Conquer the World

Chapter 534: Heaven and earth fetish

Chapter 534 Heaven And Earth Gods

Fang Xie looked at Xiao Yijiu's direction of departure, hesitated a little and then stepped up. Xiang Qingniu was startled by his actions and quickly reached out to pull him: "You don't understand the old cow's nose. It seems that the wretched nature of money is easy to talk on, but he never hesitates when he says he wants to kill people. At this time, you shouldn't try to find out for yourself. "

Fang Xie smiled at Xiang Qingniu and said, "I always have something to ask. I'm a little bit more irritable than Xiao Yijiu, and some things don't make me sleepy."

Xiang Qingniu was going to follow him, Fang Xie just shook his head: "If he really does, can you stop it?"

Xiang Qingniu pondered, then shook his head.

Fang Xie patted his shoulder and strode up.

He came out tonight without bringing anyone, not even Shen Qingfan. He just hoped that he would explore his own secrets. Sometimes the people around him knew too much. It was probably one of them. Good thing. Fang Xie didn't want to see her own woman, and she was afraid for herself every day.

What's more, some things are ultimately the responsibility of men.

Xiao Yijiu seemed to be walking slowly, his pace was not large or fast, but he had gone out dozens of meters in an instant, and Fang Jie rushed forward with a little body, and the wind blew from his ear. However, at this moment he was even ready to fight with those who stood on the peak of the practitioners. He knows himself, and can use his own words to say that he is indeed a very strange person. Obviously, sometimes he is terribly afraid of death, but sometimes he is silly.

"Don't follow again, you should go wherever you come from."

Xiao Yiji paused and looked back at Fang Xie.

Fang Xie stopped about five or six meters in front of him and hugged his fist. "Senior, if you know, why not say it? If you don't know, why did you say that before. Since you are talking about me Why ca n’t you tell me? If you say that if I go further west, it ’s not good for anyone, and it ’s better to tell them clearly? ”

Xiao Yijiu said for a while, "You don't know, better than know."

Fang Xie shook his head: "I do n’t know, I will search. If I continue to go west, will my predecessors really kill me?"

"Why are you so curious that you can't pretend to know nothing? People are alive and there is no need to see everything clearly. I have already told you where to go and where to go, you just follow me. Just do it. Searching for the answer often doesn't lead to a satisfactory answer. Without searching, you often get a happy ending. "

Xiao Yijiu said earnestly: "I know that for the mystery of life experience, anyone wants to figure out the ins and outs, but the most important thing for you now is to go back to the Central Plains, and do your best to keep the Central Plains from messing up and out of control. , Is no longer a man in the rivers and lakes, why bother with the rivers and lakes again? "

Fang Jie thought for a while and then asked, "Can the seniors tell me if there is anything to do with the Buddhism?"

Xiao Yijiu said, "It wasn't originally, but it was later. Now you don't have to go back, just stay."

This statement is too vague to understand.

Fang Xie still asked, Xiao Yijiu shook his head and said, "I'm only guessing about your affairs. In fact, you don't have to go west if you want to explore your life. The master should know better than I know. You can go back to Chang'an If you go to the city, you may get more guidance from Master than you can get here. I ’m going back now, and you do n’t want to follow along. ”

"Senior, Prince Loyal has a gift of remaking. I want to visit Wang Ting."

Fang Xie put his first fist: "Please seniors to complete."

Xiao Yijiu paused for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Fang Xie. For a moment, a very violent repulsion swept towards Fang Xie. The repulsive force of this little Zhoutian was shocked when Fang Xie saw the red robe great priest Crane He Dao cast out. It was even more shocking to see Xiang Qingniu show yesterday, but today I saw Xiao Yijiu ’s shot. What is different in the same move.

The same trick, displayed at Xiao Yijiu, was even more aggressive and aggressive than Xiang Qingniu.

Fang Xie didn't dare to care, raised Jin Jin's strength from the Qi pulse as much as possible, arranged a layer of solid defense in front of him, and then boxed the water and fire forces from the left and right to welcome the small Zhoutian repulsion. After the three forces collided, they were silent for a moment without any reaction. In the next second, a huge wind wave swayed around, the turf was lifted within a few dozen meters, and a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly appeared. The dust was engulfed into the sky by a storm.

But even so, Fang Jie's combination of water and fire abilities still failed to block Xiao Zhoutian's repulsion. After a delay, the repulsion still hit him vigorously. This is the first time that Fang Jie's fire Force cannot burn the opponent's inner strength. Fang Jie bit his lip and did not dodge. His fists hit him again. The wind of the fist collided with the repulsive force like two pythons, and a fierce wave came again. Fang Jie's feet stood as if they had taken root. The wind was blowing his clothes backwards, and his hair was fluttering wildly.

The storm had not yet passed, and the repulsive force rushed out like a haunted wild ghost again, banging heavily on the layer of defense in front of Fang Jie, with a click, the gold shield broke, and the repulsive force was indestructible.

Fang Xie still didn't move backwards and made a third punch.

This time, he confronted the repulsive force purely with physical force. The moment his fist and repulsive force hit each other, his clothes were shattered by the repulsive force, and his muscled arms looked extraordinarily strong.

The repulsive force pushed Fang Jie backward a full meter, and his feet left two deep trenches on the grass.

After all, he stopped this trick.

Just as Fang Jie was ready to meet Xiao Yijiu's next move, Xiao Yijiu had turned away: "You can walk around with your current cultivation, remember, you must never approach Daxueshan, otherwise you There is no place for death. After seeing the Second Master, he may reveal some confusion for you, but I believe that he and I are the same mind, but if he wants you to go back to the Central Plains and you entangle again, he When you think of it and you die, his mind ... is always stronger than me. "

After saying this, Xiao Yijiu drifted away, and soon disappeared into the night.

Xiang Qingniu rushed forward, holding Fang Xie's arm and asking, "How?"

Fang Jie shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "If he really wants to kill me, he won't show mercy."

"Let's go."

Fang Xie turned and said, "Go and see Prince Zhong."



If Xiao Yijiu said that the loyal prince Yang Qi had a stronger heart than him, Fang Jie might bring Shen Qingfan with them. With this sentence, Fang Jie would not let them in any case. Let yourself go west. Although I don't know why Fang Xie made this decision suddenly, there are Xiang Qingniu and Chen Hu Chen Ha beside Fang Xie, plus Zhuo Buyi also insisted to go together, Shen Qingfan they don't have to worry too much.

A group of five people left and marched towards the heart of the Meng Yuan Empire.

The battle in Daxue Mountain is about to end. Kokotai Mengge cannot leave the king's court for a long time, so it is his eldest son Kokotai Mengbu who directs the army over Daxue Mountain, plus several generals of the Golden Account, the Great Division, and Mengge Don't worry too much. He sat in the king's court, all parties dispatched, although the situation was chaotic, after all, there were no major events beyond his sight that could not be controlled.

He was in Wang Ting, and Yang Qi, the loyal prince, was also in Wang Ting.

On the other side of the Daxue Mountain, Yang Qi chopped two old monks one after another. The King of Ming was seriously injured. He did n’t know where he was imprisoned, but he did not go out of Dalun Temple. Coupled with the help of practitioners from the Golden Family, there will not be much difficulty under the Daxue Mountain.

Now that the war has come to patience and courage, no one has the chance to win in one fell swoop.

Explaining the five of them is actually a terrible combination. These five people are traveling together, and it seems that they can fight any opponent. This is why Shen Qingfan is assured that Xiang Qingniu knows how strong he is after he realizes his heart. He does n’t know how strong he is, although he is a little worse than Xiao Yijiu. Chen He Chen Ha, the strength of these two people is in a bright environment, looking at the world, the two can not find a few opponents together.

Zhuo Buyi and Fang Jie were a little worse, and counting, Zhuo Buyi stepped into the bright realm with one foot. Fang Jie now has nine strengths under normal circumstances.

Such five people can swept a small gate.

Xiang Qingniu saw Fang Jie's heart full of thoughts, always looking for some jokes along the way, Fang Jie knew his good intentions and pretended to be indifferent on the surface.

"Do you know how powerful the pure white lion I met with Xiaoheng Xiaoha?"

Xiang Qingniu said: "The other three little rivers were resting by the day, and the white lion was drinking water by the river. When I saw it, I couldn't look away. That guy was bigger than the tallest Western Warhorse. No.1, it is estimated that a wild elephant can be killed with a bite! At that time, I moved my heart and asked Xiaoheng to help me catch it. Who knows that the beast was running too fast, and our three warhorses could not catch up. Therefore, I had to dismount and do my best to perform light work to chase, and chase out six or seven miles at a stretch, the beast turned us away and saw no trace. "

Zhuo Buyi heard him say that the white male lion couldn't help thinking of the little pig that he had been riding on. He shook his head and his eyes were sad.

Xiang Qingniu said: "Later, I met a few disciples of Buddhism. After I caught it, I asked specifically. It turns out that this white male lion has always been legendary on the grassland. In the grassland order, wherever there is an injustice, it will appear. However, the people in the Buddhism said that this thing was ominous, and there were disasters wherever they went. It was also said that only those selected by Changshengtian were qualified to control the spirit beast. Tao Grandpa, I do n’t believe in longevity, but Dao thinks that the beast I ’m riding must be suitable. ”

Fang Xie smiled ~ ~ Recalling the Shan Hai Jing that I have seen in previous life: "There are many foreign bodies in the world, but they are strange species. People are tall, thin, black and white, and there is one in the lion. The majestic is not outrageous, it is just that people find it rare to give it some magical color. "

After he finished speaking, he saw Xiang Qingniu open his eyes.

Fang Xie looked forward along his line of sight, and saw that on a high **** in front of him, the very majestic white lion, which was a lot taller than the war horse, stood there, holding his head up, looking magnificent. It stands between heaven and earth, as if it were the king between heaven and earth.

At this time, Fang Jie's war horses felt the pressure brought by the white male lion, and they never dared to move forward. No matter how many people urge, just turn around.

Xiang Qingniu was so annoyed that he had to chase the lion as soon as he got off the horse. Who knew that the white male lion roared suddenly, and their war horses trembled, and then the two front legs went down on their knees.

Fang Jie's eyes narrowed, and he said that there was such a **** in heaven and earth!

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