Conquer the World

Chapter 560: 1 person who can erase history

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Chapter 560 A Man Who Can Erase History

Rose bushes are fragrant, and the beauties speak softly.

Fang Jie sat quietly listening on the stone bench, and also deliberately controlled the shock in his heart. Sang Luan had a saying of a white lion mount, and he beat his heart severely just now, but he soon recovered because he knew that there would be the answer he wanted to know in the story.

Mulberry looked at the rose flower a little bit blindly, her hand holding her jaw looked equally beautiful. Hao wrists are round and flawless, with slender fingers as pale as white.

"Far away from Daxue Mountain, there is a Wudao Mountain about three thousand miles westward. The name of that mountain was changed by later generations. In that place, people still respect Sangran as the Holy Father, although there are few Personally ... they are the only ones who have benefited from the turmoil in the west. Although the death of the turmoil later, the Western conquest of the Great King of the Ming Dynasty and the Golden Family also brought them disaster. Very respectful and did not abandon. Because San Ran later conquered the Western possessions, most were transported back to Wu Daoshan and distributed to those people, that is, the San Ran tribe. "

Sang Wei turned his head and looked at Fang Jie, and apologized and smiled: "Slightly more to expose the past, let's talk about Sang Chao conquering the prairie ... Sang Chao realized under a mulberry tree in Wudao Mountain, he originally An orphan, but he was taken care of by the folks since he was a child. He got all the warmth. He did n’t know his last name. The locals called him a head of vegetables because he grew up eating hundreds of vegetables. He was under a mulberry tree. Began to practice, so I gave myself a surname. "

"And in the prairie, people use the word mournful when referring to this demon's name."

Sang Yue slowly said: "The people living in Wudao Mountain are not really good, because it is very barren. Sang Luan once vowed to build many, many big houses under Wudao Mountain for the people to live in. Let the people have endless meat and new clothes. At that time, he was a child and no one took his words seriously. The people laughed in kind, then rubbed his head and said, okay, we wait for you Come and build a big house to make new clothes. "

"Later, Mulberry grew up. He thinks under the mulberry tree every day. People think he is weird. He doesn't go to work and farm but he is dazed every day. Some people say that he is lazy and some people say that he is crazy. He feels that he is a hopeless person. However, San Ran has not alienated the people around him because of the change in attitudes of the folks. He will still say something marginal, but he will never get the praise and praise of the folks. . "

"On one occasion, Sanlang has been sitting under the tree for several months without eating or drinking."

Mulberry said in a stunned voice: "Maybe the people under the Dao Mountain did not like him at that time, so no one cared about his life and death. He sat like that under the mulberry tree, but did not starve to death. He died. The mulberry leaves were full of spiders, and the spiders netted on his clothes. He suddenly stood up and smiled, because he finally understood how to practice. He opened his hands, the mulberry leaves were burned, and he clenched his fists. Mulberry trees re-germinate in the winter breeze. "

"Then he walked down Wudao Mountain and told the people that I would travel far. It may take a long time to come back. When I return, I will build a big house for you and hand out new clothes. People look at him with scorn. No one paid attention. But Sanran didn't care, he sorted his clothes and left Wudaoshan. People found that I don't know when a furry white lion was always with him, running very small and awkwardly Is following the pace of chaos. "

"When the people below Wu Dao see Sanlang again, he is riding a white lion, wearing golden clothes, carrying countless troops, and countless possessions."

Sang Ling paused, as if recalling: "The reason I know this is because Sang Luan knows that he will become a great man, a great man who surpasses all his predecessors, so he records every day after he left Wudao Mountain, Write down everything. "

"He used to write down his feelings about killing the first person. He said ... This feeling is wonderful. I started to feel scared, and then I was excited. I dreamed of that scene when I slept at night, and I knew I started Obsessed with that feeling. "

This remark made Fang Jie nervous, he knew that the demon began to look up in San Ran's heart.

Sang Yue continued: "The first person he killed was the leader of a small grassland tribe. He let that tribal leader kneel and worship himself. The tribal leader naturally disagreed, so Sangran pointed his finger at him. He became a dead bone. Everyone was scared, and he knelt down. "

"San Ran took nineteen warriors from this small tribe. He was the strong man he picked out. These nineteen people were later called the Nineteen Demon. It was San Nang who gave these nineteen people strength and taught them Cultivation. At that time, the nineteen people may not be high in practice, but because they were the first group of practitioners, the nineteen people in the prairie records are very powerful and evil. It opens the door to spiritual practice and the door to the abyss. "

"These nineteen people became more and more greedy because they got more and more. The subsequent killings were mostly initiated by the nineteen people. They left the tribe and arrived on the third day. In another tribe, the tribe people entertained them with ghee tea and cider, and they raised a machete. This time, Sanran took hundreds of people from this tribe. This was his first batch. soldier."

"The following years are repeated one day after the other, except for the killing and conquest, there is nothing else. They go to plunder one by one, take away the horses and men. Man can stop him from conquering the prairie. "

Mulberry looked at Fang Jie, and was sad.



"It only took him ten years, and the entire prairie has become his thing. People have to kneel down to show respect to him, otherwise they will be flogged. People will give all their possessions, and those who resist will be him It ’s not clear when the people started to call him a demon privately, and the army under him was called the devil's slaughter. It may be from that time that people imagined a hero to appear Come and save them. "

Sang Yan recounted this, and then took out a very worn and heavy book from the wide robe sleeve and handed it to Fang Jie: "This is a mulberry note that records almost every day of his life in the past ten years."

"Why only ten years?"

Fang Xie took the book and asked curiously.

"Because after ten years, he found nothing interesting."

Mulberry said: "He got everything, so he despised everything. These gains had left him unable to get excited, so he would not record anything again. Except to accompany her wife, he would do everything Lost interest. "

After seeing Fang Jie open a page randomly, she said, "The page you turned over is the record of the first day he returned to Wudaoshan with a powerful army."

Fang Jie frowned slightly and looked down.

"I have forgotten how many days I left here, but I remember the face of each of them. When I was a toddler, each of them had helped, and that was Ende, an endeavour that can never be forgotten. I am like a lost I got my mother ’s lamb, but did n’t feel the cold. Every home opened the door for me. As soon as I walked in, I got a warm smile and delicious food. Perhaps because of this, I get more than other children. .The children of other people's children are only loved by the mother, but I have all the love. "

"So when I was practicing on the mountain, I knew they were prejudiced and alienated, but I was grateful for them. They only gave me a slightly cold attitude, but I will not forget that they gave me life. They just do n’t know me, just that. They may never know how many meals I ate at, who gave me new clothes, and who took my hand across the small ditch I remember Come down. These are all to be returned, otherwise I feel uneasy. So I came back and brought back what I promised to them. "

"There is a country called Liutei on the side of the mountain, and often people come to collect taxes, which is very vicious. Liutei will have a disaster after today, I will give it."

Fang Xiefan looked at these obscure handwritings before realizing that they were all Chinese characters.

Seeing the surprised expression on his face, Sang Yun managed the hair hanging down from his forehead and explained: "When Sang Luan just entered the prairie, there was a friend who was standing beside him, a Han Chinese. It would be even more surprising if you had time to read this note from scratch. "

"That was another orphan that San Ran met on the prairie. When San Ran met him, he was robbing a yellow sheep with the wolf."

Sang Yue said with a weird tone: "When I saw this Han man crouching on the ground with his teeth to threaten a wild wolf, Sang Luan didn't do anything to help him. He just watched the Chinese man calmly and scared the wolf away. Lie on the corpse of the yellow sheep and swallow raw meat. After he was full, Sangran turned and left, but the Chinese man threw Sangran a leg of yellow sheep. Then he opened his **** mouth and smiled at Sangran He smiled and was very friendly. Sang Luan lost the yellow sheep's leg and was a very small white lion.

Mulberry said: "Perhaps because of the smile of this yellow leg of sheep, Sanran decided to take this person along. This person taught Sanrang Han people something, and also told a lot of Chinese allusions, I think ... Because of this Han Chinese, San Ran ’s heart was completely urged out, and it was difficult to clean up. In the notes, San Ran said that the Han told him many stories of the Central Plains, including how many males conquered the Central Plains. I like it very much. "

Fang Jie sighed, "He was awake from the bottom of his heart, but he was finally released after meeting the Han."

"In fact, you can't blame that Han ..."

Sang Wei sighed slightly: "Even if Sang Luan did not meet the Han, he would still go that way. Just because the Han was beside him, he went more firmly. But ... you should not have heard of something Later, the prairie people later called Sangran as a demon, called the first nineteen men of Sangran as 19th chaos, and called Sangran's army as the devil's slaughter. However, no document on the prairie can be found. The traces of this Chinese existence ~ ~ If it is not for this note left by my ancestors, I don't know that there was such a person beside Sangran, which is called as a good teacher and friend. "


Fang Xie asked, "This Han Chinese doesn't want to let himself be known to future generations? He doesn't want to be a person named in the history books, but just wants to be a person hiding behind the successful person?"

"Do not……"

Sang Yue shook his head: "You guessed wrong, because this Han Chinese became more famous later, even more famous than Sang Chao. The reason why there was no record of the days around Sang Chao was because he thoroughly understood that section. Erased ... "

Hearing this sentence, Fang Jie's face suddenly changed!


Sang Yan said seriously, "He is the King of the Great Wheel."

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