Conquer the World

Chapter 548: Pull out

Chapter 548 Pulled Out 遛遛

Xiang Qingniu's words threw Fang Jie's heart into a stormy sea, but at the same time he opened a door and many things became suddenly bright. He suddenly thought that it was not only the replacement of the courts in this world. Even if there were many powerful nations that had dominated the world for hundreds of years in the history that had been seen in previous lives, would there be no promoters behind it?

"Lord Man ..."

Fang Xie was silent for a while and asked Xiang Qingniu: "Is that the same interest group?"

Xiang Qingniu froze, then nodded: "Yes, I have no plan to hide from you."

Fang Xie nodded his head: "So, Qingle Mountain is one of the pawns in those hands, right?"

Xiang Qingniu's face changed a bit, and his expression was a bit painful, but he nodded still: "Yes!"

Fang Xie breathed a long sigh of relief, and shook his head helplessly: "Now think about it, but find that Meng Yuan's chaos is better to clean up. Because the Golden Family knows who their enemies are, Dalun Temple also knows their own Who is the enemy. But in the Central Plains, you never know who the next enemy will appear. "

"Now the chaos is over, and many people will enter the eyes of those people. They will choose from them and find the right person to become their puppet. But anyone with some strength will be followed by them. You are no exception ... ... "

Xiang Qingniu said: "I don't believe it will be long before someone will come to you for help. Provide you with help, money, even soldiers."

Fang Xie said: "Then I used the money, food and supplies they provided and started to fight with enthusiasm. With the illusion of defeating everyone, day by day, I would also be grateful to those people for their wisdom. If I were lucky If you are good, you will get more and more. If you are unlucky, you will become an insignificant bone in the troubled times of the Central Plains in the near future. "


Xiang Qingniu said: "That's it."

"What if I don't accept it?"

Fang Xie asked.

Xiang Qingniu said: "If you don't accept them, they will try their best to take everything away from you and give it to obedient people. For them, now you are only one of their favorite puppets, dead. It's a pity. Because you are relatively weak, you won't get much benefit from them. It just draws you and sticks to the periphery of the interest group. In fact, this is exactly as much betting as gambling. Why? Will not lose. "

Fang Xie leaned back: "If I have been staying in the grassland, I won't go back."


Xiang Qingniu said: "Your soldiers, will really stay with you and stay here forever? They feel satisfied now, but this satisfaction won't make them nostalgic for a lifetime. You stop them from going back, maybe they won't use it How long will someone stand up and replace you, become the new head of the Black Flag Army and kill them back to the Central Plains. "

"You mean the Black Flag also has those who arrange them?"

Fang Xie asked.

"should not"

Xiang Qingniu said: "But you should also understand that under the temptation of huge benefits, anyone can become theirs at any time."

Sun Kaidao, Chen Qianshan, Lu Fenghou, Xiahou Baichuan ... If these people can't take them for a glorious future, will they really be loyal to the end?

Fang Jie knew that Xiang Qingniu was right.

"Qingleshan Yiqiguan is simply impossible to avoid this troubled world. Instead of letting your black flag army, my Yiqiguan becomes a tool in the hands of others, it is better that we start autonomously and watch these three words at one go There is still some influence, especially in Jiangnan. You do n’t need it, others will use it. ”

Xiang Qingniu looked at Fang Xie's eyes: "Are you still wanting to stay out of it now? You just want to take the Black Flag Army and less than 50,000 people to avoid troubled times and wait until the world is peaceful before returning?"

Fang Jie said silently.

"It's not what you want, it will be."

Xiang Qingniu said seriously.

At this time, Xiang Qingniu didn't have any laughter and scolding in the past. Perhaps this trip to the Dalun Temple has changed his mind too much, and it seems that he has become a person. There was no longer purity in his eyes, but many other things were added.

"You tell me."

Fang Xie looked at Xiang Qingniu and asked earnestly: "Is Prince Wang going west?


Xiang Qingniu nodded his head: "Many years ago, Master expected that those people could not tolerate the strength of the Yang family and would definitely try to make the Great Sui collapse. Master was worried that once the Central Plains was in chaos, the Mengyuan people would intersect. Koktai Mengge is different from the previous Mongolian Yuan Khan. This man is yearning for the Central Plains culture. He has been eager to become an enviable so-called state of etiquette like the Central Plains. Although he is Meng Yuan Khan, But look down on the rough style of the Mongolian people. "

"Then, Master negotiated with Brother No. 2 before the collapse of the Great Sui Dynasty, causing the Yuan people to mess up. In this way, Koktai Mengge had no energy to look east, and the Central Plains killed a little. The second brother was in the West The prairie does what he should do, and when the master comes to the need, he will also go out of Chang'an City to do what he should do. "

"No wonder……"

Fang Jie said suddenly: "Before I left Changan City, Father Wan said he planned to go out and walk before he died. He said that he was afraid to remove some people."

Xiang Qingniu said very lightly: "I don't know much about Master and Second Brother discussing. I don't like those things, so I don't bother to ask too much. But Master really dislikes those people, maybe it's true As you said, his old man will come out and move around. "

"Fang Jie"

Xiang Qingniu said calmly: "Are you afraid?"

Fang Xie was silent for a while and then nodded: "Yes, I'm really scared."

How can he not be afraid? He did n’t belong to this world. He was just an ordinary person. In the previous life, he just wanted to have a good job and earn a few dollars. The most luxurious idea is just to have more money in his hand, and you can go out and play around. . But now, let him face such a hard and **** choice, how could he face it calmly? When ordinary people have nothing to do, they will imagine that it would be nice if they were emperors.

You can eat endless mountain and sea food and wear endless satin. There are women all over the country, and millions of soldiers behind them. But this illusion and the act of paying are completely different things. Most people will never really think that they will get there.

People always need a process of change. Maybe they can't change in a lifetime. Maybe it won't take long.



This Spring Festival has been very lively, more lively than in those years on Lang Ru Mountain.

The soldiers have been resting for several months, and everyone has recovered completely. The warmth of eating and wearing, even training becomes extremely easy. They don't have to worry about whether it's their turn to attack or kill themselves tomorrow. They don't need to worry about whether they are going to stay somewhere the day after tomorrow. They have a relaxed mentality, and even feel that they miss their hometown.

But this is just a representation

In fact, soldiers, everyone is worried about the future.

Behind everyone's smile may be worried.

This year's Fang Xie also performed very well, drinking and punching jokes with the soldiers. The soldiers were happy and cooperated with each other for a comfortable and warm Spring Festival. Maybe they are helping others cheat themselves. Maybe they are helping others cheat others.

After March, the chaos on the grassland still showed no sign of calming down. Instead, forces from all sides began to gradually join in. At this time, unexpectedly, more and more tribes supporting the Golden Family rushed to the royal court. There are fewer and fewer tribes supporting Dalun Temple.

After lunch, the sun was warming inside the tent, and people seemed to become tired and lazy.

Fang Xie and the others were sitting on chairs and drinking tea, and the tent, which was still lit by the fire, was warm and did not want to stand up.

"People on the grassland understand more and more."

Sun Kaidao laughed after Fang Xie tea: "In the beginning, when the prestige of Buddhism was provoked, the first reaction of those herders and tribal leaders was to send troops to help Buddhism as soon as possible. Because they understand the power of the Buddhism too much, lest they will be punished in the future if they react slowly. But now, the war has been going on for more than three years. The powerful Buddhism has not cut off the golden family, even the golden family still Siege on Daxue Mountain ... "

"People who once believed in Buddhism gradually found that the original myth of Buddhism was irreversible and defiant. Although the golden family did not win, they did not lose! The supremacy of Buddhism began to shake, so it began to change. Many people choose to stand by the Golden Family. Because they all know that if the Buddhism continues to rule, they will always only be embarrassed. And once they win, the Golden Family will be greatly injured by then, then they will get rid of both. The word is bound! "

Fang Xie nodded: "It is true. After entering March, the news of scouts scouring more and more is how many soldiers and horses have been added to Wang Ting, but the follow-up aids from Buddha are coming. Fewer. Qinlin Gole's side is also hard to support, the wolf riding guards in the city have an advantage. In this way, perhaps the final victory is Kuoke Taimeng. "

"We should start soon."

Sun Kaidao said softly, and then carefully looked at Fang Jie.


Fang Xie took a sip of tea and suddenly smiled: "It has been four months without war, and I have eaten meat all day. I am worried that the soldiers below can no longer run fat."

"how come."

Chen Qianshan laughed: "The soldiers have been training very hard, and they have been regarded as qualified light cavalry in the past few months. Most of the old commanders and long brigades have still led the army, and some perform particularly well The soldiers were promoted, and the army's heart became more and more stable. If at this time you can find a weaker opponent to fight, it is best to restore morale. "

After hearing this, Sun Kaidao laughed, stood up and walked to the map, and said, "General Chen is indeed the most respected general by the general. Just yesterday, the general also told me that he would take the soldiers out. Practice your hands, otherwise you will soon forget how to raise the knife. Besides, the best way to check the effectiveness of a cavalry is to fight. "

He and Chen Qianshan sang the clarinet at this place. The other generals immediately became interested.

"General, do you really want to train?"

Lu Fenghou excitedly said, "Subordinates are willing to lead their troops to fight the first battle!"

Xia Hou Baichuan smiled and said, "Why did you come to fight the first battle? Your battle was lost to me years ago. When it comes to fighting, I will go to the first battle first."

Chen Dingnan also said: "I have rusted my hands and feet these past few months. The general, it's time to take the soldiers out to Zazahuan."

"Since you all think that way, go out and turn around."

Fang Xie smiled and turned to ask Sun Kai, who was standing in front of the map, "the military division thought, who is the most suitable opponent now?"

Sun Kaidao saw that the generals' interests were all raised, and he smiled and said, "I really can't think of anyone who is suitable for our training, except the northern barbarians. The small clans around can't fight, and the more soldiers left behind are mostly cavalry ~ ~ Only the Barbarian troops are infantry. We will face such enemies when we return to the Central Plains. Therefore, the North Barbarians should be the first choice. The news from the scouts said that the Barbarians We've reached a place no more than 1,200 miles from here, and it's best to test light riding. "

Sun Kaidao glanced at everyone and said, "Well, before that, how about we add a lottery? Those who win can get lottery."

"Should the general say something, what color head?"

Everyone asked.

Fang Xie smiled and stood up and said, "This time we will split the roads, practice a thousand miles, and each of you will lead an army and start from different routes. I will give you the same information on how you came. I do n’t care about this battle. I only look at the final record. Who played the most beautifully, and half of the loot received by other people is given to the first name? "

"it is good!"

Everyone stood up and hugged, "The general is waiting for the good news!"

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