Conquer the World

Chapter 634: Luotu, Qingbei River in Yongzhou

Chapter 634 The Qing Dynasty in the North of Luozhou, Yongzhou

Outside the city of Yongzhou, more than 1,600 Yongzhou soldiers were swallowed by tigers, leopards, and wolves driven by the Dai people. Not long ago, they had just tasted the joy of victory, and had just killed a pride, but in an instant, the fangs of the beast Just tore their bodies and soul into pieces.

This is a huge army of beasts. It is impossible to count the numbers. Xu Qingzhi, who had returned to Yongzhou City, entered the door, went straight to the wall, and looked out with clairvoyance. At this time, his men and horses were completely submerged, and even the flags were seen. No more. In the boiling of the beasts, the corpses that were run up from time to time were faintly seen, incomplete.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and his clenched hand was shaking.

At the end of the Beast Army, there are at least two hundred elephants side by side. These elephants are like the commanders of the Beast Army, and those beasts are driven by them continuously. The tadpole sitting on the elephant with the horn is the commander's brain.

"A few decades ago ..."

The governor of Pingshang Road, Luo Qiu, standing beside Xu Qingzhi sighed: "After the Great Sui Nanzheng Army defeated the caravan, it drove straight and encountered the army of beasts controlled by the Tatars. That was the largest but the worst loss since the Great Sui Army went south It is very memorable that at least 10,000 soldiers have died ... It has been thirty years, and I have forgotten that Tatars still have such a means. "

Xu Qingzhi lowered his eyes and shook his head: "But we don't have the troops at that time."

As a general, he naturally knew that history very clearly. At that time, the morale of the Lien Chan and Lien Chan convoys in the South of the Great Sui Dynasty was overwhelming. After defeating the main force of the Shang State on the banks of the Yangtze River, there was almost no resistance. In that case, the savage army of beasts gave the Sui army a head strike.

At least 10,000 elite soldiers were devoured by the beasts and suffered heavy losses.

Later, relying on a large number of arrow arrays, the beast army was disrupted by the fire and the powerful crossbow vehicle, and the chariot dressed as a monster was pushed forward, scaring the beast back and forth. . But that war used more than 40,000 arrow formations, all of which accounted for more than 80,000 troops. A large number of chariots were also created, and it took a full month to completely defeat the Tatars.

But now, the archers in Yongzhou are counted as barely more than ten thousand people, and the quality can not be compared with the conquest of the Southern Sui Dynasty at that time.

Fortunately, now they are defending the city and attacking the city. No matter how powerful the beast army is, it is impossible to climb the tall Yongzhou city.

"Still don't fight out of town."

Although he did not understand any military affairs, Luo Qiu also knew that Yongzhou soldiers did not have any chance of winning in the face of a perverted army such as Tatar. At present, the total strength of the Yongzhou soldiers is more than 20,000, which is not enough for defending the city. But once out of town to fight, these 20,000 people are meaningless.

"I worry about ..."

Xu Qingzhi said in a stunned voice: "After a long sleep, the morale of the soldiers will be low. This time out of the city, the night attack, the victory came back, the fighting spirit of the soldiers were inspired. I did not expect the follow-up brigade Malay It's so fast, it's too late when I want to return. "

He did not shift the responsibility for the defeat to the soldiers, but to himself.

Although the main reason for this defeat was because the county soldiers were too procrastinating on him. Because the county soldiers coveted the people, Xu Qingzhi urged the team several times before reluctantly assembled. But at this time, the soldiers were covered with loot, and the speed of withdrawal was not fast.

Even so, Xu Qingzhi knows that the fault is actually in himself. At that time, the generals should be more aggressive, punish the soldiers who did not execute the military order immediately, and the others would not be dragged the same. Besides ... the soldiers were already killed. How could he bear the burden of pushing his fault on the dead?

Moreover, it was a group of dead who were not left behind by the corpse capital.

"Waiting for reinforcements."

Luo Qiu was silent for a while and said: "The flying pigeons from the north, the General of the Black Flag has taken tens of thousands of fine riders to Nanhui Road. It is estimated that the slowest will be in Yongzhou in another half a month. He All the cavalry they bring are best suited for out-of-town operations. No matter how tough and savage people are outside, we do n’t need any more headaches. "

Xu Qingzhi froze and said nothing.

He understood what Luo Qiu meant, and Fang Xie brought cavalry, and certainly could not be used to defend the city. The fact that Fang Xie did not bring infantry means that this person did not intend to defend Yongzhou. But there are tens of thousands of beasts outside, what good is a cavalry even if it is elite?

In front of those fierce beasts, the war horse can only tremble!

"There is something ..."

Luo Qiu hesitated for a moment and said, "I have always wanted to discuss with you, but I don't know how to speak ... I was very relieved that the responsibility of the guards of this Yongzhou city was handed to you, after all, you have been with me for many years, I know what you are capable of. After you lead the army, you have worked hard and have never done anything wrong. I am more at ease ... "

"I know."

Xu Qingzhi's face changed slightly, and then he smiled a little bitterly: "After General Fang arrives, I will hand over the command. Yongzhou is the most important thing, and humility is not an unreasonable person."

Luo Qiu was so happy that he patted his shoulder and said, "Junzi Daqi, what I value most is you. But you can rest assured that no matter what the final result is, you will be yours sooner or later. Understand?"

Xu Qingzhi made a noise, and no one saw the clenched fists on the back of his hands.





The army of the court has lost seven games in a row. The small butcher Luo Xiaotu took the Yong army to attack on a daily basis. The general in the army of the court was unstoppable. This man was cruel, but he had real talents and learned. On the battlefield, he turned into a ferocious beast, making his enemies tremble.

Some time ago, Luo Yao gave the command of the army to him, and then went to the Pampa Camp alone. Luo Xiaotu knew what Luo Yao had done, and now only he and that mysterious General Mo in the entire Yong army knew Luo Yao's cultivation. Before Luo Yao left the camp, Luo Xiaotu only thought that King Yong was an extreme martial arts warrior.

He did not expect that the emperor Luo Yao's cultivation had reached a height he could not see. On that day, Luo Yao was just a few means of display, which surprised him. It was also at that time that he realized how naive the idea that he used to think he was close to Luo Yao was.

On the day that Wan Xingchen sword was seven hundred miles away, Luo Yao isolated himself, so the people in the camp at that time did not know what was happening, and thought that the light was strange.

But just because Luo Yao showed his strength, he knew that Luo Yao would really reuse himself.

In recent days, he and his army have continued to put pressure on the people of the court, and they have forced the army to the north of Firefox City. The court-settled generals Xu Xiaogong and Liu Enjing fell into the wind.

Early in the morning, Luo Xiaotu took a hundred soldiers out of the camp and went directly towards the Sui Army camp. He did not inform the other generals, and his courage was scarce. When the other generals knew, he had taken people through the ruins of Firefox City.

The two armies were about twenty miles apart, and there was a map of Pingchuan in the north of Firefox City. Because there was a ruin in the middle, the scout sent by Luo Xiaotu was successively ambushed by the Sui army masters ambushing in the ruins of Firefox City. Sui Jun's situation is limited.

The group did not choose to avoid the ruins of Firefox City, but broke into it directly. Luo Xiaotu knew that this ruin must have laid a lot of masters in ambush, but he didn't care.

Soon after entering the ruins, a cold arrow shot from the dark and went straight to Luo Xiaotu's face door. When Luo Xiaotu waited for the arrow to reach him, he raised his hand to catch it, and then threw it back to the ambush. The Sui army scouted to death, and the body fell off a broken wall and smashed into a dust.

All the way north through the ruins, Luo Xiaotu's killer killed at least more than 20 martial arts Sui Jun scouts, including a practitioner of more than seven grades.

After passing through the ruins, Luo Xiaotu speeded up his horse and went straight to the Sui Army Camp a few hundred meters away, so he strangled the war horse in this way and raised his eyes to see the layout of the Sui Army Camp.

With a buzz, a huge crossbow blasted out from the camp, and banged at a place less than two meters away from Luo Xiaotu. Luo Xiaotu's warhorse behind his soldiers was startled, but Luo Xiaotu didn't even move, still holding a clairvoyant observation.

This move provoked the people in the Sui Army Camp. About ten minutes later, a cavalry of about seven or eight hundred men rushed out of the Sui Army Camp and went straight to Luo Xiaotu. Sui Jun thought that the hundred and ten people of the Yongjun would immediately withdraw. Who thought that Luo Xiaotu slowly put down Qianli's eyes and then took off the big **** from the victory.

"Kill some people before leaving."

He said something lightly, and then urged the horse to rush forward. His relatives knew the temper of the general, and did not even persuade Luo Xiaotu to rush forward. Faced with an enemy seven or eight times theirs, they did not have any fear at all. What happened afterwards made the people in the Sui Army camp frightened and angry.

A hundred-strong Yong army followed the general wearing silver armor, but it was an onslaught that cut the Sui cavalry, killed it after holding the horse, and there were only half of the seven-hundred-eight Sui army. . The remaining cavalry did not dare to fight and turned back.

Luo Xiaotu hung the big salamander, and gave a sneer of scorn from his nose, then raised his eyes to observe again, but he had not planned to withdraw yet.

After a while, there was another turmoil in the Sui Army camp, followed by a general who rushed over with more than a thousand cavalry. Luo Xiaotu once again picked up and greeted the enemy. One person poached Sui, and the Sui army cavalry fled. .

"Let's go"

After killing the Sui Army twice, Luo Xiaotu seemed only slightly satisfied. He took someone to leave, but in the Sui Army camp, another two thousand people rushed out, as if to pursue. Luo Xiaotu cursed a bunch of flies, dialed the horse back to kill again, and drew blood all the way. The Sui army was defeated without exception.

After the third killing of the Sui Army, Luo Xiaotu picked up a long cormorant from the ground, and then threw it towards the Sui Army camp. This thump, the long cormorant actually flew out straight. There were three hundred meters, and an accurate poke on the flagpole of the Sui Army was carried out. If the flagpole was not thick enough and strong enough, the battle flag would be cut off.

"After the destruction of business, the Sui Army could not pick out a person who would fight."

Luo Xiaotu was disappointed and turned away.

Xu Xiaogong, who had just heard the news, looked at the back of the young man and could not help yelling. He was about to order his men to pursue, but was stopped by Liu Enjing.

"Mo chase ~ ~ The man came straight through the ruins of Firefox City, which shows that our scouts arranged in the ruins have been pulled out. If the soldiers chase them out, there is no guarantee that they will not be caught in the ambush. . Nothing ... at this time in the ruins of Firefox City are already rebels. "

Xu Xiao solemnly stomped his feet and was extremely angry.

Outside the city, Luo Xiaotu, who walked back slowly like a horse, shook his head slightly, and seemed even more disappointed.

"General, how can you guess that Sui Jun dare not chase again?"

Luo Xiaotu was silent for a while, and only answered two words: "Fear of death"

"When my father comes back, I should ask him if he can change his name."

He murmured.

The soldier was surprised and asked, "What name does the general want to change?"

"Get the fine print and rename it Luo Tu."

He says.

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