Conquer the World

Chapter 595: Why are you anxious?

Chapter 595 Why Are You Anxious?

After arriving at Huangyang Road, within three months, the solution was to send people to constantly clean up the bandits everywhere. No matter how small a bandit, as long as the people came to declare, he would immediately send someone to fight for three months. Later, Fang Xie got two nicknames, from the thief called Li Buliu, and the people called it Li Tianshen.

The so-called Li does not stay, that is to say, as long as the Fang Jie flattened a thief's den, one must not stay.

After the fierce reputation spread to Huangyang Road, I don't know how many cottages have scattered and never dared to make trouble again.

I do n’t know why. Luo Yaoming knew that Fang Xie occupied Huangyang Road. Xinyang City and Xinkoucang are like two isolated islands in the ocean, but they did not send troops to rescue them. We must know that Huangyang Road ’s location is extremely sensitive and it is very likely The ties between Yao Dajun and the base of Yongzhou are cut off.

Tian Xin in Xinyang City had only 30,000 or 40,000 soldiers and horses, and half of them were recruits, so he did not dare to rush the other side to disarm. It seems that Fangjie has no intention of hitting Xinyang City for the time being, but the tentacles of the Heiqi Army have spread to less than 200 miles outside Xinyang City. The scouts of the Yong Army and the scouts of the Heiqi Army often meet. Both sides have the instructions above. There wasn't any friction, just walking across the street just left.

"Step by Step"

Fang Xie took a sip of the tea and said, "Let's gradually gather the counties and counties of Huangyang Road in our hands. Xinyang Chengtian Xin continues to shrink his troops. In addition to the most important counties around Xinyang City, he will be scattered everywhere. Most of the troops were transferred back to Xinyang City. Scouts came to report that half a month ago, Tian Xin sent 10,000 troops to Xinkou, and built dozens of beacon towers between Xinyang and Xinkou. Once Xinkou was in danger, He will soon learn. "

"But even so, Luo Yao still has no plans to return troops. Jiangnan Pangba has 300,000 troops on the side of Luo Yao's army, but Luo Yao has not mobilized them, it seems that nothing is wrong."

Wu Yidao nodded his head: "Before the general said, if Luo Yao doesn't even care about the foundation of Yongzhou, it only shows that his goal is Chang'an, and he is very anxious. The Yong army has crossed the Yangtze River and entered Jiangbei Road. The troops of the Great Sui Dynasty were deployed in the area of ​​Firefox City, which meant that Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, led troops northward. At that time, Zheng Guo's army was also armed in Firefox City, but it was a fierce battle. But ... Luo Yao was not Yang Jian after all . "

"What in the Chang'an City makes Luo Yao so anxious?"

Sun Kaidao did not understand Luo Yao's specific identity, so he was confused.

Fang Xie was unwilling to tell himself about too many people. After arriving at Suzakushan, Fang Xie gradually let Sun Kaidao break away from military affairs, but left him to handle local government affairs. To appease the people to govern the place, Sun Kaidao was well organized.

"Maybe he just feels that Chang'an will win the world."

Luo Weiran covered the words, then looked at Fang Jie.

Fang Xie said, "Since he disregards Huangyang Road, we might as well continue to explore. I plan to let Cui Zhongzhen take 30,000 infantry and move eastward with Chen Qianshan and the Hawks cavalry, first separating Xinkoucang from Xinyang City On, if Tian Xin came out to fight in the city, our cavalry would have an advantage in the field. If he refused to leave the city, he would be so separated. The food in Xinyang City was also replenished by Xinkou. When the grain road broke, Tian Xin would sooner or later Can't sit still. "

"If Luo Yao still hasn't returned, then ..."

Fang Xie pointed at the map and said, "I personally led my soldiers south and headed for Yongzhou. Didn't Luo Yao just care about going north to see if he could still ignore it if I went to copy his back road."

"That doesn't make sense."

Sun Kaidao frowned and said, "No matter what, Luo Yao can never leave his foundation unattended. When he exhausted the soldiers of Yongzhou to go north, his subordinates were a little surprised. How could he not spare any effort to stick to the four southwestern provinces? Transferring all the troops to Jiangnan Jiangbei is like giving up Yongzhou early. "

"Luo Yao led his soldiers for decades, and in principle he would not have made such a loophole arrangement."

Fang Xie smiled and said, "Since we can't guess how he arranged it, we can only continue to test it step by step. If he really only attacked Chang'an City without regard to the southwest, then we would have accepted his gift with a smile. Although the four southwestern provinces have been crushed hard by Luo Yao in recent years, the people are not rich, but here is the hometown of fish and rice in Da Sui. As long as there is a good year, there is no worry about food. "

"The four southwestern areas are the most suitable places for foundation."

Wu Yixiao also smiled: "If Luo Yao really ignored it, he would have given us a great gift."

Fang Xie nodded: "I have asked Chen Xiaoru to dispatch Xiaoqi School to the south, and then contacted the flying fish robes left in the four lanes in the southwest before, to find out the news of Yongzhou as soon as possible to see how much Luo Yao's troops left in Yongzhou. There are also people who are waiting for money, and they are all over the cities. It is not difficult to find the news we want. "

Wu Yidao said, "Recently, I have received a lot of news from commercial banks. It seems that Luo Yao did not leave a few people in Yongzhou. All his generals were brought with him. He originally left Luomen ten times. The first Zhan Yaozhang defended Yongzhou. Later, Zhan Yao was killed. Luo Yao went back to fight the rebellion himself, and never sent anyone ... "

"It still doesn't work."

Sun Kaidao didn't know that only he himself didn't understand anything, still stuck in his thoughts and unable to extricate himself.

Fang Xie smiled at him and said, "Military division, I have always wanted to discuss with you. Recently, you haven't been busy with things in your busy place. Since it's empty today, I just want to talk to you."

"What's the matter? Just give the order."

Sun Kaidao hurriedly bowed.

Fang Xie walked to the front of the map and circled the location of Huangyang Road with his hand: "We have now occupied several counties and more than 20 counties. The appointment of local officials has not been resolved. Some local officials have a good reputation and can be retained. Some people have deep grievances and ca n’t stay, but I ’ve been busy with military affairs. I have n’t made time for the appointment and removal of these officials, so I do n’t have any time to think about it. It's up to the military division to do it. "

Fang Xiedao said, "I asked Chen Xiaoru to choose a team of Xiaoqi Riding School, and then Kirin to allocate two hundred pro soldiers. The military division can also choose some generals from the army. From tomorrow, I will inspect the counties and counties of Huangyang Road to inspect the local conditions. See who can stay and who needs to be fired, kill what should be taken, kill what should be taken, don't be afraid to offend local forces and dare not move the knife, let everyone know who is the biggest and who has the final say in Huangyang Road. "

Sun Kaidao nodded, and quickly hugged his fist and bowed his head: "The subordinates are obliged to comply with the general's order, and they will certainly not bear the burden."

Fang Xie smiled and said, "Since the military division has a name for me for the time being, I will temporarily appoint a military division as the governor of Huangyang Road to inspect and comfort him. I don't need to report to the local government on the governance. It is up to you to decide. Officials will be appointed and registered, and I'll look back. "

Da Sui didn't have the official title of governor, so Sun Kaidao was a little surprised, but he was satisfied with the power of the governor, and quickly accepted it.

"You'll be leaving tomorrow, get ready first."

Fang Jie said with a smile.


Sun Kaidao took a fist and turned away, feeling very upset.



Seeing Sun go out, Wu Yi smiled and said, "This person is very useful in this respect. It is appropriate that you entrust him with this job. He is not very good at military affairs, and he is not good at private affairs. He knows too much. "

Fang Xie smiled: "It's because there are too many words in front of him to talk straight, and it is just that such a person needs to rectify the place, so I thought of this name and let him go around. Now we have Huangyang Road, Qixian County, 36 counties, this place is not too small to say, it would not work if it was not straightened out. "

Luo Weiran snorted: "But when I saw this man speaking, his eyes flickered and his mind was deep, but he shouldn't reuse it too much."

Fang Xie smiled and said nothing, Luo Weiran was not good at saying anything.

"Before we said, if Luo Yao blindly went north, even if he didn't care about the foundations behind him, there must be something that worried him in Changan City, or someone who worried him. Otherwise, with his strength, he definitely doesn't have to Such anxiety. And ... before he entered Jiangnan, he hadn't seen any anxious behavior, which shows that he didn't know how long it took him to worry. "

Fang Xiekan said to Wu Yidao and Luo Weiran: "The two have been in Chang'an City for a long time. The uncle has been a commander at Daei's guard for more than ten years, and he knows a lot about the imperial city. Needless to say, Hou Ye ’s cargo transportation can not be concealed, especially the things in Chang'an City ca n’t hide you. So let ’s sit together and think about it, what is it that makes Luo Yao anxious? ”

Wu Yidao shook his head in contemplation for a while: "I have dealt with the Royal Sui Dynasty in recent years. The secrets I know are not small, but if you think about it, nothing can make Luo Yao messy."

Luo Weiran frowned: "I can't think of it, there are a lot of secrets in the guard at Dainai. I have enough things in the hands of the court officials to make them tremble, but there is really nothing they can do What made Luo Yao tremble in his heart. "

Wu Yi thought for a while and said, "Let's not think about the court, but think more about the place where he can be threatened."

"Can it threaten him?"

Luo Weiran was silent for a while and asked: "Besides my Master, I can't think of anyone else in this world who can threaten Luo Yao. It is said that there are several old monsters in the ancient academy of Jiangnan Tong who have been turned against the sky, but if they are It is not necessary for Luo Yao to attack Chang'an City but to lead the army to Pingtong Ancient Academy. If it is because of my Master ... he does not need to be impatient. Master is already old, Luo Yao cannot always be in a hurry to find Master Decided. "

"What else could that be?"

Fang Jie frowned: "The grandfather said that the old president was about to leave Chang'an City, so it can be ruled out that Luo Yao was anxious because of him. If neither of you knows, I can't think of anyone who knows."

He sighed slightly, his face solemn.




Yin Luo Cheng

Tonggu college

The dean of the academy, Dong Qingfu, paced slowly in the room, apparently feeling uneasy. The dozen people sitting below haven't seen anything that can make Dong Lao so worried for so many years, so they all watched him waiting for him to speak.

"It's not easy"

Dong Qingfu stopped, his voice was a little annoyed: "I didn't expect Zhang Yiyang's practice to have reached that level, and the three overwhelming spiritual practitioners could not even hurt him. My academy precipitated for hundreds of years, and my hands It was just a few people who could do it. I thought it would not be difficult to get rid of Zhang Yiyang and then the emperor. Now I know that I haven't walked for too long, so I can't see the rivers and lakes. "


He paused and said, "Let's divulge the matter in Chang'an City to Luo Yao ~ ~ He must be anxious, although that is only my guess, but it may not be true. Luo Yao Ca n’t take it as a lie, he knew it, he would rush to attack Changan. Send someone to tell Pang Ba, let him also lead the soldiers to cross the river, just follow Luo Yao, waiting for the opportunity. The strength of the court should not be underestimated, Chang'an City Strengthen the world's unparalleled, and when Luo Yao and the Yang family fight for a loss, they will let Pang Ba send troops. "

"What about Gao Kaitai and Wang Yiqu in the northwest?"

Someone asked below.

"Ignore, two little people ..."

Dong Qingfu thought for a while and said, "Go back and tell your masters that myopia is different in the past. This time is about life and death, so do n’t hide it. Do n’t hide it as much as you can. Let Yang ’s family get out of the way and change it. An obedient palm for hundreds of years. By the way ... There is still a resentful prince in the northeast who has been banned by the emperor for more than ten years. If it is possible, it is time to make the northeast mess. What happened to the Yang family? Hand, the more chaotic the world is, the more we look at it. "

"Got it!"

Everyone stood up: "The old dean instructed that I will definitely convey it when I wait."

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