were squeezed out but did not die for a while, and howling screamed to let his robe save him. A wolf cavalry beside him couldn't stand it, and stabbed him into his heart.

The siege hammer was abolished and blocked the road behind. Zhe Libei ordered the soldiers to move away the broken siege hammer, and the Black Banner archer who saw the timing immediately poured a rain of arrows and attacked. The wolf cavalry near the city hammer fell down like a weed hit by hail.

After one and a half hours, more than half of the 500 Black Flag soldiers on the stone wall have lost more than 100 soldiers from the two teams of the reserve team, and the wolf cavalry who is not adapted to the siege battle has lost more than 1,500. People, a loss of one to seven, is enough to illustrate the fierceness of the wolf cavalry. Although they are not accustomed to this kind of fighting with both feet running and climbing with both hands, they are so hard-bodied in nature that they will not flinch.

"Float the rocket!"

Xiahou Baichuan's throat had been shouted with almost no sound: "Push them back, the people in front go down for a rest, and the reserve team tops Lao Tzu!"

As his order was issued, the Black Flag archers ignited the ready-wrapped feather arrows and fired them out, one after another. After a few minutes, the queues of the wolf cavalry began to mess. Many In the arrows of the wolf cavalry, the flames appeared sporadically at first, and finally began to spread into a fire group.

Because the sides of the canyon are mostly bare cliffs, Xiahou Baichuan will be relieved to let people launch rockets without worrying about causing mountain fires.

The wolf cavalry were not found, and Zhe Libei was not found. The reason the rockets landed immediately was because many places in the canyon were splashed with dark oil, although most of the oil was trampled by the wolf cavalry. On the boots, it didn't stop the flames from burning.

The fire rose more than two meters, and hundreds of wolf cavalrymen who could not withdraw were devoured by the sea of ​​fire. The soldiers behind were forced back by the fire, and many people's beards and eyebrows were burned. The soldiers of the Black Flag standing on the stone wall felt waves of heat rushing towards them, and many of them were exhausted and slumped on the ground, breathing heavily. The fire light reddened their faces and illuminated their eyes.

Tired, but so determined.

The reserve men rushed up and replaced the tired soldiers.

This kind of fire will not burn for long, perhaps the enemy's second attack will come even more fiercely after half an hour.

"Add feather arrows and debug the crossbow!"

Xiahou Baichuan leaned against the stone wall battlements and panted, and the soldiers of the reserve team carried a bundle of feather arrows to the stone wall, and then filled all the archers' arrow pots. The replaced soldiers sat down in the canyon on the west side of the city wall, but everyone's face was strangely calm.

Fang Jie looked at the soldiers and suddenly shouted, "Bring wine!"



In less than an hour, the flames in the gorge were gradually extinguished, and charred corpses were everywhere on the ground, exuding a stench. Several hungry and bald eagles have been hovering in the sky, seemingly trying to fly down and pecking at corpses. Either they were afraid of the remnants of fire, or they were afraid of the killing intentions of the humans below, and they did not immediately dive.

The wolf cavalry sat on the ground and looked up at the sky waiting for the bald eagles to come down. It is not a shame for them to be pecked by eagles, but a matter of pride. Meng Yuan's custom is to place the body in a specific place after the death of the person, and let the hawk eat it.

However, the Han people did not have such a custom. The Han people believed that the beasts and raptors eat the corpses as a great disrespect to the deceased, so someone pulled a bow and put an arrow into the sky, but did not hit it. The frightened buzzard wailed a few times in the sky, but he did not leave. The feather arrow fluttered down and looked a little lonely.

An hour's break quickly passed, especially when the wolf cavalry members were driven up by the centurion and the centurion, and they looked dull.

The fierceness of the first war was far beyond their imagination. For more than three years, the Chinese have been enslaved. They have become accustomed to facing everything as a winner. But now, they find that the winner's posture can no longer serve them To bring victory, they must fight for it. This is something that has not happened for a long time.

If the war didn't stop at this hour, the wolf cavalry has been smashing and maybe the mentality will not change. But this hour is enough to make them think about many things.

Zhe Li don't look at the morale of the soldiers is actually low, anger burst out in his eyes.

"What are you doing ?!"

Zhe Libei shouted, "You are the people of Changshengtian, the descendants of the wolf god. Under the leadership of the great golden family hundreds of years ago, your ancestors swept the entire grassland with the machete in their hands. At that time The ancestors faced the enemies one hundred and one thousand times stronger than these Hans. The fiendish men were as fierce and brutal as they could not scare the descendants of the wolf god. The ancestors could defeat even the demons, and you! Claims to be a descendant of the wolf god! "

Zheli don't get angry: "If they see you like this, they will bow their heads in shame!"

"Meng Yuan's warrior's head will never be lowered towards the enemy! As soon as the war has begun, you have become cowards. What did you say to your wife when you returned home? We fled back ? Or did all the enemies return glory? "

The wolf cavalry looked up and looked at the stone wall.

"Kill them all!"

Zhe Lie shouted.


The response this time was not intense. The wolf cavalry knows that, in fact, Zhe Libei said something wrong, where did they have a chance to escape, the stone wall ... why so high.

Just as Zhe Libei was preparing to continue the attack with the remaining troops, Kokotai's fierce relatives came over aggressively, and the headed guard pointed at Zhe Ribei and said, "You are no longer a captain, special service. You have been degraded to a centurion. Take your widowers back. "

"Do not!"

Zhe Li's face changed greatly: "I want to see Secret Service, and ask Secret Service to give me another chance! My person is not a coward, I will personally lead someone to run again!"

The guard sneered: "You and your people have lost the face of the Meng Yuan Empire, and Secret Service is extremely disappointed in you. The next thing Secret Service has been handed over to the farewell post, you have no chance."

Zhe Libei saw that Kubepitier had taken people up behind him, Kubepitier's eyes were full of disdain.

"Do not!"

Zheli don't pull out the machete: "Go back and tell Secret Service that if I can't break the stone wall this time, I confess my death! Not only me, my people will also do this to defend the dignity of the warrior!"

"Give you another chance!"

A violent voice from Koktai in the distance ~ ~ Koktai Meng, who replaced a warhorse, pointed his whip at Zhepie: "Last chance, if you can't break the stone wall, Even if you end your own life, your family will be ashamed of you! "

"Xie Qin!"

Zhe Li's other eyes were bloodshot. He took off his leather armor and hit his chest with a machete: "Did you all hear the wolf cubs! You are all warriors, it is a humiliation to die, Or death of glory? "

He held his machete in his mouth, reached for the side of the ladder and lifted it up: "Kill!"


This time the shout was louder than before, because the wolf cavalry knew that this time ... there really was no way out.

In front is the stone wall of the Han people, and in the back is their dignity.

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