Conquer the World

Chapter 697: Die in front or behind?

Chapter 697 died in front or behind?

The old man walked slowly in front, Fang Xie and Xiang Qingniu followed. This old man who now plays an important role in Da Sui Daozong and even in Da Sui Jianghu seems to be interested in Yongzhou. He looked very carefully, and it seemed that he was not willing to let go of the dirt in the gaps in the wall.

"Some mysterious and mysterious things, you don't believe it, but you often hear people mention it ..."

Zhang Zhenren said in a stunned voice: "For example, Yangqi, I heard that the Great King of Buddhism nourishes the Dalun Temple with the spirit of the snow mountain, so the Dalun Temple is the first-class spiritual place in the world. Only so many people have been cultivated as amazing people. I also heard that Brother Xiao Dao planted peaches all over Qingle Mountain, in fact, to drain the mountains and rivers ... Master Xiang, right? "

In terms of seniority, Zhang Zhenren called Xiang Qingniu a master and brother, which is enough to give Xiang Qingniu face. Although the Emperor Tianyou of the Great Sui Dynasty sealed Xiao Yijiu as Taoist leader and Taoist leader. But in terms of generations, when Zhang Yiyang of Wudang Mountain had a prominent position on the rivers and lakes, Xiao Yijiu was still on the street fortune telling and cheating for one penny or two pennies. The identity of Xiao Yijiu's Taoist people is basically from the wild road. He did not worship under any Taoist gate at first, but he just made a robe to deceive himself.

But he deceived the right person, so he had the later flying yellow Tengda.

Lie to the emperor, isn't it an opportunity?

"Please forgive me ..."

Although Xiang Qingniu is an unruly temperament, in front of Zhang Zhenren, he had to speak with a serious face: "I am a **** in the teacher's gate, and I have been traveling all around. After the master brother took charge of Qingle Mountain, I only I have been there once. Furthermore, among the teachers, my cultivation is the most difficult to get, and my views are really poor. I have learned a lot about the bad roots of the three brothers. I don't know what Yangyang is. "

Xiao Yijiu's deceitful deception, Xiang Qing argued and walked away, Luo Weiran's rivers and lakes tricks, he did learn a lot.

Zhang Zhenren smiled: "It's not bad to be blunt."

He looked at the magnificent Yongzhou city wall and said, "Tao Zu once said that the so-called Taoism is nothing more than natural. Human nature is born of the thing that is near to Taoism. If you feel that others are Taoism, you will be forced to turn yourself. How do you know that you are not in the opposite direction? I have seen your brother, your second brother, and your third brother ... Xiao Dao ’s middle-aged practice has been successful, but it is because of a greedy word. The Prince Prince has practiced near heaven in the most ordinary manner because of a contention. Your third brother Luo Weiran is actually the most talented of your four brothers, but he does n’t know what his own way is. So I was getting lost and wasting that wonderful root. "

He glanced back at Xiang Qingniu: "You know the Tao heart, but you are still straightforward. I do n’t know how high you will be in the future. Few people in this world can understand that I am the Tao, the Tao is me, I It's still me, the Tao is still the truth. "

Xiang Qingniu had some headaches. He thought about it seriously, but he had no clue.

He used to be drowsy when he heard Xiao Yijiu talk about morality. Now listening to Zhang Zhenren's righteousness, although it sounds much more interesting than Xiao Yijiu's, but he still has no idea at all. Dao Xinming was enlightened. Actually, Xiang Qingniu did not know what he had realized.

Still didn't realize anything.

"Listen ... don't understand ..."

Xiang Qingniu smiled.

"Good state, so comfortable."

Zhang Zhenren sighed sincerely. When he looked at Xiang Qingniu, his eyes were envious. This made Xiang Qingniu even more puzzled. He said, how can he be in a better state?

He didn't understand, and Fang Jie didn't.

This sounds vague and how it seems to make sense, Fang Jie has not heard of it. Although he knew that Zhang Zhenren had definitely realized his enlightenment, he didn't think so. Xiang Qingniu didn't understand. Fang Jie didn't even think about it because he didn't care.

"General Fang, when I met last time, the old man was fishing for pythons. When we met this time, it was unexpected that the generals were cutting pythons."

"Cut Python?"

Fang Jie didn't understand this sentence: "Please enlighten me."

Zhang Zhenren smiled and said, "There are many things that I know are right, but once you want to do it, you will find that there are more obstacles to stop. It is as if you are walking on a rugged and narrow road that is staggering OK, so that you can see the beautiful sun on the top of the mountain, but the road seems to have no end, and it is difficult to walk. You set foot on the road, but found that there is a python crossing in front. Go forward It is a danger of disaster. To return, it is a flat road ... General Fang did not retreat, but pulled his knife and chopped the python, which is admirable. "

"What did the real person say?"

Fang Jie asked again.

"Let the people get the most benefit, this is the path."

Only then did Fang Xie understand what Zhang Zhenren said. It didn't take him long before his decree was promulgated, and even Zhang Zhenren knew.

"Do what you can and do what I want."

Fang Jie answered.

"You have a word in your name, you have a word in your name."

Zhang Zhenren walked and said, "If you understand these two words thoroughly, you will have endless use and endless joy."

Fang Jie, the word Jue Xiao.

"Untie and realize, so you understand, you are thorough."

Zhang Zhenren continued, "Do n’t be fooled, now that you have done, it means that you have cut off the python that crosses Chen Xiaolu. Do you think that python is a lot of obstacles in the world? Wrong ... That python is your own heart of."

Zhang Zhenren seemed to be in a good mood. After stopping, he looked at Fang Jie and said with a smile, "I thought the most mysterious thing was your physical body with seven veins. Who ever thought the most mysterious thing was your mind. I come, this I heard many things and saw many things along the way, which made me feel a lot. You are a brave and a pure person. "

"Pure people?"

Xiang Qingniu rubbed his nose and asked, "What is a pure person?"

He waited for Zhang Zhenren to give him the answer. Who thought of Zhang Zhenren shook his head: "I'm not a pure person, so I don't know, what's so special about a pure person. Why don't you ask him?"

He pointed to the solution.

Xiang Qingniu looked at Fang Jie's face, and then gave up: "He? Is he more confused than me?"



"But real people, some people say that my sins are too heavy. Some people say that blood has captivated my heart."

Fang Xie poured a cup of tea for Zhang Zhenren in the gazebo. Zhang Zhenren took a smile and asked: "What is your own heart, do you want others to say? There are two sides to everything, such as Buddhism ... you know, I know, He also knows that King Dalun Ming is actually the most wicked person in the world. How much more blood is in your hand than you? If your blood is a lake, the blood in his hand is the ocean. But Buddhism is in the Western Region. Believers are everywhere, and everyone believes in Buddhism's compassion and kindness. Isn't that a good thing? "

"Whether King Dalun Ming is good or evil, Buddhism has done a lot of good deeds. Otherwise, when the Meng Yuan court surrounded the mountain, millions of herdsmen came from all directions to fight for death. Why are there so many ordinary people who fight against death? Because the Buddhism has done evil and done good. You said that you have killed a lot of sin, and naturally there will be many people who want to kill you. Of course, there will be people, I hope you will live forever. "

Fang Jie nodded, sitting opposite Zhang Zhenren and meditating.

"I came from the north, all the way, all the way ..."

Zhang Zhenren said, "After leaving Chang'an City, I went to the northwest first. I took a trip to the place controlled by Gao Kaitai and Wang Yiqu. The two of them have very good relations with the wealthy families in the area, so there will be a lot of funding support They are not short of food and money, but in Huikang City, I saw that Wang Yiqu sent people to recruit new recruits. There were very few applicants, and most of them were beggars who could not survive ... "


he asks

Fang Xie replied: "Because of the wealthy family's support, King Gao Kaitai has to give back. And what they can give back to the wealthy family is naturally not their own interests, but the people's. The people are crushed even harder, so they would rather Fugitives do not want to join the army. "

"Don't you understand?"

Zhang Zhenren smiled.

"I crossed the river, entered Huangyang Road, and made a special turn around Suzakushan. Your Suzakushan camp has been recruiting new recruits, and there is a continuous stream of applicants. And your officers responsible for recruiting brave soldiers strictly control the selection of candidates. The qualifications of non-sophisticated people do not accept, only children in the family do not accept, beggars do not accept, even so, the line of people is still endless. "

"Since ancient times, if you want to be a big deal, you must grasp the key point. Who is this key point, you see better than them."

Fang Xie shook his head: "Or I never thought that I would be the one who finally became the winner. So some love will be as strange as possible. Maybe when I lose in the future, I die, from me The people who get benefits here will eventually return to their old days, but after all, they have been stable and satisfied for several years. Even if they are in memories, they should always remember it. "

"That's the big thing."

Zhang Zhenren smiled: "I came, I wanted to tell you my thoughts. It seems that you don't need me to say anything, you understand everything. So this trip is a bit redundant, but it's not worth it. Row."

"Zhang Zhenren is leaving?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

"This world has changed."

Zhang Zhenren sighed slightly and raised his head to look at the sky: "The King of Great Wheels stole the thousand-year sight, and the million stars stole the reincarnation of life and death, which has angered the balance in this world. Maybe it won't be long before there will be great changes. I am in Suzaku Shan saw a terrible weapon that even the practitioners were afraid to fight against. In the past, the practitioners rushed through the armies and could retreat even if they were defeated. But once this weapon is launched ... the battlefield , And even rivers and lakes, I am afraid that they are no longer the world of the practitioner. "

Fang Xie looked at Zhang Zhenren for a moment.

"I didn't blame you."

Zhang Zhenren seriously said: "World development has its inevitable direction ~ ~ I heard that countries outside the Eastern Ocean, such firearms have been popularized in the army, and more powerful. If one day in the future, the ocean Foreign countries invaded the Central Plains. With such powerful firearms, what resistance do the people in the Central Plains take? Depending on the practitioners? The practitioners may be able to reverse the war at first. Can weapons be produced in large quantities. Can the practitioners? Build more weapons. But practitioners, without decades of cultivation, can stop the firearm from exploding? "

"Once the practitioners in the Central Plains have suffered heavy losses, what else do they rely on?"

He looked at Fang Jie and said, "Your approach is right, maybe that is the most correct way to develop. But because of this, the direction of this development makes me scared. So I decided to escape, I should go back to Wudang Mountain. "I shouldn't have been involved in political affairs and state affairs. Now I can't get out of it. I can hide."

He patted Fang Jie's shoulder, if he had a deep meaning: "A change in the times will always sacrifice a large number of people. But this is not the same as the charge, you are in front of the charge, you will die first. The change in the times, you will be in front Most of the dead are behind ... "

This is a bit deep.

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