Conquer the World

Chapter 701: How to change the situation

Chapter 701 How a Living Situation Turns into a Dead Situation

When the team that fled the tiger was out of Yongbei Road, Governor Du Jianzhou of Yongbei Road started to deliver it from Daozhi City and kept sending it for three hundred miles. This is because Flutter Tiger ignores him. If he gives him a good look, he may be delivered to Yongzhou City in one breath. Now the entire Central Plains knows that the emperor is not the emperor, and the general is not the general.

But the latter is obviously much stronger.

Therefore, this time the tiger fled south, to local officials, there was more or less a taste of being sent to the south. Therefore, when passing by the southwestern roads, the governors of each road were all in a humble appearance, showing an intriguing humility to the tiger. This attitude seems somewhat unusual.

After entering the Pingshang Road, I thought the Fangjiehui would greet him personally. In addition to the officials from the counties and counties along the way, even the prominent members of a black flag army appeared. This not only made Tan Qingge and Hu Hu feel a little surprised, but also the girls in the red sleeves.

"This dead end solution!"

Xiao Dang yelled in the carriage with his teeth low, and his eyes looked out of the window.

The candle wick sitting on the side glanced at her slightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Xiao Dang got into the wick carriage early in the morning and remained silent after coming in. The first sentence was a curse.

"Why scold him?"

Interesting candle wick rest assured the scroll in hand, asked the hair hanging down before the forehead and asked softly.

"Has already entered the Pingshang Road, and it is only a hundred miles away from Yongzhou. Should he come to meet him in principle? Is it difficult for him to leave his broken barracks? When he was in Fan Gu, he would at least go to the red sleeve every day. I eat and drink. When I arrive at Chang'an City, I will go there at most once every three or five days. Now that I have made a fortune, I have become a general. I heard that the emperor will also add him to the ranks and counts.

Little master bit his lip and said.

"If only our red sleeves brought in Yongzhou, he would have to pick it up, not to say that hundreds of miles, five hundred miles, a thousand miles are not necessarily. But do you forget, not just us. And ... now we are in iron armor In the army, it was said that some were escorted, but it was not the hostage in the hands of the tiger. "

The young master stunned for a moment, then said sadly: "After Lord Luo left, outsiders felt that our red sleeves could be bullied."

"Luo Ye is here, and it should happen."

The voice of the candlestick is soft, just like her dance skills.

"If Fang Xie came out to greet us, he would show weakness to that fluttering tiger. Once Fulhu felt that Fang was really weak, then fluttering tiger would feel it. It is especially important for us to use red sleeves to help each other. In his hands, he can threaten recklessly. "


Xiao Dang turned his head and looked at Xi Xiangxin and asked, "Should Fang Jie rescue us early?"

"How to save?"

Asked the candle wick.

Seeing Xiao Dang didn't know how to answer, Xi candle wick smiled and said, "Why did the emperor send Tan Qingge to give Fang Xiefeng reward? Why did the iron armor general send a tiger to follow Yongzhou?"

She waited for her answer, she continued, "Because Fang Jie's current position is very important, the Southwestern Taos have always been the hometown of fish and rice in Da Sui, and they have paid the most taxes and taxes for the imperial court in the past years. As a foundation, he has raised a million troops for more than two decades, and has never broken what he should deliver to the court, so that even the court can't believe that Luo Yao could expand so many troops in private. "

"Now Fangjie has arrived in Yongzhou. Although the four southwestern provinces are no longer rich and prosperous as in previous years, this place is still the most important place in the Sui Dynasty as long as it rests for two or three years. During the reign of the Emperor Sect, if it were not for the rich and prosperous here, Da Sui would also be He will not mobilize troops against Shang. "

She glanced at the Warring States Policy in her hand, which was passed down two thousand years ago. At that time, the Central Plains was civil strife, the princes stood side by side, and the various places sometimes merged with each other and the swordsmen faced each other. Some people have recorded the most thought-provoking things in this history to alert future generations.

"Now, it's like the Warring States Period two thousand years ago."

Xi Zhuxin said: "During the Warring States Period, the heroes stood side by side and the court was weak. The Da Zhao Dynasty at that time had to yield to the vassals in order to survive. At the end of the Warring States Period, the Da Zhao Dynasty produced a stunning little emperor named Yin Zhong. The imperial court at that time had already existed in name. After the succession of the young emperor Yin Zhong, the emperor's life could not even be completely executed in the capital city. The vassals everywhere did not show any respect to the emperor. "

"Most of the emperors before Yin Zhong were indifferent, and did not dare to end in depression. But Yin Zhong thought that since the dynasty was still there, he would have a chance to revive Da Zhao's majesty. Although young, However, he was extremely intelligent. Later, he came up with a way to finally weaken the strength of the vassals, and at the same time quietly accumulated the army, assassination of Li Muhou, Mu Mu, with 800 dead men, Da Zhao began the road of ZTE. "


Xiao Dang asked: "How did this Yin Zhong do it?"

Xi Xiangxin said softly: "It's actually easy to say ... just alienation. He used various means to gradually break down the alliance between the princes. The princes turned their heads against each other and battled for years. Their strength was not as good as before. Then he Through a reward that was not worthy at the time, he attracted a group of them. For example, he sealed Luzhou as the King of Chu and sealed the land in Yunyanghou. Luzhouhou did not dare to lead troops to fight against Yangyanghou, and Yin Zhong used the Mid-Autumn Festival feast. Opportunity for the offenders, with 800 personal soldiers, breaking the 3,000 elites of Puyang, and beheading them. "

"When Luzhou saw that Puyang was about to die, he immediately led his troops to capture Chu and promoted to King Chu. Yin Zhong apparently obeyed King Chu, but tried to imply that King Chu. Someone persuaded himself to kill King Chu and ask others to come and defend the emperor. Both. After the status of King Chu gradually increased, he also became treacherous, and was furious by Yin Zhong's provocation, and immediately sent troops to attack the other princes. "

Xi Zhuxin said: "In this way, throughout the Central Plains, the princes were all upset by Yin Zhong, and they turned the world upside down. However, he benefited from it and gradually developed. After killing King Chu, he began to recruit all over the place, and finally restored Da Zhao. The dynasty extended Da Zhao for more than 300 years. "

"But, what does this have to do with Fang Xie?"

Little head asked.

"Of course, don't you think that Central Plains is now very similar to Da Zhao at that time?"

Xi Xiangxi smiled and said, "Jin Shixiong steadily lives in the northwest and is the king of the northwest. Luo Tu leads Jiangbei and is the king of Jiangbei. Gao Kaitai and Wang Yiqu lead the hedong road and is the king of Hedong. The northeast roads all look at The face of Mu House is that the Mu family is the king of the Northeast. There is no need to say that Jiangnan, all forces, all vassals. Fang Xie now occupies the southwest. In the eyes of the emperor, he is the southwest king. "

"Good headache"

Xiaodang frowned. "I can't think of these things ..."

Xi Xiangxin smiled and said, "I am also idle and boring. I think about doing nothing all the way ... Now there is an iron armor general in the court. Don't you think this iron armor general is like the king of Chu invited by Yin Zhong? Yin Zhong used the prestige of King Chu to deter the Quartet from embracing the imperial capital easily. Then he provoked King Chu to fight overseas ... "


Xiaodang stunned for a moment: "Muffy, did that little emperor treat Fang Xie as Puyang?"

"It can't be much worse ... However, there are many different changes, but the root of the strategy is the same."

Xi Zhuxin said: "General Iron Armor is now in the imperial court. Some emperors have the power to make the princes. The emperor has no strength. He can only use external forces to remove General Iron Armor. But now, looking at the entire Central Plains, no one wants to stand out and General Iron Armor fights for your life. Only Fang Jie Solution, because it seems that Fang Jie is a person who can be drawn. He is not a family member, and is relatively independent. Even if Fang Jie died, the Emperor, right There is no influence for each family. The emperor is now afraid to openly offend General Iron Armor, and he does not want to force the family to join forces, only by means of solution to weaken General Iron Armor. "

The young master was confused, but he also had some ideas.

She was silent for a while and then said: "Miss means that the little emperor sent that Tan Qingge to see Fang Jie, but there was no peace of mind. He gave Fang Xie the reward, in fact, he learned the routine of Yin Zhongfeng's reward for Chu. However, there is already a King of Chu in the court. He wants to make another King of Chu. In this way, the two Kings of Chu are incompatible with each other.

The interest wick nodded.

Xiaodang thought for a while and continued: "Because the little emperor was not sure that he could lead the family and the iron armored generals to fight, so he pinned his hope on Fang Jie. If Fang Jie defeated, the current strength of Fang Jie can also be damaged Iron armor. It is a good thing for the emperor. Fang Jie died and it was a good thing for him to eliminate the princes of one party. But if Fang Jie was lucky enough to win, then Fang Jie was bound to lose his strength. Fang Xie, and will not offend the family, because Fang Jie belonged to any family! General Iron Armor launched a killing in Changan City, Fang Jie slaughtered all the way southwest, all offended the family ...


The interest wick nodded again.

"It's insidious!"

Xiao Dang cursed resentfully, and she frowned: "How can I stir up Fang Jie and General Iron Armor?"

A ray of worry flashed in Xi Xiangxin's eyes, squeezing his voice very low: "The tiger seems to be particularly important to the iron general, although I don't know what the relationship between the two of them is, but ... if ... … Puhu died in Yongzhou, General Iron Armor was bound to be angry. The little emperor said that he would not give Fang Jie a secret message, so that Fang Jie would lead his soldiers back to Chang'an. If so, whether it was General Iron Armor leading the army south or Fang Jie northward War is inevitable. "


Xiao Dang's face changed greatly: "Then we have to find a way to inform Fang Jie as soon as possible. We can't let him kill the tiger!"

The candle wick shook his head: "You don't have to ... you won't be able to pick us up, why have you already seen this layer?"

She glanced out of the window and said with a little stun: "I just have one more thing that I haven't figured out ... If Fang Xie saw this layer and didn't try to kill the tiger, then this strategy would be meaningless. Unless ... Unless the tiger is here to kill the solution, then this is a dead end. "



Fang Jie rubbed his sour brows ~ ~ playing with a very delicate jade unicorn in his hand: "This is not a dead end without a solution ... It's not to kill me, not to kill me, And I won't kill him ... if we want to turn this bureau from a loophole into an unsolvable dead end, there must be an unexpected change. "

Wu Jinhou was silent for a while and shook his head: "I don't know where this happened. Now I can only wait for the tigers and his party to go to Yongzhou to talk again. There is no conflict between our black flag army and that iron armor , There is no exchange of interests, is there no reason to kill him? "

Fang Xie nodded: "The arrangement of the little emperor shows that he has a plan to kill the tiger."

He frowned deeply, because he couldn't find where to kill the tiger.

"I can only wait."

San Jinhou sighed: "Try not to let him die in Yongzhou."

Fang Xie was silent, and suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and looked out the window.

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