Conquer the World

Chapter 692: What do you want to do

Chapter 692 What do you want to do

There was no solemn solemnity, and not even many people participated.

The big dog's coffin was placed on the base of the dragon chair in the main hall of Yongzhou Palace. Four people, Fang Jie, Qi Lin, Mu Xiaoyao, and Shen Qingfan stood under the base and looked up at him.

When exiting the hall, Kirin closed the door of the hall but was blocked by Fang Xie. He shook his head and said quietly: "Open the door. If he can still see it, he should also want to look outside. landscape."

The big dog silently rubbed his nose.

The sudden death of the big dog, Fang Xie also lost interest in attacking Nan Yan. For the next month or so, the Heiqi Army rested in Yongzhou City. The generals of the various armies took their soldiers for routine training, and Fang Jie would sit in the hall every day and talk to himself. Someone is worried about his performance, and naturally someone is gloating. Those so-called aristocrats in Yongzhou haven't died yet. I heard that Fang Xie was mentally frustrated recently. They were very happy.

Unfortunately, as long as Fang Xie is still in Yongzhou City for a day, they can only be humans with their tails in their hands.

In a blink of an eye, the spring blossoms, although the changes in the four seasons in Yongzhou are not obvious, but the four seasons will not change due to the will of the person, and the one that comes will still come.

The first to come is the battle report of Huangyang Road. Cui Zhongzhen led his army to besiege Xinyang City. Unexpectedly, Xinyang city defender Tian Xin surrendered to Kaicheng. I thought it would be a fierce battle, but I did not expect to win it so easily.

Chen Xiaoru took the battle report and quickly walked outside Fang Xie's study. Fang Xie heard him speak and asked him to come in. Fang Jieqing has lost a lot of weight in recent days, and the coldness in Meiyu also disappeared a bit. Chen Xiaoru knew how big the dog ’s departure would be for Fang Jie. The current general who led the three armed forces would not cry in front of people, but this hurt his heart, I ’m afraid it will hurt more.

"General, good news!"

Chen Xiaoru handed the battle report up: "In the news just sent, the Xinyang city defender Tian Xin sent someone to contact Cui and proposed that as long as the life of the defenders in Xinyang city is guaranteed, Tian Xin is willing to donate the city.

Fang Xie did not expect that this battle could end so soon. He took a look at the battle report and said, "Still talking?"

"Well, still talking."

Chen Xiaoru replied: "This is the military information that the Dugu Wenxiu let the Xiaoqi School pass at the fastest speed. I want to ask the generals, but even if the Xiaoqi School passes the way, it still takes at least half a month on the road. Within months, things should be over. "

Fang Xie nodded: "Send someone to tell Cui Zhongzhen that Xinyang City is in a critical position and should not be taken lightly. Luo Tu's hundreds of thousands of horses are on the north bank of the Yangtze River, but only seven or eight hundred miles away from Xinyang City. Once the news of Xinyang City's failure is reached, In Luo Tu's ears, he must have responded. No one can guess whether it is going to the south of the river or hitting Xinyang. Tell him to separate the original defenders of Xinyang City, and choose the elite among them to stay, all the old, weak, and disabled. A sum of money is severed. "

"Ling, Dugu Wenxiu is the general manager of Huangyang Road, except for military affairs, he decides everything else. Distribute the two silver soldiers who demobilized the soldiers, and let the wealthy families in Xinyang donate. Don't think of what will win people's hearts, I don't need these. Who If there is no money in the family, then it will be copied directly. "


Chen Xiaoru answered.

"Tell Dugu Wenxiu, no matter who wants to win more local gentry families in order to expand their strength, he doesn't think so, I don't need those people's so-called support, they just need to be obedient and obedient. Those who are not obedient do not need to stay What kind. "

This was Fang Xie's second explanation, so Chen Xiaoru remembered it.

"and also……"

Fang Xie remained silent for a while and asked, "After a while, you call Zhang Xie. I asked him to count the population of Pingshang Road. It has been more than a month. It is estimated that there is an approximate figure."

"Well, that subordinate will retire first."

"What are you doing these days?"

Fang Xie asked suddenly.

Chen Xiaoru replied: "San Jinhou has been travelling in the mountains and mountains for some time, and sometimes he only returns after going out on the 6th or 7th day. He only took two or three followers. He just left Yongzhou this morning and is said to be visiting Mochi Mountain. "

"Yongzhou is not quite flat on the ground, so we dispatch some elites from Xiaoqi School to guard Sanjinhou. Don't hide it to avoid misunderstanding."


"Go ahead"

Fang Xie waved his hand: "By the way ... let Sun come to Yongzhou."

Chen Xiaoru agreed, and when he just stepped out of Fang Xie's study room, he suddenly saw a hundred riding schools rushing over.

"What happened?"

Chen Xiaoru asked the hundred households.

"Back to the commander, something happened over Huang Yangdao!"

Chen Xiaoru sank in his heart, suddenly panic.



"Analysis of the news from now ..."

Chen Xiaoru's voice was a bit low, because he did not expect that the happy event that had just been reported to Fang Jie was a disaster after a while.

"General Cui was buried in Tian Xin's ambush and was surrounded by rebels lying on the street when he entered the city. The hundreds of elites who accompanied the city were killed in battle. General Cui was seriously injured ... The soldiers reopened the gates in the deadly battle, and General Cui was able to escape. "


Chen Xiaoru secretly glanced at Fang Jie's face and continued, "General Cui was seriously injured in a coma. Tian Xin led the rebels to take advantage of the attack. The army was defeated, forty miles back, and more than 5,000 people were injured. Removal rate led cavalry to rescue, I'm afraid the loss will be greater. "

"What about Dugu Wenxiu?"

Fang Xie asked.

"It is said that Lord Dugu had repeatedly dissuaded General Cui beforehand and did not trust Tian Xin. It was when General Cui convened the general to discuss the matter. Lord Dugu also said that although Tian Xin had been unknown in the left avant-garde before, However, since Luo Yao had left this man to guard his faith, this man must have been outstanding. However, General Cui believed that Xinyang was a lone city, and now the Luo family ’s rebels have lost streak, and Tian Xin has no reason or courage. resistance."

Chen Xiaoru glanced at the military newspaper and said, "The news from Xiaoqi School said that when General Cui entered the city, Dugu Wenxiu once ordered the whole army to be vigilant, but he was a civilian officer, most of the lieutenants did not care, so that the rebels killed When we left the city, our army did not have time to form an array ... "

Fang Xie took a tea cup and took a sip, her eyes flickered a little.

"Let ’s remove all military positions from Cui Zhongzhen and return to Suzakushan for recuperation. Dugu Wenxiu is the head of the march in Xinyang, and Chen Qianshan is the deputy commander ... whatever is lost is how to pick it up. This battle allows them to find a way to win. I Give Dugu Wenxiu another month. If Xinyang City cannot be won within a month, let him and Chen Qianshan raise their heads to meet. "


Fang Xie took over the military newspaper and looked at it, leaving it behind.

"Every battle has its own advantages and disadvantages. I won't cut your heads because of the defeat of World War I. Everyone will do something wrong. But this thing also tells you a truth, arrogance and negligence are always your own. The worst enemy. "

"Remember your subordinates!"

Xiahou Baichuan and Chen Dingnan answered with their fists.

"Also ..."

Fang Xie looked at Chen Xiaoru and said, "Send someone to Yongbei, North Anhui, and South Anhui. Please Zhong Xin, Chi Haonian, and Du Jianzhou, the three Governors, come to discuss in Yongzhou. They said I was waiting for them in Yongzhou, please They set off immediately. "

"General ... I'm afraid these three might not dare to come?"

Xiahou Baichuan groaned and said.

Fang Xie said, "They dare not come, and I didn't expect them to come. I asked Zhang Xie to count the population of Pingshangdao. Although there is not a specific figure yet, after the war disaster and natural disasters, the people in Pingshangdao went to ten. June 7 is an indisputable fact. There are four lanes in the southwest, the Pingshan Road is the richest, the people have lost so much, and the Pingshan Road has been largely abandoned ... I plan to transfer the three people from Yongbei Road, South Anhui Road, and North Anhui Road. Entering the Ping Shang, of course, has to put some pressure on those three people. If they said this directly, they would inevitably quit. "

"I asked them to come, they didn't dare to come, and then I sent someone to say about it, and they were afraid to quit."

Fang Xie paused and continued, "Send someone to post notices in counties and counties of Pingshang Road, calling on the people to return to the garden to reclaim the land. When Nan Manzi came, the wealthy households fled with their families. I don't deny that the land was once theirs. These wealthy households, but they are mine after they are taken back by me. All people can plant on my land, and plant as many fields as they have the ability to distribute ... The field does not collect any money. If you want more than one, rent it. Those who rent more than 5 acres will receive a 20% tax. Those who are over 10 acres will receive 30% and those over 15 acres will receive half. After the soldiers are ready, the tax will be further reduced. "

"The general ..."

Chen Dingnan advised: "I'm afraid that many people will object ..."

"I said, whoever follows me, I won't move them to a field. Those who are against me, I won't leave them a field. Arrange it, and let Pingshandao resume production as soon as possible."

Just then, Wu Sanhou hurried in from the outside.

"General, is this a little delayed?"

As he walked, he said, "The subordinates didn't go far enough out of the city, and they were chased back by the people at the Xiaoqiang school. They said that the general had important issues to discuss, and the subordinates didn't dare to delay.

"Houye, what do you mean?"

Fang Xie asked.

Wu Yixi said eagerly: "The return of the general to the land and the people is a great thing since ancient times. It is a blessing to the people. But is it too urgent? The subordinates are not opposed to the general order of the general, but I think it needs to be discussed in detail It is not too late to implement a specific charter. "

"I understand what it means to be a fan of gold."

Fang Xie was silent for a while and said, "Although you say so, you are actually opposed to my practice of returning the land to the people. Because doing so will offend all the big families in the Central Plains. In the future, the Black Banner Army wants to expand outwards. It ’s as difficult as ever. "

Wu Yidao opened his mouth ~ ~ I don't know what to say.

"There is no need to wait."

Fang Xie said indifferently: "I used to think that although this was a good thing, it was not yet time to implement it. When I had the strength to prevent everyone from daring to oppose me, I would carry on. But after the dog died, I Suddenly understand a truth ... Some things, it is better to do it late, so as not to regret it later. Yes, I did this to offend all the wealthy families in the world, they must treat me like an enemy. But now , Even if I do n’t, how many families still see me as a relative? ”

"I offended them, but I won the hearts of the people."

Fang Xie stood up, walked to the door of the study, and looked at the blue sky outside: "I'm here ... I have to do something."

The meaning of this sentence is unknown to anyone but himself.

There is a voice in Fang Jie's heart that keeps saying, no matter what God wants you to come to this world, what you want to do, you must do it. Maybe you will offend the whole world, but you are not here to please the world. Not everyone is a big round king, and can live for a thousand years ...

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