Conquer the World

Chapter 602: The Family of the Yang Family

Chapter 602 The Great Sui of the Yang Family Yang Family

When Prince Zhuang came out from Cuimuzhuang, the assassination in the courtyard was not over. He looked at the clothes that tightened his bulging belly, and seemed unhappy. Cui Sheng, who had a broken hand, was a little surprised and could not understand why His Royal Highness was so entangled in his clothes.

But the clothes did look thinner on him, and the folds on his stomach could be seen.

"Prince, go?"

Cui Sheng said with a smile, only because of the pain and blood loss, his face was unsightly, and his smile looked awkward.

Prince Zhuang gave him a glance, and stood at the door with open arms and took a deep breath: "No rush, I haven't walked out of this Zhuangzi for more than ten years, and the outside things have never looked at me before I entered Zhuangzi I've been there. I haven't even been to the front yard. Since it's out, of course, take a good look. You say your proprietor is waiting for me in Songbailou, isn't it? Shili Road ... just walk. "

The corner of Cui Sheng's mouth twitched, and he finally put up with it: "Since Wang Ye is interested, then Cao Min will accompany Wang Ye to walk more."


Yang Zhi nodded and walked forward with the burden. He seemed to be very interested in everything and was not affected by the **** killings in the yard. He walked all the way and looked at it from time to time. Even the magpie nest on the big tree could make him stop and watch for a while. .

Cui Sheng put up with the pain, but he couldn't wait to beat this pretending guy fiercely. His wound needs to be treated as soon as possible, but now it seems that Yang Zhi is deliberately rubbing it, causing him to bear more pain. So Cui Sheng regretted it a little bit, and regretted that she shouldn't have shot her so soon. Obviously, Yang Zhi was angry for the girl named Cui Liu.

Until those hard-wearing big men killed the embargoed soldiers in Cuimuzhuang, Cui Sheng accompanied Yang Zhi and did not go out to the second mile when he caught up.

A group of **** men followed behind the man in the black royal robe, and the team looked particularly striking. Therefore, people passing by are avoiding, and far away. Yang Zhi seemed a bit disgusted, so he turned back to Cui Sheng to drive those big men away.

Cui Sheng didn't dare to offend him at this time, knowing that Yang Zhi was an important chess piece needed by several proprietors, so he had to order those big men to go back to his life first. He asked one of them to apply some wound medicine, and then wrapped the broken arm again. The arm strips were unfastened, and the blood poured out again.

After walking for a long time like this, Yang Zhi walked outside the county town of Jiming. I thought it would be over to the county seat, but Cui Sheng did not expect that the prince would be even more tormented. After entering the city, Yang Zhi felt novel when he saw everything. As soon as he entered the city, he bought a bunch of sweet gourds with great taste. Come down and drink a big bowl of tofu brain.

He started to eat since he entered the city and bought everything to see what he could eat. Of course, Cui Sheng paid the bill.

"I haven't been out for more than a decade, and I've almost forgotten the taste of these things."

Yang Zhi stood in line behind the three children and bought a candy man. At such an old age, he was not afraid of others' instructions, and licked the candy man while walking: "Only in the New Year, Cui Liu will buy some candy. I used to love sweet things. "

He talked to himself, ignoring Cui Sheng completely.

Walking slowly like this, Cui Sheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he was outside Songbai Building.

Songbai Lou is the best restaurant in Jiming County, but it is naturally incomparable with those in big cities. Today the building has been contracted out and other guests are not allowed to enter. The men in two rows of portable long knives outside dare not even enter if there are guests.

Three middle-aged men, who were about forty years old, were standing outside Songbai Tower, wearing expensive Qiu Ling, waiting to see Yang Zhi coming. The three looked at each other and walked quickly.

"Have seen the Lord!"

Three people salute together.


Yang Zhi glanced at them, and frowned slightly as if thinking: "You are from the Cui family in Jinling, Jiangnan. I do n’t remember the name. I used to be a general under my account. It seems that Cui's family now supports the facade. No, it ’s not the Cui family who ca n’t make it up to you ... You are from the Jin family, and it ’s called Jinhui, right? I had mocked your name too vulgar. You ... look at it, but the accent is northeast Are the locals here from home? "

The three men nodded at the same time: "Master Wang has good eyesight."

The surname Cui glanced at Cui Sheng, and glanced over Cui Sheng's broken arm: "Waste ... go to heal!"

"Thank you!"

Cui Sheng thanked him quickly and left quickly.

However, Yang Zhi waved his hand and said, "Don't leave first, stay alone, I still have something to ask you."

Cui Sheng's face changed, and he gave a subconscious glance to the middle-aged man named Cui, who nodded to him: "Since the king has opened his mouth, you can stay."

"Master Wang ..."

The surname of Jin made a please gesture: "This Songbai Tower is a bit shabby, but there is only one such building in Fangyuanli, Jiming County, barely able to be on the table. And all the things in this building are now Do not have a flavor of wild animals. "

Yang Zhi nodded and walked into Songbai Tower.

The three middle-aged men glanced at each other. The surname Cui deliberately dragged on two steps and lowered his voice to ask Cui Sheng a few words. Cui Sheng briefly explained this trip. The surname Cui looked at his wound again, and picked the corners of his mouth. There was a chill in his eyes when he looked at Yang Zhi's back.



Yang Zhi was invited to the upper seat by a few people. After the seat, the second person in the restaurant started to talk about the dishes. Obviously, he had been preparing for a long time, and the table was filled with dishes soon. Yang Zhi was also rude. He took the wine glass and drank it, and picked up chopsticks to eat it. He had already eaten a lot along the way, but it seemed that his appetite was still very good.

Seeing that he was clearly swallowing a bit, several people looked at each other. The once prominent prince looked as if he had been born of a starving ghost.

He turned out

Eat until spit

Really vomited

It was also because of spitting that Yang Zhi wiped his mouth with a towel and sighed with relief. Because he ate too much, he could only sit back.

"Well, that's the point where you can't eat any more, so you can fill your stomach."

He was talking about filling, not filling.

"What is the matter now, you can say."

Yang Zhi stroked his swollen belly and said.

"Royal ..."

The middle-aged man with a surname of Jin smiled. Before talking, he wanted to raise a glass. But when he looked at Yang Zhi, he gave up the idea of ​​drinking a glass. He put down the glass and sorted out the words. A few, we will no longer be in a circle, we will talk straight about anything ... "

"Master Wang should have inherited Datong in the past. He was counted by others, so he lived in Cuimuzhuang for more than ten years. Now Da Sui collapses and the world is like hemp. When I wait in private, I always talk about it. My heart was filled with emotion, saying that if Wang Ye had inherited the throne and ascended to the throne, Da Sui would certainly not be in the current situation. "


Yang Zhi picked out the corner of his mouth: "I like to hear this, you can say a few more words."

The middle-aged man with a surname of Jin smiled awkwardly and said, "Nothing I say is false. Although Lord Ye is not free in Zhuangzi, Da Sui's current situation should also be heard. We are all courtiers of Da Sui. Seeing that Da Sui was ruined by someone into what they are now, they all felt heartache. "

Yang Zhi shook his head: "Don't say someone, directly talk about Yang Yan's prodigal son."


The man with the surname Cui stared, and immediately took the word to devalue the Emperor Tianyou. The more Yang Zhi seemed to be more happy when he heard it, then he began to yell at Yang Yan with fierce words. Those people waited for him to scold enough, and looked at each other and tentatively said, "So, a few of us would like to ask Wang Ye to come out of the mountains to turn the tide, to solve the problems of the people in the world, and to restructure the Suijiang Mountains. We want to ... emperor……"

After saying this, they all looked at Yang Zhi and waited for his answer.

However, Yang Zhi's eyes kept floating on the table. I don't know why he suddenly sighed: "Oh ... his mother, I can't eat any more."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone froze for a moment, before waiting for the response, Yang Zhi suddenly got up and flashed out like electricity. He put Cui Sheng on the side and wrapped his neck, and then Cui Sheng's body was lifted. Crashing into the wall, Cui Sheng's head was broken as if he had been smashed into a watermelon, and red and white splashed Yang Zhi's body.

"Kill my woman, how can I tolerate you?"

He said coldly, leaving Cui Sheng's body aside: "You guys ... always think about something wrong ... I hate Yang Yan for not leaving, so I will let you swear, scold The harder I am, the more comfortable I am, because he is really inferior to me. But you forgot ... he is no longer a thing and a member of my Yang family, but my fourth brother. My Yang family can fight with themselves, but can't stand it You blaspheme, you scold, can I still let you live? "

He smiled and said, "I watched the people you sent to kill the embargo soldiers in Cuimu Village because I knew they would die. As long as I walked out of that village, they would only be killed if you were not killed. I committed suicide, but how can I kill you if I don't get out of that village? "

He was somewhat proud: "For the past ten years, I've been resentful, and I can't wait to spit Yang Ye to eat meat, but that's my business, you slaves dare to have this mind, and **** it. I thought I couldn't see it What are your thoughts? Want to raise the flag in my name to rebel and make the world laugh at our Yang family and kill each other? Oh! "

He grabbed the man with the last name of Jin, and as soon as his fingers were tight, he pierced through the brain of the man with the last name of Jin, and five fingers grabbed it deeply: "Since I know the Great Sui is in chaos, I guess you will come sooner or later I. So I've known the captain of the forbidden army who guards Zhuangzi and made him ready to die at any time. Not only them, everyone in Zhuangzi is actually ready to die, including Cui Liu. "

He dropped the body of the man named Jin and looked at the surname of Cui: "I have been hoping to kill Yang Ye myself for more than ten years, so I cannot allow others to kill him. The Yang family is the Yang family. "Do not allow others to get involved."

With a slap, he pierced the heart of the man named Cui who was about to run away ~ ~ and pulled a heart out of his chest.

"You have forgotten that we have seven brothers. Although my cultivation is not as old as seven, there are eight good products. It is easy to kill you."

He pulled back the surname Ann who wanted to escape from the window, clasping his brain with one hand and pulling his neck tightly, but pulled his head out of his mind.

Blood stained his royal robe, Yang Zhi looked down and couldn't help frowning: "When I led the army, I didn't feel blood stained so disgusting? Unfortunately, my clothes were thin and dyed. The blood is even less beautiful. Cui Liu keeps saying I'm fat, it turns out to be true. "

"I want to kill the enemy for Da Sui, but there is no way back. As long as I live, it will inevitably not be used. Yang Yan ... I will help you before I die, really unwilling."

After saying this, Yang Zhi slaps himself in the palm of his heart, he squirts a lot of blood, his body shakes and falls down.

"Dai Sui ..."

He slowly closed his eyes, and the blood in his mouth kept flowing out: "The world of the Yang family ..."

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