Conquer the World

Chapter 553: Snap camps and unexpected wars

Chapter 553 Snap Rider Camp and Unanticipated War

In the area north of Keqin Banner and in the south of Sele Banner, there were some accidents due to the breakdown of the conversation between Fang Xie and Mr. Xie. Naturally, Mr. Xie would not leave the Northern Barbarian Tribe so easily and return to the emperor. Therefore, this somewhat light-hearted training seems to be moving in a bloodier direction.

The day after Fang Xie met with Mr. Xie, the northern barbarians' team began to shrink back.

Fang Xie knew that the troop training would not be easy this time.

But the initiative has always been in his hands, whether it be hit or go.

When not discussing military affairs, Fang Xie did not like to stay in the tent. He likes to sit higher and looks at the sky and meditates. The station is at the junction of Sele Banner and Ke Qin Banner, not far from Zhuge Wudi's 30,000 North Barbarian Camp. The wind blew from the south to the north in April, and the fire kept burning out for more than 200 miles before it gradually went out. If the autumn and winter pastures are dry, it will not be impossible for the fire to burn out thousands of miles.

Chen Xiaoru quickly walked to Fang Jiesheng and clenched his fists: "General, there is military sentiment."


Fang Jie still looked at the sky.

"Yesterday, Zhuge Wudi has returned to the army. He took the cavalry and hunted out one hundred and twenty miles at a stretch, and the northern barbarian's collapse was almost killed. Chen Qianshan and Lu Fenghou joined forces to attack the northern barbarian camp and cut it. There are seven thousand enemies, but the northern barbarian defense is quite tight. It seems that there are high-level guidance. The two of them have not continued to attack. The other generals have not yet engaged with the northern barbarian. However, the news came from the scouts. The northern barbarian seemed to lead us intentionally. Go north. "


Fang Xie nodded and said, "This time out, it is not only a test of the cavalry's combat effectiveness, but also the cooperation between your flying fish robes and the army. The original squads at the Inner Guard are the best scouts. You It is the eyes, ears and nose of the team. Every action of the enemy must be within your grasp. You and the team can cooperate well before you can know yourself. "

"Subordinates know."

Chen Xiaoru bowed his head: "However, now that his subordinates have taken off the flying fish robes, they will no longer be members of the guard at Daichi, the general ..."

Fang Jie realized for a moment that she had overlooked one.

The personnel in the Inner Guards Division were individually designated and assigned to each army to serve as scouts, but they were different from the scouts in the army. They were regarded as followers, and were not subject to the restraint of the generals. Chen Xiaoru brought this up at this time in order to remind Fang Jie that their status as flying fish robes is now a little awkward. Fang Jie kept thinking about other things during this time, but he ignored it.

"Mr. Zhuo doesn't like to deal with trivial matters, so I gave you all the staff in the Inner Guard from the beginning. Let's do this ... The people from your flying robes are not affiliated with each battalion and army, and they are still under my direct control. . Later I will convene the generals to discuss and set up a Snap Riding Camp. You are the Black Flag Army Snap Riding School. You are responsible for inquiring about intelligence and many things in the dark. The duties are basically the same as when you were in the Inner Guard. "

"The small waist is the governor of Snap Riding School. You are the master of the Snap Riding School. You are the deputy governor of the Snap Riding School. It is up to you to decide everything. For the time being ... it will be the top five products."

"General Xie!"

Chen Xiaoru quickly stepped down on one knee to perform a military ceremony: "The subordinates did not come for their own officials, but now their responsibilities are unclear, so they cannot coordinate well with the battalions and armies. The battalions and armies originally had scouts, so the generals Rarely does it take the initiative to find someone to do things. Now that the Snap Camp has been set up, coordinated operations in the future will save a lot of unnecessary trouble. "


Fang Xie thought for a while: "Each battalion and army has their own law enforcement teams, and they will be abolished from today. The military discipline in the army will also be in charge of Xiaoqiang School. I will call the following to explain this later You go back and pick out people, and go to the army to supervise the powers, but there is one thing. If I know that the people in the Xiaoqi camp rely on the rights I have given me, I will kill you first. "

"General General, rest assured!"

Chen Xiaoru clenched his fist: "The subordinates must live up to the heavy general's trust."

"Go ahead"

Fang Jie smiled and said, "The people in the inner guard are all elites, and you are the first to follow me. In the future, no matter where I go with the Black Banner, you are naturally by my side. The most trusted person. After the establishment of the Xiaoqi camp, although the name is Xiao Yao as the governor, but you are in charge of specific matters. When you are absent, Nie Xiaoju is the master. You are not both, and Yan Kuang can be the master. In addition, the big dog Although he does not have a military post, his vision is much broader than the average person, and you discuss more with him in everything. He also does the training of new people. "


Chen Xiaoru bowed his head: "Keep in mind!"

"When I return to the Central Plains, I still have a very important errand for you to do. If this thing is done well, you will get the first credit for entering the customs. You will never think of this credit. I will reward you deeply for this credit. "

Fang Xie looked to the east, remembering the workshop he had built before leaving Changan City ...

After all, you can only know for yourself, even the closest people around you can't tell casually, because it involves future life and death. In Chang'an City, Fang Jie and Wu Yidao secretly met many times. Only Fang Jie and Wu Yidao knew about any agreement between them. Even Mu Muyao Shen Qingfan, a few of them, have now forgotten that there is a workshop in Changan City, and the scale of this workshop is now very large. Now the steward of this workshop is a little bit.

Before Fang solved Chang'an, he went to the red sleeve trick.

It is not just the workshops of Fangjie. After Wu Yidao was forced to leave Chang'an City, many of his business were handed over to the thrush, and many secret businesses were still flourishing.

For many things, Fang Jie was preparing before leaving Changan City.

Even when he entered Changan City, he was preparing.

At that time, he never expected that one day he would lead his soldiers and become a person standing on the opposite side of the Da Sui court. But he knew that some would be used sooner or later.



The northern barbarians, who had been scattered to search for herdsmen to rob property, were gradually gathered together because the black flag army went north. The scattered teams were summoned back by Mr. Xie. Liguda's 30,000 people no longer need to be counted. In the night, more than 10,000 people were killed. Like the tens of thousands of people who flee, they were stubbornly slaughtered by sheep, and more than a hundred miles were almost wiped out.

Helimu ’s camp was better. Because Mr. Xie had ordered it in advance, the Heiqi Army did not overthrow the camp after two shocks. Although more than 7,000 people were lost, the team was brought back. However, it can be seen from this that the combat effectiveness of the Black Flag Army has not yet been fully exerted and needs to be improved.

The King Barbarian sat on a stone bed, and anger began to burn in her eyes as the people below reported the loss. This woman, who looked full of three hundred pounds, was brutal and brave, and the northern barbarians were extraordinarily awed by her. No one dares nor can anyone question her words, otherwise it is a blasphemy against the gods.

After the arrival of God's envoy, the first thing was to acknowledge the existence of the Northern Barbaric King on behalf of the gods, which strengthened her position, so she also had extra respect for God's envoy.

Beibei wore a leather robe tightly wrapped around her. The valley between the two meat mountains on his chest could be stuffed into a human head, and those who were stuffed in would be strangled to death. When she was sitting, the breast-chamber was hanging down over her belly, and her belly was over her thigh. It looks like a few terraces.

There is no doubt that her arms are much thicker than the average person's thighs.

She likes to sit on the stone bed. No matter where she goes, she will send someone to carry this heavy stone bed and she who is heavier than the stone bed. Maybe it ’s because she ’s too fat, she ’s too greasy to eat, and her skin is n’t very good, and her pores are very large. Besides that… it ’s that her eyes are small but her eyebrows are heavy, her nose is big, and her two nostrils It's bigger than your eyes. Her lips are thick and protrude outward.

She didn't pay much attention to the battle, but after seeing God made her look unpleasant, she followed with anger: "Liguda, a stupid thing more stupid than a mule, a stupid thing more stupid than a wild boar, I gave him thirty thousand Warrior, he did not bring me back, including himself ... and Helimu, he also lost the battle ... God said that if you win, you will be rewarded, and if you win, you will be punished ... "

That's all she can't say, because she doesn't know how to punish and reward.

So she moved the two fat thighs and smiled a little embarrassedly at Mr. Xie: "Respectful God ... What do you think should be done with them? Liguda was killed by those **** enemies in him On the way back, it is said that the corpse is half east, half west, head is north, buttocks are south ... so there is no way to punish. As for Helimu, God tells you how to punish, I will order it. "

"Do not!"

Mr. Xie frowned: "Dear King, what you have to consider now is not how to punish your people, but to rectify the team as soon as possible to meet the challenges of the Han people."

"Fighting with Han Chinese ..."

Bei Man Wang smiled a bit awkwardly: "Our original fight with the Hans has never been won ... the sly Hans have sharp knives in their hands, and the kind of things with long knives on them. God You said that as long as the soldiers who can ride horses are killed, the grassland is mine. How can there be Han people now? "

Mr. Xie frowned, "Why, you mean you don't want to go to war with the Han?"

The King of the Barbara quickly shook his head: "It's just ... I'm afraid I won't win ..."

Mr. Xie was furious: "The Han people survived after being defeated by the prairie people a few years ago. Even the prairie people can defeat them, and the prairie people are as desolate as the dirt dogs encountering the lion king. And flee. So the Han people are not terrible. As long as you show courage, victory is waiting for you and your people to pick up ~ ~ It is as sweet as an apple and juicy as a pear. "


The king of North Man opened his mouth and was interrupted by Mr. Xie before he said: "No, but I came to the North Man tribe on behalf of the gods and blessed the crown above your head. I also have the right to take it off and put it on someone else's head. "

There was a strange flash in the eyes of the King Barbarian, and he nodded: "It's all up to God to make the decision."

Mr. Xie made a sigh, and then nodded with satisfaction: "From now on, all the North Barbarian warriors will go south! The number of Han people is very small, you just have to scream and rush to the war to end it. When this battle is over , No one will stop you in the entire grassland. The cattle and sheep on the grassland are yours, and the horse and slaves are yours! "

He turned and shouted loudly, but did not notice that the strangeness in the eyes of the King Barbarian was getting stronger.

This fat woman moved her fingers involuntarily, and her golden rod was placed beside the stone bed ...

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